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??? Empty ???

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 31, 2009 12:22 pm

Name: ???, It is unknown as to what his name is (later will be revealed in rp), but he is known as "Father Magic", "Father" or "Leader" by his coherts and followers

Age: ??? (presumed to be immortal)

Bloodline: magics of the gods

Rank: Unknown
Classification: n/a
Village: never established in a village
Alignment: By first appearance he seems pure good but his intentions is pure destruction and evil

Appearance: ??? Final-fantasy-versus-xiii-famitsu-jan-clipping-11. At all times he wears a white robe, because white represents purity, he tries to use that representation as a way of bringing people to his cause. It is unknown whether he wears armor or such. His hair is pure white, which flows downward. Its is shoulder length and has grey tips at the edge. When his appearance turn into his demonic form, it turns to a demonic black. his eyes are a kind yellow but it turns destructive red when he is fighting opponets of serious nature. His has a handsome face but when he fights, his appearance change from handsome to demonic in less than a heartbeat. His face is to be describe as an angel whom which God had carved himself but his other appearance is of that of the devil scratching the god-liike appearance.

Personality: On the outer appearance he has the appearance of a man who loves people. He tries to convince people to join his side by being a "messiah" like figure by inspiring hope and performing miracles. To his followers he is God to them. He has a kind, patience, loving, understanding and wise appearance. When he reveals his face, he has a handsome almost seductive look that attracts both men and women. But truly he is a cynical, manical, sadistic, twisted, and destructive individual that will do anything to destroy his opponents. He understands about human suffering so he is able to use that to his advantage by manipulating people thoughts process by telling them pure lies but because of his ability to persuade humans. He has much knowledge on the shinobi, he is able to figure out their process of logic and uses that in battle. In battle, he is merciless, unforgiving and heartless to the core. Nothing ever phases, nor surprises him.

History:It was said that their would be a time in which there would be absolute darkness. About 1,695 years before the teachings of the modern Ninjutsu, The Leader was born in where the country of water. His mother and father were prominent magicans who taught the masses and hope that it would inspire peace and prosperity. The Leader parents always had intentions of bringing order into the world as they saw it as corrupt and evil and they hoped that their teachings, the teachings of magic, would help inspire people to bring forth peace. The Leader, living in a time of war, was surrounded by death and much more destruction at all times. Water country, like it is now, always presented war-like behavior because of the many clans that establish themselves their and them trying to take over, the leader had to surivive off through fights, after fight, after fight. The leader had no intentions of believing his mother and father's teachings of peace and complete order for he believed that it cannot exist through those kinds of methods and the only way to obtain such peace is to fight fire with fire. As the leader gotten older, his skills in communcations began to increase, he was able to convince the people of his small village and his family to rise up and bring order through their teachings. The leader also began to pertain more and more of his magical abilities in which helped him more and more through his campaign of war. As he began to settle wars throughout the country of water, he began to see that he has a gift for such persuasion. He would think that his campaign into conquering this world would be something of ease. Against the teachings he was brought up with, he defiled away from his family, destroying his mother and father in the process as he looked at them as a threat.

His campaign for his type of peace spread all over the world, for seventy years, his type of teachings of magic was apart of life. But like the leader, his teachings and himself began to age dramatically. He knew that if he were to die, his teachings would surely die off as well. Dying was not a factor in which he wish to accept so he made a pact, a contract with a god, the presumable god of magic. His contract was for him to live on forever, just as long as he continues to use magic. Although it seemed to be a fair contract, the leader tricked the god. The god tried to wage battle against the leader but because of the leaders power, the god of magic was seemingly no match for this ever god-like figure. The leader took up the mantle of "god of magic" and pertain his immortatlity contract.....or so it seemed....

Speciality: Magic, Hand to hand combat, Tactics and Strategies
Learned jutsus: n/a
Elements: According to legend, he pertains all elements except the element in which Rinnegan has
Weapons/items: Pure Energy, pure white robe
Goals: To make sure that The Order brings the death of shinobi and make a empire that will conquer the world into eternity
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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