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Seidonu Zommari

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Seidonu Zommari Empty Seidonu Zommari

Post by WTFlash Wed May 06, 2009 7:14 pm

Name: Seidonu (Sinic) Zommari

Age: 26

Bloodline: Known as the Brujeria, this is a form of body control Kkg. Via 'Medical Ninjutsu', one can manipulate and change, sometimes perminantly, the condition of ones body. Any aspect of the body can be controled, manipulated, and maintained. This is possible by tapping into and gaining some level of control over systems of the body that normal living peoples are more than often ignorant to. One cannot however 'grow' new parts of the body, only heal or complete existing parts of the body with these processes.
Rank: Jounin
Classification: S-rank
Village: Kirigakure
Alignment: Neutral

Appearance:Seidonu Zommari Blackguys
Seidonu Zommari Blackguystance

Personality: Most of the time he has a very dry and quiet attitude. Most all of his thoughts are kept inside of his own head. While considering himself a humble and down to earth person, he has a repressed 'God' complex, in which he thinks that he is close to becoming a perfect being. He is often quick to judge others by their actions and first impressions, however is also willing to give people a chance to prove him wrong, considering it a challenge. The self proclaimed fastest shinobi in Kirigakure, he never starts fights, but is quick to be the one to step in and end them.

History: Unlike many, Sinic was originally raised by two mothers. A pair of twins, both elderly, that had taken him in from an otherwise unknown orgin. They had always told him that they had saved im from the brink of death, when his own family left him in the mountains Kumogakure. The twins were VERY elderly, however, having lived for about 400 years. The twins went by the title 'Kotake' and 'Koume' and were considered witches of their day, before ninjutsu became common. It was their goal that was passed on to Sinic. The two, even when he was little, would use him as a sort of test subject for their many attempts to form techniques for immortality. They called this 'play time' for him when he was little, and as he aged, they told him more about himself and his abilities.

The story was short, and never had a beginning or ending. Apparently, he was from a clan of rivaling power, known as the 'Zommari' and between them, their was a race to obtain immortality with the witchcraft now known as 'medical ninjutsu'. They could attempt many tests on him, that other humans simply wouldn't be able to survive in the case of an accident or failure, and though he was well cared for, he was also horribly mistreated as a sort of medical tool or research lab rat. He never really developed any sort of childhood psychology, and as a result, by the age of ten, was very quiet and cold.

It came to the attention of the twins, that their experimenting would soon have to come to an end, as their attempts to keep themselves alive grew less and less effective. Eventually they would both die simply of old age. Thus, they turned their attention to Sinic, and began planting the seed of their goal within him. They admitted that they were going to make him the perfect being, and that it was their lifes work to do so. Of course this was a bold lie, but the secluded Sinic was too naive to know anything less then the words that were spoken to him. They enrolled him in Kirigakure, as an academy student, where he would have the oppertunity to grow into a shinobi, to insure that their 'greatest work' would be able to survie when they both died.

The watched over his progress from the shadows, planning out his life as an Academy student. He mastered the techniques that were taught only a weeks time after they were demonstrated. He was considered the most advanced students to ever walk thought the doors of the academy, however this was only a result of the many experiments and enhancements his serogate mothers had implanted within him. They had literally 'created' a genius from a normal child.

It was also found that he had a ridiculous bank of chakra and abnormal speed. He was promoted to Genin without the need for the test. At the age of eleven, the twin began to teach him the basic techniques in their 'witchcraft'. It was only a year later, at tweleve, that the boy was promoted to chunnin, considered one of the most brilliant of ninja. Like a machine, he carried out orders and missions to the fullest extent of their purpose; making hard decisions based on their ability to successfully complete missions. For him, the only person that wasn't expendable, was himself.

The twins were over joyed with his 'attitude'. They knew that if he was to carry on their dreams and legacy that he would have to be completely independent of every other individual and do things according to his own interests. They had actually grown attatched to their 'project' and thus pushed for further results in his development. For a time he disappeared from the shinobi community as they pulled him aside to train him personally. His goal oriented disposition served him well as he was able to master more and more difficult medical ninjutsu. However, these weren't all meant for healing others, these personal medical ninjutsu were made with the purpose of manipulating and maintaining the self with powerful and handy supplementary effects. Mastery of the Self.

At the age of 17, before the death of the twins, they taught him the fruit of their labor, a technique called the 'imperfect immortality technique' which he was given the task of completing. Koume passed away three weeks after him turning 17, and Kotake a week later. This was a major turning poing in his life.

For once, he wasn't under the order or control of anyone and for once could think for himself. He became very curious about the endevours of the mind, and began researching psychology, anthopology, and socialogy, as a form of 'mental mastery'. They all were filled with half facts and opinions, where everything was observed and never actually 'practiced' as a form of control. It was so compelling, that he journeyed away, to Kumogakure, where it was said he was found, in order to trace his roots.

At the age of 20, he found nothing about himself, and little word on his clan or family. Assuming the worst, he planned for home, considering the mission a failure, however stumbled upon a temple hidden away in a valley of the great mountains of kumogakure. There, after searching for answers, he impulsivley decided to stay until he found some sort of mental stability. Training in many meditative and physically demanding arts, he grew and lived with the monks, where he devoted himself for a good four years.

During this four year period, he was taught that the world around him was inevitably linked with himself, and thus the world around him. It was an idea that the isolation of his childhood years rejected, and though he learned and excepted these ideas of peace and tranquility amungst men, he decided that his purpose, or rather the purpose that was given to him, was to rise above it all; to no longer be linked to the pain and pleasures of man. More than ever, with a clear mind and goal of his own craft, he set out to find the source of immortality.

He returned home, where he re-registured as a shinobi and took on many missions and tasks. Not only mentally, but also physically superior to any of the chunnin ranks, he was given the title of jounin not but three months after returning to the rain village. However, his hard work for the village was simply a mask, so that his reputaion would be a form of voucher for his more 'dark' exploration into kinjutsu and reverse medical arts.

At the age of twenty six, armed with the knowledge of not only the wisdom of the monks, but also the darkness of human potencial, he continued in the shadow of the shinobi world; playing the role of dependable soldier in public, and researching the many secrets of death in private....

Speciality: Medical Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu
Learned jutsus:*Jutsu App*
Elements: Water(Souton)
Weapons/items: An enchanted blade known as Brujeria.
Goals: To obtain complete and total control over his physical form.


Posts : 28
Points : 46
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-05-03

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Seidonu Zommari Empty Re: Seidonu Zommari

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed May 06, 2009 7:31 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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