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Post by Hikari Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:59 am

Masaru had been walking for almost an hour now, as he came from his training. He's never trained that hard before. He looked around for any genin in Konohagakure, because he needed a team badly. He was bored from him training himself, he wanted to see if some else could put up with him. But sadly, he didn't see anyone that seemed like a genin. He kept walking, just kept walking through Konoha.

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Post by Kenshi Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:12 am

Yoshimo was strolling through the streets of Konohagakure looking for someone of importance. Today had been relatively easy, and the jounin and ninja that guarded Konoha seemed to be totally relaxed. They didn't seem to notice Yoshimo at all, because he was in a similar shinobi uniform, just one without the spiral on the back. He kept smoking his cigarette as he walked through the village, blowing puffs of small smoke into the air. The sky was a deep blue, and a few clouds hung in the balance. The sun was bright and intense, but the heat of it was nulled by the wind that seemed to drape over the village. A cool breeze that calmed the nerves of everyone and made the day just that more peaceful.

Not knowing where he was going, Yoshimo bumped into a genin, causing the young child to stumble back a bit. Yoshimo looked down at him with a surprised look. The cigarette hanging from his lip seemed to dangle there, as if about to fall off.

"I'm-I'm sorry..."

He extended a hand out to help the child back up...


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Post by Hikari Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:42 pm

Masaru didn't know what had happened. All he knew was that he must have walked into someone. He took the helping hand and got up. "No need to say sorry, it's partly my fault.", he said. He thought of proper introductions
and thought of how to introduce himself. He finally stated, "I am Masaru, of the Hyuuga clan, and you are?". He asked so calm, and cool, not wanting a fight.

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Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:38 pm

Taku stared through the gates of Konoha. It had been a very long time since he had been here. This place was filled with memories. "Sendo," the name just crossed his lips with out thought. The boy who was destined to turn bad. He had no clue what had happened to him. Last he had heard, Sendo had killed a hokage and left with such haste. He had been a fool to think that the city air of Konoha would calm the Ketsueki blood lust with in him, especialy the way the elders or the village had been known to treat shinobi who could become great weapons for them in the future. In all truth, he had not even wanted Sendo to become a shinobi. Things did not always go as planned though. He should have kept Sendo with him in Suna, hind sight was 20/20.

Taku wrapped an arm around the scroll lying horizontally across his back. He thought back to how he had obtained it. That act he regretted very much. It seemed that the death of his son left him susceptible to sudden acts of blind rage. Something with in him that wouldn't let him rule his body completely anymore. It was something he would have to conquer. Ironically, he was hoping to use this scroll to help him do it.

He focused back to what had brought him to Konoha in the first place. Yoshimo Izoto. The kage whom he had shared one of the most intense battles of his life with on top of the kage summit. He breathed in deep cool, moist air into his lungs as he recalled the battle. He had enjoyed it throughly. He opened his eyes and realized he had been standing here for several minutes. It was time to act, or Konoha would become aware of him and act to his presence. He suppressed his chakra to almost zero as he crossed the barrier that he knew would alert them of his presence. Hopefully he would be mistaken, or just over looked.

He kept his Jagan eye open as he walked through the city streets. He had too to keep tabs on Yoshimo's location, or more appropriately, the location of his chakra signature. He was like a hound on the scent, and he would not be fooled. In moments he found his target. Taku scoffed to himself for thinking of Yoshimo in a way as though he was meant to be assassinated, for that was not even close to his intentions.

Taku stared a hole straight through Yoshimo's back, he noticed the cigarette protruding from his mouth. That hadnt been there in their fight. It must have been a habit only recently picked up. Then for the first time in many days, Taku spoke.

"Yoshimo-San, it has been a long time, almost two years in fact. I do pray to the heavens that you have not forgotten me, for I have remembered even the sense of your spirit from our great battle amongst the Kage summit. Please tell me you have not forgotten the tamer of the black dragon."


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Post by Kenshi Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:20 pm

Yoshimo focused on the small child at hand. There would be no way that he would attack a genin that he didn't even know, much less to cause a bunch of confusion in the vilalge. He was here solely to relax and enjoy a good smoke. He didn't want any trouble as much as the next villager, and he didn't want to start a fight out in the open. He was enjoying his cigarette too much to start breathing hard and smoke it all up before he got to savor its flavor.

Yoshimo helped the child up and looked at him in the eye.

"My name's Yoshimo. Nice to meet you."

Yoshimo smiled in the childs face trying to show him some comfort and that he wasn't a bad person. He was a pretty fit child and it looked like he'd just got bakck from some good training. The Konoha shinobi were all good trainers, and good battlers if they wanted to be. This one was a Hyuuga by the looks of his eyes and was destined to be pretty great if he keeped his training up. The Byakugan is no joke, and is one of the three great doujutsu of all time. If he learned its powers he would be great. Good enough to take out most of the ninja that claimed to be great today.

Out of no where Yoshimo stood up as if a bit startled. He'd heard something which was out of the normal for any ninja. Usually a ninja of his level would sense the person before he heard them, but Yoshimo didn't sense anything. He just heard the voice of someone calling his name. Yoshimo was ready to attack, but the familiar tones and depth of the voice caused him to smile as he turned around to face an old friend.

"You scared me there for a second. Taku-san. The tamer of the greatest beast known to, well, known to anyone important. It seems that you haven't forgot me. How it is going?"


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Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:53 pm

Takus face was all seriousness as Yoshimo turned to face him. He had much changed since their last battle, he had even more power, and had a change in mental state that was of the most severe kind. His face remained stone as he stared into Yoshimos eyes and closed his Jagan, it was no longer needed. Yoshimo seemed glad to see him, and he felt the same, but was unable to express it. He had become emotionless, losing ones own spawn often had that effect on people. Instead of wasting pointless time on hellos and how have you beens, he got straight to business, as was his nature durign these days.

"You once asked me to join you, what ever that may mean. It has been a long time since you asked me, but I have searched long and hard to find you and tell you that, if the offer is still out there, I will take it."

He did not realy care what joining Yoshimo would mean, but he did know that Yoshimo would be the only person who could understand his metnality anymore, and in these days, everyone needed allys. Everyone. If he had to pick any ninja to join forces with, it would be Yoshimo. He longed for it to be Sanam, but that would never work. He needed Yoshimo, for support and also just for simple companionship. He could only hope that the offer was stilll there, for he had no where else to go, no other path to persue.


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Post by Hikari Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:35 pm

Masaru looked at Yoshimo, the Taku. He wondered what could be going on. A secret attack on konoha?! Nah, they probably have tried that already. "Well, I have to go now, Sannam-Hokage called a meeting for the genin and chunin of the village." he said. "Hope to run into you again!", he said, waving good bye.

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Post by Kenshi Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:05 am

Yoshimo felt good that Taku had gone about a search for him. Not the fact that he was glad that someone was looking for him, no he took no pride in that, but the fact that he would have someone to work with. Yoshimo needed someone of Taku's caliber, someone that could handle a small country by their own. Taku was indeed one of the strongest shinobi to set foot in the ninja world, and Yoshimo was still weary of his "Jagan" and his power. Taku would be better an ally, but Yoshimo wanted him as a friend also. He knew that Taku was high in common sense and intellect as Yoshimo, which would be good when it came to battle and thinking up plans. Yoshimo and Taku combined had the power to wipe out Kage's if they wanted too, seeing that they were both Kage's at some point in time. Since they weren't necessarily bound by the laws of a country they could move freely.

"I remember that battle on the mountain top. I never had the shit scared out of me that bad. You were on the verge of killing me. During the time you were gone I rethought my strategies and jutsu so I'm a bit better. The offer stands of course, and as long as you work with me i want you to know that there is no leader. I hate being the leader, so lets just keep it on the basis that we are both equal in this...partnership."


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Post by Guest Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:38 am

Taku's pride swelled up inside of him as he heard the Izoto complimenting him and his battle styles. It was a grand feat by any measurment to be complimented in such a way by the previous Raikage. He found himself with a half grin on his face, but when he realized this, he dropped it back in place of the stone look that he had adopted. He was not the happy person he once was, he was bitter, spiteful even, and ready to take action against the world that had been cultivated into the wrong doings which had befallen him. He knew Yoshimo would gladly join him in his quest for true eutpoia in the world, or rather they would join each other in a search for greater reasoning. They were the ones who were the most capable, and they had the right mind set to do it.

"I hear your words well Yoshimo," came his reply at a fast yet steady pace, "and they are all to true, should one of us rule the other, it would lead to a corruption, and that is not something we need. A partnership it shall be, though we may need more allys down the road. You know as well as I that we have quite simmilar goals for this land, and we both know what will have to be done to do it. However, we both have the control and understanding of the limits in what we can do to make this so, which make us the most qualified for what we want to do. I agree to this companionship, and do pray that it is the best step for both of us."

Taku was having to choose his words carefully due to the presence of the genin, and was using distinct code to tell Yoshimo his intentions. He hoped the Izoto would be clever enough to deduce it into what it truley meant, and thus they would know for sure if they were a good match on the road that lay ahead.


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Post by Kenshi Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:12 pm

"Well the first thing I need to know is how to get in contact with you. I know that you have the ability to track me from any distance, and that will be beneficial to us both. But I need a way to keep up in contact with you without having to be so far away. I don't know any jutsu that I can develop to keep in contact, but as soon as possible we need to make sure that we both can keep some type of mental contact with each other. That way nothing will be able to sneak up on us."

Yoshimo reached his hands back and put them against the back of his head in a relaxing position. The cigarette dabbled at the end of his lip, turning bright red with the passing wind. There really wasn't much to say and Yoshimo still had some traveling to do and places to go. Of course Taku could follow, but Yoshimo wasn't in the mood to kill. If he were to bring Taku along it would be a waste of power on both of their parts not to kill anyone. Yoshimo could handle this alone, and he was sure that Taku had some preparations to make. Yoshimo sighed, letting smoke blow out of his mouth and blow into the wind.

"Well I've got to go do something. I'm going to Suna to check on it, I heard there was a new Kage. I want to see how he is doing with the people and how vulnerable the village is. Just my usual note taking on the villages, as to why I was here in Konoha mysteriously. You can tag along if you want, but I assure you that it will be boring."

Yoshimo didn't wait for Taku to respond or anything. He gave him a "thumbs up" and turned around on his way to Sunagakure. Yoshimo knew it was a three days trip away, and even though he didn't have Hayabusa he could probably use one of the many messenger birds that were flying over head. Yoshimo walked away from the crowds, looking at everyone in the village. Konoha was a great village, but the people were blind to the Hokage and his orders, and his past. The people would soon see that.

Or they would die.


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