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Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~

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Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~ Empty Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 12:00 am

Name: Awai Amai Myou

Age: 13

Bloodline:((I'm thinking this is where we put this))

Aka-ketsuretsu (Bloody Breakdown)

Description: This kekki Genkai isn't from a real bloodline from a clan, it's actually a rare natural birth mutation, birth malfunction, a Siamese parasitic twin case, or a jutsu induced birth (Where an eight month pregnant with twins mother is located and 'jutsued' for the twins to be born as one for a stronger ninja birth), whichever you choose to call it. Aka-ketsuretsu is the effect of twins being born, one Dead; one Alive, with the Dead's mind and chakra lines interwrapped with the Alive by cause of a Siamese twins combination. The twins of Aka-ketsuretsu are always separated by a surgeon after birth, and that leads to side effects that control the life of the Alive.

The Alive is then forced, after birth, to deal with the Dead's mind becoming active in its own (Dealing with whispers, random emotion outbursts, the body moving not of it's own mind's accord) Most Aka-Ketsuretsu also have the major side effect that gives the name of the Aka-Ketsuretsu, 'bloody breakdowns‘. This is when the Alive mind's body is lended extra chakra from an outsider, is knocked out, bleeding heavily, or is in an overly emotional and dangerous situation (Situation's determination on becoming overly emotional and dangerous is determined by the Dead by whim but has only one level, can't alternate level) The Aka-Ketsuretsu then begins by the will of the Dead.

Aka-Ketsuretsu is when the Dead's mind begins to take place over the Alive's. The Alive's Chakra is still intact, because it's the body's main source, but the second lines of chakra are suddenly flowing. This new addition can lead to sudden black outs or deaths if the body doesn't have enough strength to produce the amount of energy needed. During the turn, which lasts between forty five seconds to two minutes for full process, the Alive's mind and body experience pain that feels like all of the body's nerves are suddenly being pinch by wire clippers. The muscles begin to tremble the body because cold flashes are common, also are heat flashes and in which the body begins to sweat excruciatingly. But cold flashes are the most common. The minds of the Dead and the Alive don’t actually physically switch. There isn’t actually two separate brains in one. Actually there’s part of the brain of the Dead interloped with the brain of the Alive. What’s really happening is more mental than physical. The mind of the Alive is still faintly active, realizing what is happening, as the mind of the Dead is becoming stronger and taking a temporary full control over the mind and body. Also, to better understand the fact that the Alive mind is still realizing what is happening, it basically means that the Dead mind may be in control, but the Dead mind can not feel anything. The Dead is as if there is no nervous system. But the Alive can. Meaning whatever happens to the body, even under the Dead's control, is still felt by the Alive. This is why some become unconscious. Most Dead sides don’t realize what pain is because they’ve never experienced any physical hurt. (Maybe not even mental hurt.) And during the turn, most have either hysterical laughing fits or terrifying physical fits that give the appearance of a seizure. Both incurring that the participants collapse to the ground for the Aka-Ketsuretsu process.

Once the process of turning is over and the Dead is in control, there needs to be a better understanding of what the Dead mind could be capable of:

The Dead mind is actually pretty child like. It only has a small portion of the brain at hand, meaning it doesn’t learn as much and can’t concentrate very long. Something like an ADHD five year. (No offense to those who have ADHD) Also, to add on to that poor fact, most Dead are eight years old or younger their entire lives, mentally of course. So, to the point, the Dead mind could seek what the Alive mind sees most. Such as, a portion are cursed with a thirst for blood under the impression it’s a ‘game’. Others can be physical and want to run around and be happy-happy joy-joy and uncontrollably hyper. And the rest either are ultra depressed and just there to sit and cry or attempt to run and hide because everything’s a danger. But, every Dead mind is unique, so it varies. Also, the Dead minds don’t ever see the real world. They see glimpses from strong emotion bonds of the real world that the Alive mind may have created, but they live in their own little world’s in their small portion of the shared brain. Most even come up with their own little world’s and when they are released into the real world, that’s all they know and act upon it. The Dead, also, are naturally stubborn. They can not be persuaded to do anything or not to do anything. They are in control and what they know is ‘right’. ((Something like a two year old! ^_^))

Now the physical side of the power of the Dead mind taking over:

When the Dead mind takes over and the process is complete, the Dead's Chakra system is activated, as said before, leading to great changes in strength, speed and balance. Balance is obscured. The Dead mind’s are rarely ever capable of being out and about and in control, so they don’t understand ‘walking a straight line’. Most tend to look like they’re drunken or dizzy. Some even walk with side ways feet and/or drag their feet. However, because of the chakra boost of two chakra lines, the speeds and strengths are doubled. The speeds, however, can be just pops. Sudden doubled speeds, then their dizzy and rocking around in a snail slow fashion. Same with the strengths. However, nothing is a win-win deal with Aka-ketsuretsu. With the strength, strength deals with the muscles. And because of the pops or bursts of doubled strength, the muscles are working much to fast and hard than used to. Sometimes leading to Charlie Horses or torn muscles. Even bones are sometimes cracked, depending on the length of the bursts, because of contracting muscles against them. There’s also the risk of the heart. There is the highest chance of a heart attack((55%)) because most are just not strong enough to keep up with their own body. ‘Doubling’ is accounted by a burst of energy to head just one rank higher for a very short period of time. Such as: Genin to Chuunin for two minutes (One and a half post).

Then, there’s the ending.

When the end finally comes, when the Dead mind is done or the body gives way to an overdose of adrenaline (Adrenaline overdose can send the Dead to be calmed and allow a leeway that the Alive could take and be ‘back in charge’), it’s horrifying to watchers and the participant.

The end is recognized easily because the body begins to slow down and there are times when the body seems to have the characteristics of the Alive's actions (As most Alive are always fighting for control simply because they’re going to get the blame if any trouble caused). Whether it be jerks attempting to cease what is happening, an ‘off voice’ (as the Dead tends to have a higher pitched voice), or even tears rushing the face when laughter is occurring, it’s obvious that the Alive is fighting against the will of the Dead.

When the End-End finally becomes and the Dead is giving up it’s control, the body seems to repeat the hysterical laughing or seizures characteristics again. Only this time, the Alive tends to cry out in between cries of the Dead's whines for the loss and the body’s muscles are ‘shuddering’. Shuddering as in contracting a hard contraction every few seconds, and that means all of the muscles and that means a lot of pain. Usually after the Dead takes over, the Dead mind runs the body exhausted and tends to be overly physical in actions. Leaving the nerves to begin telling the Alive's mind the problems and scream them pretty much. The body is left exhausted, overused, soar, most likely wounded, and hungry. Depending on what the Dead mind was up to in the real world, the levels of each of the ending factors can vary on demand. The body then orders the mind to shut down, sending the mind and body into unconsciousness for a defense against the unexplained actions it had partaken into. The muscles and the nerves are actually still throbbing and contracting during the time of the black out. Usually it’s three to five days of unconsciousness till the body decides to release itself and finally let itself reenter into reality. Most Aka-ketsuretsu victims try all they can to avoid any factors that can induce the Dead mind to take over. Again and finally, the factors that can induce the Dead mind to decide to take over and say ‘hello’ to reality are: lended extra chakra from an outsider, is knocked out, bleeding heavily, or is in an overly emotional and dangerous situation.

Rank: Genin
Village: Konohagakure (Leaf Country)

Appearance:Awai is a sweet looking girl. Thin, but toned just enough with the kunoichi body and ivory skin, lightly baked by the sun rays she enjoys. Her complexion beautifully enlightens her violet eyes that seem to have a deep spirits touch. Almost as if one look could break open your entire soul to her. Deep, but frisky too. Her lips are usually only painted with clear chap stick, not much of a make up girl. However, her little more than shoulder length, fresh apple red hair makes it all up. Even deepening her gaze and heightening her high cheek bones. Her bangs usually hang down, rarely does she pull all of her fiery hair up. Usually, her hairs tied in a messy bun with strands hanging about her shoulders and heart shaped face. Giving almost a lazy day's look.

The young kunoichi usually dresses herself up in easy to move in clothes. Such as: a simple colored tank top under a half sleeved, mid waist, black fabric jacket that has a pocket on each arm and on each side inside to add on to the usual pockets. She usually wears a simple black half-skirt and spandex shorts underneath. The half skirt hangs about her hips and thighs in a diagonal cut from her left hip down to the length where it hits her knee. Her feet have a tendency to be wearing simple ninja black sandals. Most of the time, Awai wears fingerless leather gloves that have metal plates that have inscribed the Leaf Village sign. And finally, around her neck is strung on a thin, silver chain link the symbol of her clan formed from a single, thin strand of metal. However, the most important part of her attire: her head band tied upon top her head.

Also, inside a pocket of her jacket is a tiny little book that seems to be exploded with colorful tabs and stickies and such. There's a little flint of cloth on the binding that holds her half sized pencil and the cover and backing is purple with: Awai's Notes inscribed in bright yellow letters on the front. The binding is paperback with ducktabe because at one point, it burst and fell apart. Inside the notebook is all of her notes on poisons, plants and their peices, jutsu back ups and ideas, stick figure drawings on how to do things, antidotes to poisons and bunches of scribbles and drawings of anything she finds interesting. This little notebook, she guards it with her life. And along with the notebook, in her weapons pouch on her left thigh are three viles with seven holes in the tops of the black foam stoppers. In each vile is a clear liquid and in each of the holes of the black foam stopper are seven senbon, each painted on the tip hanging outside the vile: A red seven set, a blue seven set and a yellow seven set. The Red is for her heat poisons, blue for her oral poisons and yellow for her organ poisons. All these viles are safely attached to the walls and padded of her weapon pouch for safe keeping. Next to them are her usual kunai, senbon, ninja wire, and ninja junk, but as well as a little black painted spray bottle the size of an average thumb. Inside the spray bottle is a blue spray. This is for her special oral fumes jutsu.

Awai Amai Myou ~ Character~
Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~ Anime_girl_butterflies1

Honoo Myou ~Father~
Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~ Anime_boy_fav6

Last edited by Lelia_ILTD on Tue May 26, 2009 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total


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Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~ Empty Re: Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 12:00 am

Personality:Awai’s a type of girl. She’s very unique in her different emotions and some can even say she has many personalities. Or that she’s bipolar (Which she’s not, don’t worry) She can go from happiness to sudden depression and completely 'wig' people out. And as example of her unique emotions:

When she's happy, it's as if a light has flipped on inside her and caused her body to glow and shine out bright flames of hope and life through her eyes. She's radiant with a childlike aura swarming about her. Her smiles glorifying and she tends to become very bouncy. Awai's bouncy off the walls happy. And simple things please her. Weather it be giving her a hug, a pat on the back, a flashed smile her way, it'll set that bubbling rocket off for the stars.

When she's sad, Awai likes to hide herself the best she can. Mostly behind her bangs where she pretends it's not obvious something's wrong. She'll stick to the back or the shadows, even avoid questions and sulk in her own little world. Awai's so thick headed too, she'll even talk herself into a deeper depression with her own snide remarks about how horrible she is, dangerous, an abomination by birth, or how badly she messed up. Shadows tend to form under her eyes because if a sadness lasts the night, there's no such thing as crying yourself to sleep for Awai.

However, when she's shy, which is most of the time, she will keep quiet, but in a sense that she knows her place and will try to put words in the right time places. Awai doesn't pipe up much, and when she does, if its a shy moment, she'll keep her words to the point the best she can. She's a very blunt character and will always tell the truth. She'll never lie unless it's an emergency.

Than there's angry Awai. Angry Awai is a bit destructive. If she's really driven up a wall and back, she'll take off to find something to tear to pieces with her bare hands. She'll find a place to scream her head off. But mainly, she'll attempt to find someway to calm herself down. At one point in her life, explained better in the history under 'A day Never to be Forgotten', she'd become so angry, her Dead side was released and fed off that raw energy exhaust. She had hurt somebody close to her, so Angry Awai rarely is let seen. Angry Awai is solitude till sorrowful.

And finally, caring Awai. Caring Awai is a very content and curious listener. She'll ask questions on, basically explained, 'how people feel about things' and listen to their problems. She enjoys making a friend that'll trust her enough to let her listen to their issues and let her help them with her intellect. She also, in this emotion, (heard millions of times before but has to be said) adores animals. From the smallest of creatures, such as the ant, to the largest of beasts, such as the whale, she loves them all and tends to be 'butterfly chasing' curious at the same time. And with every type of person, her caring side is varied on its depth. Such as with her adoptive father, she's childish caring. With a stranger, cautious but polite and kind.

Also, to add onto her personality, her likes and dislikes.

Awai dislikes the color pink. She loves white, adores red. But pink? "It's a mutation of color" she calls it. "You should never mix to perfectly pretty colors for something so off and disgusting. It makes no sense. And when you decide to categorize, where do you put it? In the whites section? Or the reds? It doesn't belong anywhere. Just like a spork. Not a spoon, not a fork. But at least a spork has purpose."

Another item she can't get along with is who she is. She's a victim of Aka-ketsuretsu. Her Dead side has the mind of an four year old who thinks leaking blood is a good thing and it's fun to splash in. Awai fears of letting her Dead side take over. If her Dead side acts for that purpose, to spill blood, what would her body attempt to do? Who would she hurt? Would it be a friend? Her daddy? A companion? There was just too many wonders. However, Awai has kept to one decision. Don't LET the Dead take control, and all will be fine.

Also, the last main thing she doesn’t agree with, hairless cats and aracnins. She doesn’t understand, for one, why cats have to be bald. What was the point? Why were they classified cats anyhow? They look like experimented upon rats. And where’s the defense against the cold? If snow suddenly fell, they’d all die. Hmm...maybe it should fall. That would take care of the bald cats for good. And aracnins. What was their purpose again? They are eight legged, eight eyed freaks that spit thread from their buts and kill like vampires with their poisonous bits and ultra big butts. They were aliens from outer space to horrify her, Awai believed. And her arachnophobia, to add, is so bad, she literally stops breathing and moving if there’s more than seven around her. Otherwise, she’s backing away, trembling like mad and as pale as a ghost.

On the other hand, Awai also has likings. She likes to train and make friends and ADORES the color red, just because her hair’s naturally deep red. Her favorite candy is cherry lollipops and she tends to always have one in her mouth. Rarely will you see her without. Something’s wrong if she doesn’t have her cherry or any lollipop. And, she adores the rain. She loves the feeling of renewal and the scent of a reborn earth dancing around her home.


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Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~ Empty Re: Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 12:01 am


Pre Birth Arc
Awai Amai Myou was born in the southern parts of the Wind Country. But, her story actually begins a couple months before she and her sister were actually born. The story begins when the mother of Awai was six months pregnant, had lost her husband during his mission, and was a simple villager of Sungakure. She was loyal to her country and kage, and using that loyalty against her, the village council decided they needed a secret, living weapon under their sleeves. Perhaps they schemed for a future war? But alls known is that they wanted something dangerous born then and under their full control. And that’s when the mother, her name’s not kept on record, so let’s call her Miss Awai, comes in.

Crossing the street to finish her grocery shopping, a jounin passing by, and under the allegiance of the council, being the fact he was a Sungakure Jounin, noticed her over swelled belly and when her bag tore and her groceries hit the dusty ground he quickly lended a hand and sooner than thought, a conversation had broken out. He asked how pregnant she was and she replied the right but wrong answer: “Six months with twins.” The six months would have been alright to let him know, but the extra information made him turn suddenly stern. Abruptly, he grabbed hold her wrist, took her into his arms and took off for the roofs. Climbing with the freaking out to-be-mother towards the Kage’s Manor for an emergency calling of the council and the Kage’s presence.

It was decided that very day. Miss Awai was to be kept for the rest of her pregnancy, against her will or not, until her eighth month where the ‘jutsu’ shall be placed upon the children. If they survive, they will get what they wanted, if not. Oh, well. Just another villager and miscarriage.

Birth Arc

Indeed, the jutsu and birthing went as planned. A whining baby wailed as another was DEAD silent and not moving. The mother suffered from the side effects of the jutsu and overdose of drugs. She survived only a couple hours before passing on.

The babies, right at birth, were tested as quickly as the head Medical Ninja could get to them. The Dead baby was made sure dead and that there was no trace of Chakra lines. Also found, the brain was mush and later, it was found it wasn’t all the way formed. The main thinking lobe was missing.

The Alive baby was prodded and poked through exams that dealt with it’s health and ‘findings’. Found in the baby, twisted around her own Chakra lines was a second, incomplete set and in her head, the missing piece of the Dead’s brain. The Chakra second set was tested non-working at the moment, but as days grew on into her first couple weeks, they seemed to flicker on and off every now and then. Simply proving that the baby was what they wanted.

The Kage smiled mischievously when he visited one afternoon.

Years Later Arc

Awai was raised by the Kage and trained by his special Jounin he’d chosen for ‘his little Treasure’ She was basically a caged animal. She’d been raised to know when and where to strike for a kill, trained to take on different terrains, adapt to new opponents, and mainly, to manipulate minds with her poisons. She was raised to turn her Chakra into a poison.

And the worst of it, every few months, whenever the kage had a free day, she would be taken to the ‘Play Room’. The ‘Play Room’ was a giant, football field sized room completely made of steel and iron. There was nothing but two steel doors located on the north and west walls. The ceiling was thirty two and a half feet off the floor and the only lights were the hanging lamps that lulled an ominous, eerie orange glow. Adding onto the creepiness, the room stank of molded blood and like a century old basement that was just then being revealed once more to the world.

In the ‘Play Room’, Awai’s nightmare always begun.

Awai was always afraid of herself. She knew most of it, but as she grew up, her head had been corrupted. In many moments she would find herself trembling as whispers echoed and screamed in her mind. Keeping her up late into the nights as they giggled and reflected her own voice. She thought shadows and inadement objects were actual people. She would talk to herself, have conversations with the door handle, or tremble in the corner as frightening stories were told by the whispers in her head from the shadows of the trees outside her window.

Awai was broken into pieces, and the Wind Country wasn’t helping.

Entering on a specific day, it was always the same old-same old. Stand like a good little girl as a jounin would perk Chakra to you and just overcome the pain and shrieks you scream until your other side takes over and they attempt to tame it.

Today went as planned. Awai stood there as a jounin perked her chakra with his and pain of her body suddenly shifting under the control of her Dead side begun. It only took forty-six seconds to fulfill the entire Aka-Ketsuretsu (Read Description in Blood Line on First Post) process.

When the process was finished, Awai shakily stood and swayed as if she was drunk. A big smile on her face as tears soaked her cheeks and cried-red eyes. The jounin walked around to her face and started the same old-same old test with a fist clenched and releasing it in a punch. Awai took it into her little fingers and tore her nails into him as the ‘fun’ begun and her laughter echoed in the room.

At the end, Awai lay on the floor, crying. Her body pulsed and she was barely even conscious. As the jounin, scratched and beat up, picked her up, slinging her like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder, he carried her to the door guard and dropped her into his arms. Stumbling his way to the medical room for assistance as every 'Play Room' day went. Just another usual.

Unintended Rescue Arc

Awai, a week later from the latest 'Play Room' day, was in her bedroom, sobbing. She was giving in to depression. She'd had enough of all the torment and the ups and downs of the kage calling her 'Special', giving her a nice room and toys, and all the smiles. Than just turning it all around and sending her into harsh training and terrorizing nightmares again and again. She lived like a princess, there in her room. But it was all a show for the other countries as she was secretly, mentally destroyed and morphed to nothing more than a monster.

A knock on the door, it creaked open and light from the hallway torch flooded into the dark room. Awai looked over, than just rolled back onto her stomach to hide from the light under her pillow. The person in the doorway walked in with a skip in her step and a smile on her face. In her hands was a tray of freshly baked cookies and a glass of cool milk. She set the deliciously smelling bounty on the side table and sat down onto the bed. She reached over and called softly the little girl's pet name she had given the little girl the day she was a week old. "Onri-won" she cooed. The name meaning 'Only One'. She shook her shoulders gently and lifted the girl up. "What's wrong, Onri-won?" Awai sniffed, shook her head and turned away. "Onri-won..." she cooed once more. Awai turned back to her and a tear slipped down her cheek, twinkling in the moonlight that flitted against the hallway torch's light.

"Oh Obaasan!" Awai cried. "I don't know any more I take! I don't know!" A frown crossed the elderly lady's face as she hugged the little girl. (She was indeed not her grandmother, but nicknames tend to pass through with nannies and their charges)

"It's okay, Onri-won. It's okay. There, the-" someone rapped on the open door with a deep, heavy sigh. Obaasan turned and narrowed her eyes at the chuunin boy. "What?" Annoyed she asked as Awai peered curiously.

"The child's been summoned to the Kage's Office." he held a hand out to the girl. "She is to come with me, and come with me alone." his eyes were stern against the elderly woman's looks that were no more or less as stern against his.

With a deep sigh, the elderly woman let go of Awai, straightened her out and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. Tussling her long red hair to make it look at least decent. "Go on, Onri-won. I'll be here when you come back. Remember to be respectful and don't talk when you're not spoken to. Okay, Onri-won?" Awai nodded and scurried after the impatient chuunin boy to follow him out of the room and down the long corridor for the three minute walk to the Kage’s Office. She was quiet, she’d learned well that no one but Obaasan and supposedly the Kage liked her. There was no point in talking to someone who doesn’t talk back.

Entering the Office, the Kage was at his desk with guards all around and a new scroll open across his desk. The chuunin bowed when he was waved off and left. Shutting the door behind him.

Awai was ushered with another wave of the hand to come closer, she did so. Curiously gazing about at the new guard. She wondered what happened to the older ones. She’d never noticed the Kage ever switch guard before. Something had to have gone wrong.

“Awai I’ve summoned you here for one purpose.” the kage strongly stated in a grave tone. Uh-oh. She’d heard him talk like this to one of his advisors. He’d used her and set her loose upon him. Things didn’t go well for the advisor. Let’s say...he went to pieces? Which, made her question in thought. Was she in trouble?? What’d she do wrong?? “You’re to be sealed tonight. Your monstrous side is becoming much too uncontrollable. Tonight, you’ll do as anyone orders and keep your mouth shut. Understood?” Quickly, Awai’s lips sealed shut and she nodded, fear paling her face. She’d heard of people talking of what happens with a sealing. Very painful and it hurts forever. She guessed it was like when her dead side takes over, only longer and more stable. A shudder ran up her spine. “Good.” The Kage continued. “ZutaZuta will escort you.” The Kage waved at the door and the chuunin boy came back into the room. His expression was respectful to the kage, but a sneer to the girl as they left the room and headed down stairs to a carriage outside. He ordered her inside and she did so, not a word out of her mouth. It was a long ride from that point. They crossed the entire village, headed towards the southern parts, when suddenly, the horses neighed and reared back onto their hind legs. Entirely stopping the carriage.

The chuunin quickly hopped out through the door and pulled a kunai out in a defense. Awai watched as suddenly, a black breeze rushed and the chuunin was on the ground after a crack. The door on the other side unlatched and was slapped open. The chuunin boy was thrown into the carriage, as well as the driver, and two men looked inside, each wearing a mask of an animal face.

Awai squeaked and was immediately noticed. One reached in to take hold of the trembling girl, but his hand was suddenly fiercely bit. He swore and drug her out of the carriage as she scratched and scratched at him to let her go. The other couldn’t help but chuckle. Muttering something about ‘An Anbu getting won over by a little girl by a bite’, before the other muttered another something about, ‘Is she or not?!’ The man seemed to look over Awai as she begun to shake and hum whines. Her chest was burning as her muscles were twitching. She was scared out of her wits and her body was willingly turning to it’s only defense, her Dead side. Just in time though, before any real damage was done, the chuckling masked man shook his head. The next thing she knew, she was dropped to the ground. However, what is done can not be undone sayest the Book of Time and Eternity.

Shaking, muscles shivering as a cold flashed upon her, her entire system of nerves felt like wire clippers were tearing into each and every stitch of nerves. Tears begun to stream her face, everything became faint as well as real as her Dead side ‘awoken’.

The two masked men were about to turn and hurry off in search of their mission’s purpose, when they heard her scream Twisting around to put a sock in the scream, eyes widened behind the masks.

There, standing in sway was Awai with that creepy, crooked smile on her face with the same old-same old tears dripping and soaking her face. Laughter hummed out of her lips until suddenly, the girl came charging towards the men. She was no match for the two Anbu, but how was an Aka-Ketsuretsu suppose to know that? All Aka-Ketsuretsu want to do is what they were raised to do. And in this case, tear and destroy any moving object.

The Anbu acted quickly. A nod to each other, they both knew they’d found what they were sent to find. Reaching out, the chuckling one easily caught Awai and cracked her neck. She fell limply and was gathered up and sacked as the Anbu disappeared without a trace into the night and back home to the Leaf Country.


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Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~ Empty Re: Myou, Awai [Leaf] ~Genin~

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 12:01 am

Mission Completion

In the dead of night, the two Anbu with their mission’s purpose in hand, had the Kage immediately awoken to discuss the finalizing of the mission. Doing simply as ordered, the Anbu met up with the kage in his office. Ignoring the fact of the bed robe the kage wore.

The kage immediately acted, “Was the mission a success?” with two nods, the chuckling Anbu unraveled the unconscious girl out of the sack. The Kage walked around his desk, kneeled and looked the girl over with a curious and thoughtful look. “So it is true?” he looked up to his ninja.

The chuckling one answered, “Yes, Hokage sir.” he spoke. “I spotted an odd double Chakra system in her and your theory upon the appearance of the Sand’s ‘Secret Weapon’ was proven when I spotted her. At first we assumed I had a false trail after looking her over face to face. But then she attacked with a different outlook and glancing again with my Byakuugan, it was certain. She bears two Chakra systems. Just as you had thought, Hokage sir.”

The Kage nodded and pondered for a second. The second Anbu spoke up with the very question the Hokage was thinking upon. “What do we do with the girl than, Hokage-sama sir?” He looked out to his village through the very large window behind his desk. The moonlight alit the village’s lands graceciously.

“For now,” The kage straightened up. “Find her an enclosed place to stay. Somewhere with somebody we can keep close tabs on. I don’t want our Sandy friends to have any link to us being the culprits of taking their precious weapon from under their noses by us becoming secretive about hiding her. Much too obvious.”

With a nod and bow from each, they picked the girl up, turned and disappeared in search for the Somewhere and Somebody.

Late Night’s Annoyance Arc

A rap on the door, the Somewhere and Somebody was easily found. By the name of Honoo Myou, an Anbu and ex-father of a latest infant and wife by a burned down home, the tall man opened the door and sleepily frowned at the men that smiled behind the masks sheepishly.

“Morning Myou!!” they greeted in unison rather loudly. Honoo’s frown deepened.

“What is it you two want? And what’s with the Uniforms? Doesn’t Uniform mean to behave in a respecting manner? Not a child’s giddy attitude?”

“Yes, yes, well, here.” The Hyuuga Anbu handed Honoo Myou the little girl blanketed by the sack. Honoo looked at her, than back at his comrades in question that was easily answered, “The Hokage has ordered we find a safe somebody and a safe somewhere where he can keep tabs on the girl there. She’s that Red Alert we were sent after.”

“The Red Alert?” Honoo questioned with a surprised glance back at the little red head in his arms.

The other Anbu continued. “Yes, well, you’re too keep her safe with all precaution, but make her safe unnoticeably safe. The Kage doesn’t want her to basically be a secret. Just make her look like some orphan or something. You’re smart Myou. You’ll figure a disguise out.” and with that, they were gone in a whirl wind of leaves and wind.

Honoo Myou watched them disappear before turning back into his house. He lay the girl upon the couch and wondered what in the world he was to do with her to make her ‘unnoticeably safe’.

“So you’re the horrible Red Alert, eh?” he asked the sleeping girl. He shook his head as he locked the door and pulled a blanket from the closet. He sprawled it upon the girl and walked to his bedroom. “Great.” he’d muttered before sleep over took.

By Weeks Past New Happiness Found Arc

A few weeks passed, and Honoo had done the very thing his heart ached he wouldn’t.

Coming to the front of the office of his respected Hokage’s, he took in a deep breath, knocked and was called in.

“What is it, Myou?” The Hokage asked without even as much as a glance from the papers he was filling out.

“Hokage-sir,” he sighed and gained confidence to spit out. “I wish to have your Red Alert.”

At this, the Hokage had to look up at him in wonder. “You wish to have? Have by what means?”

Honoo Myou looked the Hokage straight in the eye. “I wish to adopt Awai, Red Alert Fifteen, age eleven, Academy Student of Konohagakure, Leaf Country, Hokage-same sir.”

The Hokage looked at his Anbu. This was something not normally done. It was out of emotion. Honoo Myou had lost a baby and his wife when his house had burnt down after he’d taken off for an S-Ranked mission. Was this out of emotion for his loss? Was he thinking clearly? Looking at him straight in the eyes, he knew this was what the man wanted. And then again, what better cover for the Red Alert Fifteen than an actual father figure?

The Hokage reached over to the filing cabinet, searching for a paper that Honoo Myou at first thought were resigning papers. Than he was given them. Adoption papers and a folder for Awai’s Profile. Shocked and confused, the Hokage shooed him with a single statement. “Fill those out, you can HAVE her, as you say.” Very gratefully, Honoo bowed over and over again as he left.

“Thank you, thank you Hokage-sama sir!” he called as he rushed home to get started. He’d found a new Happiness.

New Life’s Beginning Arc
Awai was given a real name. Awai Amai Myou. She is now thirteen years old and a graduate of the Academy School, a genin and official adoptive daughter of an Anbu, Honoo Myou. She lives with him in his two bedroom apartment and is rather happy as he teaches her what he specializes in and what she was first taught in Sungakure, Poisonous Ninjutsu. She is, however still depressed as she wonders what has become of her Obaasan and lives each day fighting against her Dead side that she has now named Yoru, meaning Night. A perfect fit for the darkness she spreads on Awai every chance she gets. And this is Today.

Speciality: Poisons Ninjutsu
Learned jutsus: soon to be added with a link
Elements: Air (Wind)
Weapons/items: Three Viles
-with seven holes in the tops of the black foam stoppers.
-In each vile is a clear liquid
- in each of the holes of the black foam stopper are seven senbon, each painted on the tip hanging outside the vile
-~A red seven set -The Red is for her heat poisons
-~a blue seven set - blue for her oral poisons
-~ a yellow seven set. yellow for her organ poisons
-All these viles are safely attached to the walls and padded of her weapon pouch for safe keeping.
Oral Spray- A little black painted spray bottle the size of an average thumb.
-Inside the spray bottle is a blue liquid.
-~This is for her special oral fumes jutsu.
Regular Ninja Tools
-Fifteen Kunai
-Twenty Senbon
-Ninja Wire
-Ten Smoke Bombs
-Ten Bomb Tags
Extra Regular Items Found in her Weapons Pouch
-Hand paper fan
- House Key
- Her father, Honoo Myou, photo in a little side flap inside the weapon's pouch
Stitched in a hidden loop under the collar of her Jacket
-Nail Filer
- Spit wad tube loaded with one tiny dart dipped in a Seditive Concoction
Goals: *To find a way to have complete control over her Dead Side and her Alive Side
*To become an Anbu for her beloved village
*To master the arts of Poisons


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