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Sy'riis Taiyou

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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by WTFlash Sun May 03, 2009 4:11 am

Name: Sy'riis Taiyou (Sometimes spelled with only one 'i'. Often mistaked as 'Osiris')

Age: 21

Bloodline: 'Eye of Horus'
The Taiyou clan comes with two major abilities that make up it's great potencial. The main ability comes in the form of a Doujutsu. This eye technique has three seperate stages and a fourth 'master' stage. It is known as the 'Eyes of Horus' . With it come many abilities that require the eye's activation, along with supplementary effects that both increase the ability of the user and safeguard the user from annoying effects. Belonging to the Taiyou Clan yeilds that the user can harness the 'Light' element, one that is a combination of both Fire and Lightning elements. Thus, in order to have the Kekkei Genkai of the clan, you must belong to the clan, and have your main and sub elements be Fire and Lightning.

Sy'riis Taiyou Stageone
Stage One: In stage one, the use gains the target eye. It sharpens ones eye sight to the level of a hawk. It also comes with the supplementary ability that prevents genjutsu 'C' rank and down from effecting ones self. Also, it is possible to sense when a jutsu is being cast, how powerful is, and what element it consists of, if necessary.

Sy'riis Taiyou SecondStage
Stage Two: This is known as the Altering eye. With it, one can manipulate light element chakra without the use of hand signs. Along with the changes of the original eye, the second stage allows the the supplementary effect that protects them from 'B' rank and down genjutsu, and also allows them to nullify 'C' rank and down Fuuinjutsu.

Sy'riis Taiyou ThirdStage
Stage Three: Known as the Guiding eye. The third stage unlocks the ability to almost completely channel and manipulate Light element chakra. One also gains the ability to see through the eyes of others, and can even nullify the effects of other Doujutsu of their own rank and lower. They are thus immune to A-rank genjutsu, can nullify B-rank Fuuinjutsu, and also gain an immunity to C-rank and down Poisons, both inhaled and liquid in form.

Sy'riis Taiyou FourthStage-1
Stage Four: This form is known as the Rendering eye. It's activation is considered 'S' rank and is almost impossible to accomplish. The supplementary effects are even greater; genjutsu will not effect the user, nor can the user be bonded to the effcts of Fuuinjutsu. 'B' rank and down poisons will fail to work, and along with the ability to see from other perspectives, one can also see through solid objects. There is a single 'S' rank technique that is accompy with the eyes activation, which has the ability to literally, perminantly, blind the opponent.

Rank: S-ranked Missing Nin/Akatsuki(If possible)
Village: Sunagakure
Alignment: Though neutral, considered evil.

Appearance: Sy'riis Taiyou Seluj Sy'ris is a 6'2, 175lbs, black haired, black eyed (technically brown, but so dark it isn't noticeable at longer ranges) shinobi. His skin is an even 'milk chocolate' tone. Even though in battle situation he is not completely shrouded, he usually keeps himself covered by any variety of tribal veils and shrouds.The shrouds are usually some pattern of aqua-marine, teal, amber or bronze color, as they are the traditional colors of his people. His body is covered with one of two outfits at any one time. Either a long sleeved darker 'robe' like garb, or a tighter fitting sleeveless garb with a medium sized drape resembling a cape. Under the original layer of clothing is a thin yet durable boar leather layer for protection and comfort. This same material lays under his burnt orange pants down to the knee, but not over the joint, as to not hinder motion. About his hips, holding up his belt is a utility belt of sorts; holding up his pants while providing six frontal pockets for weapons/seals/scrolls. His shoes are composed of Leather boots, re-enforced with ironclad plating.

Personality: Sy'ris is pretty down to earth. He has the tendency to not be too attached to any one thing and even if he misplaces something or makes mistakes of some sort he is quick to get over them. On other hand, if he gets something right or achieves a goal of some sort he doesn't get too excited. It's best to say that he has a high emotional threshold. He is however, confident in his own ability and has a rather positive attitude, although he doesn’t expect much of those around him. He is often seen over analyzing peoples actions or words simply for his own entertainment and is almost annoying in the fact that he attempts to break people down and categories them in his head as a certain mental 'type'. He is very competitive however, and will take any situation seriously if there is a chance that he might be out done in some way. Because of this competitive streak, he has lived by the rule 'To be good at everything you do, only do what your good at'. Thus if he doesn't excel in some aspect of his life, he most likely abandons it as a lost cause. His ultimate goal is to become perfectly mentally stable, without any hang ups or defenses, with a clear view of himself consciously, and with a positive attitude to top it all off.
In a battle situation, he generally keeps his cool, and unlike the average sadistic fighter, looks for the most convient and logical solution to each individual problem. Even when he is annoyed or in a tight spot, he will keep his thoughts to himself, and mainly shows any mal emotion as sarastic comments or facial tweeks. He is always curious to find original, sometimes tricky situations or jutsu, as he enjoys the challenge of working his way out of them. Even with his compeditive spirit, he will more then likely keep his own personal feeling or even moral aside for the most logical decisions for himself and his situation.

Last edited by WTFlash on Sun May 03, 2009 4:15 am; edited 1 time in total


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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by WTFlash Sun May 03, 2009 4:12 am


Child Arc: Sy'ris was born into the Taiyou clan on the Seventh day of the Sixth month. At a healthy nine pounds six ounces, he was quite an addition to the clan. He was brought up to respect the land, for it was the land that was believe to form the balance that allowed existance to continue. Sy'ris was born into the main branch of the clan, and was thus a candidate to become a leader of the clan in the future. Because of this, his parents, and the elders put alot of passion into making sure Sy'ris was to be taught the most not only the procedures of a leader, but also that of their own culture and traditions. He was always being made to do busy work, whether it be writing and copying stories and lessons, or studying the difference of jasmine and chamomille tea, he was raised in a very disapline environment.

However, it was the very fact that he seemed so restricted that feuled his curiosities. He often heard about the shinobi world, and the adventures and abilities of great shinobi. While under the eye of his parents, he studied, he played imaginary games where he was the hero saving others from danger as a great ninja. Still a child, he had the chance to travel outside of the clan village to the heart of Sunagakure, where he took in all that he saw with much excitement and anticipation. Against the best wishes of his mother, he enrolled in the academy. His father exclaimed that he must be strong if he ever wished to lead the clan and Sy'ris, only eight, was more then ready to take on such a challenge.

Academy arc: Though he was younger then most of the students, he strive to stay caught up with the rest of the pack. They were all much stronger then him ( on little kid terms of course) and thus he began using his feet for the majority of his combat training, where he had the most range. This was the start of a trend that would stick with him through his years of development. As two years passed, Sy'ris, ten years old, had mastered the very same basic jutsu and techniques that many of the older kids had. Infact, when given his test, his mastry was so impressive, that they passed him in spite of his shorter size and younger age. At ten, he became a Genin.

Genin arc: Sy'ris spent another two years before as a Genin. His mother forbide him from entering the Chunnin exams so young, and thus for those two years he was stuck with odd jobs and 'E' rank missions about village. However, he now had a chance to do things on his own, and it was more then exciting to find that he could get paided to accomplish these small missions. Also during these two years, he was bogged down with all sorts of responcibilities placed on him by his clan, many with the intensions of keeping him out of harms way, and to shield him from the harsh realities of the shinobi world, if only for awhile at least. During such small adventures, he learned about the ' Eye of Ra' and upon questioning its existance, discovered that it was appart of the clan Kekkei Genkai. His own father taught him how to release it, and upon doing so, he became obsessed with what else he could accomplish; as he had never experience anything so powerful to that point. Behind closed doors, his father taught him to start harnessing his first element, lightning, which with the Doujutsu of the clan, started showing signs of developing into the advanced element, however, unable to master the second half of the element, he was forced to be patient.

At twelve years of age, under the direction of the village, he escaped from the clan long enough to enter the Chunnin exams. Of course, his mother was mortified when she discovered this and chased after him. By the time she arrived at the Chunnin exams however, he had already made it to the tournment rounds all his own. The judges were most impressed with the development of the 'eye of ra' and suprised when he beat a genjutsu user simply by the fact that the eye of Ra prevented them. His improvised legs only form of taijutsu was also taken into consideration. But his age was a major factor. It was only when they noticed that he had somehow pulled off a second element technique, a fire jutsu, that he was considered worthy of chunnin status. His father was shocked to see that he could pull off a fire based justu, especially when he had only shown him the technique as an example, not actually taught it too him. It would seem as though either he had trained on his own, or at that very moment, he had taught himself to preform such a technique. His mother was mortified still that his father was the one that had been training him! However, she was soon quelled, as she fainted during the final battle. Sy'ris eventually lost, but was still promoted to chunnin state, even at the age of tweleve.

Chunnin arc: Sy'ris spent three years as a chunnin. The first was spent basically becoming formiliar with the new style, the Light element. His father continued to train him for about three month, however his mother basically threaten to divorce his father should she continue to teach his son. At this stage, it was too late. Though he was no longer taught by his father, he had learned enough of the basics to start improvising and even begin crafting jutsu of his own. Coupled with a good study habit, he literally applied physics and chemistry to his jutsu. With knowledge of how an element SHOULD work, and the potencial for further development of the technique, Sy'ris steady began to master the elment of his people. Upon further use of his clan's Kkg, he stumbled upon the second stage of the 'Eye of Ra' and even further abilities were unlocked to him. The second year was actual active duty, where his status was put to the test, however, even only at fourteen, he was able to accomplish the majority of what was needed of him, even able to lead a few smaller scale missions on his own. His resume was very impressive to that point.

Even with all of this on his plate and much more to accomplish in a short time, he managed to begin working with seals, a more complex form of jutsu that seemed to be the latest inovation in chakra control. As it would seem, and as he learned from his own personal studies, the most mind blowing of techniques were considered 'space/time' jutsu, and some of the most famous, ranging back to the fourth hokage, were composed of seal mastery. Though Fuuinjutsu wasn't until then a strong point, he began working with them none the less, until it was at least a secondary of his. Most seals, however, were too complex and complicated to be able to work out in the middle of a battle of in stressful situations. He turned to another form, crafted by a clan of Sunagakure which intitled branded seals formed from chakra. If he could possible learn to copy seals, he would be able to manifest them simply by touching an original seal, or as least that was the case.

Unfortunatly, as his research into the ideal Continued, he was soon to learn that this was only possible due to clan secrets and kekkei Genkai. It was disappointing, but it least it was a start. He knew that there were ways of shaping and molding chakra, both manuelly and with hand signs. It would be a mess of a project, but his latest idea was to simply shape the complex seals from his own chakra and use that to apply their rendering effect. The shaping requirements via handsigns were far too great with this method, however, he could pull off an effect simular to the explosive tag without the tag itself using this method. Other effect, which were complex in their own right, he had to prepare with lengthy (30-40 hand sign long) rituals of symbols before missions and battles, thus he only had to preform the final eight or so in battle to activate them. Unfortunatly, this limited him to only being able to use the majority of his seals once in active duity. It was a success in some ways, however, He considered it a bit of a failure. Moving on with his training, he kept hold of the many he had learned, however, abandoned the thought of attempting any further fuuinjutsu studies.

The last year of his chunnin days was basically spent being taught the procedures for the third stage of the eye of raw. Though it was normally saved for Jounin and higher rankings, the elders thought that he had enough skill and control to begin mastering the third level as a chunnin. This wasn't exactly easy for him, and didn't come as naturally as he thought. There were many psychological aspects to this third eye, the final normal stage of the Kkg, that he was unable to master at his current level. Though an entire year of training and missions passed, he still couldn't master the third level of the 'eye of raw'. However, his progress was noticable, not only to those in his clan but also to Sunagakure officials, and he was given the rank of Jounin, after completing his fifth 'A' rank mission.

However, with the training of the Third eye came many new lessons for Sy'ris personally. Infact, the psychological endeavor left him questioning the world around him. Why would a world that strives for peace, attempt to openly to create weapons out of children? Not wanting to fall victim to his own anger, he began taking up medical meditation, simply to calm and balance his mind. In fact, he began to learn as much as he could about his own mind and in the process, looked to a new, more complex are, of illusions known as genjutsu.


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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by WTFlash Sun May 03, 2009 4:12 am

Jounin Arc: As a Jounin, the mission load increased, and so did their difficulty. He released that he was very naive; as the mission were much less merciful. He watched people sacrifice their morals, or even their humanity, in order complete what they thought was their objective. His personality grew a bit with this, his own morals challenged. However he was steadfast to his beliefs and logical as he was, could bring any tight situation around to his side, even if it was an ally making the situation complicated. At a point during a mission, not only his own life, but the life of a fellow Jounin was at stake. In this situation, either he would die, or his ally would. He attmpted to save both himself and his ally, and only narrowly escaped as the third stage of the eye was unlocked! With this great new power, not only did he have the advantage over his opponents, but also had an edge over his fellow ninja.

Upon discovering that he had reached this milestone, he now became a leading official in his own clan, only 15 years of age. This was very uncommon, and because of this, he was basically put on a standbye phase, where they restricted him only because of his age. He would have to wait anothe year, until he was 16, to have any real say in the affairs of the clan. However, his sixteenth birthday was to be another milestone, as not only was he to be given rank in his clan, he was also in a pool of ninja put in place known as the 'reaper-nin'. These were hunter-nin that were to hunt down criminals and also act as the body guards for important peoples, one of which being the Kazekage; for he had obtained alot of attention thanks to the abilities of his doujutsu and Kkg combined.

It wasn't too long until his mental curiousity and his research into illusions clashed into more innovative ideas. He found that illusions were also crafted and shaped versions of chakra, however instead of shaped physically, the were born in the mind. The mind was most powerful when it was still, when there were no distractions and no new information to be gathered and processed. Thus, he assumed that training with genjutsu would be more efficient when in meditaion. Seeing as though he already had a basis for his ability, ninjutsu, and elements, he decided to shape illusions very specficially to his own needs, instead of having a broad list of sometimes useless techniques.

His first started with techniques used to control, monitor or change the senses, as his Doujutsu could already mimic sight. However, various tweeks to ones motor skills were often very different in the shaping of genjutsu and thus it was much easier to just shut the individual sense down all together. He learned that each individual sense works on the same scale, and that with a single technique he would have his pick of the senses in which to manipulate. After his first success, his meditative illusions took a step further. If one could cast powerful illusions in a meditiative state, then one could form even stronger illusions in a state not bound to reality in the first place. This 'place' turned out to be in ones own mind while they slept! He then worked on forms of genjutsu that manipulated and cast his opponent into sleep. He found that he had a greater knack for this then he had with Fuuinjutsu, however his illusion training was cut short by the announcement of his latest job.

The news came directly from the members of his clan first. Thanks to his blessings and the hard work he had put in to this point, he earned a spot as one of the original Reaper-nin. He also learned that he had some 'help' from the elders of the clan that held political strength with in the government structure of wind country. However, as of now it was a secret organization, unlike Konoha's ANBU black-ops, which were more or less public knowledge that they existed.

Reaper-nin Arc: At the time, Reaper-nin were just considered Jounin+ ninja that could become hunter-nin as well. Seeing as though he went back and forth from these status, they were only used for A-rank and higher missions. Suprisingly, he had alot of free time on his hands. This time was taken by clan matters, and one of these matters were clan missions to the south; the old civilization in which the clan originated. Here, only the slightest view of the ruins still exist, but under the layers of sand, layed lost treasures. Every month, a trip was organized to search the ruins, and uncover the sand for these treasures. A week long trip where to the ruins of the Spirit temple, which was only recently discovered, would be the one that Sy'ris was taking part in. There, many active traps and and puzzles still within the temple. While no one was hurt, Sy'ris came upon an old room of the mystics. A spirit came upon him. After a battle with the spirit, the spirit cut a deal with him. The spirit Temple was one of the many links between the underworld and the living world. If he gave Sy'ris an ancient artifact, then him and the members of the clan would leave and not return to the temple. Sy'ris agreed to this, and was gifted the Mirror shield. As Sy'ris ordered everyone to exacuate, the sands that surrounded the temple shifted about walls, and swallowed it into the desert.

The mirror sheild itself had many powerful properties that he slowly learned of from his experiences. However, it was made a big deal if Sy'ris could keep the shield, as it was a still an old artifact, and was to be perserved within the clan, not used on the field of battle. After many arguements and deliberation, the shield was stripped from Sy'ris. However, he had no time to fight against such a movement, as his reaper-nin responcibilities kicked in. He became one of the Body Guard's of the Kazekage.

During this time, he was actually considered quite a success in his clan. The head elder, the only one to have the final complete stage of the eye of Ra. He took Sy'ris through the trials, where he was able to defeat the guardian that kept the eyes final form locked. There, he obtained the final form, and as he woke from his trial, he became the next in line to lead the clan. Upon the arrival of the final form of the 'eyes of Horus' he also stumbled upon an increadible new technique via genjutsu. He could literally, with the altering eye, convience weak minded individuals that false information was fact. In some cases, he could even command an individual what to do.

Idealism Arc: As his experience with the Kazekage, and many other grew, Sy'ris grew more and more aware of how trivial all forms of violence were. He thought back to the source of what disturbed the peace. Peace is order, and the opposite of order is chaos; so what exactly caused the chaos? Sy'ris heard tale of a man known as the 'Sage of the Six Paths' who was the first to use jutsu. By introducing ninjutsu and thus all the other forms of techniques to the world, that man had placed chaos into order, where they would be forced to combat back and forth, fluxuating in power and thus shattering peace. As long as either side existed with the other, there would always be conflict and always be fighting. Seeing as though the land was originally peaceful, and the goal was to return to that peace, the only way to obtain that goal would be to remove the original chaos; to erraticate jutsu from the world.

As one of the Reapers, he stood beside one of the most powerful men in the world, the kazekage, however, even he wouldn't have what it takes to understand logic, let alone his goal. In Sy'ris' mind, the Kages (Shadows) were given their title because they were neither light no dark, neither order nor chaos. They only existed where both darkness and light appeared. Without either, the Kages where thus, not necessary. They would have to no longer exist for his personal 'goal' to be met. However, he knew that he wasn't strong enough to go against all of the Kages. That's basically suicide.

But the death of the Kazekage would be quick and easy. Infact, from his position of power, he could eliminate the entire village if he wanted to, and he had just the ability to do it. Upon looking over callenders, weather charts, scheduals, plans and blueprints, Sy'riis imagined a plot in which the entire village would suffer without anyone knowning what hit them. It was a process that took six months to prepare for. It was only during this six months that Sy'ris even considered the Akatsuki. They too had goals, and though they may be different then his own, 'world domination' is a good start. They were an army of few men, and where power distribution was so unbalanced, these men together could form some sort of god figure head. Though these were some of the same S-ranked nin he was issued to hunt, he would take pleasure in their reaction to his own scheme. Before he acted, however, he stole both prizes of his own clan, feeling as though they had betray him by stripping the mirror shield from him, when it was him to found it in the first place. He hit the mirror shield and the twilight sword away, for then.

The Fall: It was simple, and graceful. Once upon a time, a man was able to place explosive seals upon thousands of surfaces in the village of konoha without anyone being the wiser. If that would work, then seals of hypnosis would work all the better. These seals weren't even physical because he planted them through out the village with his chakra alone, inscribing them with his energy, and leacing them dormant. It was easy, the Kazekage would be off guard. It would only be himself and the Kazekage when the other guards left. He could assassinate him quickly, and without much trouble. That was the plan...
For the village would be none the wiser. Infact, he would activate the seals placed thoughout all of Sunagakure, and they would all be cast into a deep sleep. Whether it was easier to torture them in their dreams of kill them personally one by one, it would be simple to eliminate hundreds upon thousands of targets that had fallen victim to a realistic dream... as real as the illusion of their every day reality at least. And that was the second part of the plan. Then he would just stroll out, an entire village gone.

Conditions were almost perfect when the plan became a reality. However, the Kazekage was less naive then he had originally thought. Instead of a steady and accurate assassination, the Kazekage was able to turn it into an actual fight. Before the man could climax in his own comeback, he was suppressed, and killed none the less. It all seemed a bit too easy for him, for if there was a struggle, he would surly be dead... but it was the other way around. He was unsaticfied with this result, but continued with his plan.

It was all too easy, until this point. The Kazekage lay dead in his office chair, while the thousands of unsuspecting people were about to fall victim to his most powerful of techniques. What he wasn't ready for, was the mental strain of it all. Activating a mental illusion via a seal on thousands of individuals was impossibly hard, and as he attempted it, him my reacted by collapsing, forcing himself into sleep as well, where he could better handle the stress. Should he hadn't fallen asleep, he would have most likely have died.

Still intercepting so many minds, and controling the dreams of thousands, he was locked in a battle of his own. Many weren't so willing to simply fall asleep, many were more concious then he had originally thought. He blamed it on his own weakness, and when himself, nor his chakra could take anymore, he realease himself and those caught in the dream illusion from their sleep. While the chaos insue from the 'terrorist attack' he had only enough strength to steal away from the village before he could be traced back to the assult. The village had lived... their leader? Not so lucky.

He not only considered himself, but assumed that as soon as the Kage was found dead, that he would be a missing-nin himself, and an S-class criminal at that. His own goals would be impossible to achieve at this rate, at least on his own, as the shadows could only be tricked the same way once or twice. Sy'ris searched out the his default option, some of the criminals he onces hunted. In the Akatsuki, he hoped to make his new 'home'.

Speciality: Ninjutsu, sub: Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu

Elements: Main: Light, Secondary: Lighting + Fire
Weapons/items: Mirror Sheild, Twilight Sword
Goals: Sy'riis' ultimate goal is to find a way to remove chakra manipulation of any kind from the face of the planet. He would like to see any and all jutsu eliminated completely along with removal the 'Kages' from power.


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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by Koga Sun May 03, 2009 4:35 am

Hm. Well, we'll have to see about you joining Akatsuki, as it has already been formed, but perhaps we could work something out for you.

All your jutsu, as well as your Bloodline, will have to be approved in the appropriate sections, using the appropriate template.

However, as far as your character goes, I believe this is approvable. Welcome to the site.

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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by WTFlash Sun May 03, 2009 4:37 am

Thank ya much! From what I heard there was a spot open on the Akat' so I figured I'd jump on the oppertunity!


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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun May 03, 2009 11:36 am

As Koga said, all justu and bloodline need to be posted in creation.

Approved. Welcome to NN and have fun in the Akatsuki.


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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by Kenshi Sun May 03, 2009 1:58 pm


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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by WTFlash Sun May 03, 2009 2:07 pm

Haha, yeah. By 'light' I literally meant... like.. luminecent light. Lol It was changified in the actual KKg App.


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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by Kenshi Sun May 03, 2009 2:11 pm


So you didn't mean a light element, but just the effect that lightning and fire make together?


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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by WTFlash Sun May 03, 2009 2:23 pm

YUP! It is specificed as 'manipulating photons' in the KKg app. Light a small sectoin of the electromagnetic spectrum expressed through energy.
electromagnetic = lightning
energy = heat = fire
Put em together and you get 'Light' or the ability to manipulate those energies within the electro magnetic spectrum of light... at least that was my thought process. Haha


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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 03, 2009 2:25 pm

Hmmm, quite a valid arguement.

Approved unless said otherwise
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Sy'riis Taiyou Empty Re: Sy'riis Taiyou

Post by Guest Sun May 03, 2009 3:15 pm

i second that motion gn. Hmm a doujutsu to rival the jagan eye no doubt. This could make things very intersting. Flsh flash clue clue hint hint wink wink.


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