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Kadou Sanso

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Kadou Sanso Empty Kadou Sanso

Post by VivaLaCult☼ Sun May 03, 2009 12:25 am

Kadou Sanso


None. However The original heritage of the original Sanso clan member has a unique ability, fire jutsu require a abnormally small amount of chakra but any other element based chakra are greatly increased in chakra usage.




Kadou Sanso 77a5ae11

Kadou Sanso Ikoi1010

Kadou wears baggy clothes and simple martial art shoes. He finds it easier to move and simpler to get around. He wears 6 rings, three on each hand and uses them to increase his hand taijutsu skills and places metal plates on his shoes to power up leg attacks. He wears his shinobi band around his neck. He also wears tightly wrapped bandages for his Lotus'.

Kadou is very arrogant and conceded. Once Kadou is invloved with someone, he would give his life for them. Kadou is extremely determined to bring fame and recognition to the Sanso clan, and is quickly angered when something bad is spoken about his clan. Kadou is also fairly easy to befriend if someone is wise about what they say.


[Young Child Arc]
Kadou was born on the 13 of July to a widowed mother, his father died just one week before his birth. Kadou grew up in his small village, from the age of 6 he could beat some of the best ninja in the Sanso village, this wasn't much of an accomplishment, but the village elder saw promise in him he continued to train him and used some Kirigakure Jounin to help train him. Finally he gained enough recognition to become an Academy Student.
Kadou lived with his mother inside the village and was constantly restricted to training and schoolwork. Kadou trained very gruelingly in fire jutsu but practiced very little in any other elemental type, he was also very interested in Taijutsu training just as hard in taijutsu. Every so often Kadou returned to the Munashii clan and sparred with the village elder, the only Sanso clan member that could beat him.

[Academy Arc]
When in the academy Kadou made little to no friends, Kadou would go out of his way to make the other students hate him, so that when he fought or sparred with them they would try harder making the fight a little more enjoyable, but still pointless.
The instructors soon saw how well Kadou was doing at the young age of seven so they took him from the normal classess and placed him in advanced training where an ANBU trained Kadou personally from that day forward he had wanted to be an ANBU Black Op, he began training more and more, he knew how difficult it was for a Shinobi to become an ANBU was. he was os devoted to training he was hospitalitized eight times for over working his body in just 5 months.

[Genin Arc]
Kadou graduated the Academy and was promoted to a Genin at the age of 8, while on his first mission his group was ambushed by three rogue Kumogakure shinobi, Kadou was scared for the first time in his life, he froze up. Their sensei was greatly injured in this attack, by breaking both legs and a deep gash across his chest and that day Kadou vowed to conquer all fears, he began training with multiple S ranked Jounin to help ove rcome his fears and learn new jutsu.
Upon return from his third mission the hokage was waiting at the gate for Kadou, he had a deep pain of sadness strewn across his face. The Hokage knelt down to the height of the 8 year old boy and told him his mother had died, she was killed by an assassin, but the Village of Konaha had killed the intruder on his attempted escape. The hokage then agreed to take the young boy into his home, and train Kadou personally from there on out. It was the day his mother died that Kaodu got a high sense of pride for the village of Konahagakure and is devoted down to his last breath to the village.

[Chuunin Arc]
Through determination and the training of the Hokage himself Kadou advanced to a Chuunin at age 9, he was advancing through the ranks at alarming speed and the other villages began to take notice to the small child, the Hokage himself was surprised and to avoid taboo took the smal child out of the public eye and trained him in solitude not allowing him to go on missions or rank up, it is believed that if Kadou had stayed training and advancing he would easily have made Jounin by age 11 easily.
Finally when Kadou was 12 years old the Hokage took him from his solitude training and brought him back to the public eye Kadou had learned an abnormal amount of jutsu that surprised every ninja in Konaha on his prowess and Kadou jumped to the Jounin level at age 13, they held a ceremony for Kadou being one of the youngest Jounin ever. As a Chuunin Kadou decide to do nothing but focus on Taijutsu which is where his arsenal of Taijutsu was formed.

[Jounin Arc]
As a Jounin Kadou focused on both Fire jutsu and Taijutsu perfecting his abilities. Kadou worked very hard intensly and was highly revered, he was sent on the highest priority missions and would finish the mission at all costs. He would stop at nothing sometimes even being slightly ruthless. The Hokage was so impressed by Kadou willingness to get his missions completed he offered him the position of Anbu when he was only 16. Since then he climbed the ranks as he continued to train harder and harder finally one day he learned to open the 7th gate he holds his position highly and takes great pride in it, finally bringing fame to the Sanso clan.

Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Last edited by VivaLaCult☼ on Sun May 03, 2009 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by VivaLaCult☼ Sun May 03, 2009 12:25 am

Learned jutsus:
Basic Ninjutsu:

Name: Basic Clone
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A basic jutsu which all academy students are required to know. The user creates a clone of themself which is usually used to confuse or create a diversion. The clone disappears when the user stops the jutsu or when hit.

Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A basic jutsu taught at ninja academy which allows the user to assume the appearance of another person or animal.

Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu (Rope Escape Technique)
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A basic ninja academy jutsu which allows the user to escape from being tied up with rope.

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Substitution jutsu)
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: A basic jutsu in which the user switches place with a nearby object, like a log or another person.

B Ranked Ninjutsu:

Katon: Karyū Endan
[Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Projectile]
The user does a string of hand seals and the proceeds to blow a large jet of fire from their mouth.

Katon: Karyūdan
[Fire Dragon Projectile]
A Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and create mud projectiles using the Doryūdan technique. The ninja will then blow a large flame to ignite the mud projectiles.

Katon: Haisekishō
[Fire Release: Burning Ash Accumulation]
A Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed handseals, Asuma will expel an ash from his mouth. This large cloud begin to envelope his foe and when Asuma clicks his teeth, the cloud will ignite in an explosion.

Katon: Haibaku
[Fire Release: Ash Explosion]
The user forms a ball of fire in their mouth and spits it out. As it flies, the fire begins to die and reveals a ball of ash in the middle of it. Upon contact, the ball explodes outward, coating an area in burning ash.

Katon: Haibakuha no Jutsu
[Fire Release: Exploding Ash Wave Technique]
The user summons up an enormous amount of ash which, swirling around, explodes forward to burn, smother, and crush anything and everything in it's path. Can be combined with a lesser fire technique to set the ash on fire.

C Ranked Ninjutsu:

Katon: Nenshō
[Fire Release: Burning Palm]
A fire technique that gathers flames around the palm of one user and allows him to project the flames away from the palm in a short-distance flame-thrower like effect. This technique can be performed without handseals for a chakra cost equivalent to a B rank jutsu.

Katon: Endan
[Fire Release: Fireball]
Katon - Endan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. This jutsu allows the user to emit a jet of fire from his mouth.

Katon: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu
[Fire Release: Mist Waltz Technique]
A Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals and then proceeds to blow a large combustible mist at the target. When the mist hits flame, it will ignite in an explosion of fire.

Kasai Bunshin no Jutsu
[Fire Doppelganger Technique]
A jutsu that uses any available flame source to make a clone of the user. This clone can only use fire jutsu the originator can use. When struck hard, the clone dispells, leaving a fire where it was.

Katon: Hibashira
[Fire Release: Blazing Column]
The user causes a blazing pillar of fire to shoot up directly beneath an opponent.

Katon: Hiha
[Fire Release: Fire Edge]
The user coats their blade in fire. An extra burst of chakra can cause the flames to explode outward.

Katon: Nensora
[Fire Release: Burning Sky]
This technique, after performing the appropriate five kata, gathers chakra around the user and ignites it with a snap of the fingers. The chakra is then launched upwards, sending multiple streams of fire arcing through the air at an enemy.

Katon: Hiōi
[Fire Release: Flame Shroud]
The user shoots a stream of flame from their mouth which expands rapidly after a certain point, shielding the user from view in a sheet of flames.

Katon: Nagare no Hai
[Fire Release: Stream of Ash]
The user breathes the burning ash equivalent of a flamethrower, coating an opponent and area of ground with the substance that can kill from both choking and burns.

Katon: Shōnetsujigoku
[Fire Release: Burning Hell]
This technique expels chakra from the user's mouth and sends it to the ground about him. The technique then ignites the chakra and propels it away from the user, creating a circle of ever-widening flame around the user.

D Ranked Ninjutsu:

Katon: Karyūbatsu
[Fire Release: Fire Style Strike]
The user thrusts a hand forward and shoots a single large blast of flame at the enemy in the shape of the hand that was thrust forward. Ex; A fist makes a fist shape flame.

Katon: Yoendan
[Fire Release: Burning Ember Bullet]
The user spits out a sizable ball of flaming embers at an opponent.

Katon: Hibanaku
[Fire Release: Spark Kick]
This quite simple Katon jutsu requires no kata, only a concentration of chakra to one foot. The user will lift their foot and give it a gentle scuff-kick against the ground, producing a single spark capable of igniting flammable material. This jutsu requires no kata, just a concentration of Katon chakra to the foot

Katon: Kayaheki
[Fire Release: Gunpowder Burst]
A simple fire technique that ignites chakra in a given area using a rapid spike of heat and friction, creating a small, rapidly burned out, burst of fire as though a small amount of gunpowder had been ignited. Not particularly deadly, it is an visually startling technique and can be used to start fires. Requires no hand seals.

A Rank Taijutsu:

Name: Bunshin Taiatari [Clone Body Blow]
Type: Offensive, Short to mid-range (0-10m)
The user creates numerous clones to attack his enemy, which ends with the user diving at the target using a burst of chakra.

Name: Ura Renge [Reverse Lotus]
Type: Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
This jutsu is an advanced and more destructive version of the Front Lotus, which requires that at least three chakra gates be opened. Once enough gates are open, the user launches the target into the air and then jumps after them, striking them quickly in the pattern of a triangle and then hits them with one arm and one foot, sending the target crashing into the ground. This is usually fatal due to the speed and power behind the attack. Because so many chakra gates are opened at once, it can only be used once, since the user will likely be unable to stand afterward.

B Rank Taijutsu:

Name: Omote Renge [Front Lotus]
Type: Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
This jutsu requires opening the first chakra gate, giving the user five times their normal strength. Having prepared for the jutsu by unwrapping the bandages on his arms, the user kicks his opponent into the air, and then performs Shadow of the Dancing Leaf. Once he is behind his opponent, he then wraps the arm bandages around them, and grabs them in a bear hug, then piledrives them into the ground while spinning rapidly. The resulting impact will likely kill his opponent, though this has yet to happen due to extenuating circumstances. Because it uses one of the chakra gates, the user is left extremely fatigued, making this jutsu a "double-edged sword."

Name: Konoha Gōriki Senpū [Leaf Strong Whirlwind]
Type: Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
This jutsu is basically the same as the Leaf Great Whirlwind, only more damaging.

Name: Konoha Senpū [Leaf Whirlwind]
Type: Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
This jutsu is a set-up attack for a stronger jutsu. It consists of a simple, but very fast, duck followed by a powerful upward kick, which sends the opponent flying. When the user uses this attack, he covers his foot in chakra to enhance it.

C Rank Taijutsu:

Name: Konoha Daisenpū [Leaf Great Whirlwind]
Type: Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
This jutsu involves a powerful leap forward followed by a spinning kick with both legs in succession, the second kick being aimed lower in case the intended target ducks the first.

D Rank Taijutsu:

Name: Konoha Reppū [Leaf Gale]
Type: Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
Using his quickness and agility, the user performs a spinning kick to sweep his opponent off their feet.

Name: Dainamikku-Entorī [Dynamic Entry]
Type: Offensive, Short range (0-5m)
This jutsu is simply a flying jump kick at an enemy before being spotted.The user throws a kunai to distract his opponents attention so his kick is delivered to the back of their head.

Unknown Rank Taijutsu:

Name: Konoha Shōfū [Leaf Rising Wind]
Type: Unknown
Using quickness and agility, the user will do a swift upwards kick at their opponent or at a weapon the opponent is wielding.

Name: Hachimon [Eight Gates]
Type: Unknown
The eight chakra gates are eight specific points on a person's chakra circulatory system. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By opening these gates, the user can surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own bodies. The gates and what they release are listed below:

Kaimon ("Gate of Opening" or "Initial Gate") releases the brain's limit on the total strain on the muscles, giving the user five times their normal strength and speed. The user can perform the Front Lotus at this level.
Kyūmon ("Gate of Rest" or "Heal Gate") releases the brain's limit on the body's stamina, making a battle-worn person become miraculously ready to fight as if the fight had just started.
Seimon ("Gate of Life" or "Birth Gate") is located on the spinal cord, and releases the limit on the nervous system, which makes information travel at a faster rate and creates even more stamina. As a side effect, the user's skin turns red, indicating an increased blood-oxygen level. The user can perform the Reverse Lotus at this level.
Shōmon ("Gate of Pain" or "Harm/Wound Gate") releases the limit on oxygen intake in the lungs, creating much more oxygen for the body to use.
Tomon ("Gate of Closing" or "Limit Gate") releases the limit on the amount of chakra released at one time.
Keimon ("Gate of Joy" or "View Gate") removes the limit on how much fat and proteins the intestines can digest, and releases otherwise useless energy resources, giving the user even more power and stamina. The user can perform the Morning Peacock at this level.
Kyōmon ("Gate of Shock" or "Wonder Gate") removes the limit on how fast the body can move, removes wastes from dead skin cells to feces, and gives the body a much cleaner system to work with, producing even more power and stamina.
Shimon ("Gate of Death" or "Death Gate") opens the final gate located at the heart and uses up all of the body's energy. It makes the heart pump at maximum power and exceeds the power of every other gate. All the energy in every individual cell is used up, giving the user power well above that of any Kage. This "big bang" effect is only temporary, and destroys every muscle in the user's body, including the heart. Death is assured when opening this gate.

Name: Asa Kujaku [Morning Peacock]
Type: Unknown
This jutsu opens six of the eight chakra gates to give the user unmatched speed and strength. After the gates are open, The user will approach his opponent in a somewhat distinctive stance and, once he gets close enough, kick them into the air. He then punches his opponent over and over, causing a peacock-like fan of flaming chakra to develop. Once the user is finished, his opponent will fall back to the ground, covered in the attack's aura. Thsi jutsu leaves the user very fatigued.


Normal Kunai

Become ANBU Captain.


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun May 03, 2009 12:34 am

I'm sorry, but I cannot approve this. To be Anbu you need atleast 7 more paragraphs.

I'm willing to offer and Chunnin ranked Anbu, but you'll still need to add two paragraphs.


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 03, 2009 12:35 am

Wow, its a coincedenece that you also have a Munashii. I created Hitoshi Munashii, whom is from Iwagakure. When you get back, we'll have to discuss this issue
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by VivaLaCult☼ Sun May 03, 2009 12:40 am

"Mom, Dad!" a small child called as he watched helplessly from his bedroom window as his mother and father were cut down in cold blood, by two spineless murderers. One murderer laughs and points at the small child the other punches him in the head knocking the hysterical kid unconscious. Ibara shoots up from his bed in a cold dripping sweat this was the fourth night in a row he has had this dream he rubs his face, he slips on his robe and leaves his house to go for a walk.

Everynight for four days, why is this still happening, it's been six years he thinks to himself as he wraps the robe around his body tighter, another chilly night in Kirigakure. Ibara makes a left and crosses a bridge he stops half way and looks out over the water his reflection glimmering in the moonlight.

Ibara is suddenly filled with rage and slams a vine that was protruding from his forearm, the slap sends water hurling in the air, and the ripples reverberate to the edge of the pond and make their way back.

"Damn it!" he yells into his hands and falls to his knees, after about half an hour he goes back and lays in his bed.

Another restless night in Kirigakure.


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by VivaLaCult☼ Sun May 03, 2009 12:41 am

I will add 7 more paragraphs later.

As for having another Munashii....well that blows I will have to find a new last name.


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by VivaLaCult☼ Sun May 03, 2009 12:47 am

[Extra Jutsu I Forgot]

Name: Hitoshirezu no Jutsu [Camoflague Jutsu]
Type: Genjutsu/Ninjutsu
Rank: B or C depends on the terrain. Kadou knows the C version (Can blend into medium complexity background)
Description: The user becomes perfectly hidden with their surrondings.

Name: Maruchi Hinotama no Jutsu
[Multi Fireball Justu]
Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B rank
Description: The user shoots many fireballs from either the mouth or hands, this jutsu automatically shoots 6 fireballs each one after this costs extra chakra. He uses this to ignite the air after he has made it really oxygenated and explosive.

Juuden Mitsukai [Charging Angel]
Kadou uses a similair method to forming a rasengan but coats it in extremely hot fire. Basically the equivalent of the Rasengan only fire based.(Just his back up for Oto's Chidori)

Name: Katon - Gōkakyū no Jutsu
[Fire Release - Great Fireball Technique]
Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B-rank, Offensive, Far Range (0-35m)
Description: A huge ball of fire that is fored at the opponent very hard to dodge, he uses to cause a large explosion.


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by Koga Sun May 03, 2009 12:56 am

Also, if youre going to post up all your jutsu, I suggest doing so in the Jutsu section, using the Jutsu template that is provided.

And what is "kata"? You mention it multiple times in your jutsu. Do you mean chakra?

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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by VivaLaCult☼ Sun May 03, 2009 12:08 pm

Kata=Handseals sorry.


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by Koga Sun May 03, 2009 3:33 pm

Ah, I see.

However, I also just realized there was another problem. You said he has access to the Eight Gates, right? Here, you are not allowed to have the Eight Gates and Ninjutsu. You pick, one, or the other.

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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun May 03, 2009 3:40 pm

Koga, that's not right. You can't use Ninjutsu, while using the Eight Gates.


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by Koga Sun May 03, 2009 3:51 pm

Thats what I said. "Youre not allowed to have the Eight Gates and Ninjutsu."

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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun May 03, 2009 3:56 pm

Ok, what jutsu are you talking about? Because Asa Kujaku is Taijutsu.


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by Koga Sun May 03, 2009 4:04 pm

Im getting really confused. >.>

Well, in:

It says you cannot have Ninjutsu and the Eight Gates, or at least, thats what I got from the rule when I read it, considering neither of the characters we see who use the Eight Gates have any Ninjutsu, and only use Taijutsu. Though looking back at the rule, I see I probably misread it, and it meant that you just couldnt use Ninjutsu during the time when the Eight Gates are active, which really doesnt seem quite as effective as "you cant have both". >.>

... Aaaaanywho, Ill leave this to you, Diabloss. I think I need a break. >.>

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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun May 03, 2009 4:06 pm

Koga, it means while your say using the 1st gate, you can't use a Ninjutsu. But if your not in that 1st gate, you can use all the Ninjutsu you want.



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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 03, 2009 4:07 pm

he can have both but he cant use ninjutsu while in either eight gate form.

All I have a problem with really is the last name, I know you are looking for one and that is my only concern

Everything else can is approved
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by VivaLaCult☼ Sun May 03, 2009 6:02 pm


YAYAY I am approved

I will Change my name now


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Kadou Sanso Empty Re: Kadou Sanso

Post by VivaLaCult☼ Sun May 03, 2009 6:05 pm

There it is now Sanso.


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