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Hanashi's room

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Hanashi's room Empty Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Sun May 03, 2009 8:04 pm

Hanashi's aparment is small,for one person only,it has the needs that you would need.A bed,kitchen,living room,a few couches,table,bathroom.

Hanashi was sitting in her bed sharpening one of her kunais.she was bored,very bored she's been in suna a couple of weeks and she already liked it here even though it was in the desert she felt calm and relaxed Allright. she got up from the bed after sharpening her kunai knife and stretched,she smiled as she thought about training Well i should go training soon,dont wanna neglect my training after all!

She also thought of pranking she thought about this a smirk formed on her lips It has been awhile since i've pranked,maybe after training i should do one but,where exatcly? as she pondered about this she sat down on the bed again to think it through.
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon May 04, 2009 6:18 pm

"Quite an interesting day dont you think, Nokutisu...." a voice said. Calm and swift like the wind, two figures appeared in front of the apartment. Both of them were from the Akatsuki but did not show there colors. It was dangerous to show there colors here for only weeks ago, the village was attack by the Akatsuki, both of them knew that it would be trouble for them if that was to happen

Standing in front of the door were the two figures, one of the men who was about six foot three and carried a huge gourd on his back looks down at the five foot ten muscular man who was wearing a cloak over his already hidden suit. His suit, which was all black covered all of his body, including his face. The shorter man turns to the taller man

"I dont want anything to happen......this is just a visit" the shorter man said. His voice was calm and collective, it gave him a voice of eternal wisdom and knowledge

"Just a visit Nokutisu?" the taller man said "I thought you had plans on capturing the jinchuuriki". The taller mans voice, which had a slang and a type of voice which seems simular to that of a foreign talk.

Nokutisu shakes his head "No, that is later on, you are not to say anything about that. Not to the jacks, queens or kings. I need my idenitity kept secret. You are the only one who know it is me underneath this uniform, you cannot tell anyone about this meeting that is about to take place"

"Alright alright...sheesh...." the man said. He knocks on the door hoping somebody was there to pick it up "Who are we visiting again?"

"You'll see momentarily, Jouten"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Mon May 04, 2009 7:12 pm

Hanashi was still on her bed thinking about what to do,she could go out and look around but she was picky at the moment and decided to stay home,she got up from her bed and glared at the roof "Man..." she scratched her head and let out a yawn,surely she wasn't gonna spend the rest of her day here,she wasn't a child anymore...much.

She walked over to the window near her room and looked out the village street,it was lively but not as much,you could say medium since Suna isn't as bustling as the other villages but it has a sense of calm to her.she yawned again,she really should start preparing some food,she was 25 and still acting likes this it wasn't at all some people but to some they wondered if she would ever start taking responsibility,she shook that thought out of her head when she heard a knock at the door A visitor,for me? "C-Coming!".

She walked a medium pace to the door,she reached for the knob of the door and turned it,opening the door wide enough for her to see who was at the door.To her surprise two people were standing on the door,she looked up a little to see the taller man and tilted her head to the side as she saw the shorter man besides him Hello?may i ask why are you here? Hanashi never saw these guys before...she thought it was weird but shrugged that feeling off and smiled at both of them as she usually would to anyone that approached her or said hello,she also noticed that the shorter man he was covered,incluiding his face and the taller man had a gourd on his back which picked Hanashi's curiosity.
Hanashi Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon May 04, 2009 7:25 pm

The taller man, Jouten, looks at the young woman standing in front of him. He could not help but to look back at Nokutisu seeing her. Could this be her? Could this women actually be the one person that Nokutisu always talked about for the two decades. Indeed looking at her was certainly a sight for Jouten. He looks at her through his orange sunglasses and moves some of his purple dreads away from his face. Her apperance was of that of her mother, and her beauty was phenomally overwhelming to any man....or woman. Jouten almost choked on himself seeing her beauty. Nokutisu looks at her and thinks to himself


Jouten tilts his head back and laughs alittle. This was such a disbelief to Jouten that Nokutisu shakes his head as he begins to walk into her house disregarding whether she was going to let him in or not. Jouten still had his head tilted back and then looks back at her and smiles. He could not believe he was seeing someone that reminded him of Nokutisu

"Well oh well.....isnt this a surprise. I did not think I would have to come back to see Hanashi Caelum, or to here Hanashi Uchiha..... Noctis, she almost has your looks but has the beauty of her mother. My oh my, I never thought I would see her grow up to be such a women, eh Noctis?"

Noctis was standing in the middle of the living room and began to take off his hood and his mask. The mask slowly comes off his head, releasing air pressure from the helmet/mask. As he took it off, his hair spiked up revealing his greyish blue hair. He turns to Jouten motioning him to come in and close the door. Jouten nods as he walks in and closes the door behind him. Noctis walks over to both Hanashi and Jouten

"Its good to see you again....Hanashi....." he said in a more subtle voice. "Its been so long...."

Jouten was surprise, he has never heard Noctis voice be like that. It was usually cold and cool but now it was more of subtle, fatherly like voice. Was this the true Noctis that no one knows?
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Mon May 04, 2009 7:50 pm

She sort of glared a little as the shorter man entered without first letting them in then the taller man,she,of course was on guard i mean two men she didn't know entered her house without asking her permission first one word came to her mind:Rude,she then closed the door and walked over to where the two men were and had her hands on her hips but then she heard the taller man talking as she walked closer to them Hanashi...Caelum? but im Uchiha.....She eyed the men with a curious glance at both of them,she noticed the shorter man began to take of his hood and his mask that made a sound of air being released and saw spiky greyish blue hair as she looked at him she didn't notice that the taller man had closed the door already and had come closer to the shorter man.

Who are these people and why did that tall guy say i was Hanashi Caelum?ahhh!im confused now..

She looked at the man with greyish hair and her head tilted to the side "U-Um..." she looked down then up again "Who are you?....i don't remember seeing you... his voice,for her sounded calming at that moment,she didn't know why but she felt...calmed,like she was a little kid again,she metally slapped herself on the head Hanashi get ahold of yourself!for all you know they might be robbers... but with that she shook of that thought and decided to see why they were here in the first place.
Hanashi Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon May 04, 2009 8:05 pm

Noctis walks back into the living room and sits down in a chair that was next towards a window. He blinks at her and looks at Hanashi. Those eyes, those mesmorizing eyes that captivated anyone who looks upon them. The dark blue eyes that looks that of blue oceans reflecting the moon. He blinks his eyes and folds his legs together as he was about to explain things that would turn everything in Hanashi's world upside down and possibly forever

"You dont know who we are but I know who you are. What I am about to say to you will literally change who you are and what you will become, Hanashi....... My name if Nokutisu Lucis Cheremu, but also translated to basic universal speech Noctis Lucis Caelum. My tall partner over there is Jouten Rimaka, the last of the Rimakan clan. I am here to reveal things upon your mind that will change the very fabric of your being. You may believe this or not, but you are a Caelum. One of the three deadliest speed kekkei genkais in this living world and univese. Your powers derives from both angels, demons and gods. Those who want our power envy us Caelums for they cannot understand our power. I am the leader, the king of the Caelum family, kingdom to be correct. This kingdom is hidden but has been around here for milllenia"

Noctis motions Jouten to sit down. Jouten usually has a tendency of standing up constantly and refuses to sit down at times. He was told by one of his ex-friends not to sit down for he was force not to. He walks over to one of her couchs and stops in front of it. He unlatches his gourd from his back and it slowly falls to the ground but before it made impact Jouten caught. If he were to let go, the gourd would surely fall through the flooring and into the sand. He sets it down slowly and begins to use his chakra so his gourd would be lighter. When it was set down, he was able to sit down comfortably. He glances at Noctis who had his eyes closes. Noctis looks up at Hanashi

"Tell me Hanashi, if you say you are a Uchiha, where is your Sharingan? By now, you should had have this ability and yet you do not show any hints of that power. Tell me, are you proficient in genjutsu? The Uchiha dwell upon this much often more than there katon ability. Do you wake up in the morning and feel as though you are out of place between yourself and the humans around you or do you lie to yourself saying you are 'one of them'? Tell me, how do you feel when you wake up every morning, you go through your life and go to sleep?"

Noctis voice was so powerful and yet calming at the same time. It was a wonder that Jouten did not say anything or interupted him. In his usual matter, he would certainly take the chance to say a smart remark but Jouten was sitting, listening with a smile on his face. He was waiting, waiting to see this women embark on something much more different then anything else.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Tue May 05, 2009 3:18 pm

Hanashi looked at the shorter man known as Noctis sat on a chair next towards one of the windows and he looked at Hanashi and she looked back at him looking at his eyes that mesmereized her,she's never seen eyes like that before it reminded her of the ocean..and the moon.Huh?! Hanashi heard everyword that Noctis said about the Caelum,that it was one of three deadliest Kekkei Genkais in the living word and universe and there powers are derived from angels,demons and gods,as she took all of this information she didn't notice the taller man known as Jouten sit down in one of her couches,she then looked at Jouten and saw he sat down When did he...?

"Tell me Hanashi, if you say you are a Uchiha, where is your Sharingan? By now, you should had have this ability and yet you do not show any hints of that power." It's true she hansn't shown any hint of having any Sharingan power,which in turn made her feel like she was one of those 'late bloomers' in Sharingan but there wasn't a thing like that...right?" Tell me, are you proficient in genjutsu? The Uchiha dwell upon this much often more than there katon ability" Truth to be told she wasn't all that great in Genjutsu,she was more of a Taijutsu person and some of the Uchiha always thought of her as 'weird'. "Do you wake up in the morning and feel as though you are out of place between yourself and the humans around you or do you lie to yourself saying you are 'one of them'? Tell me, how do you feel when you wake up every morning, you go through your life and go to sleep?" Ok ok this guy was hitting all the spots to make her feel akward,it's true she felt 'out of place' around everyone and she...she lied.

Sure,i'll admit i do feel out of place everyday,when i wake up and go to train until i go to bed and sleep,it's been like this...ever since... she couldn't belive this man,a man she hadn't met before knew so much about her,in fact,it made her feel scared for the first time in awhile,even though his voice was calm it felt..powerful in a way."Ok.. she started as she put on of her hand in her hip and looked between Noctis and Jouten "So,i'm a Caelum? and your the guy that rules over this "kingdom"? by now she believed,a little it was gonna take her a little more convincing even though he said everything about her feeling out of place with everyone doesn't mean she was gonna immediatly trust him.she sat down in one of her couches that was facing Jouten and looked at him "So he's the last of the Rimaka clan,eh?" she smiled slightly at him,maybe...she was one of the Caelum,who knows...but if they came here for her it mustve been to say that.

She looked at Noctis with a curious glance "And may i ask how do you know me?...your a Caelum aswell so me must be related,right?" sometime she wanted to smack herself on her forehead That was a stupid question,Hanashi,of course he must be related to you if you'r a Caelum,geez.. she waited for him to speak while she looked between Jouten and him.
Hanashi Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue May 05, 2009 8:31 pm

Jouten shifts his legs in the couch, a grin came upon his face as he knew this was what he was waiting for "Oh here it comes, this is going to be great, hehehe....." a soft laugh echoed throughout. Kyouken's face changed abit from a serious, cold tone to more comforting look. He knew that she had absolutely no idea who he was, which in terms sadden him for the most part. The only people that were able to tell he was sad was Hanashi and her mother and he did not suspect Hanashi to notice the amount of pain he was going through. He leans forward and placed his folded hands to his upper lip. He looks up at Hanashi

"You are the oldest of the three Caelum children. You are my daughter Hanashi.....whether you believe or not, you are Hanashi Caelum, heir to rule the Caelum Kingdom after my rule...." Noctis said in a softer tone, but still mysterious and calm "A long time ago, you were once a feared shinobi amongst the people. Your speed......flawless.....your power, untouchable. But your beauty made men and women fall to there knees, which you still have....just like your mother"

"You see, the Caelum Kingdom puts down upon children whom are made from wedlock, and in terms we kept you a secret from them for about 20 years or so, but then you became dangerous....extremely dangerous and they feared that you would overthrone me, just like I did to my father. So to make this risk not happen, they attempted to seal your memories and your powers but you were too cunning and powerful for that. The only person that you could truly trust was me and your mother, but more so your mother. She came to you trying to plead to let this happen. If you did not comply they would've killed you without even looking twice about it. But with your memories completely sealed, you would live and no one would have to know about it. Your mother sealed your memories and powers in to protect and gave you false memories of living in Sunagakure with me and your mother. We also gave you the last name "Uchiha" so they would not even suspect it. To the Caelum Kingdom, you are truly dead. But to us....." he paused "to us you are our daughter.....we did not want to do it but we had no choice. It was either let you die or let you live without even remembering your powers...."
Noctis leans back and sighes knowing he has much to explain Noctis voice got more sympathetic and remorseful "I regret everything I've done to you.....although you might not remember but I do...your mother does.....even this man, who I ask to protect you. You may not know it, but he was the only one that I could trust...."
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Wed May 06, 2009 4:16 pm

She was confused when Jouten said "This was gonna be great" she thought that was a little weird but shrugged it off as nothing else,her eyes wandered over to Noctis and see...he was sad?she could also noticed the comforting look he had on his face which she had the urge to raise an eyebrow but shook that urge away."You are the oldest of the three Caelum children. You are my daughter Hanashi.....whether you believe or not, you are Hanashi Caelum, heir to rule the Caelum Kingdom after my rule...." her eyes widened at this I'm his daughter?and im an heir to this "Caelum Kingdom"?what the... this can't be,maybe that's why i'm so calm around him...I was once a feared Shinobi?dude i'm a Genin!!and i'm almost never using my speed...cause i fall she mentally sighed at the memory. Beauty?!ok now that's weird,i'm not that...pretty and i have a mom as well?!so i'm like mom,eh?.

She formed a look on her face that read "Really?" "I was dangerous? i find that hard to believe and...if your my father why would i overthrow you?i dont see the logic there" as she listened a bit more to the story she felt like almost all the pieces were coming together,why she didn't have the sharingan,she felt out of place with everyone she met,she was glad he came here.she didn't notice this but a little smile formed on her lips little by little even though the story had some things So the people in the kingdom thought i was some kind of Lunatic?thchh! glad they think i'm dead... "So...Mother sealed my memories and gave me false ones of living in Sunagakure,so she could protect me and live...and that way i wouldn't be killed..."

She gave a sympathetic look to Noctis and did something that is like her,she first walked over to him and knelt a little down infront of him,then she hugged him "I may not remember my memories and what you and Mother did to me...but,if like you said i'm you daughter i don't care...i don't she smiled at him and felt happy for the first time in awhile even though her personality is that of a hyper 10 year old.she looked at Jouten and grinned at him "Thank you,i may not remember you either but thank you,your the only one that Father can trust and i'm glad your around for anything that might happen to him" she didn't know nothing about them and yet felt she knew them I know he's telling the truth.....
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed May 06, 2009 7:29 pm

After Hanashi embraced him, he does not hesitate to embrace her as well. It has been ages since he last hugged her out of pure emotion. Her warmth, her scent, her was defintely Hanashi's and it completed him somewhat to see that his firstborn was alive and well. Jouten smiled as he leans back and puts his hands behind his head to relax, looking up at the ceiling. Seeing his only student, well only friend be happy made him feel alittle better and usually Jouten feels out of place when situations comes up that like this, but this time it was different. He smiled and looks over at Noctis.

Noctis knew this was one of the times that he had to say something for he had much to say and much to do towards Hanashi. He release his hug and stands up, moving away from Hanashi. As he stands in front of her, he lifts his hand only to use his other hands to take off his glove. When his glove was taken off, a black, deathly aura surrounded his hand. The aura made a sound of souls weeping and moaning as it continued to glow but diminished soon after. Noctis looks at Hanashi with a more serious look

"In order for you to become what you once were, there is one thing i must do in order for you to become "heir to the Caelum kingdom", you must first learn about your ability...the Tenshu Hitokoki, a molecular manipulation/running ability that has been handed down from generation from generation. You have a long lineage of power that runs in your human-like body, both on the angelic/demonic and shinigami side, so you are powerful, whether you want to believe it or not. Your grandfather was a prodigy, your great grandfather is a prodigy and I am a prodigy in this ability. Your grandmother was powerful, your mother is powerful and your great-grandmother is powerful. You are considered a prodigy in this as well when you had your memories but when your memories were sealed, your mother also sealed that power away"

Noctis hands began to glow black with a hint of blue this time, the weeping sounds came echoing from his hand and begins to walks towards Hanashi "Im am about to unseal your powers and your memories, however they will not come at you all at once, otherwise your mind will be completely wiped since it contains both false and real memories. When I release it, you'll still be in same state you are now, only now you'll begin to realize things that will seem vaguely familar to you.....unless you want to stay in the state that you are in and you'll have to figure it out the hard way"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Wed May 06, 2009 7:54 pm

Hanashi looked at Noctis when he got up and took of his glove,she saw a black aura sorround his hand with moaning of some sort that she didn't know to who or what they belonged continued to glow then diminished a little,she saw Noctis giving her a serious look which made her blink a little."The Tenshu Hitokoki?i see,so when Mother sealed my memories,she sealed my powers too..." she pondered about everything Noctis had told her about the Tenshu Hitokoki, it was a molecular manipulation/running ability that has been handed down from generation to generation,she understood that everyone before her was a prodigy and now her too....

She noticed his hand glowing now with a hint of blue and the weeping sounds were echoing from his hands and he was walking towards Hanashi,her eyes showed a little bit of fear since her father was about to release her powers and her memories and she backed up a bit but then stood still,she wasn't about to be scared that easily,she knew she had to do this in order to regain her memories and her powers.she inhale then a few seconds late exhaled deeply and looked into her Father's eyes "...I'll do it though,i want to know how is the hard way,just curious is all"

She had a serious look as she asked him this,curiosity was getting to her she wanted to know the hard way.she was always like this,sure she already decided to let her father awakened her powers and memories but she wanted to know the hard way...just for kicks.
Hanashi Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed May 06, 2009 8:12 pm

Noctis seemed a bit.....irritated although no one could know it which was another ability that he had was to hide all his emotions when the time was right, which no one could see through. He stops his movements and gives off a heavy sigh knowing that she was doing this just for the hell of it or thats what he assumed anyway. Noctis lowers his hand, placing it down to his side and points to Jouten

"The hard way is to slowly incorporate your memories through Jouten's ability of the chains that goes into your mind and opens up the part of the mind that contains all of your memory and slowly awake it bit by bit, piece by piece. That is time consuming and extremely pain, however that wont be the case if you let me do the easier process"

"I like to call it the "Chain of Painful Memories.....its gives it a nice touch to it" Jouten interupts still facing the ceilng. Both tones of the two men were slightly twisted, more so Jouten's speech. It sounded very sadistic and conformed the moment he said the Chain of Painful Memories. It was certainly not a attractive tone of voice. Noctis fingers snap and his hand glew again

"I dont have the authority to say that you have to do this. Its your choice, either I release your powers and memories and live the life as the princess of the Caelum clan, go through the trials as the oldest Caelum and fight against your family in order to gain your throne, however you'll know what life is as a Caelum and also something else that I have achieved or stay in the village hidden in sand as "Hanashi Uchiha" and you'll avoid the pain and suffering you'll have to go through but you'll never know what powers you can awaken and what life you could of taken.....The choice is yours...."
His tone of voice then changed and the blue and black aura in his hand intenisfied greatly, images of death appeared behind Noctis as his power intensified....was this the life that Hanashi could take? Could it be possible to live the life she once had? What if its a trick? What if this man, Noctis, was just a fraud who just wanted to us her? Could it be possible? Anything could be possible for this situation but Noctis had a familar appearance and aura around her, its the same aura he always given her when she was a child and it was her that could decide whether Noctis was telling the truth. Although images of the grim reaper, shinigami's, souls and Death were all behind him, there was a sense of tranquilty, calmness and coolness that surrounded just Noctis himself. He puts his hand out as though he wanted Hanashi to grab it

"Do you....fear me?"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Thu May 07, 2009 8:13 am

Hanashi smiled innocently at Noctis,he still seemed the same though but she remained where she was and blinked when he gave a heavy sigh Maybe i made him mad... she looked over at Jouten since Noctis started to talk about his ability,she cringed at the thought of that ability Maybe i'll stick trhough Noctis's way.. she had an eye twitch when Jouten called it "Chain of Painful Memories" Man....even though one's my father and the other one is a friend of him,there twisted at times!!! she shivered a little at the thought.she heard Noctis's snap his fingers and immediatly drew her attention at him.

She lowered her eyes to the floor beneath her and thought about this,did she really wanted to stay in the Uchiha?did she really wanted to be a princess of Caelum,fight for the throne and face her family,her Real Family?she sighed and looked at Noctis so many thoughts were on her head.what if this guy wasn't a family of mine?what if he just wanted to kill me?what if he just wanted to slowly tortured her until her mind was blank What if... he had the familiar aura that Hanashi could sense when she was younger,way younger but she doesn't remember that person's face,she decided what she wanted to do because she gave him options,not force her into doing this so he must be telling the truth and...around her she felt a sense of...tranquility when she was near him,she didn't know why though.

She looked at Noctis as he puts his hand out for her as if to grab it "Do you...fear me?" Hanasihi gave no reply but she put her hand out and grabbed Noctis's hand then looked at his eyes which always seem mesmerizing "No..i'm not scared,why should i be? she gave Noctis and warm smile as if to do what he has to do "I accept you way Noctis,do what you need to do..."
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu May 07, 2009 7:18 pm

The moment Hanashi's hand touched Noctis, the blue and black aura that was surrounding Noctis was now surrounding Hanashi. Slowly her body began to be consumed by the magnificent power that had now taken her body both physically, mentally and spiritually. Her own being was returning back to its orginal appearance

***The Mind of Hanashi***

Noctis, now floating or more so hoovering in a black void which seemed to be Hanashi's mind. In her mind was a thick fog that was moving in all direction in her mind, for those who are not mentally intuned would surely become lost. Noctis begins to float forward, unknownly going to places that he has not yet venture out before. It was strange at first for Noctis does not remember much of her mind, because of Hanashi's mother complex sealing process, it was going to be hard to find the 'door' to her memories. Noctis began to 'swim' in the thick, condense fog that continued to get thicker the more Noctis was floating, it was literally like swimming in open water without any hint of knowing where to go. Noctis then stops floating and begins to think......wait.....he has to remember that somethings you just cant solve through simple logical and analysis, you simply have to use your soul in order to find things, according to Jouten that is. Noctis then folds his legs indian style and claps his hands together. He closed his eyes and begins to mediate. He knew this was the only way to "see" in this world. The mediation process did not take long for the fog began to fade away and the void of complete and utter darkness became white and clear.

Noctis opens his eyes to witness this event. He then finishes his mediation and begins to float around, now able to see clearly. His floating ceased as he stops in front a gate, a extremely large gate that had a sealed in the middle of it. It was an open gate but inside of the gate was complete and utter darkness. It was simular to Noctis memories. In the middle of the seal was an incantation of some sort. Noctis places his hand on the seal and puts his hand in a tiger seal


The seal evaporates, floating away in purple particles that disappear. Her memories began to release in her mind; her true birth place, her real mother and father, the powers of the Tenshu Hitokoki, the assassination training, the cold and calm nature yet sweet and pure personatilty, the memory of her tengu shadow, her killing a village in less than minutes....all of the most powerful memories return back to her in a instant. Noctis then puts two fingers on his head "Alright Hanashi.....this is my gift to you....use it well..." he disappears returning back to the realm of the living

***The Real World***

Noctis lets go of Hanashi's hand, the black and blue aura was still surrounding her. By now, Hanashi would not be able to hear for a few minutes for her mind was going through sudden flashbacks. Jouten, moving up from the couch, gets up and walks towards Noctis "So....Im guessing she'll figure out that she is also the heir to rule the kingdom of death"

Noctis shakes his head slowly "That position goes to anyone in my family. Hanashi, Keppaku and Baishuu are all candiates into ruling that kingdom. But for now, I will be maintaining that position. Its up to her to see if she wants to rule the Kingdom of the Caelum. She'll have to fight the old council members, the new council members, assassins of the Caelum, the hitman, the guardians....she'll go through hell....but knowing her it wont even truly bother her...."
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Thu May 07, 2009 7:44 pm

Hanashi felt herself being consumed by the power that was in Noctis's hand,for a few moments or more she doesn't know anything or hear anything.then after what it seemed like an eternity to her,which could've had been minutes,she started to remember everything she that was sealed in her mind,her memories of her father and mother,her assasination training,her cool and calm,the Tenshu Hitokoki,her killing a village within minutes,the memory of her Tengu Shadow,all her memories,the important ones which she didn't know yet were starting to come back to her,she felt dizzy for a minute or two.After Noctis was done she looked at him and Jouten.

...Thank you....Father

She looked at them with cool and calm nature,just like her father you could say,her old memories that were sealed up until now were awakened by her Father,she remembered the clan,the people that wanted to kill her cause they thought she would overthrow her Father,she clenched her fist but didn't show any anger,she was also remembering her Father....and Mother....So what now,Father? she crossed her arms as she looked at her Father straight in the eye.
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu May 07, 2009 9:37 pm

Noctis places his hands in his pockets as this was one of his signature poses he usually does out of pure habit. He looks up at the ceiling and begins to think, and when Noctis thinks, it is usually a time where nothing can get through to him. Not a word, sound, breath or even a attack could do. This was one of Noctis faults or "weakness" if you may when he has to solve mutiple solutions all at once. But he overcomes it by thinking extremely quickly through a process which he calls Rubix Cycle, where his mind seperates things depending on the difficulty of thought process. Noctis looks back down, returning hims mind back to real world time and looks at both Jouten and Hanashi

"Well I guess you already knew this but as you know I am the mastermind of the Akatsuki, the revolutionary group who wants to destroy the shinobi, cause war.......yatta, yatta, blah, blah blah" Noctis replied in a bored tone "As the mastermind, I was going to introduce you into the business of both the 'mastermind' role of the Akatsuki and the role as "Queen" in the Kingdom, but that my dear is something you'll have to learn through experience rather than training.If any....the time of you fighting for the throne is approaching soon and with that factor in mind, your training is still ongoing but that right there is another piece of the puzzle. Right now, you'll be travelling around with Jouten......only when Jouten needs as of now, Jouten is here for I am here cause there is a plot that came up during our trip here"

"At the moment" Jouten replied, interuppting Noctis for a moment "My plans are to find more information on villages that are important such as Konoha, Suna, Iwa, etc. The problem is that some of the villages are well defended than others. Thats when your speed will come. If any, your Tenshu Hitokoki will be deadly upon other shinobi"

"But for'll stay in Sunagakure, this village is restoring itself and becoming back to its orginal power, however the Akatsuki has once attacked this village and they are well defended in terms of shinobi. Thats where you come in, you can make relationships with these people, become there allies, there friend. There "go to" girl so to speak. Try your best not to show any hostile resentment towards you usually do. In terms, you well be our spy. Your cunning, clever, smart, tactiful and in depth a beautiful woman. Who wouldnt want you?" Noctis did not say that to make her feel uncomfortable, more so give her pride in such beauty and also to make Jouten jealous.

"But there are two people that i need to is a tailed beast while the other is the leader. Try to make the Kazekage come closer to you.....he is one of the problems that is in my plan. He is considered a "knight" piece in this chess game called life and he is a problem. The other, Drac the Demonic King, contains the powers of the tailed beast and if any is needed for the war scenario. He is vital at the moment but so is the Kazekage."

Noctis paused and gives a light smile "But first priority is to see your mother.....she misses you dearly, more then I can possibly say...."
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Fri May 08, 2009 8:42 am

Hanashi still had her arms crossed and with what appear to be a smirk that fromed on her face "Ahh yes,The Akatsuki,no surprise there that your the leader" she rolled her eyes when he said that she had to fight over the throne soon "I'll fight anyone thats in my way....i'll train hard so no one can defeat me".she replied with as she normally would when she didn't have her memories,she had a serious voice and look"I see,so Jouten will be traveling with me all the time?that's fine with me she looked at Jouten when he interrupted Noctis for a moment and blinked at him,then continued to look at Noctis.

She chuckled "I want me to gather info on this village,i'll act like their friend,the one you can go to almost everything,if not everything,become their friends and allies,i'll try not to be hostile at all..." she felt proud of herself that he coul;d trust her in doing this,she,of course felt it was a bad idea but thats how she was raised in her fake memories,she will do this.

The Kazekage....and the Demonic King,Drac...i'll make him come closer to me,make him trust me,and i'll take this "Knight" out of the chess game to continue in your plan at the right moment." "Hmm...Drac will be a nuisance with that tailed beats he has but it should be no problem."

Hanashi smiled,a big smile when he said she was going to see her mother "So where is Mother?I-I miss her too...and missed you a lot too..." of course this wasn't like her,stuttering infront of somebody,but i was her Father,someone she hadn't seen since she was a baby so of course she felt nervous.
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat May 09, 2009 7:44 pm

Noctis points towards the direction to Kirigakure "She is training a young man named Sanmaru Gokage, the former Raikage who was presumed K.I.A when there was a attack on his village but now he works for the Akatsuki and myself. She has been missing you dearly, Hanashi, she has been missing you the most out of the two of us" Noctis gives another light smile and turns to Jouten, who has apparently left before he could say goodbye or give a resonse to him. Noctis sighed as this was the typical nature of Jouten Rimaka, coming in, make a scene and leave. Very typical and this will surely not be the last

Noctis looks back at Hanashi "For now, you will keep your name as Hanashi Uchiha, do not go around saying your name is Hanashi Caelum, otherwise the Caelum clan will come and find you, I gurantee you on that note. As you know, the Caelum clan is considered one of the most powerful kingdoms in both natural and supernatural realms, ruthless in nature and cunning in war and battle. Perceptive, anaylitcal, separtions of powers, ammendments, all of that such to the point that it would be considered a well organized country than a monarch-like kingdom. As such, the council wants to get rid of all children that are consider "aboninations" towards my rule. Like with you and C.C, they dont acknowledge that you are my firstborn and she would be considered my wife, but because it is not acknowledge they turn to the other women that gave birth to your younger brothers. Keppaku is the prime candiate if anything were to happen to me, in order to prove that you are worthy. You must do something that no other Caelum could do. That, my daughter, is something you must decide upon. I can only guide you, it is you that must make the desicion whether your choice will be the correct one"

Noctis points towards Kirigakure "In due time, my daughter, it'll come to you. Now follow me..." Noctis hands were placed on Hanashi's shoulders, the strength of his hand comfort her for a brief moment before his body had faded away.....performing such speeds left a afterimage of him smiling before fading.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hanashi's room Empty Re: Hanashi's room

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Mon May 11, 2009 5:20 pm

Hanashi nodded to looked like he was still here but Hanashi knew better,he used his speed,the Tenshu Hitokoki.she waited for a minute or two and decided to use her speed aswell though the speed he was going maybe a jog for him.

An after image of her smiling a little was in her room then it started disappearing,she was already running towards Kirigakure,she was excited to meet her mother.
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