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The Invisible Threat

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The Invisible Threat Empty The Invisible Threat

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:02 pm

It was a rainy day today. The trillions upon trillions of falling water drops shattered as they hit the ground, mixing with the ground, the soil, the earth, and turning it into mud. The sky was darkened, with a dark gray color dominating the sky. It was in part due to the fact that it was already sunset time. The area seemed to be completely empty, with heavy rain smashing against the ground and the leaves of trees, as well as filling small puddles scattered around. Inside of these mountain woods, a small house lied. It seemed either very old, or the elements of nature were speeding up the aging process. The wooden shack had only a few windows, with curtains. The house itself was suspended on about foot high poles, meant to keep flooding out of the house, and keep it from being sweeped away in mountain downpours. Stairs led up to the front door, which was open just a crack.

Walking up to the home, making squishing noises in the mud as he walked, Shikyo stepped onto the wooden stairs, which had water trailing off all over it. He then put his hand onto the door knob, and then tried to open it, but the knob itself seemed to be stuck. The door also seemed to be hanging loose off of one of it's hinges. Shikyo did not have time to play with the door, and just kicked it open, walking inside, apparently showing the door it's place. As he walked in, he seemed almost surprised. The interior was not as bad as he thought it was, with most of the building still relatively intact. There was a sofa, a broken television, and a couple of tables, but there were also one or two leaks in the ceiling. Shikyo avoided those, walking from one room to the next. The wooden floors squeaked, as if they were struggling to hold Shikyo. He was not sure how long it had actually been around, it could possibly collapse at any time.

Inside of the next room, he found a huge, gaping hole in the side of the house. Shikyo almost felt stupid, missing it when he first found the home. He also found a smaller hole in the floor at the other side of the room. It had a bed near one end of the room, and something suggesting the remains of a kitchen at the area of the hole. Shikyo, trying to ignore the big ugly hole, walked around the room at his own pace, opening cabinets in the wal, trying to find things of use, but he did not find anything here. Shikyo had eaten plenty today, but he was still looking for a free meal. Even if people lived here, he would not hesitate to steal the food, and be on his way. Shikyo sighed, and then walked back into the first room. Shikyo sighed.

"What a shame...I was looking for somewhere to spend the night, but it looks like this place is already having troubles with keeping itself afloat." Shikyo said to himself. "Geez, I sure hope this ceiling doesn't collapse on my head."

Shikyo yawned, and plopped onto the sofa. It was not in terrible condition, but one side of the sofa was exposed to a leak, making that side rather repulsive. Shikyo sighed, and looked out the window as it continued to rain like hell. It didn't look like it'd let up anytime soon, so he just sat there in his cloak, and suddenly, his eyes widened, and he grinned a little. "Ahh, I just remembered, I forgot to eat some food, and got it packed. Looks like I can eat a little, I guess." Shikyo said to himself. He reached into one of his nin packs, and pulled out a neatly prepared package, and opened it, and grabbed the dango inside. Shikyo immediately munched on the first part of it, trying to enjoy it while he had it. Then, he heard the floor creack again.

But, he could tell that it wasn't the floor itself, because it kept on arising, meaning that somebody was going up the stairs, and into the house. Shikyo looked at the entrance, waiting to see who was coming...
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The Invisible Threat Empty Re: The Invisible Threat

Post by Kyo Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:43 pm

Even as the rain was falling, some of the water never met with the ground. It sounded as if the rain had slowed for a second as the water turned to fog in mid air. A thick cloud of fog covered the surrounding area and encased the house within it.

A small child's laugh was heard form outside as a figured moved swiftly from the window over to the door. Keen's face peered around the already opened door until he could see the entire room as he entered. He looked as if he was watching his feet as he placed them one in front of the other in a straight line. His head hung down, but his eyes were looking up, scanning for any form of life. The fog seemed to follow him about two second behind his trail, entering the room like a thick smoke. As he studied the familiar walls and floor boards, Keen's eye landed on the stranger.

"Have you come to play a game with us?"
An eerie smile crept onto his face like the mist across the floor.

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The Invisible Threat Empty Re: The Invisible Threat

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:32 pm

Shikyo watched as the person walked inside. Shikyo was very surprised to see the person who walked inside. He looked nothing more than a child, probably no older than ten years old, most likely younger. Even more shocking was that he seemed to be armless at first sight. Shikyo did not let his guard down when he entered however, as entering with him was an eery mist. It was ominous, with a dark feeling dirfting across the room as he entered. He seemed to be very...lost. Shikyo simply leaned back on the sofa, and put one of his legs on top of the other, getting comfortable on it as he brought the dark feeling in the room. He simply looked as the mist entered, unfazed by it. Shikyo was not one that used the frightening effect, but he himself was a master of evil and mutilation. He did not bother getting up, and looked at the boy, his dark, careless, yet shiny eyes looking at him. Unknownst to the boy, Shikyo was indeed blind. He could only use his Koukentenshi to see out of the diamond that resonated with his own chakra.

"Heh heh heh, games? I'm afraid, at my age, I don't play any 'games'." Shikyo told him.

Shikyo still sat down on the sofa, but then reached his hand up his own cloak. He then kept up in there, seeming to be stalling, but at the same time looking for something. Then, he pulled out his hand, and in his hand was a kunai knife. On the end of it, however, was a shiny something attached to the end. It was not a normal "accessory", and it will not come off, in definitely. Shikyo looked at the little boy, with killing intent in his eyes. There's no way this is no ordinary person. He may have used that fog as a kind of suiton jutsu, in which case, I should probably get out now and get a good distance between us." Shikyo then took out a bit of crystal, and placed it on the sofa, activating his "third eye"

Shikyo immediately flipped over, and straight out the window behind him, knocking down the curtain, and breaking all of the glass. He flipped the sofa over as well, getting outside, he immediately moved back, jumping across the ground, getting onto the mud path in the forest. There was a large, steep cliff behind the house, and a steep cliff about 45 meters away from where Shikyo stood on the pathway. The trees were not very dense, so rainwater could get through. The ground had low plants growing, not enough to hide anything very large. The steep cliff away from the house went down extremely far, making any drop from that height most likely fatal, or at least skeleton shattering. Shikyo kept an eye on all of the boy's actions using his "Third eye".

Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The Invisible Threat Empty Re: The Invisible Threat

Post by Kyo Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:45 pm

Keen seemed to be starring at Shikyo through the diamonds when in fact, he was mesmerized by their beauty. Keen starred at them for almost a minute before his mind came back to him. He quickly spun on his feet and dashed after his new playmate.

"I like playing tag..."

Keen reached Shikyo seconds after taking off and his fog followed slowly behind him. When Keen saw that Shikyo had stopped, Keen also stopped about ten meters away but close enough to see each other. From under his cloak, three kunai shot out as Keen focused his aim on Shikyo.

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The Invisible Threat Empty Re: The Invisible Threat

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:06 am

Shikyo needed to react immediately to the incoming kunai knives being shot at him by the enemy. The little child had chased after him, but stopped about ten meters away from one another. The little boy had shot three kunai knives from out of his cloak, straight at Shikyo. Shikyo needed to act quickly, quickly building up some chakra in his feet, and then immediately jumping high up into the air, using chakra as a spring to get higher up into the air, Shikyo immediately took action while he was up in the air, using the window he had to deploy the thing that he would need in order to win this battle. Cutting the Koukentenshi connection with the diamond he left in the house, Shikyo did a mid air flip, throwing the kunai knife he had to the ground, straight at the little one.

"Now that I'm in the air, there's no winning this battle. I should end this quick." Shikyo said quietly to himself.

Shikyo allowed one of the mouths on his palm to open, dropping something out of the palm, Shikyo imediately made a hand sign, allowing the thing to become enveloped in a cloud of white smoke. There was no time to react, however, when immediately, a Pelican-like thing came out of the smoke cloud, all white, and apparently made out of clay. It had a strange structure, and strange physical features, including a large head, with a pouch in his throat to hold things. And atop of the giant bird was Shikyo, riding the thirteen foot long bird. The bird kept a very high distance off of the ground, about 35-40 meters up in the sky, with Shikyo looking down at the boy.

"How do you like MY toy? Since you like to play games, I'll play with you, using 'my' toy, and we'll see whose 'toys' win." Shikyo yelled down to the boy. Shikyo looked down at the boy, and awaited a response. Shikyo was using his Koukentenshi through the kunai he flew to the ground, and activated his third eye ability, keeping an eye on the boy from ground level. The bird was fast and agile, and would be able to dodge most attacks thrown at it. It flew directly above the area of the forest and the path.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The Invisible Threat Empty Re: The Invisible Threat

Post by Kyo Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:16 pm

Keen jumped out of the way of the thrown kunai and looked up at Shikyo in awe.

"No fair!!! I am not that tall." Keen's smile never faded even as he jumped up and down as if try to grab an object form the hands of someone older than himself.

Keen needed to think rationally about what he was going to do, but having almost no mental stability, Keen was not one to sit and ponder about what to do. Just as Keen finished a fifth pitiful jump, Keen focus chakra at the bottoms of his feet and jumped on last time. Keen shot through the air towards Shikyo. And once again, from under his cloak, several kunai were thrown.

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The Invisible Threat Empty Re: The Invisible Threat

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri May 01, 2009 7:49 pm

Shikyo looked down at the child with watchful eyes, looking at him as he playfully bounced up and down like an electronic toy, Shikyo was also observing some of the little boy's personality. Shikyo did not think that he had mental stability at all, or maybe it was just that he was childish and young. Either way, he was able to fight, so he had to have some kind of special ability. Nobody that young should be able to do this. Shikyo took a look at the little boy, who made a specially high bounce, and bounced up high enough into the air to get within firing range of the pelican. And kunai were once again fired out of him. Shikyo did not feel a need to panic, but he did seem to be underestimating the mystery just a little bit. As the kunai were shot at him, the pelican moved out of the way, letting them go on by, the bird flew farther away, about 20 meters away from the are that he was in before. Shikyo wasted no time in setting up for his offensive.

"I want to end this quickly, but that will be hard if I don't know his abilities. Then again, he does not know about mine either. It probably best to just hover, and formulate a plan of action. I don't want to fight a long battle. Then again, with this power, there is NO defense."

Shikyo reached behind him, and pulled out his powerful bow. It was his extremely powerful diamond bow that he used to take down enemies. He made sure that the giant, clay bird hovered high enough in the air that a ninja would find it near impossible to reach with normal means. He then proceeded to put his hand into the part of the bow he uses, and pushed it on, making sure it was on tight enough, which was very tight. He kneeled down, and out of the little boy's sight, Shikyo pulled out a diamond arrow, formed quickly, Shikyo made sure to equip it with a drill like structure, to maximize it's destructive potential. Shikyo took aim with the two tools, activating his koukentenshi to the arrow, Shikyo did not have time to make the major modifications that would make this shot near undodgable. It was simply to test his enemy. He fired it, straight at the little boy, aiming for his heart. The drilling arrow moved at a blinding speed. In addition, Shikyo could alter the arrow's direction using the jutsu, so with no escape, or defense, how will he save himself?
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The Invisible Threat Empty Re: The Invisible Threat

Post by Kyo Sun May 03, 2009 12:12 pm

With nothing to grab onto, there was nothing Keen could do to dodge the attack. He could see that it was aimed for his heart which would be a sure kill on any shinobi. Luckily for him, he was not like most shinobi.

The arrow pierced through his flesh and shot all the way through his body. As the arrow stabbed into the ground, Keen fell like a rag doll towards the earth. just he was about to slam into it's hard surface, he spun around and landed on his feet.

The black strands that were keeping the cloak sewn to his shoulders unraveled and let the cloth fall to the ground. Keen stood weaving back and forth in a straitjacket while mumbling something to himself. A hole where the arrow shot through could be seen on his arm that covered his heart. A thick red blood like gel slowly emerged from the wound. His blood was already coagulated and looked almost black. From within his jacket, black threads quickly sewed the wound back together, making it seem like stitches had been just placed.

The fog had been slowly making it's way towards them and had finaly made it. Keen looked up at Shikyo and smiled as the fog fell over the ground like smoke. Shikyo had complete control of the sky, but Keen had control of the ground. The fog covered the area and was thick enough that Shikyo would not be able to see anything but the fog. even the trees were now covered...

From within the fog, a swift movement was made as a several streams of water shot out of the fog and into the air. There were more than a hundred streams of water that shot straight up into the sky from within the fog. The streams seemed connected to the fog and would be difficult for Shikyo to dodge them all, even on his flyinf bird. Unfortunately, it did not end there. All at once, every stream swirved and moved as if alive and shot towards Shikyo.

"Suiryuuben" - Water Dragon Whip

The best thing about this jutsu was that the whips of water would continue to follow Shikyo even if he dodged them.

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