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End the Slaughter of Wolves

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End the Slaughter of Wolves Empty End the Slaughter of Wolves

Post by Nasamea Sun May 17, 2009 12:09 pm

First watch my video I created myself Razz

Now watch this,

You have now seen some of the slaughter and have learned about the trouble these wolves are facing.

In Alaska, the death toll for these beautiful creatures has risen.
Just recently (5/17/09)
1074 wolves have died since 2003, 251 in just this season alone.

They not only hunt by plane but now by helicopter and also use snares and poison gas to kill them.
Would you like to die like that?

Your quietly sitting in your home when suddenly your bombarded and murdered.
No time to react and no chance of escaping.
This goes for your children as well.

They not only kill the adults, but the pups.
A $150 bounty for each severed leg of the wolf.

This is more then"predator control". Think of what'll happen once they decided 'oh we don't want people killing anymore wolves, every things fine now'. Not everyone will get the news, the kills will continue whether by fear or by fun.
Things just don't instantaneously stop.

To sign a petition for Sarah Palin to stop you can go to this link,
Click the box with Take Action, and fill it out.
You DONT have to donate, but it would be even better if you did.

Evey voice counts.

For the wolves of Yellowstone.
They were delisted from the Endangered Species Act towards teh beginning of 2009.
It should be, but its not.
Now they fear atleast 1000 wolves could die due to hunting.
Thus, the wolves will be sent back to being Endangered and maybe even worse if the hunting persists.

The videos above will explain quite a bit, much more then what is truly said. This first was made by me so please at least a little nice and don't bad mouth it. I put a lot of effort and time together to create it.

Now a little thing I found.
In a book I have called Animal Speak. ( <- copy and paste code in browser search

In it, it said this about Wolves.
"Many believe that the true test of America's sincerity about protecting the environment will revolve around whether or not the wolf remains protected and is allowed to be reintroduced into areas of the country where it has heretofore been eliminated."

Wolves involving religion.
Some depict them as evil spirits.
When others say they are the true spirit of freedom.

Our family dogs originated from them. So what if we all went out and started killing dogs, our pets. Its just like killing the wolves only the wolves are actually free.

One thing I came up with was..(in Christianity)

Dog backwards is God. Dogs come from wolves. So by killing wolves, your killing god.
Many believe that once the wolves are dead, the world will fall apart.
and no, I'm not going Wolf's Rain on you.

Just something to think about, its not necessarily true so don't bombard me with religious stuff.

To help wolves you can adopt at

You can also donate there and at

There are many petitions like the one for Sarah Palin out there. Ill post some when I re-find them.
Please help in any way you.

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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Notyad, Ohio

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