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Bleach Empty Bleach

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat May 09, 2009 8:41 pm

Name: Shikyo Nokutisu

Age: 1845

Visual age: 22

Division: Once in 2nd Division a millenia back now

Appearance: Bleach Omoi-69eb20. Sorry about the Naruto appearance but I saw that his facial appearance fits this character perfectly. He does, however, wear a black headband and wears the ninja/shinigami attire that is like the 2nd divisions assasination squads

Personality: On the outer appearance, he seems to be cold, stotic, un-attached, unemotional and very desensitize to everything around him. After living to be at such age, his experience in battle, and his thoughts upon life, he has taken his outer appearance to hide the true feelings he has that dwell inside of him for showing his inner feelings shows weakness among his enemies. His inner appearance, he is thoughtful, extremely cunning, but peace-loving, friendly, subtle and shy at times, he has been at time have a simular personality to that of Kisuke Urahara. In battle, he prefers to use his head before using his powers, he holds his powers back in order to see if his intelligence and wisdom can be of use before he resorts to power. A anaylitcal person who see things through before taking upon action.


Birth and Childhood years: A cold arguious night that lone summer evening. The time was about 11:54 in the house of the Shikyo family, the winds that collided with the family castle made the people inside worry that the occuring storm will take till the next morn before it past. The known family who was present in the castle Shikyo Kyouko and Shikyo Meiyo, the recently married couple who had been in the beginning years of the Gotei 13. Kyouko, the leader of the Shikyo clan, a wise and intelligent man who was the captain of the 2nd Squadron and also the first shinigami to be called the "God of Flash" met the lovely and beauty Meiyo (nicknamed Mei), who was also in the same squadron, only she was in a special assassination squad. They were undeniably in love when the two met during a meeting with the captain, vice captain and the little assassination groups that were in the squad. One night, a special night....the young child was conceived during a time of love and passion. The family frowned down upon the desicion of the leader but Kyouko made it so that they were set to be married. It was not long before they were a married couple and were on there way to a live of happiness and glee....or so they thought.

It was 11:57, for about nine hours or so, Meiyo was in labor with her child. The women and the medical staff inside of the room. The medical staff were absolutely baffled by this pregnancy, all this time the type of suppressors that were suppose to douse the pain for Meiyo was strong enough to take down 10 men, but she was still in immense pain. That was one of the issues, another issue was the amount of spiritual energy that was pouring out of her womb, it was powerful enough to, at times, push the medical staff and the women back towards the walls. Meiyo cries out constantly, asking, praying for her baby to be well and that she will be alive during this whole entire fiasco of events. Finally, and exactly at 12:00 midnight, the young baby that has been causing the medical staff and the servant women to be in such a mess finally comes out of the women....but not in tears like a typical child should be, the baby had made a big yawn coming into this world and looks at the doctors, clear eye and all. The medical staff was astounded, the baby was alive and well and the mother was completely tired and was fast asleep, the drugs were now taking effect on her. They were surprise to see that she was alive for the amount of blood and energy that was wasted, could had practically killed her, apparently this baby had saved her life rather than take it. One of the team of medical staff workers walks out of the room towards Kyouko. Wiping the sweat off his face, he informs Kyouko that he has a new baby son. His reaction was not typical as some newfound parents would be. He smiled and walks by the doctor, patting his shoulder as he walks into the room where his lover.....and experimentation was at. He sees her on the bed, sleeping away as the servant women lay the newborn baby into a cradle. His cries were soft and were unheard and as he laid in the cradle, he was fast asleep. Kyouko tells to the women to return back to there orginal positions. They leave the room and leave Kyouko and Meiyo alone. Kyouko walks to the baby and a evil and sunning smirk comes on his face saying "I cant believe it worked.....after all of experimentation worked......and my lover fell for it......". He looks at the baby and whispers in his ear "Your name.....Nokutisu.....Nokutisu Shikyo....(Death through the Night)....." he kisses the baby cheeks and walks away seeing that his greatest achievement be born come to life

Nokutisu, at the ages of two through sixteen in soul society years, began to show his more keen personality traits and his intelligence towards his family members that even Kyouko was surprised to witness through his lifetime. Kyouko, being a scientist and researcher, was a very anaylical person to begin with. He wanted to start his child off at a high level before he went into the training for the soul society. Being the father of anaylist and strategy, he was also very stern and at times cold hearted towards Nokutisu during his training and Kyouko's training was nothing to messed with. A day with Kyouko was a living nightmare for anyone or anything that could even handle it, even though Nokutisu was his son, he still considered him a experiment and far away from the loving son. Kyouko would always and no matter what incident train Nokutisu in every mental excerise there was at the time for him. Whether it was shogi, go, puzzle games, things that dealt with logical-mathmetical intelligence, spatial intelligence, and kinstetic intelligence, plans to fight hollows at direct spots and which shinigami to use in battle that would help the 2nd division. At one time, at the age of 12 there was a complex computer cod scrambler sequence that the 12th division had that was considered to be the highest of the highs when it came to information technology. Kyouko came to a bet that the computer could not beat his son when it came to information. The 12th division captain took on that challenge only to lose to the boy. The computer only lost by a fraction to the toddler child Nokutisu. It was unknown, at the moment, as to why this child was able to perform such mental task at that ungodly level. Kyouko never revealed to them the secret.

Out of the mental training that Kyouko gave upon his son during his time as the 2nd division captain, the physical training was much more intense than the mental training due to the cruel and unusual nature Kyouko had for his son. Because Kyouko believe that every aspect of the body has to be perfected, physically, mentally and spiritually and physical was probably, in how he saw, the most important part of the three. Kyouko, from sun up, to sundown, train the little Nokutisu to his limits and possibly beyond that. Kyouko trained him specifically in shunpo and hand-hand combat mutliple times through the years, learning different styles and different techniques from the Shikyo's clans vast collection of styles. He would train him mercilessly through the rough terrains of the soul society, putting him through hell by placing in him the most extreme cases scenarios, such as leaving him in the forest where hollows, at times, were to attack shinigami. Although at first Nokutisu was frighten by these many horrified things but there was nothing in his power he could do about it. If he were to run away, his father would beat him and place in a more stressful and dangerous position than he once was before. His father mercilessly demeaned him and made him feel as though he was at times, a dog. This transformed Nokutisu's life intially, making him seem lonely and distance from anyone else. He was very quiet and shy towards the family members that lived in the household. The Shikyo family, although knowingly had the suspicion that Kyouko was truly making this child a machine and monster, ignored the fact due to Kyouko being the head and leader of the clan. They did not once make a move to protect Nokutisu from his father. But also, they were terrified of Nokutisu. They knew that this boy was a monster, a demon child that was spew from the grounds of hades themselves, or so the Shikyo family members thought of him. They avoided him, treated him poorly and demean him as well. Nokutisu, a boy who is shy and was at times very soft-spoken, would usually not say anything back or even try to defend himself, he took every demeaning word and took them to heart. It affected him very much as a young child and he felt as though no one could ever love him The only person that ever loved him the most was his mother. She would try desperately to keep in touch with his son but Kyouko would send her on tedious and dangerous missions so he could continue to train him. Even when she could see her son, she was at times sick and disabled due her tired body. But no matter what situation she was in, both Nokutisu and Meiyo would do things together regardless of her condition. Nokutisu would take care of his mother until she got well, cook food for her, at times cloth his mother. There time together was only short lived as Kyouko saw the attach Nokutisu had for Meiyo. Kyouko wanted Nokutisu a monster not a loved child, so in terms he had Meiyo disposed of by sending her to a assignment to get rid of a group of hollows when she was in her weakest state. She never came back that day. Nokutisu, now devasted, alone and deprived of anyone, had nothing else for himself or anyone else. He was depressed and almost suicidal....

Shinigami academy arc and beginning shinigami years: Although suicidal and a maniac depressent, Kyouko sent Nokutisu to the academy. Hand-to-hand combat and shunpo was not going to help Kyouko's plan in anyway whatsoever if Nokutisu is suppose to be involved in it. He would have to learn how to use a zanpaktou, find a proper blade that will help him succeed in it and have much knowledge in kido and just teaching him through his training would not be enough. Nokutisu, although reluctant at first, begins his first day at the academy. It was an odd scene for him really, he was not use to all the people. The hussle and bussle of the academy students life was much more different than his solemn and lone in his home. He was actually....happy. For once, he could be with other people whether they like him or not, he was happy and very excited to be around people but he never truly showed it to anyone. As such, he began his new life off with making new friends, well try to anyways. They all knew that he was from the Shikyo family, the renowned family for their treachours deeds and their speed. They feared that he would try to recruit them into the family for there business as before, they were known for finding academy shinigami's and graduated shinigami's and use them as hired goons and for return they gave them the best finest housing, clothing, foods, women, men, whatever they wanted the Shikyo clan would give them but usually that was short lived for those new shinigami graduates would die as soon after due to their illegal activities. The academy students did not want to have anything to do with him. During parts of his time in the academy, he was mostly alone. He would dare not to speak unless he was answering a question and when he did speak, it was soft-spoken almost and he would usually have to repeat himself. Because of extreme intelligence range that he had, he would always answer his questions right. During the training excerises, he would at all times, exceed to the highest degree in hand to hand and shunpo. Even when learning kido and kendo, he could easily perform such task without an hassle The students were very jealous of him There were only a few people that actually befriended him were Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryūsai, a teacher there at the academy who saw the powers and potential Nokutisu had dwelled inside of him and both Shunsui Kyōraku and Jūshirō Ukitake. Yamamoto, the stern yet father-like figure he was, reached out to Nokutisu during his time in the academy. Yamamoto would at times teach him about the understanding of people here in the soul society, the human realm, the hollows and more wisdom needed to survive in this world. He knew about Nokutisu situation with his father, the 2nd Division capatin and he always knew about the unusual training methods. He saw the results of Kyouko's son from those horrific training episodes. Nokutisu was always fascinated by the wisdom and intelligence Yamamoto had and knew and he always thought of him as a second father, if not his first father. With the other two friends that he had Jushiro and Shunsui, he would develop his second, most definte attribute. His calm and cool behavior. He knew the habits of Shunsui, he was always chasing after the girls around the academy. No matter what behavior that he showed to him, both in public and private, Shunsui would always convince Nokutisu to join him in his cause. Always reluctant, he joins not to hang out for Shunsui, but to be his back up guy as to if anything were to go wrong, he would be there to back up Shunsui in any situation given. With Jushiro, it was more of a good friends basis. Nokutisu was usually around Jushiro when people in the academy saw them. At times, he would go and try to help Jushiro with his artistic ability, and mostly at times failing because Jushiro would usually lack such canny abilities, but nevertheless it was always enjoyable. After spending a few years in the academy, exceeding all of the requirements, he passed with his class.

After the graduation cermony and the event of that past, he was assign to go into a division. His first pick was to go into the 12th division as his skills in intelligence and wisdom was very high and he would be most likely be a researcher and hopefully the captain. However, the captain at the time did not want the young and inspiring Nokutisu to come into the division.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Bleach Empty Re: Bleach

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 24, 2009 6:15 pm

The 12th division captain had resentment towards the 2nd division captain due to his inhumane experiment he dealt with his son and possibly killing his wife. Although he had nothing against Nokutisu as a sense of personal affairs, he was more terrified of the 2nd captain coming over to kill him so Nokutisu would obtain his position as 12th captain. Nokutisu 'transcript' so to say, was being transferred all around the divisions to see whether he could be placed in a good division. Nokutisu had time really, he was not really in a rush to join a division cause he wanted to train himself more in order to rise through the ranks with ease. He was already masterful in the arts of shunpo and hand to hand, kido was something he liked but was not a true interest, no Nokutisu true focus was his zanpaktou. During his time in as a academy shinigami, he was given his zanpaktou, which was recieved by Yamamoto himself. It was a very delicate and probably a beautiful piece of zanpaktou's truely. The blade itself gave off a bluish glimmer that sparkled at day and night, not matter what the cause was. The hilt of the blade was black with a blue-like ribbon wrapped around it to which at the edge of the blade was the ribbon tied together and it longated itself outward which was half the length of the blade. The guard had the appearance of the circle and in the middle of the circle was the kanji sign of "jin". During his time as a academy student and a graduate, he train unmercilessly with his blade from long hours in the day and the night. At times he would due strictly sword conditionings, from day in and day out. At times, he would almost fall asleep in class because of his exhaustion of his sword conditioning and his regular condition. His conditioning was complex and hard, he woke up each and every morning to mediate, he would always clear his mind before anything else in the morning. He would then do 5 set of 1000 push ups and 5 set of 1000 sit up in a two hour time period. When he got done, he made sure he had nutrious breakfast and lunch which consist of fruits, vegetables, beans and soy. When he was done with his time at the academy he would pratice his shunpo and running skills for five hours then he practice his arts in hand-to-hand combat. Then he would mediate again before doing it again the next day. This was his life during and after his days as an academy shinigami, reason being was his strict regiments as a child made his mind strict on things, he was still not use of living it up abit unlike his friend Shunsui, who was a womanizer and a drinker.

During his time off out as a graduate and one day during his strict mediation training, he was then enlighten by the blade in which he was fond to. It was a warm day and Nokutisu had travelled over to a spot in the soul society that was completely isolated from those from the serietei. It was a large waterfall peak, the waterfall was more than 35 feet off from the pool area in which he would, at times, practice his kido and shunpo. He was sitting in a cave that was underneath the waterfall, the rushing of the water flowed downward made the cave echo like the waterfall. Nokutisu was wearing nothing but his lower side of his shinigami robe and a black bandana that he ties around his head. His body was soaked with water and was beat up from the immense training he was doing. His body was aching but he sat there in a mediatation stance, with his hands closed together and his eyes closed. He began to concentrate on the mere fact of the day, his past, his present and his probable future. It was not everyday that he could come to this isolated spot to actually mediate and train. He always wanted to during his time at the academy but he never had the chance due to the longated days and the heavy training he did close to home. This actually helped him focus on the matters at hand. He was so focus that nothing was able to move his body, that of course until a blue glimmer of light that a shine in the corner of Nokutisu's eye made him open them. He looks over and see's what he describes "the most beautiful and yet powerful presence" he has ever seen. It was a small blue bird, in which cased it looked like a phoniex of some sort. It had different shades of blue, both regular, sky, ocean, dark, light and many other blues that Nokutisu could not describe. Nokutisu stands up and walks over to the bird. The bird spreads its wings, which made Nokutisu stop where he was at and back himself up. He did not know what it as until he examine the area in which he stood at. He realize that his blade was shining a simular color to that of the phoniex. He then picks up his zanpaktou and looks back over to the phoniex

"Are you......the zanpaktou....?" Nokutisu said in a concerning and questioned voice.

"Yes, I am" the phoniex said. It was a womans voice but it was soothing and calm, which made Nokutisu suddenly relax and tranquil. The phoniex than flew up in the air and began to soar around the top of Nokutisu's head "I've been waiting for you, Nokutisu, waiting for years for you release me and find me've been stalling *a slight chuckle*, I wonder if you truly deserve me as my power will help lend you in all battles. You've been using me around like a regular blade for over 20 years now, why dont you want to use me as I am rather than a blunt tool?"

Nokutisu lowers his eyes and head "You are right, I do not deserve the right to even hold you in my hand, I've been trying to use you like a weapon whereas we both come together as one. I am truly sorry and I cannot not ask for your forgiveness and I wish that we can do this all over again, if only I can let us become one with each other...."

"We can, young Nokutisu, if you wish it to happen then let it happen. I am your zanpaktou and you are my use, if you wish to become one with each other than you must learn to accept yourself as a whole rather than you understand me?"

Nokutisu sighes "I wish I do, but maybe you can teach me, im always willing to learn...."

The phoniex smiled "Well then, if you are willing to learn, then I am willing to teach you the skills I can give.....let us train together as one...." her body began to brighten up the entire cave a bluish tint " shall we begin?"

"Yes" Nokutisu answered "But I must ask, what is your name...I wish to know...."

"Its Chinseikyuui, but I like to be called Rihatsu at times.....if such please call me Rihatsu...."

"Chinseikyuui, Rihatsu, those are beautiful names"

In an instant, the blue phoniex had disappeared. The cave went back to its dim and almost dark appearance. Nokutisu looks at his blade and saw that it was glowing very blue. He raises the blade towards him and closes his eyes. He could sense the power reminating from the blade and could feel the feelings that Chinseikyuui had. It was a marvelous feeling. He takes a deep breath and lets it out as he opens his eyes and smiles. "Lets go...Rihatsu....."

Time in 2nd Division, Bankai and 700 years time skip:

A 200 time skip has taken place after the events of learning the name of his zanpaktou. Nokutisu after that went to go into the 2nd division squadron, despite the refusal of his father, five other captains recommended him to join his division under regards that the other five captains feared for there lives in the presence of the 2nd division captain. Under heavy reluctance, Kyouko let Nokutisu in besides the fact that he was his son. Nokutisu would had never guessed he would join the 2nd division but he wanted to join the division due to the fact that he wanted to know what happen during his mother and possibly end his father's life. During those 200 years, his desire of hatred and resentment towards his father had increased, so much so that he actually left the house at one time to be off somewhere away from the family. He needed time and space from them, espicially his father. 120 years prior, he found out the facts that it was his own father who lead his mother to her death. There was no autopsy done on the body when they retrieved but the slight signs of her body was that of exhaustion. He knew that she was sick most of her life after she had birth to Nokutisu and now knowing that she died due to the orders of his father made his blood boil. He had all the intentions to go and kill his father, take over the family and start anew. But because their were many flaws to that plan, he had to make many other plans in order to make sure he would be able to sustain balance and order in the family. He knew just killing him would not be as simple, he was one of the renowned and feared man in history. His prowness in shunpo and hand-to-hand was probably the most feared because of their family history. Although Nokutisu could probably compete up to him with power and speed, Kyouko had experience on his side. He went through many things with the 1st division captain Yamamoto prior to his birth so he was in the business way before Nokutisu could ever dream off. He knew he had to gain experience either through any unknown source or joining a division. He was at his wits end before he join the 2nd division, he was about to do some unnesscary things to himself that would lend him power to defeat his father but because he join, he took a halt on that mistake

He was placed in a seat during his place in the 2nd division. He was placed in charged of the assasins of the 2nd squadron. It was unknown what happen to the other seated member that was there before Nokutisu but he suspected that he was killed by his father. Nokutisu was assign the most devious and deadly of most missions that was carried out during his time there. He was the most heinous and probably Nokutisu's most regretted things he has done. One of which was the time extreminations of a certain amount of hollows in the area. The mission was clear, the hollows were considered deadly upon the deadliest, they have taken the hostage of many humans and other shinigami's would were there to investigate and handle the situation. Nokutisu and his team dispatches in to annihlate the hollows in the area. When they arrived in the human realm, they scouted for three days before Nokutisu gave them the order to go in charge. He knew that going in all of the sudden was the suspicions of the hollows at the moment of there arrival. It made it look like it was just a garganta opening upwards and more hollows coming in. That was one of the many thigns that made Nokutisu renowned was for his scouting and spying techniques he taught to his squadron. During the attack that Nokutisu intitated, their was much carnage and blood on both sides. Out of the sixty men that was with Nokutisu during his time, he lost 3/4 of them. Although in the end they defeated the hollows, he lost his men, the other shinigami from other divisions and many humans. It made him feel defeated at the time and he could not cope with that much lost. Although it was apart of his dangerous job, he could not help but to wonder if it was his fault for all the lost of life in that battle. This actually inspired him to train for his bankai as he wanted to protect them. He knew his skills of shunpo and hand to hand was beyond that of superior but he wanted to protect those who were weak as well and he knew that him and Chinseikyuui would be able to do so.

Nokutisu and Chinseikyuui began a bond the moment Chinseikyuui showed her presence
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
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Bleach Empty Re: Bleach

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 24, 2009 9:43 pm

made a tight connection between the both of them. Both of them had simular personalities, both of them were very calm and cool people, nothing really stressed them out at all. Not even situations were the battle seems loss, there calm and cool demeanor made many of the people like him when he leads cause the seated members were usually stressed and loose there temper when they are handling tough and hard situations. Chinseikyuui presence was always known when she appeared. When Nokutisu reveals her to everyone, her beauty and power stuns the opponents and at times, her aura itself can destroy a low-level hollow. This was the power of the blue phoniex, Chinseikyuui Rihatsu, one of the few phoniex type zanpaktou that. She has control over everything that is water and molecules that has a liquid base to it. Whether its water vapor, ice, rain, snow, frost, was there. She was not as effecient as that in ice as most shinigami think but she was powerful enough to handle other ice enemies. Nokutisu did not really rely on her much, despite the strong bond he has with her, during battle, until that battle in which he lost 3/4 of all of his men. He felt that if he did not use her enough to help his fallen comrades and he regrets the loss of them one by one. He suffered from insomina at times from thinking about it. It disturbed him, thinking about how much blood there was on his shoulder. The burden almost destroyed him until Chinseikyuui interfered and suggested that the two of them should learn bankai. She felt it was her fault as well and she took just the amount of blame for it as she should had done in the first place instead of him having to carry all of the burden. Deciding that it was the best for them to train, both Chinsei and Nokutisu went out to train for there bankai

**210 years later**
It was a extremely hot and barren in an unknown place in the soul society. It was simular to the deserts on earth but more so to a another degree that it was impossible for any human to imagine, only a shinigami could experience the intense heat that felt like 100 suns piercing the skin and burning them into nothingness. Nokutisu was on his face lying on the ground , with his face in the deep, deep sand, as he was down from exhaustion. He had never been this exhausted in his life, not when he was a young child. It was like his body was getting pressed down a the biggest pressing mill imaginable that was on his muscles and bones and was getting heavier and heavier. His muscles were extremely sore and in pain, almost like ten thousand needles poking it all at once and continously, he ignored most of the pain but some of it was unbearable. He should be dead by now but instead his body just stopped moving. As he actually reached his limit of potential? He did not believe so, or rather he refused to believe so for he was always push to another limit that he did not have before, but this time.....this time it was much different. It was like both himself and Chinsei could not go any further than that Nokutisu tries to budge his arm over to grab Chinsei, but it was going so slowly over their. He could not believe he had acheive something that was considered to be the most difficult task to handle. It was only 100 years prior that he finally learn how to use his shikai. For repeated days and nights, he trained only in shikai form, he then began to perfect the arts of water and created a new style of fighting that allowed him to use water as an ally. It was then where he started to use water and combine it in hand-to-hand attacks that would later ally him in many different battles. Seeing that he was able to master the shikai form of Chinseikyuui Rihatsu, it was then now time to try and grasp the concept of trying for bankai. He told his father that he was going to train in the wilderness in order to obtain his bankai. Kyouko wish that he did not want to try to obtain such power but Kyouko knew that if his plan, which is still unknown, were to work then he knew that Nokutisu would have to get stronger and stronger in order to accomplish this feeble task. Nokutisu knew that his father would let him train cause he had figured out his plan and knew that he would wanted him to go and train to get smarter cause Kyouko probably thought that Nokutisu did not know about his plan. Nokutisu was then released from his duties as a seated member and was then set to go train in the wilderness. Nokutisu then began to go through the most rigourous training he still believes till this day, was the hardest and the most grueling training in his life. He had never accomplish something like that ever. It was seemingly impossible to try to obtain bankai with such a powerful being. He began to realize that this blade, this zanpaktou, was no ordinary zanpaktou that could just be wield like anything, he began to realize that Chinseikyuui Rihatsu was probably much more difficult than trying to master shunpo in its extreme form. It was much more harder, it was 100 maybe 1000 times harder. he lays their....gasping for life and air, trying to figure out what went wrong

As he grasp upon Chinsei, she began to glow every so purely that it force a smile on Nokutisu face. His other arm began to shake as he struggles to reach over and grab the bottom half of the hilt. On the tip of the blade was Chinseikyuui with her blue and beautiful presence. Her claws was stationary on the tip and Nokutisu looks up to see her. His vision was blurry and he could barely see Chinsei at the tip of her own blade. He tries to reach out

"Ha..have" he barely replies as his voice was dry from the heat and humidity of the area

Chinsei did not respond to his question, instead Chinsei looks into his eyes.....but as to why she was is still a mystery as of now. Nokutisu tries to stare back but his vision began to darken, he could feel his own life slip away, his breath became more shallow, his heartbeat began to slow down....he could hear his own heartbeat which made it all the worst for Nokutisu. He was about to die, all this time he never would had believe that he was going to die. He felt like he has failed everybody, his friends, his comrades who lost there lives, his comrades who are still alive and still wish to follow them. He can see all of there faces with them smiling, cheering him on, hoping that he will suceed and so will they. But the most important person that he felt that he failed the most was his own mother. He knew that if he would die that his plan was just a waste and his father had succeeded in killing his mother. His vision went, this cant be the end of me Nokutisu thought to himself.....he then heard that his heard had stopped and that his body had just shut down. Nokutisu body was lifeless as the dusty and sandy wind blows his body. This was truly the end of Nokutisu Shikyo......

....or was it? Nokutisu now felt like he was floating on top of water, this water felt so refreshing and so pleasant that he felt as though he was in heaven. His eyes were closed but a small smile came upon his face as he feels the water underneath him refresh his body, his mind and his spirit "I havent had a cool and refreshing bath in awhile....this feels really good" he opens his eyes and begins to focus upward into the sky. The sky was clear as blue with a few clouds in the sky, the sun hit his face but it was not hot nor did it irritated him, he actually enjoyed the sun's rays hit his body. It was almost refreshing. He closes his eyes once more before hearing a voice

"Nokutisu........Nokutisu...." a females voice echoed in his mind. Nokutisu opens his eyes and looks around. He then moves his body to see where the voice came from "NOKUTISU" in an instant and all of the sudden, standing on top of the water was Chinseikyuui, she was much bigger the last time Nokutisu saw her. Her wing span and her torso defintely increased majorly, her definte physical appearance has surely change but the one thing that made her so distiguinsh was the bluish colors. It was much beautiful than it was before. Nokutisu jumped

"Ahhh!!!" he moves back and bowed his head as he was in the presents of what he called a goddess. "Ri...Rihat...Rihatsu, i...i dont know...what to say....all I have to say is that....Im sorry, I didnt wish for this to happen, I just....I just cant do it.."

"Silence!!!" her voice rattle the ocean that Nokutisu. The oceans began to become more violent, the sunny skys had disappeared and was now consumed by storm clouds, mutliple storm clouds that covered the entire sky. This was the wrath and anger of Chinseikyuui....her powers were not to be toyed with "YOU NOKUTISU SHIKYO....ARE NOW LIFELESS AND ARE DEAD AT THE FEET OF ME!!!!" her voice made the whole sky go dark, it reverberated all around and it made Nokutisu shiver in fear. He has never been so scared in his life, well in death, before. This was something new, his head was down, he could barely even look into the eyes of his own zanpaktou as he felt he was nothing to her. Her voice then said again "IN ORDER TO OBTAIN BANKAI, YOU RISK YOUR OWN LIVE IN ORDER TO PERTAIN SUCH POWER AND NOW LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!! YOU'VE DESTROYED YOURSELF AND NOW YOU MUST SUFFER....."

Nokutisu still had his head down and his voice became soft spoken "You're right Rihatsu, I did risk my life, I risk everything to obtain power. I did not do it for us, I did it for myself. I realize now, at this moment, that the reason we did not go into bankai was cause I wanted to obtain more power, I wanted it, I did not need it or deserve it. I only wanted power out of anger, lust, and violence not tranquilty as what you represented, I had so much hate and anger inside of me that I realize that it was not worth dying for.....I wish....I only wish I could start anew....I wish....I wish I did not do this for revenge, but for peace....I dont wanna do something that I'll regret in life...I wish for peace!!"

The seas began to settle down, the sky stopped storming and raining. It was calm and peaceful once again. Nokutisu looks up and sees that Chinseikyuui was back to her normal size, or what he percieved to be his nomral, and she has a calm and peaceful look on her face. "This is your resolve.....this is what you had to do in order to obtain the power of had to come to peace with your ownself in order to obtain this could not have any resentment or anger inside of you for my being represents peace and tranquiliy. I see in your heart that you have no longer that rage that you now have tranquility...this is in order for you to complete this, swim are not dead truly just out of commision at the moment my young Nokutisu, swim deep into the depths of this water so you can "die" and be "reborn" once again....hurry, I feel as though darkness is creeping up to consume you..... Behind Chinseikyuui was a presence, a slimy and slippery presence that began to consume the ocean blue. Chinseikyuui looks back seeing it with her own eyes. "Hurry....HURRY!!!!"

Nokutisu ducks underwater and begins to swim, he once saw Chinseikyuui's body now it was all pitch black, he just kept on swimming deeper and deeper, he felt as though he was running out of air but that did not stop him, he moved his arms and kicked his feet further and further into the darkness. Was this truly the end of him? He did not want to die, he had so much to live for, his friends, family, comrades, he wish not to go away and never finish what he started. He needed to go and hurry. He knew that his body was at his limit, but that only made him wanna push further and further until he could not even see where he was swimming off to. Finally a light, a dim but increasing its brightness was revealed to Nokutisu, he swam only faster ignoring the pain, ignoring that he barely had any breath and swam towards that light until he was consumed by it.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" a gasp of air comes from Nokutisu's mouth. He was able to breath again, he pats down his chest as he was now freaking out alittle bit. His breathing was fast but he knew he had to calm down for he did not wanna have to deal with that again. He felt on his clothes, it was all wet and cold. So this experience was not a dream nor a vision, it was reality and Chinseikyuui revealed that to him. Nokutisu stands up, looking around to find his zanpaktou until he realize that it was in his hand. It was much lighter than before, much much lighter. It was like holding a feather. Awhile ago, when he started out on this devastating trip, it was much heavier and only got heavier every year he was out here out of the sereitei. Now it was much lighter, as though it was apart of his arm really. He grasp the blade with two hands and closed his eyes. "I wonder, will this work? Was this just another dream? Or was this truly real? I have to know....." he takes in a deep breath and began to focus. He began to focus on the stake at hand here. He realize now that this is now or never...that this is it. His spirtual pressure began to increase, the area began to shake due to his immense power. He then opens his eyes, his eyes were completely blue. He slides the blade on his hand and swings it downward then cries out


The spirtual pressure shot outwards immensely, his spiritual energy now different shades of blue began to surround him, the area around him began to get more moist, almost as though it was going to rain soon.....and yet it did rain. Raindrops comes falling down from the ,now, blacken cloudly sky. When the spiritual pressure began to cease, the blue aura that once surrounded the zanpaktou, surrounded Nokutisu, only he was much different. A simular outfit to that of the 2nd division assassin robes, his was the color of black and blue. The torso part had a large blue x shape that went down from shoulder to shoulder with black underneath that. His arms were covered in the same robing, the only thing visible was his hands. His lower body, had the same thing only his calves were rapped in some type of blue and black cloth. His head was covered except for his eyes. The eyes were the only thing that could be seen and when his eyes were open, they were completely blue. On his back were large wings that were simular to that of angel wings, they were large probably twice the size of his body. They were completely black and at the tip of it was blue of all different colors. His body felt power and yet calm and peaceful at the same time. He looks at his hands, and makes a tight fist. He looks in the air and feels the rain come down on his body.....he felt at peace
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Bleach Empty Re: Bleach

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 24, 2009 9:44 pm

**1300 years later**
The shinigami of the past seemed to fade away, those who remember Nokutisu seemed to have forgotten him. The second division began to change after Nokutisu had left, more so the people began to change. The once honored and more respected people of that division began to more cynical, deadly, lust-hungry and dweller in shadows. In the 1300 years when Nokutisu had vanish and to train to master his bankai. It was then were he began to grow stronger and stronger through hard work and dedication. Although he had the nesscary skills as a experiment to go faster in training, he decided to hold that power back and go through it the more natural way. He rather train and earn it honorably than through what Nokutisu called "cheating". Travelling he began to become more knowledgable of the entire world of the shinigami, he began to travel to deep reaches unknown to sereitei or anyone to the Gotei 13. He experience much more with hollows, humans, shinigami's and even arrancars in which he rarely see's now a days. It was interesting to Nokutisu how he dealt with things of that sort but he began to see the change in the shinigami the most. The shinigami had changed its rules, its morales, and more importantly its respect. Nokutisu, now much older and much wiser than he was before hand, had heard about the serietei being more liberal than it was in the olden days. It has been exactly 1300 years ever since he had finally reached the power and level of "bankai" with his Chinseikyuui Rihatsu. It was then where he started to venture out and continue his quest of peace and tranquility, all the while training his body to its points at all times. He never stop his old habits, it was like he was computer, he can continue to do the most tedious Sitting on top of a tree branch waving his legs back and forth as it swung away, he began to think about how he missed the serietei, he missed being in there to protect the people that believe in him. He missed those days in which he was looked up upon. He could just go back and adventure back in, hopefully they could give him a spot back

"*sigh* easier said then done, I wish I could just go back and just hopefully get a seat back in division two, man wouldnt that be awesome....but I kinda like it back here, you know more peaceful, dont have to worry about things and such and just *takes a deep breath and sighes*. But then again, I do wish to do something for the sereitei, I did promise that I would return one know what, Rihatsu?"

"What is it, Nokutisu" her voice protrayed outward from the blade. When Nokutisu and Chinseikyuui obtain bankai, she began to come more and more in tune with Nokutisu. When Nokutisu was in battle and he was fighting usually with hand to hand, she would be able to anaylze that opponents strengths and weakness during the battle. Even without Nokutisu touching or even holding the blade, they were both in tune. "Why did you wake me up? *yaaawnnss* im very sleepy"

"Oh please, you should be rested, I rarely use you, ya know?"

"True but you still pratice with me in both shikai and bankai forms, it gets tedious and oh so tiring after awhile"

"Sorry...hey what do you think of this idea?"

"What idea?"

"Of us going back to the know hang out there, maybe try to gain a seat back or even try to gain captain status.....what do you say eh?" he said with a cheery smile on his face. Chinseikyuui sighed as though it was a bothersome to think at the moment

"Well....I guess we could, I mean we have been out and about for awhile, we havent even said hi to your family.....I mean, shouldnt you at least see how your family is doing?"

"eh...I suppose, I mean my family never really cared all that much about me anyways. The were always fearful of me, called me demon and would demean me to a point of lowliness. I mean, why should I visit the people who've done that to me. They probably dont even miss me and probably dont even care whether or not I've been missing or not" Nokutisu said in a harsh tone.

"Regardless, Nokutisu, they are still your family and no matter how they treated you, they are family...."

Nokutisu sighed as he knew it was pointless of him to try and even argue with her. He knew that arguing with Chinseikyuui was simular to arguing with a computer, it was completely pointless. He smiled and scratched his head "Alright, fine, I suppose we can do that when we go visit but for now, we go to the Gotei 13 and see what they can give us, eh?"

They both agreed, Nokutisu jumps down from the tree. His appearance and attire was truly of that of a wanderer. He had a grey cloak that covered his body when he was walking and moved away revealing his sword and appearance when he was fighting, running or using shunpo. He appeared scraggy and almost dirty to be honest. He tried to clean himself up but as a wanderer their were not many stores that could freshen him up. In his mouth was a piece of straw that he could chew continously due to his odd obsession of chewing things. He begins to run forward, off into the distance at extreme high speeds. The dust that was leaving a trail behind him made him feel free and whimscle as he runs in the forest. Finally he then perform shunpo, only to appear at the gates in a matter of mileseconds. He catches himself cause he almost slipped on something slippery their. He looks up and see's the large gate that lead into the sereitei. He whistles as the great achievement. He was going to act ignorant really at this moment. He knew he could actually go through the procedure and get into his way through the Gotei 13, but he wanted to see whether or not these new generation will be able to surpass one of the eldest generation. He needed first to cause commotion at the gate so they would have acknowledge him at first. The gate guardian he did not see for some reason, but thats probably because he was resting or taking a break. Regardless, he needed to cause some commotion.

"Well.." Nokutisu replied with a lazy smile "here we go..." he tighten his right fist and winds back a bit. His legs gets into a stance. The amount of power and force into this punch would not be able to knock the door down but it would be able to make a loud enough sound so that everyone would be able to hear it. As he was about to make contact with the door, he stops......he was know surrounded by many zanpaktou's, many of which were from the 11th division. Their swords were all pointed at him, hundreds of them. They showed up in the knick of time, otherwise he would've made a loud commotion. He brings his fist back into his cloak and puts his head down. The shinigami waited there until their captain arrived. Nokutisu raises his hands up as a admitance of surrender. He did not want to cause pain among the people cause one, they were weak. The last thing he wants is for him to punch people straight in the face or use any of his martial arts to handle these shinigami. Secondly, even if he did have to face them, he would then have to fight the captain. Thats the absolute last thing he wants to do at the moment. He looks up, but does not open his eyes, he uses his middle finger and index finger to make a peace sign "Hey, listen guys, we dont need to go all....ya know....killer on me and stuff. Why dont we put down the blades and..." he touches one of the shinigami's zanpaktou's and all of them shouted at him at once, cursing and swearing up a storm. Nokutisu did not know whether to just curdle up or laugh at them, but he had a blank expression on his face. "Ok, well how bout this, why dont you just take me the captains eh? I'm actually a long time seated member for the house of the second division. I wish to speak with the captains as to regard of me being seated back into any division"

"And why should we let you, punk? we should just cut you up into ribbons"

" could do that.....but I rather promote peace than war....Im not in the mood to fight at the moment and besides..." he pulls out an old 2nd division logo out of his cloak and reveals it to them. All of them zoom in on it. "So how bout this....we come to an agreement yes?"

*In the courtroom of the 46 council members*

Before the event that is about to take place now, Nokutisu convinced the hundreds of shinigami who stopped him to take him to the captains. Although at first they were quite reluctant to do so at first, Nokutisu changed his persona to a friendly more agreemble person than his usually quite and calm self so that they would be easily convinced. Finally after sucking up to them, he finally made in contact with the thirteen captains, well for the most of them....there were a few short of captains. It was a great deal of chaos during the times when Nokutisu was gone and about, he found out during his meeting with the captains that his father had died and passed away 600 years back. His family, the whole entire Shikyo family, had disappeared. That made Nokutisu just alittle suspcious of that accusation, that they just left and disappeared. Nokutisu came to the conclusion that the Gotei 13 was getting closer and closer to the actions of the Shikyo family and found out about the illegal activity they perform. For that, they used the divisions to invade and take in the family members, have them killed for there treachery and in the end finished his father off. His father died without even knowing what happen to his son nor did his plan ever took off. In this case, it actually sadden Nokutisu cause he never got a chance to actually say goodbye and tell him that he was at peace with himself and forgave his father. Nevertheless, he could not dwell the past for the present and the future was at stake here. He wanted to bring back order and structure in the Gotei 13. He insisted that he would try to become a captain and plead his case to the the Court.

Nokutisu stands in the middle of the large area in which the 46 members were looking upon him, talking among each other as to why this person is standing amonst them and as to why he wanted to adjoin together them to help the Gotei 13. One of the head members grabs his gavel and slams on the wood in which the meeting was assempled. Nokutisu clears his throat as he was waiting for what might be in store for him when he presents his case.

"Nokutisu Shikyo, son of Kyouko and Meiyo Shikyo to the Shikyo clan has sentence us here to today so that he can make a case among us, Nokutisu, the floor is yours"

"Thank you, high concil member. Well I've been keeping my eyes and ears aware as to the many things that has happen for the past 1300 years. I've heard that the Gotei 13 has been in a sort of dysfunctional disarray and I wish to come in to bring peace and tranquility among them. Although I was a seated member almost 1600 years and have dealth with dangerous assignments, I do have much experience as to leadership for any division that is available. The more notable is division two. I wish to take that position and make sure there is some type of balance before anything else goes on in the Gotei 13"

"We can agree upon that, the Gotei 13 has been in disarray and in chaos for awhile now. We've kept it in the dark for some time now and it has occured to us that this situation is best at hands with someone of your stature. However....seeing that a man of your stature has left the sereitei, why should we even let you into the Gotei 13"

"Well, my reasons for leaving was to help myself get stronger, I wanted to cast revenge on my father, to be honest. I wanted to kill him for what he has done our family, my life and my mothers life in particular. If any of you knew how I felt upon that, you've would had understand the amount of pain and suffering I was going through. In short, I could not stay here for that pain" the hall began to quietly chatter amongst themselves as to hearing him say that. Nokutisu cleared his voice again "But while living out there in the between realms of the human realm, soul society and at times the desert of hollows, I've come to terms with that pain, I've made peace with myself and I've achieve many things that some shinigami's would dream to obtain" this is where Nokutisu time to shine. He grabs on to Chinseikyuui and takes the blade out. People that remember that blade hold the legend to heart about the blue phoniex, the Chinseikyuui, and its legendary calm attributes. It was the complete opposite to that of fire and flames. They stare at amuzement as to whether or not Nokutisu was about to perform something. Nokutisu closes his eyes and places his zanpaktou into the sheath where he got into a battojutsu stance and said

"Tranquil the universe with your everlasting flames.....ban....kai...." his voice echoed and his body began to go through the transformation of his bankai. The room began to shine brightly of different shades of blue for a brief moment. The council members were blinded at first but until there eyes adjusted, they look at him with astoundment. They say the form of bankai for Nokutisu. They sat there in amazement as to see someone master that blade. Some of them had to stand up. Nokutisu then says "Chinseikyuui Rihatsu" as to her full name when he was in bankai. The council members then began to discuss among themselves as to whether or not he was worthy to become captain. The head council member slams his gavel again to bring order into the courtroom. It was then when he decided himself, and from overhearing what the 46 members had to agree with, told Nokutisu that because of his skills and his experience and his use of being able to accomplish bankai, he was awarded the division two captain title.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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