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Yagami Empty Yagami

Post by Ryuu Uchiha Sat May 02, 2009 5:49 pm

Clan History:
The Yagami clan began thousands of generations ago as a small, yet prosperous clan of merchants, living near the shoreline between the Land of Fire and the Land of Lightning. Humble, the firsts generations of the clan became fishermen and tradesmen, helping to construct the road between the to great ninja nations as a means to improve their trade with the villages of each country. Eventually, some of the Yagami would integrate within the societies of either great ninja nation, becoming ninjas and learning the ways of warfare. It was this progression from simple merchants to aspiring ninjas that sparked the age-old conflict of the Yagam clan with the Kasanagi clan. The Kasanagi clan sought to gain an undisputed trade monopoly in the area, and they fear what a power shift in the status quo of the region could bring.
The Kasanagi, renowned for their Kenjutsu abilites began the feud between the two clans by attacking Yagami merchants on the roads to the Land of Fire and the Land of Lightning. Unwilling to submit, the Yagami clan fought back, and several battles occurred between the two clans. It was during this time of chaos that the Yagami clan made the discovery of Yamata-no-Orochi, and eight-headed, eight-tailed serpent that measured roughly 15 feet in full length. The serpent was tame and the Yagami quickly befriended the beast with offerings. They saw the unique reptile as a sign of good luck, and believed that by caring for the beast they would eventually fight off the Kasanagi threat that loomed at their doorstep. However, the Yagami were too optimistic in their beliefs. Lead by their clan head, the Kasanagi stormed the inner sanctum of the Yagami’s main village, wiping out the defenses of the once merchant clan with the legendary sword, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, at the front of the charge. It is likely that this assault would have ended the Yagami legacy had the Kasanagi not been arrogant in their attack on the center temple of the Yagami, which housed the serpent Yamata-no-Orochi. In attacking the beast, the Orochi bite down on the blade of the Kasanagi-no-Tsurugi, absorbing the legendary blade’s power, and transforming itself into one of the strongest of the Bijuu. The chaotic energy of the now demon serpent obliterated the attack of the Kasanagi, as the newly empowered beast defended its long time protectors. When the battle was done the Kasanagi were in full retreat, and the Yagami were safe for the time being.
Having been saved by the eight-forked serpent, the Yagami ignored the chaos the now massive snake brought onto the rest of the world. For even thought the beast now possessed an evil chakra, the Yagami constructed a temple in its honor in a location of Osaka. A thousand years after Susanoo had defeated the Orochi, the Yagami clan still prayed to the serpent for good luck and prosperity. However, the Yagami had no such luck with their obsession with the serpent demon. A radical cult of followers of the Yamata-no-Orochi, who recognized the devil aspects of the beast, attempted to resurrect their dark master at none other then the Yagami temple to the beast. In enacting their twisted plan, the Yagami clan was murdered as a means of finding the genius of the clan that could reawaken the Orochi from the spirit world. With only one pregnant mother of the clan remaining, the child she was carrying would, by default, be the legacy of the clan. The last Yagami would be a genius when compared with no other Yagami; the last Yagami was Ryuu.

Clan Information:
During its prime the Yagami clan was large and prosperous, having one main village near the temple of Osaka, with several outpost used for trading and defense. Since the clan was started as just simple merchants, it does not value greed so much as honor, as a merchant is only as effective as the contracts they hold are honored. Furthermore, as a result of being saved by the serpent demon Yamata-no-Orochi, the Yagami clan had been reticulated for being “snake-worshipers”. The Yagami saw snakes, and to a large extend dragons, which are massive beast the have many similarities to serpents, as signs of good luck and prosperity, and above all others they blindly saw the Orochi as a good deity, rather then the demon beast it truly was.

Clan's Role Today in relation with your character:
The Yagami clan today has only one legacy, Ryuu Yagami, who was an infant survivor of the murder of the Yagami clan. Due to documents that transcended the defeat of the Yagami Ryuu can understand some of the virtues of the clan. However, Ryuu fears the Orochi instead of praising it.

Clan's Secret Techniques or Bloodline traits:
The Yagami Clan has no secret techniques or bloodline limits. However, Yamata-no-Orochi bound its soul to the clan as a means of resurrection through a sacrificial, yet random, member of the clan. Other then this the clan has no special techniques, and even this ability is not considered a trait of the clan in that it is enacted more through the will of Yamata-no-Orochi then the clan itself, since the clan members were not aware of this ability until they became the victims of the Orochi cult.

Ryuu Uchiha

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Join date : 2009-05-02

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Yagami Empty Re: Yagami

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat May 02, 2009 6:13 pm

Again, follow template
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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