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A Bloody Gust.

Kyouken Uchiha
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A Bloody Gust. Empty A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:05 pm

A wind brushed across the sands of suna. The figure of men walking through the dunes as the sand was thrown into the air. The figures couldnt be made out very well due to the high winds and the storm. As we zoom in onto the men we see the very familar figure of them. One rising just above ones head was the white hair of a 18 year old figure. It was known as the malevolent shadow of Kyouken, Hitoshi.

The other man walked with the man laughing for no reason as the sand whipped into the air. The mans white hair was spiked forward over his face. He wore a devilish smile through the laugh that of pure sadistic evil. His white cloak hovered only a inch from the ground. The cloak had a black trim along the sleeves and as it made its way down.

The mans chuckled ended. It was revealed that the right side of the mans face was covered in bandages. His smile never faltered as the wind whipped sand into his face. His hand came up and popped the colar on his cloak up. The Jack of bloody hearts was here to cause his mayhem. He then spoke.

"Well today will be a fun, and hopefully a very bloody day. I wonder if we will get any resistance from the populace or the ninja's this time. Im wanting a good fight for once. Not saying the killing fests we have arnt fun but they can get routine after a while. A really do hope i can give a true test run of my new gift." Kaji's hand moved up to touch the bandaged side of his face it rubbed the rough bandage as it was a little stiff from the constant sand attacked.

He then stopped and looked at the village entrance to there target. It was a large rock formation with a small crack in it. He sighed as it was just like Iwa and Iwa was just to easy. He then walked forward making his way into the crack.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Hikari Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:15 pm

Kari was walking through the village, looking for her teamate, or sensei. Since she couldn't find either of them, she decided to wander around the streets. Little did she know, an attack was coming. She was totally unequiped, having no weapons on her, but today was a day when one didn't need to worry about attacks.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:25 pm

Hitoshi, wearing a simular attire to Kyouken's assasin attire, he reaches into his pocket and takes out a pack of cigarettes. It was not a true habit that Hitoshi had but he used to smoke when he was 16 years old. Hopefully his lungs will be able to handle the amount the amount of toxins. He places the cigarette into his mouth and reaching in the back of his pocket taking out a black lighter. He opens it and begins to flick it. As Kaji began to talk, Hitoshi turns to Kaji seeing that bloody smile that he has. Creepy in its nature but also so beautiful and soothing to Hitoshi. Hitoshi was in a subtle mood today, he had an odd feeling on the back of his head that he'll have to work alittle harder than usual today then they did at Kumogakure and Iwagakure

The flames arose from the lighter, the soft red flame glistens as Hitoshi raises it upward to the end of the cigarette and lights it. The beauty of the smoke whistles past Hitoshi face as he closes the lighter and raises the lighter back down to his back pocket. He breathes in lightly letting the smoke engulf his lungs with the ever so pleasant toxins of the cigarette. The feel for Hitoshi was excellent to him as he remembers that it has been over 35 years since he last smoked a cigarette. As he exhales, he takes the cigarette out of his mouth and glances over to Kaji

"Listen, Kaji, Im not much of the sun here ya know? I actually hate lets not do all the diddle daddle today, I mean yeah I liked it in both Kumo and Iwa because it was a cloudly day, today is reaching over the temps of 90 maybe even more. Im not much into the sun......even as Kyouken about that. So lets do this quickly but artistically. Seeing the blood splatter of humans makes me moan of follow?"

Hitoshi places the cigarette back into his mouth "I heard they got a new Kazekage......from what I here, he is pretty good......but no worries, I'll deal with him if he shows up. THese Jounin, chuunin and genin.....fucking pansies man, ya follow? I mean this should be quick and easy. And I MEAN quick and easy" He breathes in on the cigarette and breathes out "Oh, and one more thing.....Kyouken told me to tell you not to go all crazy again like we did at Iwa, I know he said it before but yeah.....I think he doesnt like the fact that you killed all those people quickly, ya follow? Its some bullshit...."

Hitoshi looks at the village entrance, its towaring cliffs with the narrow path made Hitoshi feel almost in a simulation in ANBU, he hated this place, more so he hated the fact that he had to attack Sunagakure for he hates heat more than he hates Kyouken use of listening to classical music on long ass trips whereto Hitoshi listens to heavy metal and hip hop. This sparked Hitoshi to realize that he had a new mp3 player that Kaji created for him on long trips. He searches his Akatsuki cloak and feeling through the pockets was the player. He chuckles to himself as he takes the headphones and places them in his ear. As he searches through his playlist, he was waiting for Kaji to make the first move.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Hikari Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:33 pm

A few water drops fell at them. Above them was a Genin, with a large jug of water on his back. "You two don't belong here, your just some S-ranked ninja, probably from the Atasuki organization, I believe.", he stated his information about them. "I'll hold you back, until the Kazekage gets here!", he yelled as he made a few handseals, and said, "Kasumi Juusha no Jutsu - Mist Servant Technique!". Soon, thousands of me will appear, he said to himself.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:45 pm

Kaji laughed and nodded towards hitoshi signalling he wouldn't. He reached into his pocket and removed some headphones aswell these headphones black. He popped them into his ears and pulled out the mp3. He searched for the song he had chosen and switched the control to Repeat.

He then spoke before he pressed the play button. "We will only be in there for about 15 mins." He then pressed play and the song started playing. He went into his trance as his hand went down to his waist grasping a hilt of a blade. His head bobbed to the guitar and as the first lyrics began to play.

He ran forward at blistering speeds the blade shooting off sparks from the gucik draw. He entered the village and ran towards the first civilian as the first lyric finished him speaking it "You can’t quit until you try"

The blade came to the side slashing at the man who was in fear as kaji had appeared behind him. Kaji spoke as the blade cut through the man like tissue. You can’t live until you die The blade came off the man covered in blood and the man fell forward Dark red liguid firing from the wound across his back. Kaji then dissapeared again running towards a man at again highspeeds in his trance that was so psychotic and blood thristy that only way it would end was if he would die.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Hikari Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:53 pm

Kari was surprized. "Wow, I guess this means somebody's getting hurt, and as a Shinobi of this village, I will defend my people.", she said. She started to help the civilians escape out of the open, so they couldn't get hurt.
Ishikawa had seen Kari was doing her job. he Created some clones using his water clone jutsu. He sent them to help with the evacuation of the village. Then, he made some hand seals, preparing an attack.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kyo Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:57 pm

Kai lifted his pen from his journal ending on the last sentence. The man then dissapeared again running towards a man again at high speeds in his trance that was so psychotic and blood thirsty that the only way it would end was if he would die.

The blood ink dried on the page just as he closed the book. Kai stood up and walked over to the edge of the building. Peering down at Kaji, who did not even notice that one of the buildings was beginning to peel apart. The paper flew around him while some of the pieces folded together until Kai was viewable.

"If you come looking for a fight, make sure it is of ur own free will. You will fight me..."

A Bloody Gust. Transcriped-1-1-1-1

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:10 pm

Hitoshi watches as Kaji disappears towards the village and past the young boy who stood before him. "Dammit" Hitoshi said to himself as he was left to deal with the genin. From the amount of years of experience Hitoshi has underneath this bealt and what he could tell by all of that water the genin had was most defintely water affinite. He also took note that he more into genjutsu than to actual fighting. He probably feared of losing his life rather than fighting him. It was a smart move on the genin's part but it would only be smart if he was fighting a regular shinobi. Hitoshi takes another breath as he glances over at the genin's genjutsu. He was using a simple genjutsu that most genin have a handle off to surround the opponet to make it feel as though the enemy is surrounded in order to gain the advantage.

"Well I dont have time to deal with little distractions and you certainly are a BIG distraction.....I could simply kill you but what would be the point of it? I could take this knife of mine and slowly slit your little throat and let you bleed out onto the earth and I can drink it up so slowly, like clear water seeping down into my mouth. But...... I rather take my time, I have fifteen minutes before I get to leave and say goodbye for awhile. So, I rather let you live than die, little genin......I dont take lives that are foolish enough to die for someone who could actually give a damn about actually makes me sick thinking that you are risking your life so that your precious Kazekage came swoop in and safe you........heed my advice, if you want to defend something by someone who is attacking, make sure you know where your opponent stands in regards to experience, I can remember seeing countless genin dying against a S-rank all for what....for some damn believe......fucking shinobi system...." he takes his hands out of his sleeve of the akatsuki cloak and puts them together. He inhales deeply on the cigarette into there was nothing left to smoke on and he breathes out surrounding himself in the smoke. It engulfed his body as a monster consumes its prey. "Dont die for something foolish......" Hitoshi's voice The smoke then settled and then disappeared, leaving nothing behind but the empty space of where Hitoshi stood.

Secretly, Hitoshi body transformed into a shadow and he travelled into the deep depth of the village searching for the Kazekage....he wanted to see what power this kage can bring on the table. Rather than fighting a simple genin with little experience, he wanted to fight a "old man" in the game. He appears out of his shadowy body and him coming out of the corner of an alleyway. He see's people, civilians running away from whatever they were fearing, most defintely Kaji from the looks of it as some of the civilians were screaming a man with white hair and a bloody eye. Perfect. Hitoshi jumps up from the dark alleyway on top of a building. As he walks on the rooftops he had to get someone's attention. So rather than shoot out fire, he wanted to cause alittle terrorism. Hitoshi raises his hand up, at the tip of his fingers were the colors of both red and crimson. As he points his fingers out onto a building, he aims with great precision at it

"Seishin.....Mental Creation.....Chaotic blast......"

The energy grew from his hands, as the chakra races towards his fingers it releases five little balls completely made out of mental energy, chakra and remnats of the air races forward towards this building. The balls run right through it destroying it from the inside out. The building began to collaspe on itself, caving in from the inwards and down. The people that were running in that direction where in the path of that massive destruction. The building falls on top of the fourty or so people that were running were covered in debris but more so the building itself crashed downwards on them crushing there bodies with no avail. Hitoshi lowers his hand down and if that did not bring anyone's attention then nothing will.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Hikari Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:35 pm

Kari regrouped with Ishikawa. She knew they would not be able to beat them, but maybe slow them down a bit.
Kari whispered her plan in Ishikawa's ear. He looked happy, and it sounded pointless, but what the hell. Village is screwed unless the Kazekage shows up. Kari jumped back off, to go help the Civilians. Ishikawa thought of what the Atasuki member had said to him. He decided to get the innocents to safty first, then dealing with them.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:36 pm

"Who dares threaten my village! Why must you be fools, and attack a village such as mine, you know very well who I am! I am Demon Drac, the Demon King. A Jounnin of the Sand village, I have the one tailed demon, and you dare threaten my village?!" Drac flew from the sky and landed near Hitoshi and glared at him. "You, why have you come here! You know very well, who I am, but you attack anyway. Such foolishness, you have. No matter, I'll soon end it all." He took out his sword and aimed it at Hitoshi.

He looked around seeing many Genin and chunnin. "Anyone not at a Jounnin or higer rank, leave now! You have not the skill nor the power to even think about fighting an Akatsuki member." He smiled when he said Akatsuki. "Lucky for me, Sannam, the Hokage is a good friend of mine. I've heard a lot about the Akatsuki, I don't know you by name, but I know what group you work for. Don't think I'll take you lightly." He put his sword down and seven lances from his back circled him. He took two in one hand and again aimed his sword at Hitoshi.

"Now, it's been a long time since I've had a good fight, I've been doing nothing and things have gotten quite boring. But this was a little over the top, I don't want to put my village in harm, for my fun. So, what I'm gonna do is, take you out as fast as I can." He sighed a looked to his sword. Father give me strength. He said and his sword began to glow, as did his eyes. He the rushed towards Histoshi, with all his might he raced towards the Akatsuki member, with his sword and two lances aimed at him.


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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Hikari Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:40 pm

Ishikawa left without questioning his commands. But Kari, on the other hand refused to leave. "The villages need to get to safty, and I'm going to get them there!", she yelled back at him.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:48 pm

Akuma had finished her morning training and set out back towards the village of Suna. Something cought her eye though, a cloud of dust prehaps, or smoke rising from one of the buildings. Deffinatly dust, it wasn't rising high enough to be smoke. She cursed under her breath and pelted forward with all the speed she had. She rushed past a small oasis and whistled, as she did so a large three legged wolf appeared by her side in an instant and ran alongside her towards the village.

As soon as they reached the walls Akuma slipped through an allyway into the centry of the village and took in the scene. People, gennins, chunins and civilians were running towards the village exits and shouting. "This looks bad.." Valkon growled and looked at the rooftops. Akuma followed his glare and saw Drac and someone in a strange cloak, or uniform. She hissed and started to run towards the collapsed building. Valkon barked and growled while she threw aside debris and pulled out survivors. Valkon carried them to one side and lay them in the shade. After the last person was safely out of the way she returned her attention to the shinobi on the rooftops. Valkon stood by her side and snarled, showing his fangs and glaring with his good eye, his matted grey fur stood up on end along his back and shoulders.

Akuma's wrist blades were extended to their full length and her hammer appeared in her hands. She positioned herself so it would be easy to jump out of the way if she needed to and to still be able to leap to the rooftops in case she was called upon.
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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:57 pm

Hitoshi glances over to Drac, his tall stature made his presence much known to him. Hitoshi shifts his feet and begins to bounce up and down. He knew this was a big guy, a demon for that matter. He has fought demons in the past before, more so demons such as Legion......whom he had to face up against while Kyouken was indisposed. As he was listening to Drac talk, Hitoshi eyes began to wonder off somewhere else. His hands, reachs down into his pocket and grabs up another cigarette. He looks at it, paying no attention to Drac as he introduce himself and explain to Hitoshi that he was planning on ending his life. Hitoshi still payed no attention as he place the stick in his mouth and grabs a lighter from his back pocket and lights the cigarette up. He breathes out smoke from his mouth as he was contemplating on the fact that he actually would have to fight him. He would rather fight the Kazekage but since his power was well that of a kage, he would do.

"You know, they say this is bad for my health. need to shut the hell up and stop talking and fight me. You came out of nowhere to give me a got damn speech that could put my grandmother to sleep. If you got nothing to say then shut the FUCK up and start a......"

He sees Drac now charging at him with a sword and two lances. Seeing this big behemoth coming at him was kinda funny to Hitoshi. He was interupted by him coming at him. He could easily use one of two things, he could play with him for a while until the fifteen minutes were up and in the meantime doing do causing much damage to the village or he could get serious and fight him off until the fifteen minutes were up and just retreat. His options were limited to do and Hitoshi knew exactly what to do.

Hitoshi places his hands into his pocket and jumps up over Drac. He had time to play for a minute or two. He places his hands together as he was preparing to use the mind deception trick on Drac, not to attack but for other reasons. Hitoshi gives him the middle finger "Catch me if you can......" he jumps over on other buildings at high speeds waiting for Drac to follow him. Even if Drac thought he could catch up, he is a Tengu Shadow, his ability to travel is pretty limitless. As he landed on one of the buildings, he kneels down as though he was about to jump again (which in a sense he was) but he placed a few bomb tags that Drac could not see nor sense. When Hitoshi said "Cath me if you can...." he whispered to himself "Mind Deception" in order to make it look as though he was just running away. Hitoshi placed the Mind Deception technique on his occiptal lobe, the part where the eyes can see and transfer information into the brain. By placing that "deception" he would not be able to see that he was placing the bomb tags. He stands on a rooftop, three buildings away from Drac "Come on, slow poke. Or is that the limit of the "Demon King" Drac"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Lee Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:19 pm

Sanosuke stepped out of the bar, pushing the double doors open, and shaking off his drunken state of being. Hey, he didn't know all this would happen TODAY. The double doors of the bar closed in and out behind Sanosuke as he watched the destruction being wrought about. Already? And only a few days in office. Although, he had expected something like this. His village was prone to attack, as there was a frequent loss in shinobi. But when Sanosuke took a look at all the ninja defending the village, he smiled, and realized something. It's not about quantity, it's about quality.

All these ninja were brave enough to step up to two members of the Akatsuki, without the slightest bit of order given? They were truly heartfelt of this village, and Sanosuke couldn't let them down. He was after all, the Kazekage.

He performed a clone jutsu, and the both the clone and Sanosuke took separate paths. Sanosuke's main concern was the safety of his village, not the destruction of the two Akatsuki. Sanosuke's clone had a mind set--

"Save the lower-leveled ninja."

The clone came across two genin, one yelling to the other. "The villages need to get to safety, and I'm going to get them there!" the young genin said, while the other one fled. Sanosuke's clone took hold of her hand, dragging her along with him as he ran to the other genin, putting them both on his side. Sanosuke's clone spoke, with the utmost sincerity " I admire your courage, and I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to become hurt. You aren't strong enough yet."

The clone ran off into the dunes south of Sunagakure. He would be back soon.

Sanosuke stored away his chakra in his chakra seal as he walked towards the Akatsuki. A red aura around him seem to be concentrated onto the point of interest, the seal on his right arm. It was draining 20% of his chakra. It also drained him of his ability to use S ranked moves. But this would help him later, in a great way. (3 posts).

One of the Akatsuki had fired some sort of exploding blast at an old building that had been there since he was a young boy. The man was perched on top of a building, aiming downwards, and looking around. What was he looking for? The building he had targeted was completely destroyed, leaving only dust and debree.

First target.

His "target" was now running, or, should we say, hopping, across building. Sanosuke ran with him, making sure to keep secluded from his opponent, but keeping up as well. He saw right through the trick he was playing on Drac, the supposed "Demon King". Sanosuke had known about him, but had never actually talked to him. I guess this would be a chance for a first meeting.

Sanosuke kept from getting too excited. He had to stay quiet, or he would give away his position. That was something he couldn't afford with this technique. Sano performed a string of hand-seals, procedingly putting his hands to his mouth. This was his Great Fire Dragon technique. From his mouth, Sanosuke expelled a large dragon head made of fire. He was aimed at the back of his opponent, who was perched on a large building. The attack was quick, and looked to be quite hard to dodge. Then, risking his attack cover, he yelled to Drac.

"Drac, stop!! Stop right where you are, don't move any closer, and don't let him tempt you. It's a trick!!"

The attack was gaining on his opponent, so it still had a chance of taking him by surprise. It was a low chance, for an S ranked ninja. But a chance it was.


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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:37 pm

OOC: Ok a post order goes as following:

Me, Kyo, Kyouken, lee, Drac, Akuma, Hikari (unless you leave wich i reccommend doing)

Kaji kept running ingoring the interuptions as he was still in his trance he threw up his first blade as he unsheithed his other one on his left side. He smirked as he yelled out a phrase. "Release 1 million blades of light, Shinso"

Instantliously the blade that was thrown into the air split into 368 blades that glowed white. They flew everywhere at high speeds impalling citizens and the paper that traveled through the air. Kaji jumped into the air dropping the blade he had just unsheithed and roared yet again a phrase.

"Storm earth and fire Kaimu hear my call Release" Kaji landed on a roof and laughed a sadist laugh his left eye open it revealing a red eye that shot out a dark aura of blood and power. He then put his hands into his cloak pocket and soon pulled out a scroll.

Kaji undid the scrolls bindings and concentrated losing his song. The scroll unraveled revealing a circle with a seal that read Death of raining threads As kaji put his chakra into the scroll kunai flew out of it that held chakra threads they landed on the ground and then kaji smirked as he awaited his chance.

The phrase he had muttered had caused the blade to melt down into spheres of steel that melted and then began to rotate and create a suction into it that would kill anyone who got sucked into the tornado. The blades continued to fly around a hundred or so aiming for Kai.

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:08 pm; edited 2 times in total

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kyo Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:40 pm

Kai watched as the paper was all sucked into the tornado. If he had wanted to counter it, he would have done the same thing. Tags of paper began to peel from all around the village; all had been hidden on the walls and even some beneath the sand fly towards the tornado. As all of the pieces of paper reached the center of the tornado, each and every piece caught on fire.

All at once, the tornado exploded. The force from the paper bombs within the center of the tunnel had destroyed the tornado.

The swords were blasted across the village, stabbing into the ground and also into the walls of the buildings. Kai closed his book as a single drop of blood ran down from his wrist. His un-bandaged wrist showed self inflicted cuts and scars that were to source of his Narration Jutsu. Placing his sharp pen back into his robes, Kai peeled into sheets of paper and spread out across the village just as the sword stabbed into his previous position.

One of the pieces of paper began to grow and fold into Kai as all the others folded into shuriken and hurled themselves at Kaji.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:31 pm

Hitoshi turns around hearing Sanosuke behind him. When he turned he saw the Dragon head of flames coming at him. It was heading towards him at extreme speeds and Hitoshi had to think quickly whether to take on the attack or to simple dodge it. The idea came to him in a matter of seconds. Hitoshi quickly performs a clever sidestep of his shadow ability. He opens his mouth and his mouth continued to get wider and wider. His mouth, which seems to have teeth of that of a monster and drool that slimed down towards the ground, opens up and lets the flames reach into his mouth. As he began to consume the whole entire enity of the flames he closed his mouth shut. He was not trying to absorb it, no that was not the case for Hitoshi, he was going to redirected.

His lower body began to turn into shadow, he only had a few seconds before he had to shoot this out somewhere and it was either into another place in Suna or at Sanosuke and his intentions was to re-direct the blow back to Sanosuke. His legs began to transformed into a shadow, having the appearance of spider legs crawling out of the ground. They were all shapes and sizes and began to make something. The legs began to conform and twist together to make an opening hole. As the shadows began to make a hole from the legs that which Hitoshi created a reddish-orange light began to form only a few moments later was it the Great Fire Dragon Techinque that Sanosuke had performed in order to immbolize Hitoshi. It was the same technique alright but it was much darker, much more fiercer then it was before. The dragon eyes were black and its flames were a mixture of both red flames and black shadow ready to pumble at Sanosuke.

Hitoshi's legs return back to his human legs and he jumps into the air. He begins to perform another series of handseals. This was use for later purposes against both Drac and Sanosuke. He had to look at his options, one gave off a demonic aura, an aura that only which that demons power can do. Hitoshi sensed that he had the ability to take him head on but not in a sense to defeat Hitoshi. Now another variable came to past, the Kazekage. He seems to have performed a Katon jutsu, which is common amongst shinobi. He has no idea what there skills were and did not want to know what skills they have for he only had about 10 minutes left before he had to retreat. His mission was to handle off the buildings and civillians not the shinobi who challenged them.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:59 pm

OOC: Noone minds if I make an appearance do they Razz
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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:09 pm

Ooc: If you would like to join you can make a apperance after Hikari's next post. Might be a while though do to members.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Lee Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:32 pm

Sanosuke expected something crazy from an Akatsuki, but this was over the limit. The man before him had literally eaten his attack, but not swallowed it. He had spit it out, directing it right back at him. Sanosuke took a second to look at the attack while he thought of a comeback. It was odd, the attack seemed different, modified. It was darker, almost as if his opponent had added an extra element. Sanosuke knew his village geography, as he lived here when he was young. There was a small, but deep pond to the left and behind him. He focused on the pond while he performed his hand-signs. This would be an elementally advantaged attack.

When he finished the last hand-sign, he muttered the words, "Suiryuudan no Jutsu". Suiryuudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a long string of hand seals which then causes a column of water in the form of a dragon to rise from the water and then strike their target. Sanosuke had mastered this ability after spending many times in the lake practicing it.

As the fire dragon head drew closer, Sanosuke expelled the dragon from the water. But as it came out, the heads split, and the column of water began to form into two, less thick water dragons. Sanosuke waved his arms, directing the two water dragons at his opponent. He had the two dragons split up, to where they were 5 feet away from eachother. The one on the right flew straight towards the fire dragon head. They were both heading very fast, so when the two elemental dragons were 2 feet away from eachother, Sanosuke coiled the water dragon up, merging the water and fire dragon attacks. After a large splashing type noise, you could only see steam between Hitoshi and Sanosuke.


His other, quite longer water dragon was now headed straight at his opponent. Remembering what Hitoshi did last time, Sanosuke thought it impossible for one man to swallow something so long as his water dragon. Through the steam created from the two attacks, Sanosuke directed the water dragon to directly impale his opponent with one arm.



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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:37 pm

Ooc: Uhh theres a post order please stick to it. (see my post on page one)

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:19 pm

From a far, a snap of the fingers were heard, and right after that snap a dark portal opened. The portol looked big enough for one person to walk through at a given time. Also, it looked as it would say open until the person who opened it, had wanted it closed. Followed by the opening of the portal, footsteps faded in, they were very slow. As soon, as those foot steps got louder, laughter was heard from inside the dark portal. The person in this portal had gotten very close, as if they were about to enter the Village hidden in the sand.

Soon, a black robed man walk into the middle of the village, and laughed. His hood was covering his face, but he did seem to have red glowing eyes. These eyes somehow let off a little heat, when someone was close enough to them. This man was surely a shadowy firuge, and he did not want to be messed with. The man sighed and folded his arms.

This man soon appeared beside where the Genin and Chunnin had been, and he began to laugh. "It's time to test something out, on you ninja. I wanna see something, if all you can take one of my creations." Garnurk began to laugh and then he snapped his finger, and as soon as he did the Heartless, Kurt Zisa appeared. This heartless was huge, and held two huge swords. It also had six arms, which ment it could hold more things. As soon as it appeared, it began spinning around and slashing everyone in sight, Garnurk disappeared.

Drac knew that was a trap all along, but he waited even longer, to see Lee in action. He wanted to see if he was able to be the Kazekage or not. Drac was very hopful that he could do a great job. However, he knew that an Akatsuki member could not be taken lightly. He raced towards the member and his eyes turned a bright yellow color. He now was at 80% of his full power.

Soon, Drac was next to the Akatsuki memeber. "Now, answer my question. Why have you come?!" He yelled as 6 lances were aimed and thrusted at him. "Tell me or you'll die!" Drac did not seem very happy and his angry would rise by the second. This was not a good thing, because the more angry he got, the more powerful he would get. This power, would also make him lose control of his body, which he did not have problems with till now. Either way, he would fight to win.


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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:46 pm

Akuma stared up at this strange shadow creature with six arms and took several steps back then jumped onto a close building to get out of the way of it's spinning attacks. Valkon ran into an allyway to hide from the debris flying about. "What the hell is that thing?" She growled and adjusted her hammer in her hands and prepaired to make a jump to the creature's head. She'd never seen anything like this before, not knowing what attacks it could do or what strength it possesed un nerved her a little. Her tail quivered as she bent low and contracted the muscles in her legs and back for the jump. It was quite a distance but she was sure she could manage it.

Valkon appeared at the other end of the Allyway and started to heard the chuunin, gennin and civilians towards the gates and shelters, He picked up a small child in his mouth and ran towards one of the shelters were a frantic woman was screaming for her lost child, apparantly the one he held. He darted inside and the mother took the child from him. He stood at the entrance and snarled at the intruders viciously.
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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:27 pm

Seeing Lee's Great Dragon attack come into contact with the Suiryuudan no jutsu made it clear that he had other recessive elements to deal with. It was evident he had katon but now suiton? Very odd in a sense. Hitoshi continued to perform handseals, even when the other dragon from the suiryuudan no jutsu came, Hitoshi truly had nothing to fear at the moment. Hitoshi, although jumping in the air was actually floating in mid-air. He had performed a seishin ninjutsu earlier that allowed him to float around freely. He moved around in mid-air soaring downward to dodge the dragon that was coming towards him. He was not a hard manuever considering the fact that Hitoshi had timed it perfectly to dodge it. Because his telekinesis varies from place to place, it was not common for Hitoshi to take awhile to perform techniques such as flight. His mental ninjutsu was considered the most powerful in the world but because of the area of Sunagakure and its attributes it was much more difficult to move although this was not a true weakness that Hitoshi had to be considered

As Hitoshi was floating downward, he notice that Drac, the Demon King, had jumped in mid-air to make contact with him. He was thrusting at him to try and make impact with his body. This was one of the many mistakes that shinobi do to attack was thinking that Hitoshi was free-falling in the air where as he was actually having the most command in air. As the lances were stabbing at Hitoshi, Hitoshi looks at his arm movements, seeing that he was extending his arm outward with the lances, this was the strongest of the thrust but also the weakest. If not time right, he was vulnerable to attacks but as Hitoshi was dodging them he realize that his thrust were getting faster and faster. This was quite odd to Hitoshi seeing that he was free-falling but when Hitoshi was looking into his eyes, he realize that they were a different color. Seeing that made Hitoshi realize that his power was increasing and Hitoshi had to change tactics. But thinking that made Hitoshi not realize that he was grazed by one of the lances that he dodging. He happen to be on his both arms. They were deep slashes at him and Hitoshi eyes widen. He uses his feet and pushes on the air molecules as a base to move himself backwards away from Drac. He had to regroup. All of the flying and evading was having a toll on Hitoshi, mental-wise that is. He hates flying around.

Hitoshi looks at his arms and sees that there was shadow like flames coming out of the wounds. It wounds would take extremely long to heal, because he was detached from Kyouken it would be much harder to heal the wounds. Hitoshi looks over at Drac seeing his power was to increase. Hitoshi sighes knowing this was getting troublesome and he only had so much time and he was running out. Hitoshi knew that if he had more he would defintely come and fight Drac and Sanosuke at once but dealing with the time limit, its much difficult. Hitoshi smiles and says to Drac "Why are we here? You ask me that question? I'll tell you why we are here...." Hitoshi points over to a building that was on another end of the village. At the end of his finger it began to glow, it was blue this time. Taking a toll of 45% of his chakra, he releases the ball of psionic energy at the building. As the energy ball hits the building, the ball expanded consuming the building that was pointed into plus other buildings that were in that 100 meter radius. Not only those buildings but also the people that were inside and outside. The ball of energy didnt explode but it imploded on itself taking the people, buildings and anything else that was inside of the 100 meter radius. The ball slowly imploded leaving a empty space in the middle of Suna. Hitoshi sighed and looks at Drac "Thats why we are here, we just wanna see this world burn". An evil and conviving smile was place upon his face as he turns around and begins to run towards the center of the village. Hitoshi thought to himself I only have about five minutes before I get to leave this fucking place. I hate it.......Kaji, whatever you is you are doing, you better hurry
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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:24 pm

Ooc: YOu know what screw the posting order lol to many peeps ^.^

Ic: Kaji smirked as his tornado had been defeated. Little did Kai know but he had helped kaji as the kunai that had hit the ground earlier had been sucked into the tornado. By it exploding the kunai flew to each side of the village one made its way directly towards Sanouske. If he didnt notice in time it would get him in the head if he caught it or barely dodged it the chakra thread woudl attach to him.

The other kunai flew to the villages edges and each landed in the ground as the chakra threads that were attached began to attach to civilians. Kaji just fell off the building he stood upon and hit the ground a cloud of dust fuming up.

After the cloud had fallen down kaji was gone running through the village towards the exit. He jumped up into the air and landed on a building. He snapped his finger and it reverberated carrying from his chakra. It was to inform hitoshi it was time to leave make his exit and lets get outta here.

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A Bloody Gust. Empty Re: A Bloody Gust.

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