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Hedoro's Jutsu. (not done)

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Hedoro's Jutsu. (not done) Empty Hedoro's Jutsu. (not done)

Post by Hedoro Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:17 pm

Name of Jutsu: Doku Gumo
Rank: B
Range: Far
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu.
Element: Poison

Description: Breathing out large amounts of his poisonous breathe, Hedoro creates a fog-like cover in an area. This poisonous fog not only blurs the sight of any opponent caught within in, but also slowly weakens them as well, by gradually robbing away their strength, eyesight, and hearing.

Weakness: Wind.

Name of Jutsu: Doku Fugu
Rank: B
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element: Poison

Description: Tetrotdotoxin spreads across Hedoro's skin, then expels itself outward in the form of spikes, hopefully poisoning the opponent.

Weakness: None

Name of Jutsu: Doku Gas Dan
Rank: A
Range: Far
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element: Poison

Description: Anthrax is chewed in Hedoro's mouth until it becomes solid. He then fires it out of his mouth like bullets.

Weakness: Cannot punch through water, will spread along it.

Name of Jutsu: Doku Ryuu
Rank: S
Range: Mid
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element: Botulinum covers Hedoro's skin. It then expels itself outward from his shoulders in the form of three dragon heads.

Posts : 12
Points : 8
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-06-01
Age : 33
Location : Kirigakure

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