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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Jin Chisoku
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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Jin Chisoku Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:50 pm

Jin arrived at the village just as he had stated. He wasn't tired, he had plently of time to be tired after finding the Kage.

'Mirage, hmmmm, I do hope you're ready.....', Jin thought to himself.

He looked around, and saw a small child. The child ran up to him, and snagged on the side of his robe pocket.

"Sir, sir....can I borrow some...", the child's question was cut short as Jin looked down at him. The child let go of his robe, and in an akward awestruck manner he started to back up. Jin grabbed the child by his face, and raised him paralelle with the ground. He started to squeez, but just as he did the child whimpered. Jin sighed, and dropped him. He couldn't kill an innocent child. He wouldn't turn into something he wasn't just for the sake of revenge. He started to walk again towards the office of the Mizukage. But as he did he heard the silent or attempts of silent movements running at him from the low rooftops. He sighed, and quickly turned to face his few found opponents. They landed, and started to draw their blades. Just as the metal sheered against their sheathes they feel to the ground. All of them now had gaping holes in their chests. Jin turned back around, the small edge of his sleeves now covered in blood. He now paced himself as he moved through out the village. He made it to the entrace of the office. Of course she wasn't there, but news spread fast enough. He would soon know where she was, or her people would suffer for it.

He then smiled, and lowered his head. He didn't forget about it, but the thought of contacting Nasamea came to his mind. She didn't know how to stop this ability, so Jin purged his mind of all his thoughts. He whispered into her mind, 'Nasa, your location...I need it to save you. If you can't tell me that, atleast something that I would find familiar....'

Jin heard a noise, it was a whistle. He sighed, and remained facing the entrace of the office. A man behind him started to shout out orders to him to which Jin ignored. He sighed, and quickly the man dropped to his knees. No one understood what happened until his head slid of the pedestal the he previous called a neck. Jin yelled, still facing the office doors, "Your Mizukage has sealed the fate of this village. It's her life or yours. You choose."

Jin waited, and no one replied, until a man who dared to seem like a hero stepped forth and yelled back, "I choose your death!"

He belowed some strange battle cry, and suddently found himself facing the sky. Jin had thrown his arm outward, and clotheslined the man before he had taken his first step. The man started to choke on his own adam's apple.

Jin smiled, and looked around, "Well, what is it? Her or all of you...."

Jin knew no one would call his bluff, no one would dare speak to him.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Mirage Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:31 pm

As stood outside the room of the Kage's office, something in the mirror moved out of place. A hand reached through and and clasped the side, pulling herself from it's depths. First an arm, then her body... soon she was completely out in the middle of her room.

She slowly walked to the large window that looked down out at the rest of the village and the havoc Jin had started on the people of Kiri. But what did she care? As she peered down, the dark shadows of the room hid her face from the spectators that were now noticing her presence. Waiting until Jin would notice her now present chakra that would be all to familiar to him, she remained motionless and would remain motionless untill Jin would come in to her.

Last edited by Mirage on Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Kenshi Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:32 pm

After managint to keep up with Jin's trail of dust, Ginko arrived at the village not too far behind him. Since he hadn't wasted any energy in the genjutsu, he was perfectly fine to help Jin in combat. It was only his first day in OZ, and after not being able to battle, Ginko had to do something. Keeping up with Jin was a good stretch, but Ginko knew he had more speed behind those legs of his. He needed to be there to show his worth, and make sure that he helped out in anyway needed, even if it was sitting to the sidelines and waiting for him to be done.

Ginko appeared about 10 meters away from Jin, at the outside of the office walking in the hallway, with his sword already summoned. He couldn't afford to not have it out and mess up when he had an opening. The office was already dark, and Ginko knew that it would probably play to the woman's advantage. He had to make sure he planned everything out right, or it would horribly fail. His first move was already done, and with everyone out of the genjutsu and back into their real settings, the only real problem would be contact.

Smoke lingered around the base of the office, drifting in the room. It crawled around Jin's feet, not reaching Mirage on the inside. The smoke lingered on the bottom of the ground, causing an eerie silence to spread across the room. The scent of blood lingered in the air as the smoke began to dissipate. A body was heard slumping to the grounds, with small gurgling sounds coming from the hallway. A white haired man walked in, holding a bloody sword to his side. The man whispered something that only Jin could hear, and waited for his role to play out for his leaders advantage.

Even if it meant that he had to die.


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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Jin Chisoku Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:11 pm

Jin looked at Ginko, and sighed, "Well, I'm glad you're here...But I believe I can handle her on my own. If you wish to watch you may..."

Jin turned, and slowly placed over his eyes a while sash. He smiled, and lowered his head. His hit tipped just over his nose, making it impossible to see what he had just done. He slowly pushed the door open, and already he was in action. He activated his third eye, and began analyzing the whole room. He found that she wasn't much more than he assumed she was with her chakra presence. He sighed, perhaps this wasn't going to be such a challenge after all, but nonetheless she needed to be taken carefully. He smiled, and started talk to Nasamea through his thoughts one more time, 'I'm going to introduce you to the council. They're going to assure your mind and soul's safety. Nothing can happen to either one while you're with them. But I can only establish and ensure a connection with them for a brief window of time. And you must do this willingly.'

Jin sighed, and continued to make sure the room was secure enough that he wouldn't have to waste any time with doing what needed to be done. He took one step inside the office, and started working. He smirked, and began to take in deep breaths to ensure no silicon was laid out. After making sure that it wasn't there, Jin slowly moved his hands into his robe. He didn't make any handseals, or grab any of his weapons, but he did activate one of his most powerful jutsus. He took another step inside the office, and waited.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Nasamea Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:37 pm

Nasamea watched the battle commence with Jin’s first push. She couldn’t help but stare at this new form. She remembered the thrill and adrenaline rush she felt as he began showing her some of his power but this was a tad overwhelming. Her muscles twitched at the even more powerful rush she had going through her veins, eyes held strong on every little movement that everyone made. Finally the enemy had been found and Nasamea felt that Jin could easily take care of Mirage, especially with what he was now.

Then out of nowhere the enemy disappeared from view and managed to be right in front of her. Nasamea gaped at her, unsure of what was about to happen. Time slowed down as she reached for her kantana. However, time hastened once more as she was pushed through something from behind. She didn’t catch her feet and slid on the ground, quickly trying to stand to get back up she saw Mirage through what looked like a mirror before it suddenly shattered. Nasamea got to her feet and ran through where the mirror was but nothing happened.

‘Ok Nasa, don’t panic’ she thought as she looked around in bewilderment. She couldn’t find any of the council or the enemy, nobody. Yet, she was still in the same place she had been. Nasamea’s breaths became uneven as she looked around, her voice getting caught in her throat. Finally, emotion caught up to her as she tried to yell, but it only came out as a whisper, “Jin…..”

She continued looking around and just waited for anything to happen. At this moment she was on edge and ready for anything. However, she didn’t seem to have to wait long as Jin’s voice was suddenly heard in her mind.

'Nasa, your location...I need it to save you. If you can't tell me that, at least something that I would find familiar....'

She looked around but couldn’t find him however she thought quickly and managed a whistle, hoping he’d hear it. A response didn’t come but she felt deep down he would find her and get her out of this place. Nothing made sense now and for a few moments she felt she was loosing it. However, once again she heard Jin’s voice and sighed with relief.

'I'm going to introduce you to the council. They're going to assure your mind and soul's safety. Nothing can happen to either one while you're with them. But I can only establish and ensure a connection with them for a brief window of time. And you must do this willingly.'

She had listened to every word and detail he said before letting out another deep sigh of relief. She was still on edge but the fact a part of her could stay safe brought her some relief in this situation. She looked around once more in hopes to find him, but of course she didn’t see a soul. Hoping he could hear her she finally spoke, “whatever you wish.”
Since day one she built a strong trust and knew whatever he was doing was something he carefully planned, so she was willing. She stood there in her usual puzzlement, getting used to the feeling as she waited for whatever was about to happen next.

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Jin Chisoku Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:45 pm

Nasamea's mind and soul quickly rushed to the blank white room where she was completely naked, and stood infront of the three council members. The small girl had a questioning look on her face, as did the older man, but the young woman didn't seem to care that she was there at all. The small girl spoke first, 'Hello Nasa-nasa, I'm Chesed, I'm the regulator of Jin's emotional status, and his knowledge of others mind's."

The older man's deep voice echo'd from the unseen walls of the room, "I am Geburah, I assist Jin in the judgement of people's souls..."

Then the younder woman spoke, "I am Tiphareth, I am Jin's logic, and power supressor. I make sure Jin doesn't tear your reality into bits. You must be his student. How quaint, you've managed to be captured by this foolish little woman."

The little girl frowned at Tiphareth, and smiled back at Nasamea, "Don't pay attention to her. She's just....brunt with people."

Nasamea was now secured in her being of mind and spirit in another reality, her holding cell until it was finished.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:04 pm

The arrival of three of the council members was bad enough, the village, being extremely human and curious, wanted to know who was this foreigner with the long and tall cloak coming in to see the Mizukage, his presence was enough to be threatning for panic but because this village was in war back in the days of chaos. The people look out there windows, peeking out of corners, some were even brave enough to come out and walk towards them. As they got closer, Jin does this battle cry, a cry out to heaven almost as though he was praying to God about the food he was about to consume today. It was a simular tactic back in the ancient days when an animal or a killer crys up to heaven. It was terrifying, almost war-like behavior. A small child, who was the closest to Jin, falls on his behind as Jin roars upward. He was trembling, his eyes watering up and his mouth wide open. He was petrefied to say the least.

Standing on the rootops that was only a few meters away from Jin was Kyouken. He has been here for awhile now. Seeing that he needed to get ahead and make sure that there was nobody in his way that would be killed. As he stood there looking downward, Kyouken head turns around. He takes one of his hands out of his pockets and rub his nose together

"What are you two doing here?" Kyouken asked in a bored tone

Behind him were two figures, standing with hoods over there faces. There cloaks hide there appearance but Kyouken knew who they were. From there presence's and power they were both Caelums. Both of them young but had much experience underneath their belts. They both got down on one knee and bow there heads. Kyouken turns around and walks towards them. "Arise, young Caelum's" Kyouken said in a calm voice. Both of them look up and stand up, being eye contact level with him, Kyouken realize that the new generation were getting taller and taller.

"My lord" one of the young one's replied out, his voice had a young man's voice, teenage or pre-teen "What is that you wish for us to do? We felt the presence of a powerful as we came to meet with you"

"We thought it was you, Noctis-sama" the other man, a husky sounding individual that had much rasp in his voice "But then we realize that his aura was extremely fire-like unlike yours, who is that man?" he questioned

"That is Jin Chisoku, a member of the Chisoku clan. One of three speed kekkei genkais in the whole entire world. More knowned for there monstrious speed rather than our calm style speed, they are deadly nevertheless. His presence would seem like fire, but he is in a fury mode at this moment. I advise you and the other members of the family to stay away from this part of Kirigakure"

"I've never heard of the Chisoku clan, are they new?" the younger sounding Caelum asked

"No, they are old just like us, assassins....but the reason why as you two would not know cause the Chisoku have seemingly disappeared over the last few is unknown as to where the other clan members or that, or if such, if they disappeared" Kyouken waves it off, trying to change the subject, he would rather not discuss history at this moment for he had to handle the situation at hand with Jin and Mirage "I need you two to do me a favor"

"What would you like us to do, Noctis-sama?" the husky voice asked

"Make sure these villagers are far away from here. Seeing that angel in a furious rage is the last thing a human should see. If anything, protect the villagers and our people. And also..." he walks closer to them "Make SURE, that the council does not find out about this incident anytime soon. I dont want them to be bickering and freaking the hell out when they finally figure it out". His tone of voice was more stern and serious, he was almost talking through his teeth.

"What would you wish for us to tell them? They'll obvious figure something out"

"Tell them that this was all a sign of The Order....they'll know what to do, is that understood?"

"Yes, my lord"
"Yes, my lord" both of them said at the simeltaneously. Both of them disappeared, once they got there orders. Kyouken turns around and walks back to the edge of the building. He was analyzing the situation further more. As he looks down, he sees the little boy, who was terrified and stun with fear on the ground, shaking. He is probably shaking cause of Jin's aura, its monstrous when you are close up. But he still must be in shock cause Jin is in the building. Kyouken thought. He jumps down and lands right in front of the boy, protecting him f. The boy looks up, his shaking suddenly stopped and see's Kyouken. He turns around and a small smile comes on Kyouken's face. He wanted to make sure that the boy felt safe and this was one of the ways. The boy smiles lightly just as Kyouken smiled. He stands up and runs back towards the villagers. Kyouken was glad that he was safe now, he would rather not let that boy see further bloodshed. He glances over at Ginko, but disappeared inside into the compound of the office. It was bad enough he had to follow, he just never would had expected to do it. He disappears and reappears only to run into Ginko who was trailing behind Jin.

"Well this is a total nuisance, I was hoping that we could probably end this fight at Takigakure but alas THAT NEEEVVEER happens. *sigh* I should've became a doctor or Hokage.....that would've been less bothersome....but then again, I would have to deal with I do now" Kyouken then stops and begins to realize that he was starting to babble. "Anyway, Ginko, make sure that no one else is in the way, I dont want further bloodshed on this village and I dont want Jin to eat the villagers. There is too much at stake here, fiancially, I rather not let my wealth go to waste because of Jin"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Nasamea Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:20 pm

Once again Nasamea didn’t have to wait long as everything suddenly rushed by her and turned to white. She looked around with interest to where she now was until she saw a girl, man, and another woman.
‘This must be the council Jin mentioned…’ she thought and looked at each one in a greeting manner.
She knew she probably had the same questioning look on her face that they gave her. She then had a funny feeling and glanced downward for a moment before taking a second glance and going instantly red.
She looked around for at least something to cover up with until the younger girl spoke and distracted her.

'Hello Nasa-nasa, I'm Chesed, I'm the regulator of Jin's emotional status, and his knowledge of others mind's."
For a moment Nasamea felt her head tilt to the side a tad, ‘Nasa-nasa?’
She then turned to the man as he spoke and her embarrassment only increased as he spoke.
"I am Geburah, I assist Jin in the judgment of people's souls..."

Finally, Nasamea turned to the older lady.
"I am Tiphareth, I am Jin's logic, and power suppressor. I make sure Jin doesn't tear your reality into bits. You must be his student. How quaint, you've managed to be captured by this foolish little woman."

She watched the girl frown and speak to the older woman and instantly came to like her the most, managing a very tiny smile. At that Nasamea let out a sigh, “I am his student, but getting caught like this most likely isn’t pleasing anyone but the enemy herself,” she thought of more to say as she looked at each of them.
“It’s nice to meet all of you and well, I thank all of you.”
She turned to Chesed and smiled, “and no worries, I don’t mind the bluntness.”

Nasamea stood there and watched the council. She had a firm belief Jin and the others would defeat Mirage. She began to silently pray at that moment, figuring a little prayer wouldn’t hurt. As she did so she clenched her teeth, swearing she could hear yelling and it tore at her heart as she stood their powerless and waiting.

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Mirage Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:43 pm

"And yet I said come alone.... I have heard much about each of you yet Kyouken is the only one that has met me before.Tell me... what is it that the Council of Oz is trying to accomplish? Why are you wanted to be removed?"

"And yet I said come alone.... I have heard much about each of you yet Kyouken is the only one that has met me before.Tell me... what is it that the Council of Oz is trying to accomplish? Why are you wanted to be removed?"

Their voices spoke in unison like their movements within the mirror. Taking one step forward, Mirage lifted her hands and pointed with a long extended finger towards those that had come for Nasamea. Though it was her job to eliminate them and all others, she knew not as to why they were first on the list.

As she peered at Jin, she could see that he was something more than human. Such raw power in a single man almost stirred some form of emotion from her distant soul. Her once clear blue eyes now filled with emotions not of her own. Even her reflection in the mirrored room stared directly at each of them;swaying and shifting unorthodox from the tangible one that stood before them.

As it was evident that she was using a form of genjutsu on them, she was tired of running and stood facing them. This test was about to come to an end. While she was much stronger than she had anticipated, her troubled heart made her susceptible to the takeover. As slight twitch could easily be noticed as she stood only returning their own reflections from her mask.

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Jin Chisoku Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:58 pm

Jin smiled, and started to truly get a picture of what was happening here. He took another step in the room, and a low humming sound started to ping off the mirriors within the room. It was a simple concept that his opponent was using, bothersome, but it wouldn't hold his technique back in the slightest. Jin paused for a moment, and laughed a bit. The entire room started to shake a bit, Jin's control on his rage was wearing thin. Jin hated her arrogance, but he would deal with it soon enough.

Jin started to pace himself, the jutsu was now slowly starting to grasp everything in the room, and at this rate she wouldn't know until it was too late. Jin smiled, and started talking in a very calm voice, "You're two personas, I see...And I can somewhat understand that....I have three spiritual beings assigned just to regulate my power in this reality...But that is for another time I suppose...I have a simple question for you, what do you humans think of time...Since I do not surcum to it as you do I don't know what I think of it, but why do you humans waste it when you have so little of it? But the better question I guess is what you're going to do with the few moments you have left..."

Jin took another step in the room, and the air grew extremely dense. The weight of air, and gravity seemed to quadruple in the same instant his foot hit the floor. He sighed, and started to explain what exactly was going on.

"Because you can not see my eyes you wouldn't know this, but I've be activating a time seal doujutsu of mine. It's slowly made its way across this room, and its got ahold of most of your body now. You can fight it, and waste your energy, but I should atleast let you know you're going to die slowly."

Jin slowly made his way to Mirage, and smiled. He flicked his right hand up, and made the hand seal of chi with it. He sighed, and took a step back. 'Jin' took out a small kunai, with an explosive tag on the end of it. 'He' stabbed Mirage's shoulder, and dug it deep into her. 'He' took a step back, and watched her bleed for a moment.

Last edited by Jin Chisoku on Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Aki Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:34 am

Ankyo let out a yawn as he woke up. His call sign had went up the other day, or was it a week ago? He couldn't remember well, not since he had fought that thing, or whatever it was.

He got up and rubbed his shoulders, come to think of it, where was he? He had just remembered finishing of the other guy or something... and then getting his sign. And then it was blank. As he looked around, he was sure he wasn't in Yumeji anymore. Where was he?

Mist... I must be in Kiri no Kuni. No other place in the world is usually this dense with mist. But where exactly am I? Argh... What happened to me?! thought Ankyo as he walked through the marshy, swamp-like land. "Where am I?" he said quietly. To his surprise, a young girl, perhaps sixteen, came out. Even though he was sore all over, he adopted a lax defensive stance. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" he asked. He felt a little stupid afterwards considering he was a complete stranger to the land she was probably a local inhabitant. He had no right to question who she was or what she was doing, she had that right.

"Aki... You're not human are you?" she asked quietly. She was staying in the shadows and he couldn't quite make out her face. He was slightly shocked that she knew he wasn't human, but he didn't need to let her know that. That and that she wasn't all over him, which was a surprise seeing as there was something about him that made almost all of the village girls he had ever known and met chase after him. Maybe it was just Kumogakure?

"Of course I'm human, why wouldn't I be?" he half scoffed at her. Nothing. She only stood there. He thought about taking her out, but there was something about her that seemed... unhuman too. "... Why are you here?" he asked catiously, slowly lowering his defenses, but still alert. He took another look at her. She was short you could say, and she was dressed in black. He couldn't quite tell what was by her side... a sword of some sort perhaps? It looked like it could be one... And her skin, it was so pale, but he couldn't see her face, her hair and the darkness was covering it.

"... You need to go to Kirigakure don't you?" she asked. He nodded slightly and when she moved, he followed her. Whether this was a trap or not, he had no choice but to follow her. The lands surrounding Kirigakure were... confusing. You could get lost in there forever. At least this way he would have some idea of where they were going. Besides, what's the worse that could happen? He was the favor of god wasn't he? ... Well, he had been according to the villagers. Now he was just something... Not a human, but something else altogether, but what it was he couldn't remember.

It seemed like days before the girl finally stopped. He was relieved to see that it was indeed Kirigakure no Sato. He started to thank her, but she had already walked off. He thought that perhaps the girl was an agent of the Oz or something, but she soon returned and motioned for him to follow. Something was odd. The village was... quiet. Too quiet. He still couldn't get a good look at the girl though, she kept on sticking to the shadows too much. What was going on? Villages were normally busy and... loud. He kept on following her and she led him to the Mizukage's Office. It was... frightening, but he immediately recognized the chakra signature he had seen before. He could tell there was someone inside, and soon realized that this was the man who had summoned them to that place before... the place he hadn't had gone to. Well, at least that's what he thought he remembered. He briefly wondered if his leader would be upset or angry with him for not showing up, but knowing his good luck, he was sure nothing too harsh would happen. There were two other men too, but he couldn't figure out who they were at all. At last he settled on them being another member of the Oz.

Ankyo turned to look for the girl again, but she was... gone? Just as he was about to lean against a wall, she appeared again, from seemingly nowhere. Was this a Genjutsu? No, it couldn't be, he'd know. He had been under too many of Osamaru's Genjutsus to not know when he was under the influence of a Genjutus, no matter how strong it was. This girl was definitely unhumnan. She motioned for him to be quiet and simply watch. With a silent sigh he nodded and leaned against the building, keeping an eye on what was going on, deciding to take a page out of the girl's book: to see, but not be seen...

None of this makes any sense... But if my memory would just come back, I think I would understand. I wonder what's going on.

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Mirage Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:51 pm

As Mirage tried to move her feet, she was surprised to discover that Jin's words were true. Stopping time was a very unique jutsu that was most fierce. As Mirage quickly spun ideas of what to do next, it seemed as if she had few options. Her arms were still free and moved rapidly, making hand signs as they moved above her head. This would be a combined jutsu of one that she always used, and one that she rarely used. Her time was beginning to dwindle as she finished her last seal...

From outside of the kage tower, the Mizukage's office began to glow brightly. The large building now looked like a lighthouse as it burst into flames. The glass windows burst into pieces as a pulse emitted from the top.

"Gaton, Garasu no Renzu" - (Glass Lens)

Mirage's skin seemed to glisten and sparkle even more as her skin seemed to flake off a layer that had lay invisible to the naked eye. Much like Garaa's sand armor, Mirage also walked around with an armor that was made of bullet proof glass. The many pieces angled themselves until she shined brightly. At the exact moment that the last piece angled itself, a wave of heat burst from her body. Each flake of armor was a glass lens that had magnified the sun’s rays into a heat beam. With so many lenses going at every angle, it had created a constant pulse of heat that would even blind any who looked upon it.

The walls of the building burst into flames and exploded as the wave struck them, only to incinerate the remaining building moments later. If Jin and the others had not moved away in time, their bodies would be turned to ash on contact. Even time would not be able to stop this jutsu, for what is hot will still be hot if time is halted.

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Jin Chisoku Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:14 pm

'Jin' smiled, and started to laugh a bit. Jin looked back up at the tower he had just left. He started to wonder what exactly was going on inside as the building started to glow. He sighed, and shouted through his thoughts, 'Ginko, you need to remove yourself from the tower, now....'

During the sealing, Jin had switched himself with a clone, and started to leave. He didn't need to stay for what he knew was about to happen, but with this new turn of events, he couldn't help but want to stay. He slowly lowered his hat, and stood motionless outside of the tower. He started to think about what could possibly happen, 'She's heating the building, or blinding those outside to cause a ruption in combat....And where could Nasa possible be? Ade, ade, she's gonna to end up being a burden. I guess its time to part ways with her....she knows enough to expound on her skills.'

Jin slowly took off his white cloth from his eyes, and started to marvel at his own new method.

'It's hard to regulate one's chakra enough to place just enough in a clone to allow it to continue your technique once you've left the area. I knew she had something planned, you don't simply walk into someone's home and assume they don't have anything planned.'

Jin smiled, and looked at the people who started to run from the building. He turned and started to ask them all, "Why are you cowards running? Do you wish to see a true fight?"

He smirked, and squated down, grabbing a clump of dirt, and rubbing through his fingers. He started to wait, to see if the air outside grew hotter. Also, to make sure the good doctor made it out as well.
Jin Chisoku
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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Mirage Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:05 pm

As the wave of heat grew more and more intense, the rest of the building was now engulfed in flames and incinerated all who were within it. Even the people that ran in fear became engulfed in the flames and turned to ash. The village now looked like a donut with a small hole in it's center where the main office building and several others had once been. Now only a bright light floated at it's core.

A bead of sweat fell from her face as she felt her chakra running low. She could only use jutsu such as these and still keep conscious for so long. In order to waist as little chakr as possible, Mirage would have to let Nasamea go. The longer she imprisoned her, the more chakra it required.

In the exact spot where Nasamea had disappeared, the fragments of the mirror quickly reassembled. Nasamea could be seen laying within it and seemed to get closer as the mirror tipped. As the glass fell backwards and shattered onto the ground, Nasamea was released.

"It is because they are their only hope... that is why..."

The giant ball of heat and light began to fade as the remaining buildings within the village began to shake. Cracks grew upon the windows and sheets of mirrors that had been coating the buildings. When Mirage had been first been declared as the Mizukage, she had mirrors placed like sheet rock on every buildings walls. The cracks on the mirrors and glass continued to form until pieces broke from their place. The many pieces of glass now moved to the center of the village and spun around Mirage who still lay encased in the ball of light. The thousands of shards of glass swept through the streets, tearing countless civilians to shreds; each making it's way to Mirage.

As the light faded completely, Mirage could be seen floating in it's place. Four angel wings made of glass and crystal protruded from her back and sparkled in the light of the sun, giving off an almost holy aura. The kunai that Jin had stabbed her with had been turned to crystal and chipped into many pieces that followed the flow of the other thousands of pieces. The wound that lay within her let loose blood of crimson gold.

The sphere of glass that spun around her now extended 30 meters wide and even tore the near buildings to ribbons. Mirage looked down still emotionless and eyed her surroundings. She could feel her grasp on her own body quickly fading as her vision blurred ever so lightly. Finishing her last of many hand signs, Mirage ended the jutsu.

"Gaton, Garasu no Arashi" -(Glass Storm)

The large ball that encased and twirled around Mirage burst from it's core and every shard of glass and crystal was sent flying outwards in every direction. While some shot towards the sun, others burst deep into the ground. Each piece broke into even smaller pieces until it looked like a dust storm yet resembled a dust blaster as a result. As more people became victims to her jutsu, the fragments lost their speed and fell towards the ground just outside of the village.

As quiet calm fell over the village as Mirage's wings fell apart. She slowly glided towards the ground and landed on her hands and knees. It seemed that her body could no longer carry her own weight and would soon give weigh all together. A thick pool of blood soon soaked her white kimono leaving her wet and cold. Or maybe the cold was from herself fading from reality. Whether she had actually taken out any of the Oz was still a mystery to her at this point. Mirage lifted her head and peered at her surroundings. The village had been damaged badly and many had fallen. But what did she care... who were they to her. She would see them all soon enough... Her vision began getting dimmer and fading. At one moments she lay in Kiri, then next she sat in a dark room. Even her eyes were changing in color; metallic blue and reflective silver. The two realities were blending together, yet she held her hold on Kiri to see what would happen next. She wanted to know what the last words that would be spoken to her would be and longed for the feeling of death once again.

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Kyo Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:23 pm

A cloud of dust formed as Kyo landed next to Mirage. The souls beneath his skin sprang forth and launched themselves at the many dead bodies scattered the ruins. Even those that were not quite dead screamed in pain as they were dragged into Kyo's body; lost for all eternity. The village was was now swarmed with souls that all lead back to Kyo. Having some mercy, Kyo only went after the ones that were sure to die within the night. There would be no remains of those had fallen that morning; nothing to bury or grieve for. In a way, Kyo was doing them all a favor.

When atlast each soul retreated back into his own flesh, Kyo turn to Mirage in ready to steal her own soul. as he peered down at her almost lifeless body, he noticed something strange. Kyo had always been able to sense the souls of others especially when close to death. Yet as he stood only a few feet away, and Mirage was still evidently moving, no soul could be sensed form her body. As much as it puzzled Kyo, he cared very little for her secrets. Had it been of anything worth knowing or use, she would not be lying here about to die.

When jin had taken off after Mirage, with Ginko shortly behind him, Kyo had simply walked. There were few things that got Kyo moving swiftly and a cowardly female was not one of them. At first, Kyo had shown a hint of excitement to take on someone who was willing to take them all on at once. Yet as the fight began, it was evident that she could not keep up with all of them, let alone one. Only Nasamea fell for her tricks that the rest had so easily seen right through. Kyo had not been there to watch the entire fight so he had little input on the matter. The only thing that mattered to him now, were the many dying people around him that called to himself like a drug. Though he would eventually attain many of the souls eventually, dragging them into his own body just made the process faster instead of waiting for them to cross over.

Still shrouded in his black cloak and mask, Kyo peered around using his Buraindo Joukei untill he spotted Jin, Ginko and even Ankyo.

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:32 pm

Far away in another part of the village, The two unknown people watches the battle commence between Jin Chisoku and Mirage Kiraa from atop a building. As they glance over and see's the immense heat coming from that part of the area and hearing the people scream was evident that the terror element of the group known as The Council of Oz was one of the main factors they pertain in status. The blue-haired women looks besides her leg, a body, percieved to be one of the Caelum teens that were talking to Kyouken only a few minutes earlier, layed dead beside her. She shoves the body elsewhere, at least away from her. She despise the smell of a burnt corspe caused by the red-haired man. The red hair man, who was standing on the edge of building tries to get a better look from his postion, it was hard cause their were so many obstacles in his way but he had a clear view of what was probably happening. He turns his head to the blue haired girl

"*sigh* this fight was boring, I thought there would be at least some casualities, besides the Mizukage of course, but instead we got nothing but screaming men and women running to shelter like the scared shits they are". He turns around and walks off back onto the building and he moves to the other side of the blue-haired woman where the other Caelum teen's body, which was only left was an upper body and one arm, was at. He picks up the remains of the boys body and begins to eat the body of him, his bites which seem almost unearthly almost chomped down onwards on the rest of body. The black ooze in which is the 'blood' of a young caelums, drips all over his face the more he chews. The black haired women, now in disgust, turns away and look back at the battle. Then she felt a presence that was familar to both to her and the red-haired man. The red-haired man stopped eating and throws the body on the ground. He gets on one knee, letting the black blood drip down on his face and had his head bowed. The blue-haired also bowed down in front of the person, unseen at the moment. They both look up and say at the same time


Standing in the middle between the two unknown strangers was a white-cloaked man, this man radiance was trancing and almost hypnotizing in its nature, as he stood there, letting the long hair flow down to his shoulders but his eyes were still hidden from site. As he stood there, ranging from sixt feet two inches tall and having a radiant smile, he places a hand on each shoulders of the two strangers. He says to them "Peace be among you two....servants of God....". The two strangers look at him with glee and happiness in there faces, they loved the man in front of them, Father. His presence itself was honorable among them and even with there demonic ways and habits, he still took them in as his own. These two are brother and sisters, there parents were a human and demon who had concived twins. The mother died after childbirth and the father, who was working in with Father almost all of his life, was killed by the Council of Oz long ago during the first attempt to kill the villages. These two hated the OZ for what they did to there only father and would seek revenge in order to avenge there father. A simplistic and almost meaningless goal for the new council was much different than they were 38 years ago and they had no knowledge of killing a demon for some of them were not born at the time, the only person who would remember was that thirteen year old boy who killed the army of the magicians and defeated the leader. Father used that weakness they had for revenge and manipulated to the point of using them for war and possibly try to destroy the council of Oz.

Father looks over at the destroyed and heated building where OZ and the Mizukage fought. Father looks down at them "What can you tell me about them" he said in a gentle-like voice

Both of the two stood up, they both backed up and the red-haired man bowed his head "Father, as you suspected the Council is more powerful than they were compared to them all those years ago. We spotted three members at this point, one of them, a black-haired man wearing a cloak was among the group that displayed the most when it came to power, he defeated the Mizukage with no struggle at all and like you said, he is the probable leader amongst them. Another person, a bluish, grey haired man was among them, he had a calm aura to him but he did not display much ability, only speed and reflexes. He was talking to these two people that, Im guessing, were in leagues with them for they were talking about some clan of some sort, anyway, they attacked us two or three minutes afterwords and well...." he looks down at the bodies "They were no match for us...they were low-ranking to say the most but they were difficult to catch cause of there speed. Anyways, another member, with straight white hair and one green eye was with the black-haired man until the battle began to heat up....literally...and he appeared outside"

Father listen intensely as the red-haired man began to talk in his naturally deep voice. Father raises his hand "I think I know who the blue-haired man is......did he have dark blue eyes, wore all black?"

The blue haired woman responds "Yes, he had all of those features, plus he carried with him two blades, one of which had a blue hilt and the other was a black hilt. He was about...."

"I think I know..." Father interuppted "Who that man is.......regardless, meet me back at base, we'll discuss his further hand when the time is right, understood?"


They both responded disappearing after they said it. Father walked up to the edge of the buildling and one leg raises up to risen brick part. He smiles underneath his cloak "My oh my boy, You sure have grown havent you? Last time I check, you were 13 years old and you defeated my army you little prick. It was you that ruined me and gave me that scar on my bastard" he laughed at the end of his sentence "I swear, I'll kill you if its the last thing I and your god-forsaken clan"

A bothersome. Did it end so soon that Kyouken had to blend in with the shadows and wait for Jin to finish her off. Kyouken thought that Jin would become subtle, but again he forgot for a moment that Nasamea was kidnapped and Jin went to "Level 0" only a few minutes before. He avoided all of the damage before the battle even started, he knew that it was suppose to be between Jin and Mirage and he needed Arising out of the corner of Jin's shadow, Kyouken arises upward. He does realize the threat still going on, but he felt as though it was decreasing. He walks up towards Mirage, who was on the ground and was about to be killed.

"Well, well, well.....little know before I had intentions of killing you....oh yes, the blood dripping off from your body would give me so much pleasure....but then I realize that I dont need to. Before your soul leaves this world, and your body being consumed by the angel of death, I have to retrieve somethings from your body....your mind to be exact" he grabs her head and then stops rising her upwards to his eye level. Then he realize that he did not need to find any information about her, nor did he care. He lets her go, dropping her on the ground "If you wish to consume her, consume her angel. We are done here, we'll regroup back at my estate, please dont take long" Kyouken disappears instantly....
Kyouken Uchiha
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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Mirage Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:19 pm

"Live while you still can Council of Oz... fear me from the depth of your mind... for there is no death that I cannot escape..."

"Live while you still can Council of Oz... fear me from the depth of your mind... for there is no death that I cannot escape..."

The sun was now casting a large shadow on the rest of the village that moaned in pain and creaked from it's wreckage. The world was a dark place full of hate and pain. Though she did not look tired, her body had reached it's limit for the time being and would require much rest before she could move again.

Mirage looked up at the sky as the remaining crystal and glass specs fell to the ground like a blissful rain. The village seemed almost alive and majestic even for it's demise and ruin. Mirage had served her purpose completing no more than expected.

"All that live only suffer... I will bring peace to it's pain... it's chaos..."

"All that live only suffer... I will bring peace to it's pain... it's chaos..."

Now looking back at the remainder of the village, Mirage lifted her hand and reached out to it as if to clasp it in her fingers. Her eyes now glowed the metallic blue as her fingertips disintegrated into dust. Her arm was soon to follow, turning into ash and dust and then into nothing. As if decomposing rapidly, it took only a matter of seconds before nothing was left. Only the whisper of a deadly maiden could be heard from the now empty lips.

"And when the last night falls like a heavy sleep... I will have created... new... Order...."


As she opened her eyes, Rain sat in a metal thrown in a dark room lit only by candles. Untangling her fingers from the hand seal of a jutsu, she peered down at the body being formed below her. Starting from the head, Mirage's body seemed to form out of nothing until all her beauty had returned as if the battle had never even taken place. "Body Retrieval Jutsu"

As Rain stood from her seat, she raised a hand towards Mirage's still body. The floor seemed to turn to a liquid as she sank into the cold steel. "Much has been gained from this test..." While Rain had been testing to see the abilities and powers of both her new puppet and the Council of Oz, she had also succeeded in easing the pain of many people within Kirigakure.

"Years from now, in the silence of the calm, I shall be remembered for the burdens I have lifted. No more shall they walk the path of life with a knife in their backs... no more shall they choke on poisonous words... Now... they may finally sleep..."

OOC: Ok, so basically, Mirage was dead from the start of this whole thing. After having Rain join The Council, I wanted to attack all of you at once but wanted to use Mirage because I wanted her to die. Mirage would not just attack Oz for no reason so I came up with my plot. Mirage is one of Rain's bodies that she can control. The strain of controlling the body and using a lot of strong jutsu soon came to be to much for Rain and that is why she ran out of chakra so fast. At the end, Rain summoned Mirage's body back to her hiding place and is now storing it. So yes Mirage is dead.

Last edited by Mirage on Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:26 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

Post by Aki Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:30 pm

Ankyo had known something strange was going on... but he couldn't tell for sure what exactly was going on. He had been standing there, watching, waiting in case the Council might need his help in some way. But then all of a sudden, the girl had grabbed him and they were fleeing. At first he struggled, but within seconds he understood why, the place was being burned... by the Mizukage? He quit struggling and allowed the girl to carry him away out of harm's way. He briefly wondered how they were moving so fast with the girl carrying him.

When he looked up, he saw a pair of wings and then nothing was there. He blinked a few times. Was his memory that bad? Had he been hallucinating this whole time? How could she have had... wings? And where was she anyway? Ankyo couldn't find her. He couldn't even sense her, it was if she had simply disappeared off the face of the planet, well Kirigakure at least.

Shaking it off Ankyo looked back at the remains of the building. There was nothing there... He felt pity for the civilians and ninja alike who had believed in their Mizukage and trusted them. Now all that was left of them were ashes... Ankyo closed his eyes briefly, mourning the innocent for just a few seconds. His eyes flashed open again and he saw that the other members of the Council were leaving, or appeared to be at least. He couldn't quite tell, they were all so far away.

And then Ankyo felt as if something were calling him... He started to make his way over to another section of the village. He was sure it was the Council...

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The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will... Empty Re: The 'Welcome' mat is by the door, wipe your shoes off, if you will...

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