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Wondering around

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Wondering around Empty Wondering around

Post by Dean Sun May 24, 2009 8:03 pm

Tenchi walks to the gates waiting for this mysterious ninja to return so he could begin his training so he could get stronger. Tenchi sits down onto the ground waiting for him to show up. Hopefully I will not be here forever. He sighes and looks into the forest as the wind blows and it sounds like animals howling. He then looks up into the sky the sun is near setting and every thing's shadows grow longer as the sun gets lower in the horizon. Tenchi loves to see the sun set because soon he could see the stars in the skies dancing throughout the night. Tenchi then looks back into the forest waiting for the new part of his life about to begin. This will help me on my way to gaining some power to protect those closest to me.

Tenchi gets up off the ground agitated because his new sensei is taking such a long time to arrive at the village. He then starts to pace a little because he had little patients, but soon he was able to calm himself down by thinking about the night's sky. He stops pacing back and looks to the west watching the sun starting to set, and the winds picked up again and stopped. The skies darkened and soon enough the stars gleamed in the skies. I stood where I was awaiting my new sensei whom I didn't know the name of.

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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Kenshi Sun May 24, 2009 8:13 pm

After drinking a a local pub and forgetting all about training the young kid, Ginko rushed off in the direction towards Konoha. he was supposed to leave five hours ago, but his time was being spent with women and sake, something that he couldn't pass up. Luckily for Ginko, alcohol didn't affect him that much, and he didn't have much at the pub. His breath reeked of alcohol just a little bit, but the mint he had in his mouth was slowly getting rid of his horrible breath. Ginko traveled his way quickly through the forest making it to the path to Konoha at nightfall. He'd told the genin to wait outside the gates for him, but Ginko assumed that he would be home by now, because of his lateness. Apologizing would be the first thing that they did, because there was no way Ginko could be a good teacher and not even apologize to a promise he'd broken.

As he climbed the top of the last hill to Konoha, Ginko noticed that the child was still there. Obviously he wanted training badly, he was leaning up against a rock, still waiting for Ginko to show up. From that action alone Ginko could tell that the boy had a drive to become better, something that Ginko liked to see in young children. There was no use in gowning up if you couldn't be better than you were the day before. Ginko smirked at the young child as he got up, regaining his composure by straightening out his clothes so it wouldn't look like he just left a pub. Ginko walked up to the boy and smiled.

"You waited for me. That's good to know. Let's go"

Ginko turned around, and walked away from the boy, on a path leaving Konoha.


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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Dean Sun May 24, 2009 8:31 pm

Tenchi looked up at the his mysterious new sensei. When Tenchi heard what he said he got a little angery and decided just to follow him. He shows up late, doesn't apologize, and I don't even know his name. I guess I'll ask him about it later. Tenchi begins to walk into the forest following his sensei. He begins to get agitated because of him wondering about the questions he had thought of before hand. No, I'll ask him now. I want to know his name right now because I can't stand not knowing his name. It is like a bug bite on the back of his calf.

Tenchi continues to walk. "So what took you so long to get here I thought you forgot about me for accouple of minutes." Tenchi said calmly. "Also I'm going off to train with you I want to know the name of the Sensei teaching me." Tenchi said not wanting to anger his new teacher. Tenchi looked down at the ground as he walked awaiting the answers to his questions. He walked deeper into the the great forest outside of the Kohona as the sky became impossible to see in the great darknees of looming trees.

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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Kenshi Sun May 24, 2009 8:38 pm

Ginko smiled at the young child and his persistence in knowing his name. It wasn't important to Ginko at all, and he really didn't want to give it to him, but if they knew each others names it would increase their relationship together, and things would be easier to do without them having to act like total strangers all the time. Ginko still wanted something out of it. During this training, everything that he would do would be for a purpose, and he wouldn't just play around with Dean and take him on trips and give him tips and train every now and then. Dean would have to learn it the hard way, and lucky for Dean he had the night on his side. Ginko really didn't do much training at the beginning of his lessons at night, those were reserved for later on.

"Alright, lesson one. I want you to cut a piece of my hair. Anyway you can do it I want you to try. Then I'll tell you my name"

As odd as it sounded, Ginko was serious. The first test would be to see the boys reaction to a problem. How would he use his abilities to solve it? Would he rush in blindly or would he think things out. All of those options were up to the boy, his options would affect how Ginko decided to train him. Ginko wanted to see what made the boy tick, what made his mind work, and from there on he could change it to better suit his usefulness on the battlefield, because after all, they were shinobi. Trained to fight.


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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Dean Sun May 24, 2009 8:58 pm

Tenchi could barely see Ginko in the forest at night. How am I supposed to fight someone I can't even see? Even if I could see him I don't really think that it would be a walk in the park to get within 10 feet of Ginko let alone cutting off a peice of hair. Tenchi then begins to think of ways to go at this. Finally Tenchi came up with a solid plan. Tenchi sighed and said "Okay I will accept your challenge." Tenchi stopped moving to stop making sounds and began to do handsigns. Tenchi then takes out 10 kunai and spins around throwing each of them in different places as he spins, throwing 1 at the last place Tenchi heard his sensei last.

Tenchi then stops spinning and jumps onto what he can make out as a tree. Tenchi then takes out tags placing 1 on each tree he hops onto. Tenchi still running across the trees he put his exploding tags on. He placed 15 tags on 15 trees. This is going to take a long time to get what he wants done. I have yet to see him in battle and he has seen me in battle. Tenchi runs and listens as he hears the reaction of his sensei.

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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Kenshi Mon May 25, 2009 11:31 am

Ginko watched his young apprentice make several moves across the field. Whatever he was doing must have been the start of some kind of plan he'd thought of. But, starting like that he was already flawed. When presented with a problem the best thing to do is to try any figure out how simple the problem is. Ginko watched as Dean threw around kunai, and tagged explosive notes on trees in effort to conceal Ginko inside a perimeter that he could keep watch on. In a fight, that would be a plain waste of chakra, and more a waste of running and his tools. Ginko's laughter could be heard as it echoed around the place, and Ginko's image disappeared from his original position just to shake things up.

"Bunshin no Jutsu..." Ginko whispered as he hid in one of the trees in the surrounding area.

A bunshin walked around in the perimeter that Dean had set up. It was sure target for Dean, and if he decided to launch an attack, it would probably hit. However, the bunshin wasn't there to fight Dean, he was there to talk.

"How are you going to find your opponent by locking them within an area? When faced with the problem you should keep your eyes on the problem. Don't try to seal off all the ways it can move around, but rather face the problem itself. You could have asked me, or just reached for my hair instead of doing all this. You've wasted your tools and energy all because of the "plan" you thought you had. I would have been nice and just given it to you, but now that you've set all this up, I don't want to make it go to waste...Think up of something good boy, I'm right here!!! Surprise me!"


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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Dean Mon May 25, 2009 2:00 pm

Tenchi held back the feeling to laugh as he heard Sensei speak. Tenchi heard Sensei's laugh and it made him feel a little bit hysterical. He heard a whisper, but he could tell where it was coming from. Tenchi heard no metal clinging from where Sensei was last. He must have left his original position as I thought he would. Tenchi stops running and closes his eyes listening closer as normal eyesight would not work in the dark forest. I wish I would have trained more in the dark... I may be able to hear better with my eyes closed, but it would be a lot easier to pick out voices and noises if I trained with my eyes closed.

He then jumped down onto the spot where he last stood doing hand signs as he landed. He laid his last exploding tag onto the ground still having his eyes closed. Tenchi then moved his hands in a cutting motion as he did a 360 degree spin. Winds came out through his hands slicing though trees. As he finished he used another set of hand signs. "Don't be so confident that you think you know what I'm doing. Come and get me if you want!" Tenchi announced as he still had his eyes closed. Trees began to topple in a circle around Tenchi.

Last edited by Dean on Mon May 25, 2009 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Kenshi Mon May 25, 2009 4:59 pm

'He's wasting so much chakra at an astounding rate, I'm surprised that he can even move. This kid doesn't have any taijutsu skills, and he needs them badly. He won't survive in the Chuunin Exams, or any test of his skills for that matter. His ninjutsu is good, it seems like he has a good handle on his free manipulation and it seems like he doesn't need to use that many hand signs to complete jutsu. He must have taught himself all these techniques, the way he performs them is like none other. I've never seen anyone in all my days use jutsu like this...I wonder who is jounin-sensei is or if he even has one...'

"You gotta stop wasting so much chakra. Rely on your senses! Feel the others around you, stop trying to destroy everything in hopes that you'll find me. You're wasting too much time kid. If this was a hostage situation and the life of your comrade was at risk they would surely be dead. Remember that ninjutsu is at is best when combined with taijutsu. Your senses need sharpening, you'll never find anyone by just destroying everything with tagged notes boy"

Ginko was perched far off, but somewhat close to Techi. Watching him use ninjutsu was a new sight for Ginko, he'd never seen someone operate like that before. Ginko wondered how his chakra levels and stamina hold up in a real battle. This was only training after all, and Ginko was far from getting serious with this child. Along the road the training would get harder, and Ginko would surely injure the young child to test his stamina. He didn't plan on using his reaper unless the child got serious and got stronger. He had a long way to go with him and a short time to complete it. Ginko would finish his training and make him better...someone how.

Last edited by Ginko on Mon May 25, 2009 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Dean Mon May 25, 2009 5:39 pm

OOC: I need to edit the post i did above cause i used your name..Also im not Dean im Tenchi

IC:Tenchi looks a little tired, but he has yet to use more than 40-50% of his chakra. Physically he is a little tired, but he has yet to be completely wiped out. He knows that it is near impossible to find his sensei due to the his lack of training with his senses. He also knows trying to find him regularly would be a bad move because Ginko would just move before he would find him, and then Tenchi would have to start looking for him all over again. It's almost impossible to find him. I don't have to training to track him when he isn't even moving. Plus I can't even touch him probably even if I get near him.

Tenchi loved a challenge, but only if it was in the physical realm of possibility. Maybe if he had a team to back him up, but he wasn't dumb. He knew when he was fighting an uphill battle, but his want for a challenge made him want to win this challenge. Tenchi just started to walk slowly towards a tree and opened his eyes. "What chakra have I used? Only 1 technique... No exploding tags have detonated... Do not judge what you do not know..." Tenchi said a little calmly, yet having a little frustraition in his voice. Tenchi stopped and looked at the sky where the trees had been before his wind ninjutsu. Light poured into the area from the moon.

Tenchi then looked into the dark forest only to see blackness. There was only one thing he could see in the forest and it was the faint gleaming of white. Good thing I closed my eyes because it caused my pupils to enlarge so it could allow more light to enter my eyes. He ran to the white in the forest that he could see. Tenchi threw 4 kunai at the whiteness.

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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Kenshi Mon May 25, 2009 6:44 pm

Ginko knew that the boy wasn't going to be able to find him, and that he'd hadn't even assumed the power of an S Ranked shinobi. Anyone with a little bit of smarts would know that a forest is usually home to a great number of bunshin during any type of battle or stand off. Ginko was currently taking advantage of the night, the forest, and the fact that the odd number of bunshin he'd created didn't even require him a fraction of his chakra. Already and so swiftly, Ginko had created advantages on his side, advantages that he could use easily against his lower ranked opponent.

"You really thought that this is the real me...ha. You gotta thinking better than that little boy, or you'll never get to know my name and you'll never get any better at all. The first thing in battle is realizing your opponents strength by looking at the actions that they take. If you can do that alone you'll be able to tell roughly what type of strength or advantages that your opponent already has stacked against you. I'm sorry that you aren't able to do that yet, I can't force you it's up to you..."

As the bunshin finished speaking the four kunai that had left the young boys hand were released into the bunshin's head. The bunshin wasn't even a shadow clone, of course Ginko didn't want to waste chakra on a mere genin. The kunai struck and the bunshin was literally flattened like a balloon. It's withered 2-D body warped away from existence, leaving the young boy to an open tree with no one in it. He had to think about what he was doing...or else all his movements would be completely useless, rendering him useless.


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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Dean Mon May 25, 2009 7:42 pm

Tenchi curses in his head many obscenities...This is impossible for me to do! Tenchi looks a little flushed from the anger that is building up within him. He almost started to look cherry red as his blood pressure rose from the anger. No! no! no! I must calm down so I can think clearly. If not I will not only lose, but I might lose this chance to learn his name. His face turned back to its normal color of his skin. Tenchi thinks more clearly with his anger under control. Still how am I supposed to get to Ginko if I don't even know who he is or where he is. Then still I have to cut off some of his hair. This is impossible for a genin to do....It is just a waste of energy and chakra to even try because by the time I reach him I'll be to tired to do anything anyways...I can only do to him what he wants me to do.

I must still try though. What if I was fighting to save the village and I was in an uphill battle like this? Tenchi looked out into the stars trying to decide what to do. Finally, he decided what to do. He ran back into the forest clearing that he had made himself. He sighed a little still determined just a little detoured from his course of action. I must ask him though I do not expect anything "So why have you made this impossible for a genin to do? Do you just want me to ask for your hair because you have left me with a clear choice, or must I find you tired and try hopelessly to get some of your hair? Just to ask I will even though it does sound ridiculous. Can I have some of your hair?"He asked loudly "If your answer is no I will not give up." He yelled.

Tenchi looked down at the ground awaiting his answer thinking that he would already knew the answer to his question. Then he looked up and watched the stars dance in the night.

OOC: forgot to spell check

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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Kenshi Mon May 25, 2009 8:29 pm

"My name is Ginko. No last name, just Ginko. I come from a small house on the outskirts of Iwagakure. I didn't have much time with my parents and I was trained by the "White Haired Assassin". I'm a mushi-master and I am a doctor. I prefer taijutsu in battle, because I can't use ninjutsu to well. That's all I can really say about me, I don't like speeches much. I'm glad that you were able to figure out that there is some simplicity in asking. The point of the point of the lesson was to get you to realize that there is always something simpler, more effective and easier to do in battle. For now let that be our first lesson, and we'll start fresh tomorrow."

Ginko dropped down from a tree not too far from were the young child was standing. Ginko walked up behind him, touching him on his shoulder, wondering how tense the child had gotten during battle. Usually, they'd very tense, genin of course, but this one had finally mastered the art of calmness. He could feel the tension and his heart rate dropping drastically, only moments after an intense work out. Little did he know, he had already gotten better just by asking Ginko and completing the first lesson. Though they had a long way to go together, he looked like he could make it through the training and become better, and prepared for the chuunin exams.

"Tell me about yourself kid. I'm sure I'm not that great, and you probably have a more interesting history than mines. I'm just your local village boy that grew up to be a nerd", Ginko laughed.


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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Dean Mon May 25, 2009 8:55 pm

Tenchi looked up at his new sensei named Ginko. He made sure to listen so everything Ginko said. He looked up at the sky trying to remember his past no matter how painful it was and keeping a smile on his face. As he began to speak his voice crackled a little as if the words didn't want to come out, yet he wanted to share his past with Ginko as Ginko had done with him.

"So where should i start? When I was first born I was spoiled by my parents till I was 6 then everything changed. My dad went out onto a mission and......." Tenchi held his breath" Died. Soon after my mother wanted revenge even after the Hokage told her no and soon afterwards she died in vain trying to kill his killer. She was found slaughtered on the ground.... I was struck with grief no child at 6 should have had to deal with... I was changed forever. I decided I must become stronger to protect those who are my friends then maybe it would never happen again. I graduated at the age of 12 from the academy and here I am now." Tenchi said unemotionally.

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Wondering around Empty Re: Wondering around

Post by Kenshi Mon May 25, 2009 10:27 pm

It seemed the like kid had gone through some hard times in his like. He was born into a shinobi family, so there would always be the lingering threat of death, even to the young child. Even though his parents had both died, it didn't seem like the boy had let that take advantage of him. He was still strong, and he still trained to become better. Ginko was glad that he'd come across someone with a strong spirit to train. It would help in the battles, and Ginko would do his best to help him emotionally if needed. He had a will to protect his friends, and that was great, even though all of the genin seemed to want to do that. It would help, everything about him emotionally would help, even though it seemed like he spoke with no emotions. Ginko would have to break him, to see what made him tick so he could make him better.

"Sorry to hear about that. It seems like you parents were just average people caught up in the wrong mess. When I look at you it doesn't seem like it affected you much, and you seem like a very strong individual. I hope my thoughts don't change your thoughts, but I don't want you bottling up emotions inside of you. I'm your sensei not your therapist, but you can tell me if you feel bad, I don't have much of a life so I won't mind listening...And oh, you forgot to tell me your name kid. What kinda deal breaker are you?" Ginko asked jokingly.


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