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My new char, Haken.

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Is his powers OP?

My new char, Haken. Vote_lcap33%My new char, Haken. Vote_rcap 33% 
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My new char, Haken. Vote_lcap67%My new char, Haken. Vote_rcap 67% 
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Total Votes : 6

My new char, Haken. Empty My new char, Haken.

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:42 pm

Basically, this guy is a master medical ninja. He has abandoned most other ninja arts, other than kenjutsu and taijutsu, in favor of medical stuff, and even then, he can only use taijutsu as a means of defense, he cannot perform any special stuff with either arts.

Because of his research, he is capable of using stem cells. All cells in your body were once stem cells. Stem Cells are the basis of all other cells in your body, and they become another kind of cell, such as blood or bone cells. This guy is able to use chakra to create these at will, and convert them into another kind of cell and use it in battle.

For example, if he recieved a wound, he can use stem cells to create tissue and heal the wound. He can also replenish the blood lost. Also, he can create bones, and extend them out of his body, and use it. But, to some people, this may seem unreasonable and overpowered. It is not.

For one thing, I need to make this very clear: He can only create and convert stem cells, he cannot control what he creates.

For example, unlike another character on this site, Sendo, this guy cannot manipulate his blood. He can only create it, and then use it at a human limit. He has no Kekkei Genkai ability that allows him to actually create created blood. Same with Kaguya. He cannot manipulate existing bone structures.

This takes away the possibility. Also, since he can't manipulate, he cannot really use it for jutsu.

There are weaknesses to this, but it is up to the people of NN to decide.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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My new char, Haken. Empty Re: My new char, Haken.

Post by Guest Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:05 pm

Ok, i want to know who said this was OP, come on, seriously. You didnt even have the gull to leave a reply. If you think something is OP you need to explain with reason and detail why you think it is, not just say it is OP. Wow. Thats all I have to say. WOW.


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My new char, Haken. Empty Re: My new char, Haken.

Post by Koga Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:46 pm

Well, I dont really see polls as an accurate description for an answer to the question, which is why I dont use them.

However, I think, to an extent, if his only ability is going to be animating stem cells from nothing, that is slightly god moddy. Like I said, if its his only technique, then that does kind of balance it out a bit, but if its, like I said, ANIMATING stem cells.. thats kind of rediculous. Every wound being restored mid-battle, even if he was to lose huge portions of his body, theyd be restored instantly. What makes this technique even worse is the fact that youre using STEM cells, not increasing regeneration of old skin and tissue cells like Tsunade and Kabuto. That means you wouldnt even get the aging side effect from using this ability, you'd actually be getting 100% new, undamaged, purer limbs/tissue/etc. It would kind of make the character a Majin Buu of Naruto. Blow him away seven times, and he just reforms and comes right back at you like nothing happened. Then there could be another, for lack of a better term, "side effect" where he gets sliced in half and both halves regenerate, and then we have two, full bodies functioning together. They wouldnt even be clones, theyd be actual, living things, both with the ability to regenerate any damages they take. And that ability could become something Hidan-esque, where he willingly slices himself, or himselves, into halves and constantly creates large groups of the regenerated slices. That means, he'd basically have an infinite army.. of himself. All of whom regenerate any damage ever taken, and could simply slice themself in half to create backup.

Unless of course you decide to have the effect heart or brain reliant, as in, neither can be damaged for the regeneration to take place. Even then, however, he could still slice his lower body off, and technically, the legs would still be living tissue, if only for a few more minutes, with his chakra inside them, that could potentially be regenerated into an entire new body.

Im not entirely sure what weaknesses you planned on this technique having, but it seems like something that Naruto might have left out because of how spastically it could be taken as an ability. Perhaps listing the weaknesses that you planned for it to have would have been more helpful than us simply deciding its weaknesses for ourselves.

All in all, for my "vote", I say its just too heavy duty. Regeneration has been done three or four times already in the Naruto series, and I think, if this was a valid form for regenerating, Tsunade or Kabuto, probably the best medical ninja we ever see, would probably have thought about it, and utilized it in some way. If youre simply looking for a regenerating character, just go for Kabuto's technique. Simple, straight forward, nearly exactly what your technique entails based on what you wrote, with the only difference being that yours uses stem cells, and his just uses cells. Though I will say, minus my Clone Wars epiphany, I think it isnt the worst god mod Ive ever heard of. Plausable premise, just perhaps a bit much.

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My new char, Haken. Empty Re: My new char, Haken.

Post by Lee Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:10 pm

OWNED! Medic


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My new char, Haken. Empty Re: My new char, Haken.

Post by Guest Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:48 pm

Ok, now thats how I want to see things done. If you disagree with something, dont just say, I disagree, or that is OP, etc. EXPLAIN IT. Thank you Koga. When you put it that way, yes it does seem a little over the top. It will have to be described in greater detail if he wants to use it becasue, based on the information Koga previded, K, You have this bloodline way to open ended.


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My new char, Haken. Empty Re: My new char, Haken.

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:20 pm

Okay, well first of all, Yoshimo said it was crazy.

The only thing he's actually vulnerable to is brain damage :/ If something goes through his head, he's going to die. This regeneration ability is based inside of his head. It's not automatic, so if he recieves brain damage, he could be done in. If something goes through his head, he dies.

And no, if he is split down the middle, as said, that would cut through the brain, and kill him. Only parts of his body linked to his brain can actually regenerate. If he is cut in half, the half not connected to his brain is just dead. And there's a limit as to what he can actually survive.

He can any injury, except for being cut in half completely. He can only lose about 5/8s of his body without dying.

So, if you cut him down the middle, he's going to die.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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My new char, Haken. Empty Re: My new char, Haken.

Post by Kenshi Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:21 pm

Keiteki Drakun wrote:Basically, this guy is a master medical ninja. He has abandoned most other ninja arts, other than kenjutsu and taijutsu, in favor of medical stuff, and even then, he can only use taijutsu as a means of defense, he cannot perform any special stuff with either arts.

Because of his research, he is capable of using stem cells. All cells in your body were once stem cells. Stem Cells are the basis of all other cells in your body, and they become another kind of cell, such as blood or bone cells. This guy is able to use chakra to create these at will, and convert them into another kind of cell and use it in battle.

For example, if he recieved a wound, he can use stem cells to create tissue and heal the wound. He can also replenish the blood lost. Also, he can create bones, and extend them out of his body, and use it. But, to some people, this may seem unreasonable and overpowered. It is not.

For one thing, I need to make this very clear: He can only create and convert stem cells, he cannot control what he creates.

For example, unlike another character on this site, Sendo, this guy cannot manipulate his blood. He can only create it, and then use it at a human limit. He has no Kekkei Genkai ability that allows him to actually create created blood. Same with Kaguya. He cannot manipulate existing bone structures.

This takes away the possibility. Also, since he can't manipulate, he cannot really use it for jutsu.

There are weaknesses to this, but it is up to the people of NN to decide.
He can only lose about 5/8s of his body without dying.


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My new char, Haken. Empty Re: My new char, Haken.

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:29 pm

Alright Yoshi.

He can only lose a limb and regenerate that, and part of the area around it. Anything else and he can't immediately fix it. He'd need to pull out of battle to fix anything bigger. Losing more than half of his body is going to kill him.

Any other way you want to rape my idea?
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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My new char, Haken. Empty Re: My new char, Haken.

Post by Aki Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:32 am

Keiteki wrote:Also, he can create bones, and extend them out of his body, and use it.
Creating bones and extending them out of his body like weapons? That's more like the Kaguya Clan.
Leafninja wrote:This clan has the ability to manipulate their bone structure. They can remove their bones at will to create weapons as strong as steel and also use their ability to spurn the creation of new bones.
Keiteiki wrote:Same with Kaguya. He cannot manipulate existing bone structures.
You're contradicting yourself. First off you say you can create bones, extend them out of your body and then use it, but then you go and say he can't actually manipulate bone structures. That would mean you're only capable of creating bones (which still seems like a Kaguya Clan thing), so you shouldn't have even bothered to add in the later parts of it.
Keiteiki wrote:The only thing he's actually vulnerable to is brain damage :/ If something goes through his head, he's going to die. This regeneration ability is based inside of his head. It's not automatic, so if he recieves brain damage, he could be done in. If something goes through his head, he dies.

He can only lose a limb and regenerate that, and part of the area around it. Anything else and he can't immediately fix it. He'd need to pull out of battle to fix anything bigger. Losing more than half of his body is going to kill him.
Alright... one question: Someone strikes you directly in the heart, and only the heart, causing it to effectively die. And yet, you're still alive because you're only able truly die if your brain gets damaged enough? You could still regenerate that?
There are weaknesses to this, but it is up to the people of NN to decide.
It would have been better if you could have at least gave us just one or two weaknesses. Because without any, the thing seems pretty OP to me. If the thing makes your lifespan shorter as seen in the manga with previous regeneration techniques, it would seem a little bit more okay. Or say it takes up an extremely large amount of chakra, to the point where you'd be extremely vulnerable, since you don't shorten your lifespan at all. To me, it seems like your asking for a lot of things for one person. Regeneration of bones, tissues, organs, and even blood. And for now, it seems like your only weaknesses are brain damage and if over 5/8 of the body is damaged, even so, that seems OP. You make it sound like he can take a lot of damage and still be able to escape from the battle barely alive and then heal himself all over again, with new everything, in effect, a person who doesn't even suffer from his previous wounds, at least not physically. Like normal wounds that would leave a person crippled for life, you could just regenerate it all over again and have a new, and possibly healthier, part.

It also sounds like you can take vital hits and still not die, being able to regenerate them because they're not over 5/8 of the damage to your body, like the heart. The heart alone can't be over 5/8 of your body, so you'd be able to regenerate that.

And again, with the whole possibility of being able to regenerate... everything from completely new cells, wouldn't that make you... immortal? A true immortal, someone who can't die or receive damage. If you can create new cells to take the place of old ones, then that means your tissues, organs, bones, etc, are completely new each and every single time, effectively preventing you from aging. Your eye can be destroyed, but you generate new cells to create you a new eye, an eye that is completely new and healthy. Your heart is destroyed, you generate a new heart and that too is completely new and healthy.

There are plenty of ways this can sound OP, but if you could just list a few weaknesses, or thoroughly explain what you can and can not do, or possible side affects, then this would more than likely seem less OP to people.

I just had to reply to this... I'm not done with my projects yet. I'll let you all know when I'm done. For now if I have time I only check out the Registration section and log in every now and then to check out the Mod/Admin section.

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