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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Okami Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:30 pm

Name:Kyo Okami


Rank:Chunin if allowed

Village:First Earth Country then lived in Konoha and finally lives in lightning country

Appearance:Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Samurai_deeper_kyo_05

Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo 039Demon Eyes

Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo WolflinkTomoe

Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Black_knightsKyoshiro\'s Curse Mark

Personality:As a child Kyo was a grateful, ceerful, and actually hyper. Once his mother died Kyo started going insane until Tsutachi calmed him down. Ever since Kyo has been a calm kind a guy. It takes a lot to make him crack. He can be act kind of cocky, he thinks he can take any one on. Although he acts this way he is loyal and works hard showing 110 effort. Kyo is as well highly intelligent and thinks through quickly even under an intense amount of stress.

Before Birth
Kyo only had a mother his father was killed by konoha ninja. The day Kyo was about to be born he was destined for greatness. The clan knew by the intense chakra level that of a jonin they had there own weapon. The clan decided to seal a powerful demon able to destroy villages with ease the Okami (which is what the clan was named after). Though the clan leader refused, he foresaw hatred in kyo and would end up killing many without using the beast but his eyes were filled with pure evil though it was unclear, after that he saw that there would be a younger brothermore powerful than Kyo.The clan started to seal the was still going to seal Okami but soon they found a problem. Kyo\'s chakra was out of whack and started to slowly disapear he would be lucky to still be alive. The leader told them that Kyo was not fitted to contain beast so the demon is slowly sucking Kyo\'s chakra. Immediately the ninjas stop sealing the demon but by then the Okami already took most of Kyo\'s chakra. With that little chakra even as a child the leader could see that Kyoshiro will never have the ability to use jutsus so the Okami clan had no use for them.

As soon as Tsutachi was born his mother died and it is because of the sealing. The mother could not take it and died, so the clan feared that they would have to get rid of Kyo since no one would want him or could train him. Theclan leader decided to have his assistant take care of him. Although the assistant did not agree at first he finally decided he would like to share his knowledge. When Tsutachi brought him home his wife Suzu was not please to see Kyo.

She didnt want an adopted son so the two had an argument the next night. The argument was loud and in the end Tsutachi told Suzu the decision was final. There was a moment of silence until Kyo woke up crying. Tsutachi walked in to calm him but found a surprise. There was an amazing power and a strange gray aura os chakra. Tsutachi had only one exclaimation, when they started sealing Okami a small amount of power stayed in Kyo. Meaning even if it was a tiny amount the demon was still stronger than any ninja in the Okami clan. Findind this out Tsutachi decided to keep it secret, he couldnt let anyone find out.

Ever since Kyo could walk he started training. At first it was just doing laps around the village and lifting weights or hiking up the largest mountains in the world. After about 2 yrs after his brith he started sparring genin and obviously always lost. The demon hasnt been shown ever since that night but the weird thing is that Kyo still had barely any skill. Remembering what the clan leader said about Kyo killing many he wasnt sure it would happen but it was too early. Another year past and Tsutachi found out his wife was pregnant although Tsutachi was glad Kyo wasnt. The father started sparring with Kyo but was too hard on him. The mother now even glad that she has Kyo and cares deeply about him tried too get Tsutachi too lighten up. Upset about her against his training ways he started having Kyo balance on a thin rope over a lake filled with a poison. With this Kyo\'s potentail started to show.

Finally it was Kyo\'s final test he must stay in the wilderness for one week and come back. there is no help he must bring only a tent, a sword, and his very first wolf ally. Tsutachi took the sword and tent then began to choose one of the five giant wolves. Kyo didnt like any of them so he left saying helll be back. When he was walking down a street he saw a wolf pup running towards him with a chef chasing with a knife. The puppy jumped in Kyoshiro's arms and Kyo ran for it. After that Kyo decided this was his first ally. He brought the puppy back , and the head of the clan started laughing. One of them said."he's a very foolish one\" and his dad asked ."Kyo have i taught you nothing?", because of that Kyo was not very sure of himself but he said.ill name him Tomoe. The next day he left for his test. One week later he came without a scratch and the clan was impressed.

Last edited by Okami on Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:30 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : I wanted to change the name)


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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Kyo Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:34 am

Edited to put history by kaji

Hiroshi\'s Birth
Another 9 months past and Kyo is 4 and he has a new brother, named Hiroshi. Once again the clan started to seal the Okami thbough this time it worked. Although because the sealing worked the mother somehow lived. When the baby came home Kyo stayed far away from him, he felt weird then Kyo felll to the ground unable to get up. His parents didnt even notice and Kyo knew this was the beginning of a terrible life. The next couple weeks Kyo was nearly completely neglected and every time the baby cried and Kyo was around he was blamed. Kyo hated the baby but cared about him a lot at the same time. Knowing that Hiroshi was honored with the Okami Kyo envied him.

The Academy
A little over a year a half past by quickly and Kyo was almost 6. Kyo has grown to really enjoy have a little brother. Kyo played with him and when upset he showed his brother his new techniques. Kyo joined the academy and Hiroshi started training, Hiroshi met all expectations and his father was never more proud in his life. Kyo started getting jealous but just focused on training. At first he was teased at scool for not being able to do jutsus but after a while that all changed.

Every morning at 3:00 Kyo would wake up and train in the mountains. First he\'d hike up extremely large mountains, then he would go to one of the few lakes in the earth country and start walking on water, then use copy man jutsu on Tomoe to transform him to a copy of Kyo and they\'d spar, finally he\'d start practicing the a technique his father created. He\'d do the hand signs then put his hand close to the ground wait a couple minutes, finally he\'d absorb chakra into his hand created a greenish brownish flame around his hand. This was chadora. One day his father wondered where he was so he followed. When Tsutachi found Kyo he watched Kyo train and he couldnt believe his eyes. All this time while Tsutachi trained Hiroshi Kyo trained himself. Once Kyo started practicing chadora and Tsutachi looked at Kyoshiro\'s eyes and saw the Okamigan. It was unbelievable Kyo a 6 yr old had already learn to use chadora. and the okamigan. For the first time Tsutachi was proud so he revealed himself and for the first time called Kyo his son.

That night Kyo didnt stop after hearing those words. He mastered techniques like crazy and then created his own. His brother watched him and encouraged him to keep training. Then next day while Kyo was training some of the genin kids came by, they started saying how worthless he is and that his dad wasnt strong like Kyo tells everyone. While Kyo just ignored them his brother wasnt as calm, Hiroshi ran up and started yelling at how mean he is. The kid in front just grabbed his throut and said\"Hey Kyo look i got your brother by the throat\". Finally Kyo cracked and kicked the kid across the face. Immediately after Kyo made the hand signs and started charging his chadora, with blinding speed Kyo rushed at the kid until...BAM. Tsutachi punched Kyo with unbelevieable power and Kyo went flying.

With that the boys ran off scared and his father said in cold words \"never use that technique again you idiot\". Hearing that Kyo never used even one of the hand signs until one year later.

Demon Eyes Kyo is Unleashed
Kyo was 7 and has still been training but not using chadora. Then when everyone was asleep 100 ninjasncame into the village undetected when suddenly Tsutachi found three of them he used a jutsu to warn everyone. The 60 ninjas were extremely powerful. They killed countless lives and blew up buildings, Hiroshi, Kyo, and Suzu woke up and started running. When they almost escaped 3 of the ninjas found them and the three along with Suzu had an intense battle. Suzu was able to kill one until she stabbed from behind and the stabbed in front the ninjas set there sights on the two kids but they ran up to there dead mother as she fell. As she layed there she was able to say her last words\"Kyo Hiroshi i love both take care of eachother\" and layed there dead.

With that, the small amount of the Okami was unleashed. Kyo\'s hatred building from all these years that was bottled up inside was giving him this power that hows never been witnessed. Instead of his eyes turning yellow fo using the okamigan it instead turned more orange like. The ninjas attaked Hiroshi first and with the balde they swung. Kyo grab both of there arms and with an evil smile kicked the one on the left then jabs the other one sending them flying. Immediately Kyo made the hand signs that he thought he\'d never use. He did the hand signs and focuses an intense amount of chakra in his hand instead it wasnt a regular chadora. Instead of it being green and brown thanks to the Okami\'s chakra the chakra was grey. Kyo with blinding speed rusked at the ninja that he jabbed Kyo killed instantly but he wasnt done Kyo was able to hold the jutsu and redirected the attack on the other ninja. The attack was so quick and so strong that he went right through the ninja. There was an explosion that attracted more ninja Kyo simple grabbed one of the ninjas sword and quickly went around the village killing them there few survivors of the attacking ninjas and many of the clan died. When the clan leader saw those eyes he knew that Kyo had the demons eyes and that in one year Kyo shall die.

Once the attack was over the earth country found out the ninja were after something and that they were from konoha. When Tsutachi told his children Hiroshi didnt understand as much but Kyo wanted revenge. Since Kyo was born hes never felt loss so from then on Kyo has been nothing a little boy depressed feeling like he never wanted to feel this again.

Ever since the day Kyo got the demon eyes his power has been multiplied by 50. He trained and his chakra was more powerful than ever, His speed and strength never stop growing, soon he was genin and he was feared by many. He kept fighting ninja hoping for one day to attack konoha and hopefully kill thousands of people just as those attacked his clan. Soon Kyo was a threat and with those eyes he could do what was predicted.

The Assasination
Tsutachi was ordered into the leader\'s office. The leader told him that the prediction 8 years ago will come true and that if there any hope we will have to kill Kyo. Tsutachi was the one ordered to kill Kyo at first he refused but when the leader tol Tsutachi how Kyo is no longerf the sweet boy he was before and that he could wipe out the whole clan. This time Tsutachi couldnt refuse, it was for the sake of the clan.

That night while Kyo was sleeping Tsutachi drew his blade put it close to Kyo and whispered\"im sorry\" but Tomoe ran in and bit him. Kyo woke to the masked ninja at that moment Kyo started to fight when Tomoe used Wolverine Spiral and Kyo used chadora to finish it. Tsutachi grabbed Kyo\'s arm and threw him, then when he had his chance to kill Kyo he couldnt and Kyo caught it, kicked him away and grabbed mask. When he saw his father\'s face he stopped and asked why. His father explained why and that he didnt have a choice. Even thoughj Kyo was filled with hate he couldnt kill his father instead broke his arms and ran to the office. He killed many of the clan just as told. From. left to right Tsutachi was unstoppable. Hiroshi seeing his brother like this was scared angry and sad at the same time. The one he looked up to most was estroying the ones he cared about. His father ran back to see what was going on. when he gets to the office Kyo was fighting the clan leader but it wasnt Kyo it was the demons human body. More powerful then anything seen the leader stopped the Okami\'s rampage using a forbidden seal to stop Kyo. Even with all this Kyo\'s father begged the leader not to kill Kyo and threatened the leader. With that leader stabbed Tsutachi. Witnessing it Kyo struggled to get up and ran to his father where Tsutachi told the truth. Kyo\'s real mom died when giving birth and his father was actually killed by Konoha. Admitting hat he loved all he could he didnt want this to happen and that it was all his fault saying im sorry. Then Tsutachi closed his eyes with a smile. Blinded with fury Kyo stood up and in an instant killed the leader and ran. He fell unconcious a couple miles ou of the village and slept.

The End Of The Beggining, The Beginning Of A New Start
Kyo was 8 when he left the village and he swore he would wipe out the rest of the okami clan and Konoha. Tsutachi is 15 and he has trained in the Fire country for six years. He never stopped learning and creating jutsus, and killed any challengers. He knew that this was the beginning of his new life.

Life in Konoha
He now entered Konoha disguised with his wolf. He made so called friends and had a sensei just for learning. There he entered the chunin exams with ease. when he did the written test he answered every question without cheating and checked his answer with okamigan. For the second exam he killed animals and people like crazy stealing more scrolls needed and was the first to the tower beating gaara's time. The people in charge were so impressed that they didnt think he needed the preliminaries but he did it anyway beating his opponent slowly torturing him. Finally a month later he won the finals once again easily but he was hoping he wouldnt get a scratch. Winning each of the matches with such skill the people in charge had no choice but to let him be chunin. Then a year later he left again killing people who followed. To travel in search of a powerful master enough to teach him many things. He travels everywhere but nowhere seems to have a good master.

The Curse
During Kyo\'s traveling he ran into a ninja in a black coat. Instantly they fought for a while they were equal in strenght and skill. The ninja was so impressed and he knew that Kyo was looking for a master so he told about to ninjas. The raikage Sanmaru and a powerful ninja Dosuo who has powers that will destroy both of them in a flash and if Kyo kills him Dosuo will end Kyo\'s life. In that moment Kyo was angered and he drew his blade and killed the ninja. When the man fell for a few moments he got and his eyes were glowing. It seemed that he was possesed by Dosuo and for killing his right hand man Kyo was sealed with a curse just by looking with his eyes. With all the pain Kyo started to run while screaming after a while he was in the grass country and fell asleep.

[b]Serach For Sanmaru[b]
Kyo limped walking everywhere asking directions until he was at the lightning country. He felt pain on his chest where the mark was, and he eventually fell asleep. About an hour later Kyo hear noise coming from an area and he felt fine so he decided to check it out. It turns out it was a tournament and Kyo decided to enter, He went up into the finals mainly since the first few matches easy but then he felt the curse mark eating away himself. Kyo was then havinhg trouble since he was facing a powerful jonin. At first Kyo was keeping until his opponent started killling him. Alkthough there was pain and Kyo kept taking punches he wouldnt stop fighting. his enedurance is excellent. Finally Kyo felt a strange power that couldve killed Kyo. So when the mark was taking over until Kyo held it back. Kyo then activating his demon eyes and won the match using his signature technigue wolverine slash. Kyo didnt want to stay for the award so he left. Once he got out of the village he noticed he was bleeding ib many places but luckily he was healing fast. Now that he is in the Lightning Country Kyo plans on looking for Sanmaru get trained and get his vengeance.

Learned jutsus:Okamigan, Wolf Fang Fist, Chadora, Wolf Fang Blast, and Wolf Barrage. Metal jutsus, and Earth jutsus.(Will post the rest)

Weapons & items:Chakra Absorbing Katana:This is a specailty to Okami clan and was created and given by Kyo\'s father

Goals:Get Revenge on Konoha and the Okami Clan

Posts : 392
Points : 206
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2008-11-21

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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Guest Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:46 pm

Ok you are good as is, but if there is any way I coulconvince you to join the Sand that would be great. If not, it doesn't matter. And also If you change the age to 16 and add a little more history about his chunin exam then you can be a chunin.


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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Okami Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:12 pm

k well im already joining the lightning country with L. also ok ill put the chunin exams thanks. but why the sand country just wondering? plus dont worry so far i already have about 19 paragraphs


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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Guest Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:14 pm

Because I am Kazekage, :d. We only have two members in the sand and its kind of retarded you know what I mean. No big though, L is a good option to. I just want members to start joining places other than the leaf.


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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Guest Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:36 pm



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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Okami Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:38 pm

there is the rest


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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:48 pm

Not enough history

jk lol!

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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Okami Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:07 pm



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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:02 pm

please edit your history into your main post.

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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Okami Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:23 pm

i cant when i tried it said my post was too big so i had to put it in a second post


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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:08 pm

ok there i edited it for you Approved

(kyo do not edit your post)

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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Okami Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:55 pm



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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Okami Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:01 pm

Edited the History. Kyo no longer has the curse mark. I wanted to edit the history.

Before Birth
Kyo only had a mother his father was killed by konoha ninja. The day Kyo was about to be born he was destined for greatness. The clan knew by the intense chakra level that of a jonin they had there own weapon. The clan decided to seal a powerful demon able to destroy villages with ease Fenrir. Though the clan leader refused, he foresaw hatred in kyo and would end up killing many without using the beast but his eyes were filled with pure evil though it was unclear, after that he saw that there would be a younger brothermore powerful than Kyo.The clan started to seal the was still going to seal Fenrir but soon they found a problem. Kyo's chakra was out of whack and Fenrir refused to be sealed. The leader told them that Kyo was not fitted to contain beast . Immediately the ninjas stop sealing the demon. The Okami clan could not seal the demon.

As soon as Tsutachi was born his mother died and it is because of the sealing. The mother could not take it and died, so the clan feared that they would have to get rid of Kyo since no one would want him or could train him. Theclan leader decided to have his assistant take care of him. Although the assistant did not agree at first he finally decided he would like to share his knowledge. When Tsutachi brought him home his wife Suzu was not please to see Kyo.

She didnt want an adopted son so the two had an argument the next night. The argument was loud and in the end Tsutachi told Suzu the decision was final. There was a moment of silence until Kyo woke up crying. Tsutachi walked in to calm him but found a surprise. There was an amazing power and a strange gray aura os chakra. Tsutachi had only one exclaimation, when they started sealing Fenrir a small amount of power stayed in Kyo. Meaning even if it was a tiny amount the demon was still stronger than any ninja in the Okami clan. Findind this out Tsutachi decided to keep it secret, he couldnt let anyone find out.

Ever since Kyo could walk he started training. At first it was just doing laps around the village and lifting weights or hiking up the largest mountains in the world. After about 2 yrs after his brith he started sparring genin and obviously always lost. The demon hasnt been shown ever since that night but the weird thing is that Kyo still had barely any skill. Remembering what the clan leader said about Kyo killing many he wasnt sure it would happen but it was too early. Another year past and Tsutachi found out his wife was pregnant although Tsutachi was glad Kyo wasnt. The father started sparring with Kyo but was too hard on him. The mother now even glad that she has Kyo and cares deeply about him tried too get Tsutachi too lighten up. Upset about her against his training ways he started having Kyo balance on a thin rope over a lake filled with a poison. With this Kyo\'s potentail started to show.

Finally it was Kyo\'s final test he must stay in the wilderness for one week and come back. there is no help he must bring only a tent, a sword, and his very first wolf ally. Tsutachi took the sword and tent then began to choose one of the five giant wolves. Kyo didnt like any of them so he left saying helll be back. When he was walking down a street he saw a wolf pup and took him home. After that Kyo decided this was his first ally. He brought the puppy back , and the head of the clan started laughing. One of them said."he's a very foolish one" and his dad aed ."Kyo have i taught you nothing?", because of that Kyo was not very sure of himself but he said.ill name him Tomoe. The next day he left for his test. One week later he came without a scratch and the clan was impressed.

Hiroshi's Birth
Another 9 months past and Kyo is 4 and he has a new brother, named Hiroshi. The clan started instead sealed the Okami though this time it worked. Although because the sealing worked the mother somehow lived. When the baby came home Kyo stayed far away from him, he felt weird then Kyo felll to the ground unable to get up. His parents didnt even notice and Kyo knew this was the beginning of a terrible life. The next couple weeks Kyo was nearly completely neglected and every time the baby cried and Kyo was around he was blamed. Kyo hated the baby but cared about him a lot at the same time. Knowing that Hiroshi was honored with the Okami Kyo envied him.

The Academy
A little over a year a half past by quickly and Kyo was almost 6. Kyo has grown to really enjoy have a little brother. Kyo played with him and when upset he showed his brother his new techniques. Kyo joined the academy and Hiroshi started training, Hiroshi met all expectations and his father was never more proud in his life. Kyo started getting jealous but just focused on training. At first he was teased at scool for not being able to do jutsus but after a while that all changed.

Every morning at 3:00 Kyo would wake up and train in the mountains. First he'd hike up extremely large mountains, then he would go to one of the few lakes in the earth country and start walking on water, then use copy man jutsu on Tomoe to transform him to a copy of Kyo and they'd spar, finally he'd start practicing the a technique his father created. He'd do the hand signs then put his hand close to the ground wait a couple minutes, finally he'd absorb chakra into his hand created a greenish brownish flame around his hand. This was chadora. One day his father wondered where he was so he followed. When Tsutachi found Kyo he watched Kyo train and he couldnt believe his eyes. All this time while Tsutachi trained Hiroshi Kyo trained himself. Once Kyo started practicing chadora and Tsutachi looked at Kyoshiro's eyes and saw the Okamigan. It was unbelievable Kyo a 6 yr old had already learn to use chadora. and the okamigan. For the first time Tsutachi was proud so he revealed himself and for the first time called Kyo his son.

That night Kyo didnt stop after hearing those words. He mastered techniques like crazy and then created his own. His brother watched him and encouraged him to keep training. Then next day while Kyo was training some of the genin kids came by, they started saying how worthless he is and that his dad wasnt strong like Kyo tells everyone. While Kyo just ignored them his brother wasnt as calm, Hiroshi ran up and started yelling at how mean he is. The kid in front just grabbed his throut and said"Hey Kyo look i got your brother by the throat". Finally Kyo cracked and kicked the kid across the face. Immediately after Kyo made the hand signs and started charging his chadora, with blinding speed Kyo rushed at the kid until...BAM. Tsutachi punched Kyo with unbelevieable power and Kyo went flying.

With that the boys ran off scared and his father said in cold words "never use that technique again you idiot". Hearing that Kyo never used even one of the hand signs until one year later.

Demon Eyes Kyo is Unleashed
Kyo was 7 and has still been training but not using chadora. Then when everyone was asleep 100 ninjasncame into the village undetected when suddenly Tsutachi found three of them he used a jutsu to warn everyone. The 60 ninjas were extremely powerful. They killed countless lives and blew up buildings, Hiroshi, Kyo, and Suzu woke up and started running. When they almost escaped 3 of the ninjas found them and the three along with Suzu had an intense battle. Suzu was able to kill one until she stabbed from behind and the stabbed in front the ninjas set there sights on the two kids but they ran up to there dead mother as she fell. As she layed there she was able to say her last words"Kyo Hiroshi i love both take care of eachother" and layed there dead.

With that, the small amount of Fenrir was unleashed. Kyo's hatred building from all these years that was bottled up inside was giving him this power that hows never been witnessed. Instead of his eyes turning yellow fo using the okamigan it instead turned more orange like. The ninjas attaked Hiroshi first and with the balde they swung. Kyo grab both of there arms and with an evil smile kicked the one on the left then jabs the other one sending them flying. Immediately Kyo made the hand signs that he thought he'd never use. He did the hand signs and focuses an intense amount of chakra in his hand instead it wasnt a regular chadora. Instead of it being green and brown thanks to the Fenrir's chakra the chakra was grey. Kyo with blinding speed rusked at the ninja that he jabbed Kyo killed instantly but he wasnt done Kyo was able to hold the jutsu and redirected the attack on the other ninja. The attack was so quick and so strong that he went right through the ninja. There was an explosion that attracted more ninja Kyo simple grabbed one of the ninjas sword and quickly went around the village killing them there few survivors of the attacking ninjas and many of the clan died. When the clan leader saw those eyes he knew that Kyo had the demons eyes and that in one year Kyo shall die.

Once the attack was over the earth country found out the ninja were after something and that they were from konoha. When Tsutachi told his children Hiroshi didnt understand as much but Kyo wanted revenge. Since Kyo was born hes never felt loss so from then on Kyo has been nothing a little boy depressed feeling like he never wanted to feel this again.

Ever since the day Kyo got the demon eyes his power has been multiplied by 50. He trained and his chakra was more powerful than ever, His speed and strength never stop growing, soon he was genin and he was feared by many. He kept fighting ninja hoping for one day to attack konoha and hopefully kill thousands of people just as those attacked his clan. Soon Kyo was a threat and with those eyes he could do what was predicted.

The Assasination
Tsutachi was ordered into the leader's office. The leader told him that the prediction 8 years ago will come true and that if there any hope we will have to kill Kyo. Tsutachi was the one ordered to kill Kyo at first he refused but when the leader tol Tsutachi how Kyo is no longerf the sweet boy he was before and that he could wipe out the whole clan. This time Tsutachi couldnt refuse, it was for the sake of the clan.

That night while Kyo was sleeping Tsutachi drew his blade put it close to Kyo and whispered"im sorry" but Tomoe ran in and bit him. Kyo woke to the masked ninja at that moment Kyo started to fight when Tomoe used Wolverine Spiral and Kyo used chadora to finish it. Tsutachi grabbed Kyo's arm and threw him, then when he had his chance to kill Kyo he couldnt and Kyo caught it, kicked him away and grabbed mask. When he saw his father's face he stopped and asked why. His father explained why and that he didnt have a choice. Even though Kyo was filled with hate he couldnt kill his father instead broke his arms and ran to the office. He killed many of the clan just as told. From. left to right Tsutachi was unstoppable. Hiroshi seeing his brother like this was scared angry and sad at the same time. The one he looked up to most was estroying the ones he cared about. His father ran back to see what was going on. when he gets to the office Kyo was fighting the clan leader but it wasnt Kyo it was the demons human body. More powerful then anything seen the leader stopped Fenrir's rampage using a forbidden seal to stop Kyo. Even with all this Kyo's father begged the leader not to kill Kyo and threatened the leader. With that leader stabbed Tsutachi. Witnessing it Kyo struggled to get up and ran to his father where Tsutachi told the truth about fenrir. Kyo's real mom died when giving birth and his father was actually killed by Konoha. Admitting hat he loved all he could he didnt want this to happen and that it was all his fault saying im sorry. Then Tsutachi closed his eyes with a smile. Blinded with fury Kyo stood up and in an instant killed the leader and ran. He fell unconcious a couple miles ou of the village and slept.

The End Of The Beggining, The Beginning Of A New Start
Kyo was 8 when he left the village and he swore he would wipe out the rest of the okami clan and Konoha. Tsutachi is 15 and he has trained in the Fire country for six years. He never stopped learning and creating jutsus, and killed any challengers. He knew that this was the beginning of his new life.

Life in Konoha
He now entered Konoha disguised with his wolf. He made so called friends and had a sensei just for learning. There he entered the chunin exams with ease. when he did the written test he answered every question without cheating and checked his answer with okamigan. For the second exam he killed animals and people like crazy stealing more scrolls needed and was the first to the tower beating gaara's time. The people in charge were so impressed that they didnt think he needed the preliminaries but he did it anyway beating his opponent slowly torturing him. Finally a month later he won the finals once again easily but he was hoping he wouldnt get a scratch. Winning each of the matches with such skill the people in charge had no choice but to let him be chunin. Then a year later he left again killing people who followed. To travel in search of a powerful master enough to teach him many things. He travels everywhere but nowhere seems to have a good master. During his travels he defeated the most powerful of ninja and earned the name "Demon Eyes Kyo"

The New Master
During Kyo's traveling he ran into a ninja in a black coat. Instantly they fought for a while they were equal in strenght and skill. The ninja was extremely impressed and he ended up being a lightning ninja and he told about how Kyo should join us. The battle raged on untilo Kyo finally killing him using a personal favorite wolf fang slash. The dieing words was telling Kyo of the raikage. Kyo was finally interested so he left to find the raikage.

Serach For The Raikage
After a couple days Kyo finally made it to the lightning country. He found out a tournament was going on so Kyo decided to enter it. The rounds were simple and Kyo passed quickly. Until the finals Kyo started having trouble, at first he started off great but he started to slow down. The battle kept going until Kyo thought it would be smart to show everyone why he is called demon eyes. Kyo's eyes turned red and his power was greatly increased. With the power of fenrir Kyo ended the battle winning it. Kyo went to the top of a mountain and rested there for a while, when he woke he started meditating and sensed someone nearing...

Last edited by Okami on Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : L wanted me to edit it.)


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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Okami Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:13 am

I have permission from gn to post my jutsus here

Name of jutsu:Mud Wave
Rank E-S:B
Range:Mid Range
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:This technique gathers all mud in the arena and focuses it into one wave. The wave does massive depending on how much you put in. This move is especially helpful when combined with Mud Hardening. You can create ultiple waves at a time.

Weakness:First a lot of chakra. Secondly you must have the time to gather all the mud at once.

Name of jutsu:Mud Hardening
Rank E-S:C
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:This jutsu is meant to harden mud into solid rock. You can also turn dirt into mud. This jutsu is good because it hadens mud instanly so it can be helpful for trapping opponents.

Weakness:It releases chakra from your body thats why it drains chakra quickly. You need to focus like i said.

Name of jutsu:Earth Explosion
Rank E-S:B
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Doton

Description:This jutsu as the name says makes earth explode. It also can be stone. It must be hard therefore mud won't work. SERIOUS DAMAGE! It is difficult to avoid if you are caught.

Weakness:Uses a lot of chakra also the user may take damage too.

Name of jutsu:Metal Wall
Rank E-S:B
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Metal

Description:A thousand more powerful then Mud. You must combine earth with more earth. It is difficult but worth it being a lot more defensive and all, only the best of moves can break through it.

Weakness:More chakra then Mud Wall. Although th main weakest is lightning element and even that has to be powerful.

Name of jutsu:Metal Dome
Rank E-S:B
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Metal

Description:A better version of earth barrier. Like Metal Wall it is very powerful and sturdy.

Weakness:More chakra than earth barrier.

Name of jutsu:Steel Vines
Rank E-S:A
Range:Mid Range
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Metal

Description:It is a poison vine jutsu but coated in metal. Harder to cut through but the the poison can't get injected into your body. The cuts are more severe becasue it's more like blades than thorns.

Weakness:Still weak against fire and can be cut with enough power. Downside is there is no poison.

Name of jutsu:Metal Armor
Rank E-S:A
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Metal

Description:The user is coated in metal. The user is also more powerful.

Weakness:Loses speed and weak against water

Name of jutsu:Metal Spike
Rank E-S:A
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Metal

Description:The user summons many spikes made of metal that has a long reach and is extremely sharp.

Weakness:Easy to dodge when seen coming. It is slow at first.


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Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo Empty Re: Kyo Okami aka:Demon Eyes Kyo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:24 am

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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