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Yuudai's Jutsu

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Yuudai's Jutsu Empty Yuudai's Jutsu

Post by Yuudai Kaguya Sun May 03, 2009 9:01 pm

Name: Finger Bullet Drill
Rank: D
Range: Medium
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai::Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: Phasing
Clan: Kaguya
Description: This is a jutsu that utilizes the Kaguya's dominance over their skeletal system, hardening the bones before release. Using the ability to phase, the Kaguya will send their phalanges bones through the tips of their fingers, in a projectile motion. As they are moving, they also will spin in a clock-wise manner, capable of piercing flesh. The tips of the fingers aren't damaged, as the bones simply phase through the skin on the tips. After the bones leave the body, the Kaguya is able to quickly regrow their Phalanges back to their original state.

Name: Dance of the Camellia
Rank: D
Range: Close
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai::Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: Phasing
Clan: Kaguya
Description: This is the first of the Kaguya dances that are taught to younglings.The idea of this dance is to create a sword from the shoulder bone, as hard as steel. This is due to the ability to harden bones that is unique to the Kaguya. This sword looks like a bone, with a sharpened end on one side, the blade side. On the handle, it has the ending that has become familiar as the look of bones. It is roughly extended to 2 1/2ft. long, not counting the handle, which would probably even it out to around 3ft. This bone is widely considered the most barbaric and weakest of the dances.

Name: Dance of the Willow
Rank: D
Range: Close
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai::Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: Phasing
Clan: Kaguya
Description: This is the second of the Kaguya dances that are taught to younglings. This dance is a bit more complicated. The Kaguya will extends the forearm bone, aka the radius bone, through their palm. The bone with have a very sharp point on the end of it, which can easily be used to pierce through flesh. Each bone is roughly 1ft. long, and is very sharp. This jutsu is also considered one of the weaker dances of the Kaguya, and one of the most barbaric.

Name: Dance of the Tulip Tree
Rank: C
Range: Close , Medium
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai::Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: Phasing
Clan: Kaguya
Description: This is a dance of Yuudai's own design. First, the young Kaguya manipulates his four main knuckle bones(the one not being used is his thumb). He will extend each of them into a sharp point, making each the length of about 8in. These have been hardened over several times, making them as unbreakable was steel. These claws can be made on both hands, which he normally will do. These claws can easily impale the opponent with enough precision. The normal Kaguya wouldn't be able to utilize this technique to its full potential. However, Yuudai has developed it a step further. If the jutsu isn't hitting his enemy, he can shoot each out as a senbon, just as hard as one. However, Yuudai will not have quite as much control over where the knuckle bones end up. These are quickly replaced once released.

Name: Dance of the Brier Patch
Rank: C
Range: Close
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai::Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: Phasing
Clan: Kaguya
Description: This is a dance of Yuudai's own design. First, Yuudai uses his Shikotsumyaku to manipulate his skeletal system, so that he can harden his bones, and manipulate them at will. Then, he will manipulate all of the bones along his arms to poke out about 2in. In all, there will be 10 spikes of bones along both arms. There will be one from the back of his elbow, 7 from his bicep and forearm, and 2 from his hands. One on bottom, and one on top. Then, he will extend them out fully, never once bending them at the elbow. He will then dash at his opponent, performing a spinning move unlike anything many people have ever seen. Unlike most of the young Kaguya's other dances, this one is very aggressive, more about simply throwing a lot of blows, and hoping one will land, then actually guiding his thrusts in a more fluid like and quick movement. This one was molded after the true Kaguya style, aggression.

Name: Dance of the Larch
Rank: C
Range: Close
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai::Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: Phasing
Clan: Kaguya
Description: This is another of the Kaguya basic dances, though a more advanced one. The Kaguya will create several spikes all over their body, made of their special hardened bone. The pike will protrude from arms, legs, and torso. The Kaguya will use an array of acrobatics, as well as precision to land blows with this dance. This is also a built in safety measure for the Kaguya, as the spikes make them basically untouchable. Since there are so many spikes, only a skilled shinobi could pinpoint the openings in the dance.

Name : Dance of the Palm Leaf
Rank : B
Range : Close - Long
Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Clan : Kaguya
Description : The Kaguya grows their bones from their arm forming them into a large long sword that starts halfway up their lower arm and reaches out about 3 feet from their hand , the sword is powerful and sharp , at the same time it is stronger than steel , the sword can be used like any other sword....

Name : Dance of the Clover
Rank : C
Range : Close - Medium
Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Clan : Kaguya
Description : The Kaguya manipulates their arm bones to form 3 large plates of bone of their arm in the shape of a clover , the edges are extremely sharp and can cut easily and precisely.

Name : Dance of the Chestnut
Rank : B
Range : Close
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Clan : Kaguya
Description : Using their bone morphing abilities the kaguya grows and shapes a large ball of bone to surround their hand and part of their lower arm , they then grow spikes out of this so that the ball resembles an un-peeled chestnut , the spikes are hard to break and can rip and stab through a human's skin quite easily causing major damage.

Name : Dance of the Acacia
Rank : B
Range : Long
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Clan : Kaguya
Description : A follow-up technique to Dance of the Seedling Ferns , the kaguya manipulates the bone towers to sprout large " branches " of spiked bone , each of the branches grows smaller branches until the area is completely filled with spikes , very deadly considered to be a finisher move as it is almost impossible to dodge.

Name : Dance of the Wind Lily
Rank : B
Range : Long
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu / Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing / Wind
Clan : Kaguya
Description : The kaguya uses their bone growing ability to sprout a lily made of bones in front of them , then using wind chakra and their bone growth ability again they fill the center with shards of sharp bones shaped like small petals , the wind releases violently a constant stream of the petals in one direction at fierce velocities , these can easily pass through 2 or 3 human bodies with the force used to propel them

Name : Dance of the Hydrangea
Rank : C-B
Range : Self
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Defensive Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Clan : Kaguya
Description : The kaguya uses their ability to form and control bones to create a layered dome of hardened bones in front of them to block a frontal attack , the dome can absorb most damage from jounin level attacks and anything less than chuunin will not affect it much at all , breaks after : 10 genin level jutsu , 5 chuunin jutsu , 2 jounin jutsu , 1 kage jutsu ( only absorbs half of kage impact )

Name : " Dance Of God's Flower"
Rank : B
Range : Close
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Clan : Kaguya
Description : The kaguya will expand their bones and grow new ones to create spines much like the needle guardian jutsu , these spines create an incredibly strong defense and can be shot but not aimed in any direction.

Name: Dance of the SnapDragon
Rank: - B
Range: - Far
Jutsu Type: Kekkei Genkai::Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: Phasing
Clan: Kaguya
Description: The kaguya uses their ability to grow harden and expand bone to create a large dragon head around their arm , they then whip their arm using their bone control to whip the dragon out towards the enemy , this attack is brutal and all about pure strength unlike most of the other dances , the dragon can slice the enemy with it's teeth or crush them completely.

Name : Dance of the Cactus
Rank : C
Range : Close
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Clan : Kaguya
Description : Using their ability to harden control and phase bones through their skin , a Kaguya will move and sharpen their bones located right behind the knuckles , the result is a pair of spiked knuckles of sorts , able to easily pierce skin and rip apart a body , this jutsu is considered barbaric and mildly weak . This is taught to Kaguya between the Young and Medium Age group.

Name : Dance of the Blood Lily
Rank : C
Range : Variable
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Clan : Kaguya
Description : This jutsu allows the user to create several " seeds " using the small knuckle bones , when give the special command and planted , the seeds erupt with life and form into a large lily made of bone , the spines are sharp and can easily pierce through a human body

Name : Dance of the Clematis: Vine
Rank : B
Range : Medium
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Used by: Kaguya
Description : unique to the Kaguya clan, a person can modify and pull out his own spinal column to use as a flexible chainstaff, regrowing a new spine to replace the removed one. The protrusions on the vertebra are modified to make them stronger and sharper.

Name : Dance of the Clematis: Flower
Rank : B
Range : Medium
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Used by: Kaguya
Description : unique to the Kaguya clan, a follow-up to the Dance of the Clematis: Vine. The entire forearm is encased in a giant drill made of bone to attack the trapped victim. The bone is strengthened (through compression and its plaited spiral shape) to become the hardest type of bone the body can produce. The bone resembles a flower.

Name : Dance of the Pines
Rank : C
Range : Variable
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Used by: Kaguya
This is another one of the special 5 dances of the Kaguya clan , the attack is devastating to the opponent since they unleash bone spikes all over their body which can stab through almost anything. This attacks can sprout all over their body and can also change direction and size by will.

Name : Dance of the Seedling Ferns
Rank : C
Range : Variable
Jutsu Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu / Movement
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Used by: Kaguya
Jutsu Image This attack is one in which the Kaguya clan forms bones into spikes and then bursting them out of their body making sure to impale their enemies with quick ease. Their also able to travel out in a huge area. The attack also allows the Kaguya clan to merge with the bones and travel to a specific bone and come out of that bone to create a surprise attack.

Name : Shattering Bone Clone
Rank : D
Range : Close
Type : Kekkei Genkai : Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity : Phasing
Clan : Kaguya
Description : The Kaguya morph their bones into a mirror image of their selves that de-attaches from the original and can move and function on it's own , the clone can use any kaguya jutsu without an elemental affinity. When destroyed the clone explodes sending shards of bone used to create it flying everywhere.
Yuudai Kaguya
Yuudai Kaguya

Posts : 3
Points : 7
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-05-02

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