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Tenchi still looking

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Tenchi still looking Empty Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sat May 16, 2009 9:32 pm

*Tenchi enters watching the sky and all of it's beauty*It looks fantastic now in the night with the stars glistening*"NOW WHERE IS SHE?"*Tenchi wonders about the streets still marviling at the tinkling stars that make pictures in the sky*The moon is full now with no obstructions in the sky*The light of the moon beats down onto the ground and the wind howls*

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sat May 16, 2009 9:43 pm

A black cloaked figure enters the village through the gates, managing to get past the guards since she had a spare konoha headband she had stolen back in her younger days. As she walked around teh streets of Konoha, she used back alleys and kept to the shadows to not catch atention. Lucky her, it was dark out. Due to being around Jin more and her past, she had learned to be more secretive and silent.

Walking gingerly, she traveled through the streets in search of Tenchi. What had he wanted? She wasnt forsure but she was prepared for anything, also due to being around Jin. She smiled to herself, knwoing she had learned alot in just a few days. Her hand brushed the concealed weapon beneath her black cloak as memories of her apst here began to trouble her some. However, she kept her cool, yet another thing learned, and searched. Finally she caught sight of him and walked over silently.

"Tenchi?" she asked, slightly surprising him as he turned to her.
She lifted the hood slightly to where her face barely showed, however her light green eyes seemed to glow from the light of the street lamps.
"Why have you caled for me?" she asked, her face calm and smooth and yet mysterious, barely showing any emotion whatsoever which normally made people shudder.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sat May 16, 2009 9:51 pm

"Ahh Nasamea finally you have come"Tenchi said with a sigh of relief. "So would you like to play a little game?"Tenchi asked in a questioning tone. "I've finally came back and i want alittle excitment and a racing in my heart from a battle"Tenchi said. Tenchi looks up at the sky again loving the sight of such a marvel above him.

"So if you would, get in your stance or attack me!!"He commanded. The wind howling as if the air was made of wolves and then relaxed becoming silent again."Come on now i don't have all day and I don't need your percious Jin to come and stop you from fighting"He said. There was no sound in the air as if everything living and nonliving knew a fight was about to happen.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sat May 16, 2009 10:00 pm

At first she let out a silent unnoticable sigh, 'Jin may not be to pleased about this, should I or not?...if i were to kill Tenchi....then maybe.'
Her eyes were hidden under the hood as she thought deeply about this, remaining calm. Either this would turn out well, or vary bad. She only knew basic jutsu and wasnt very skilled in much else. She had her iron will, knew some kenjutsu, had some training, knew how to kill, and then some.
As he continued to talk she grew slightly annoyed, never showing her emotions thought as if she were a brick walk. Her hood continued to hide her eyes as her hand brushed by her weapon ocne more in her decision. Then at the thought that Tenchi was mocking ehr sensei she grew a bit tense and peered up from under her hood with unreadable yet violent eyes.

"You talk to much..." she said before she flew a few yards back, wiping the cloak off although she remebered all teh dangers of this.
She was wanted among Konoha for 'killing' although it wasnt even her fault. She needed to end this fast, and killing Tenchi may of been the only option unless she knocked him out somehow. She remebered her training as she drew her black and red kantana, holding it up towards his head with a strong unbreakable grib, "come..."

Her green hues were unreadble as her gaze stayed on Tenchi's, waiting for any slight movement.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sat May 16, 2009 10:12 pm

"Anger will be your downfall and so will your arrogence"Tenchi adivsed Nasamea. Tenchi had some emotion on his face but most of it had been washed away by the winds. Tenchi does some handsigns then takes a defencive stance. "You may have trained more than me but we are still at the same rank which means you only have some advantage over me but not alot. Also get that arrogence out of your eyes" He warned. Sometimes even the young must fall by another young person hands

Tenchi then does another set of hansigns awaiting the barrage about to come from Nasamea. The wind is silent in the night still as the moon light lights the area.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sat May 16, 2009 10:19 pm

After he had stopped talking she smiled and a laugh erupted from her. She cotnrolled her laugh to mere snickers, "clearly you arnt as smart as I thought. Anger? I have none. Arrogance in my eyes?" She laughed a bit more, "I have nothing to be arrogant about."

She controlled her laugh, which soon died as the wind coasted through her midnight hair. A new feeling crept over her as she tried to embrace it, trying to let any little emotion she had die away. She loosened her muscles, grasping the flow she was taught to take hold of. She stood, hunching down into her new and improved defensive stance she also learned, the hard way, as she waited for Tenchi's attack. Her kantana was now parallel to the ground as she held it firmly, however not with tightened msucles.
'This is all a part of your training, try to show no emotion and ty to remeber what you have so you don't die....' she thoguh to herself, focusing, 'as a student of Jin, yu cant let him down, or yourself. Ive come to far already to quit or even die. I must show everyone what im capable of, for its my nindo....'
She tried not conveying her emotions as her eyes locked on Tenchis, however deep down she was still a bit annoyed and felt lieks he was lying through her teeth about what she ahd said. But she had to psych him out somehow. Nomatter what, her determination and will were powerful and showed up the most.

"Didnt I tell you to come...."

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sat May 16, 2009 10:38 pm

Ahhh sometimes she is so pigheaded to admit im right"Hummm why must i attack?"I asked. Tenchi starts to walk forward like there is no battle about to start. His muscles are loose from walking today. It was a great stretch for them when i was looking for Nasamea. Tenchi throws 5 kunai into the air while he is walking calmly at a parabola as to come down right on top of nasamea. Tenchi then throws 5 Shuriken straight forwards and start to run foward in a sprinting fashion.

Ahh i wonder what she is thinking right now Tenchi still is relaxed while he is sprinting foward looking right at Nasamea watching every move she makes in the slightest. Tenchi is starting to feel the fight starting and the winds pick up even more.

(spelt shuriken wrong)

Last edited by Dean on Sat May 16, 2009 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sat May 16, 2009 10:45 pm

She foucsed as she saw him move, beginning to instinctivly tudy any movements as much as possible to get a good idea of what he would do next. As teh five kunai came towards her she easily deflected them, then easily deflected the 5 shurikan, all with her kantana as she held it firmly in hsi approaching direction.
She continue to study him, focusing not only on him but on ehr surroundings as much as she could. The weapons seemed like childs paly unlike what Jin made her do and she was grateful.
She makes note of teh wind picking up and nods her head to a thought of why it was blowing, or a mere assumption that could or couldnt be true, but the thought was secret.

As he appraoched she made a sudden movement, taking a leap forward an faking an attack as she drew her leg suddenly down, ducking in case there were any oncoming attack he may do, and swiped at his feet to make him fall. She then raised her kantana in order to bring the blade down hard on his chest, hoping to not noyl cut into him but give him some sudden whiplash. She prepared for anything, not letting anything distract her as she studied every movement she could, not trying to miss a beat.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sat May 16, 2009 10:59 pm

Nasamea being watching me didn't see what happened to the kunai and shurriken after they reflected off her sword, and they can back and slashed her skin from a misterious force in the wind as i moved closer and blowing away any traps in my way(its an auto hit because you were watching me only nothing else you may have took knowtice but you said you were watching every movement i was doing)i knew this trap would get herTenchi watched he every movement of Nasamea coming in closer with his staff Kizu out

Tenchi's muscles were still loose and the wind still blowing but slowing down rapidly. Soon it was all quiet on the battle field and Tenchi took a defencive stance with his staff getting ready for the counter attack.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sat May 16, 2009 11:06 pm

She took the hits from the blades and shuddered slightly, ignoring the pain. She dealt with far worse then mere cuts from kunai and shurikan. From ehr legs hurting in pain and having to persistatnly fight besides that pain, getting beat up by wooden bloacks, having to fight Jin with all her might when she was weak, having her mind practically torn from her trainin. This felt like nothing now as the blood slightly dripped from their cut spots. This was nothing, and soon she ignored it and it didnt even hurt anymore.

She stood and looked at him, finally making her note on the wind more obvious, "wind techniques, eh? Using the wind as your upperhand in acknowledgment that I myself have no jutsus but basics." She shook her head, having an idea what to expect.

Once again, she stood in a defensive stance, waiting for Tenchi's next move as she held her kantana firmly once more. Paying attention to all ehr surroundigns and Tenchi as she still held his gaze.
"Now what?"

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sat May 16, 2009 11:22 pm

"If you continue i might kill you? Are you okay with that" He asked uncaring of her answer. Still he is in his defencive stance loose but not too loose. He is prepared to counter attack when she attacks."I am not the one who is in need of getting this battle over with. With that bleeding I don't need to attack and if you leave or should i say you condem yourself to death by me. Now surrender and admit i won, attack, or run." Tenchi is prepared to chase he if she runs, but i don't think she actually will because he knows that would leave her exposed for me to kill her and doesn't want to but will if it means winning though he could live with himself killing a person like that and would go to Jin for punishment afterwards. The winds start to blow alittle whispering in our ears.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sat May 16, 2009 11:37 pm

She held her ground, the bleeding wasnt as bad as he thought. Although it was direct hits, they were mere cuts and she has a pretty good idea of her limit just by what her body tells her. Wether it be her legs hurting, her growing tired, etc.

"You were the one to call me, the one to want to play this "game", adn the one who started this start finish it. It was not my chocie to really fight but yours, if you wanted to avoid this fight you never wouldve challenged me or called me out here to begin with" she said soothly, blade still in hand as it hung parallel to the ground, directed at him. All senses were open all around, she didnt need to say anymore about this for nothing penetrated the strong concentration she held on this fight.

"Im not surrendering, not attacking, nor running. So you choose you next course of action for you started this. If you dont care for this battle, then you stop fighting. Cause I promise, I wont die from this bleeding anytime soon."

She stood firmly, green hues focused and determined, ready for anything as she felt the wind, sensing its direction adn watching his movements. She was studying him with each action, each word spoken, everything. Thus, judging her next move when necessary.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sat May 16, 2009 11:54 pm

Tenchi holds Kizu firmly as he backs away slowly. He watches Nasamea ready to counter attack her as he backs away. The stars gleam down in their brilience and the moon gleaming down at the fight almost knowing what was going to happen next. Clouds start to come in to the sky looking black as the night eventhough being white. My muscles are loose ready to change my direction and watching ever so carefully. She is very unwise in her deision i only wanted to give he pay back ,but I was the one who called her here

The winds are still up swirling around naturally as it mostly has been but now was not a time for me to let her get into me head. I cleared my mind of all thoughts as i backed up but the thought of winning this battle was still in my head and i still was trying to anticipaite Nasamea's next move.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sun May 17, 2009 12:01 am

Sensing the winds, she watched him warily, seeing shadows moving from the light of the moon, now knowing something was overhead and prepared for the worst. 'Calm before the storm....of course' she thought as she waited, anticipating anything.
Her blade still held in position and she almost looked like a statue as she held her stance, breathing evenyl and not moving or twitching. Her eyes still remained on him, using her peripheral vision and sense of feeling and the wind as her guidance, as well as her other senses like hearing.
She barely blinked, although ehr eyes remained fresh, as her gaze just stayed on him. Her focuse hiehgtened by the minute and she looked dead into his eyes, "do you take me as a fool....or do you just not trust it your pride on the line here, or are you willing to back down and take the peaceful route....what shall it be"

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sun May 17, 2009 12:14 am

Tenchi doen't answer her he just backs away until he stops. He stands there silent. Tenchi throws 30 papers with writting on them into the natural wind. Then he runs forward staff in his hand and the papers lead me forward to nasamea me going to the same speed as the torrenting wind. Then the winds pick up even more speeding up the papers in front of me and i go the same speed.

The moon light shows on the ground ,but the clouds moves past it making a flashing effect as Tenchi runs to Nasamea. Tenchi knew this would happen as he ran to Nasamea. Staring into the sky all day and night had payed off. I throw 2 kunai to Nasamea's left, 2 kunai to Nasamea's right, 2 kunai above Nasamea, and 2 kunai at Nasamea directly.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sun May 17, 2009 12:21 am

A small smirk crosses her face, she knew hed react. She could just tell by the wind, it hadnt died but grew in his decisions. She performed handsigns and just as it all came together, was gone. The kunai and such hit her black robe as it floated to teh ground, she still knew her robe was lying a little ways from her, perfect timing. A ways off from her hiding spot she preformed handsigns, have a good idea of what to do next. She had gethered enough information, a little more couldnt hurt, but she now had a good idea what to do.
'Pride it is...' she thought and kept her guard up, knatan still in hand as she waited for tenchi's next response to her sudden disappearance.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sun May 17, 2009 12:31 am

She did as i thoughtAs the Kunai hit the tags they all exploded and smoke poured throught the area masking where Tenchi was hiding. Tenchi then runs around they area making a pitter patter of steps. Nasamea sees nothing of what Tenchi is doing. Then the steping stops. A natural wind starts and Tenchi is seen sitting on the ground. His eyes are closed.

He didn't have his staff out anymore. It looked as if he was meditating and he seemed to be peacefully sitting on the ground with no sounds. Tenchi awaits an onslaught from the hiding Nasamea because she could be anywhere.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sun May 17, 2009 12:36 am

Nasamea saw the display from her hiding place. Now she had an upperhand, she saw him but he didnt know where she was, nomatter what he said or done. She kept all her senses open as she focused all around. Two movements caught her eye but she didnt worry as they stiffened. She did as well in wait, what would he do now?

She continued to wait, focusng on everything, not fully on him as she listened, watched, breathed evenly and silently, and more. She wasnt dumb enough to take the bait but wondered what he would do, if it were even him. She was alert to anything at this moment in time.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sun May 17, 2009 12:50 am

Tenchi looked up at the sky. It wasn't Tenchi and Nasamea didn't realise that. He smiled and then huge booms came from all around and the Tenchi clone disappeared. Many building toppled....Tenchi was hidding and he knew where Nasamea was. Tenchi was in advantage now. He knew he was too. Tenchi could see clearly where she was watching he responce to the newest event.

So what next? Is she going to hide again while i try to seek? Tenchi is motionless and he sees Nasameas wounds they keep bleeding. She may need a doctor soon if she keeps here any longer. She has had these wounds for a long time. Another explosion happens just near where Nasamea is and almost hits her.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sun May 17, 2009 1:19 am

Where I had been poofed into nothingness, along with my other clone, as I unstiffened from my true hiding place, performing handsigns, feeling a change, before slyly hiding amongst the ruble that now surrounded the area with other dead bodies. The other explosion was usless, she was nowhere near there. She laid still, undetected as she waited, kantana still in hand. One thing she was taught, never let go of your weapon, and she made sure to live up to it. She performed anotehr handsign, which was concealed by all the ruble. She processed his attack and strategy he ahd used, remebering it for future refrence.

Now she detected him, and he had no clue where she was. She carefully concealed herself among not only ruble but by the shadows, stiffening and examining the territory nearby, noticing he couldnt be anywhere and see her. However, her eyes were set on him as she waited patiently for his next move.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sun May 17, 2009 1:37 pm

The moon is still up and the stars still shining in the night. Tenchi doesn't see Nasamea hummm she's a smart witch isn't she? Tenchi looks at the devistation on the ground eventhough there is no bodies Tenchi still looks at all the destruction he has caused. His muscles are still loose as he looks at Kizu in his hands i wonder when this will be over Tenchi looks at the ruble on the ground knowing she is probably using that to conceal herself from me because there is nothing else around. Tenchi throws what left of ninja suppies Tenchi has left at the ground (around 5 kunai and 5 shuriken) and uses one gust of wind from wind palms to speed up the kunai and scatter most of the rubble on the ground.

When Tenchi does that he leaps down from his hiding place in a tree and falls to the ground be aware what is all around him. As the wind hits the rubble is mostly scatter and any hidding places are lost.

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Nasamea Sun May 17, 2009 1:51 pm

Nasamea feels the wind pick up, 'he found me' she thought before using a final substitution to disappear and reappear elsewhere.
The other makes her move as she comes down in front of you, waiting for your attack. Because of this and not knowing of my clones*, you were distracted by 'me' suddenly dropping down from out of nowhere, expecting me to be in the rubble. At this, I spot you from elsewhere and move silently, using the wind as my advantage as well as the clone. With that, I draw my blade and suddenly you feel the metal pierce straight through your heart as I stand at the ready for any tricks you may have up your sleeve.

*(cause you didn't so don't play it off that you did, my hand signs were concealed by the rubble)

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Tenchi still looking Empty Re: Tenchi still looking

Post by Dean Sun May 17, 2009 2:06 pm

As the blade nears Tenchi it blows away from Tenchi's body and lunches her with it into a wall sense she was prepared for the kill and rushed in. As this happens Tenchi trusst his hand at her it knocks the wind our of her and increases the speed Nasamea flies to the wall. Tenchi hears some of her bones crack."You didn't think i didn't know you would try to do that? I did this on purpose just to draw you out." Tenchi said with a snear. Sweat appears on Tenchi's head from exurting such a trumendous wind sheild doing Tenchi's last wind palm. Tenchi starts to pant.

"This fight is over! I say I win! I may have used alot of chakra but you are in more of a critical condition with those broken bones" Tenchi said as he did handsigns and disappeared into the village somewhere else while a log took his place. (wind+wind= very fast wind and into a wall would break weak-moderate bones expecially)

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