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3 headed Snake Eight tail

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3 headed Snake Eight tail Empty 3 headed Snake Eight tail

Post by Ryuu Uchiha Sat May 02, 2009 6:00 pm

Character Name: Ryuu Yagami

Village: Konohagakure

Rank: Genin

Number of Tailed Beast: Eight Tails

Description of Tailed Beasts Power:
Long ago the Yamata-no-Orochi was of the weaker Binjuu. This snake demon was kept as a pet to the members of the Yagami Tribe. This demon beast was no larger then a normal boa constrictor, though it still possessed its distinguishing eight heads and eight tails. The creature was found in a time of war for the Yagami. Being kept in a shrine constructed under the premise of granting the snake-worshiping Yagami luck on the battlefield, the Orochi used what power it did possess at this time to give its soul a home in that of the Yagami, ensuring that it would always be able to return to the world of the living so long as a descendant of the Yagami existed.

As the battle between the Yagami Clan and their archrivals, the Kasanagi Clan, raged on, the Orochi gained control over the legendary sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, absorbing the power of the blade, becoming exponentially stronger. The surge of power through the Bijuu unleashed the Orochi’s power over the demon world, each one of its heads becoming a symbol of darkness: Soul, Ghost, Evil, Devil, Monstrous, Kill, The Afterworld, and Death. The dark energy emitted by the awakening of the Yamata-no-Orochi’s powers awoke several of the other Bijuu, and in his arrogance the Orochi began combating several of the other tailed beast. Ultimately, however, the Orochi could not defeat Kyuubi.

Defeated by Kyuubi, the scorned and vengeful dragon-snake found hiding in a massive mountain range, resting to regain its strength in order to challenge Kyuubi again. The body of the Orochi was gigantic, as the beast was the largest of the Bijuu. The snake-like body of the demon stretched the span of eight mountains and eight valleys, and in its time of slumber an entangling forest of hikage (clubmoss), hinoki (Japanese cypress), and sugi (Japanese cedar) grew on the its back. However, other then these features, the most distinguishing factor of the beast was the pitch-black scales clashing against its blood red eyes.

Though remaining dormant to avoid confrontation as it rested, Orochi terrorized a nearby village, coming down from the mountains once every year to devour a virgin sacrifice, offered in the form of a young girl. However, in the eighth year that the Orochi claimed his offering, a mighty warrior thought the god Susanoo, the Shinto God of Sea and Storms, fought and killed the Bijuu, severing it’s eight heads from its body and claming the sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi as his prize.

Though killed, the Orochi can never truly die, as it is the embodiment of death and the afterlife. However, the demon was not able to return to the mortal world on its own, as it had to be re-awoken by a member of the Yagami Clan. Furthermore, the beast would have to wait thousands of years to regain its strength before a genius of the clan could emerge to unleash it though a sacrifice.

More then a thousand years had passed since the Orochi was defeated, and yet still the beast had not been awoken from the spirit world. Desperate, a cult of crazed followers of the devil spirit attempted a ritual to bring their master back into this world. The cult assassinated all members of the Tagami Clan, except for a single, pregnant mother. With no other members of the clan alive, the cult was certain that the beast would have to be woken through the unborn child of the Yagami, since there was no one to compare the child to, making it a “genius” by default. In a temple found in the old battlefield of Osaka, the cut watched over the labor of the child, eventually killing the mother as soon as the birth was complete. The cults plan had worked, and the spirit energy of the demon snake was released into the surrounding area, again disrupting the balance of the world. The surrounding area was desolated, and every member of the Orochi cult was instantly killed by the essence of the death Bijuu. All that remained was for the massive demon to burst out of the infant’s body, killing the child as the demon reemerged into the physical wold. However, the ultimate goal of the Orochi was never attained, as shinobi from several nations assembled to combat the forced resurrection. Preventing the destruction of the infant by sealing the tailed beast’s chakra within the newborn’s body, the Orochi was contained, as least temporarily.

Conflict broke out between the nations that had helped defeat the reemergence of the Orochi. Many called for the death of the child as a means of killing the demon once and for all. However, it was debated that the destruction of the infant would merely unleash the beast from its imprisonment. Other shinobi attempted to claim the infant as a weapon, aiming to raise the child as a means of gaining power. At present only high ranking ninja from Konohagakure, Kumogakure, and Kirigakure know of the existence of the beast within the child, as these were the three ninja nations to help defeat the beast from truly coming back into the world. Furthermore, only the members of Konohagakure that have been granted privilege to the knowledge of the beast know that it is within Ryuu, who himself does not know that he contains the snake demon inside of him.

Ryuu Uchiha

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3 headed Snake Eight tail Empty Re: 3 headed Snake Eight tail

Post by Ryuu Uchiha Sat May 02, 2009 6:00 pm

Special Abilities:
Jinchuuriki Previlages
Once the ritual that was meant to release Orochi into its true from failed, the demon was left weakened within the body of Ryuu. The Orochi undertook a period of slumber to regain its strength, and was not again awoken until the first ounces of its chakra leaked through the loosened seal on Ryuu’s chest. After his first experiences with the Orochi’s chakra, Ryuu underwent several gradual changes as a result of the demon chakra that was within him. His body took on several snake-like qualities, most notably the hallow viper fangs that replaced his normal canine teeth. These fangs work in conjunction with the developing venom sacks that, when Ryuu reaches the rank of Chuunin, are capable of releasing venom with a paralysis effect. Ryuu’s skin also started to become paler as a result from the Orochi.

As the animals of nature are more entwined with their surrounding, the presences of the Orochi could now be sensed by most creates, even when the chakra of the beast is not active. Snakes in particular not only sense the Orochi, but also fear it, posing little threat to Ryuu, unless of coarse they are the result of a summoning. However, it is for good cause the snakes avoid what is within Ryuu, as he has become immune to viper venom, since he began to develop his own after being exposed to the Orochi’s power.

The greatest change to effect Ryuu after experiencing the chakra of the beast come not from the Orochi’s snake qualities, but from the demons control of death and the spirit world. Ryuu developed a retractable lens within his eye socket that can cover his retina, making a veiny blood-red coating cover his entire. This lens works in conjunction with the receptors in the labial pits in his nostril to give him an extra-sensory type of sight when both are active. However, instead of giving Ryuu a type of infrared vision, like what many snakes have, these new organs give Ryuu a perception of the spirit world, where the Orochi inhabits. At first these vision occurred at random, as Ryuu has no initial control over these new organs. This sight allows Ryuu to see the spirit energy of all living things, though by no means with as much detail as the Byakugan, as Ryuu will not be able to see the chakra points of the body or the chakra system. Instead Ryuu can see the collection of the bodies chakra as it flows in the living. Furthermore, if someone has committed a murder, or taken the life of another, that victims spirit leaves a trace on the murderer that Ryuu can sense. Furthermore, Ryuu is victim to seeing visions of wandering souls, which normally go unnoticed. Particularly on battlefields where many lives have been lost, this ability of Ryuu’s reacts around death and the smell of blood.

Ryuu Uchiha

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3 headed Snake Eight tail Empty Re: 3 headed Snake Eight tail

Post by Ryuu Uchiha Sat May 02, 2009 6:01 pm

0 Head/Tail Form(Genin)
This is a small tap of the Orochi’s power, coming from a slight loosening of the seal that holds the beast within Ryuu. Under a near death circumstance, as Ryuu has no conscious control over the Bijuu’s power, chakra from the beast is released into Ryuu at such a level that it become visible as it initially swirls around him. However, this chakra does not form around him like some of the latter forms that can be reached. Ryuu’s body becomes slightly more “demonic” in nature, as he will gain claw-like fingers, larger viper fangs, pure blood red eyes, and skin that is darker and more scale-like in appearance. Ryuu gains a momentary boost in speed, strength, and edurance, as well as an increased chakra capacity. The release of the seal puts a strain on Ryuu’s body, particularly the heart, where the seal is close to. Eventually Ryuu will faint due to the strain put onto the boy of the normally calm minded ninja.

1 Head/Tail Form(Genin)
This is the form that Ryuu takes when he is under the power of a full head/tail of the Orochi. The visible chakra that is released through the seal containing the beast forms an exoskeleton around Ryuu, cloaking his body in dark chakra. A visible single snake tail appears on Ryuu’s backside composed entirely out of chakra. This form gives Ryuu increased chakra capacity, greater strength, enhanced speed, and greater resistance to physical damage. The chakra around him can extend and his attack range is increased. In this form he is less capable of performing Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, and he mostly reduced to pure Taijutsu. After leaving his form Ryuu will immediately faint at his Genin level.

Ryuu Uchiha

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3 headed Snake Eight tail Empty Re: 3 headed Snake Eight tail

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat May 02, 2009 6:01 pm

Not approved
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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3 headed Snake Eight tail Empty Re: 3 headed Snake Eight tail

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat May 02, 2009 6:02 pm

Sorry, but we don't have custom tails here.


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3 headed Snake Eight tail Empty Re: 3 headed Snake Eight tail

Post by Ryuu Uchiha Sat May 02, 2009 6:02 pm

Drawbacks to using the Bijuu’s powers:
The first, and most feared drawback to the beasts chakra that Ryuu has when he learns about the creature is that he is terrified of the demon, which is an ironic since his family is known for worshipping the creature in the past. However, other drawback would include that any use of the chakra puts and enormous strain on the users body, causing them to faint after a momentary use of the demon's chakra. The strain is centered around his heart, where the seal is placed, and over frequent use his heartstrings could weaken to the point of failure.

However, Ryuu is also victim to the consciousness of the Bijuu, which unlike the other tailed beast has one head for every one of its tails. Each of the Orochi’s heads has its own consciousness, and the beast constantly debates with itself, particularly over the host that they are sealed in. Some of the heads despise Ryuu for being weak; others may take on the belief that regardless of ability he is the last Yagami to keep them in the world of the physical. The Orochi has the potential to betray Ryuu at any point in battle. Even when Ryuu reaches one of the heads/tails form he could be violently thrown back in strength, even all the way down to none, if the Orochi chooses to withdrawal its chakra from Ryuu’s use. This not only throws Ryuu out of a tailed form, but also leaves him fainted on the battlefield, leaving him completely exposed in battle.

Ryuu Uchiha

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3 headed Snake Eight tail Empty Re: 3 headed Snake Eight tail

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat May 02, 2009 6:02 pm

If you want to eight tails, then thats fine. Just do it from the manga/anime
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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