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Unrevealing the Secrets.

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:02 am

After leaving Kirigakure, Shin was on a boat towards Konoha once again. He sat ontop of the very top deck, watching smaller boats pass by. There were more and more boxes and stops to be stopped at to export and import items. Next stop for this cargo ship was ofcourse; Land of Fire. Shin had been very drowsey lately, and couldnt sleep as he thought about his father. He took out his lighter that his biological father gave him, making flashes of fire come from it in boredom. He couldnt help but to feel terrible for his long lost two fathers'. He began to hum a soft song that Kudara would every so often out of his habit, but Shin knew it by heart since he heared it soo much. Shin sighed as the cargo ship came to a stop at a port, watching the working men scatter everywhere to push the imports off of the slides and onto the land. Shin took this opportunity to leap off the ship, landing on the sandy bay. He made his way up to where he was on the trail to Konoha.

On his journey, Shin would often stop by an open field, looking at its peaceful beauty. He missed Konoha, but on the other hand, he didnt want to return to it. He sighed as he came to the walls of Konoha, sitting down against them. He opened the folded piece of paper and looked at the cliffside once again. He stood up and leaped onto the top of the walls. "Where is this freaking thing...!?"He cursed to himself and looked upwards every so often, trying to find the same exact cliff that was on the map. He turned around and saw a similar looking one, which was in place on the map. "Ha, found you."He smirked and put the map away, then running towards the cliff while still on the top of the wall.

Once arriving at the base of the cliff, he focused chakra to his hands and feet, begginning to climb up. He would slip a few times, but them caught himself and his grip. Sighing, he continued to move upwards. It was getting tought for Shin, but he could do it as he came closer and closer to the surface. He gripped the edge of the very tip, then swung himself back, making a flip to where he landed on his feet. He sighed and breathed out deeply. There, lay infront of him, a katana. 'Whats this going to do? Is it Otosan's sword?' He thought to himself. He got closer to it, as he knelt down and saw that it was in a silver shealth. He took a grip of the handle; it was warm, it felt like Kudara's hand had been holding it until now. He smiled and took it out of the shealth ever so slowly, savoring the sweet sound it made to him. He looked at the blade, it was almost blood stained at that, but it looked as if it were a diamond, foggy color; white. The hilt was black though, as he put the sword back into its shealth.

Shin wrapped the shealth around himself, letting the Katana be mounted on his back. He then turned back around, taking in the view of Konoha itself from the cliff edge. "Now... Only one thing left to do; Explore the unknown and forbidden."He said as he leaped off the cliff, landing on his feet and running into Konoha.

OOC: Ill be posting one more after this
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:12 am

As Shin ran into Konohagakure, he slowed down and began to walk on the streets, like a normal civilian. He was looking for the Uchiha's clan old part of Konoha. Even if it was about 34 years after the attack and what not, Shin wanted to see if there was still those hidden places. He was spotted by a few Jounin, as a few 'Wanted' posters were posted in some parts of Konoha, looking for Shin Uchiha himself. He crept closer to one of them, seeing that it was handwritten. He looked closer at the Kanji, "望まれる" The top of the paper said, meaning "Wanted". He realized, that only Itami would make a longer tail on the "る" than normally. He thought back to when they were in the Academy together..

"Hey Itami! Why make such a long line when you're making your swirls for 'Ru'?"Shin asked as he smiled at his friend. Itami just looked at him with a calm expression, chuckling softly, "I guess I never really thought about it.. It's a habit."He told Shin with a soft smile. Shin nodded his head and looked at his pencil, as he attempted to draw Ru in kanji, but it turned out to look just normal る to him. He tilted his head and giggled, looking at Itami again as he did the Ru sign, once again, a long tail in the swirl. "You're weird like that I guess."Shin said and stuck out his tongue playfully, as Itami chuckled softly and punched Shin in the arm playfully. The teacher caught them 'Rough Housing' as he shouted, "You two boys! Come sit up on the front row!"He shouted as Shin grabbed his pencil and paper, Itami doing the same. Shin sat down next to a girl with light pink hair, not knowing exactly who she was, he thought the was beautiful anyways. "Kirin, collect the papers."The teacher said as the girl got up and began to collect the papers from everyone around the classroom, Shin was left last. He picked up his paper shyly and nervously, handing it to her. She smiled and handed the papers to the teacher, then sitting back down. Shin looked at her once again, dazed by her magnificent posture..

Shin snapped out of his flashback and decided that Itami had posted this sign up, sighing softly. After all this time, he really still missed his old team mate? Shin shook off the feeling of being missed, as he continued his journey in Konoha, getting closer and closer to the old site which the Uchiha clan once settled down. All the houses in the area were broken down, as gates around the little area were old and burned. It seemed that the village had made a fence around the Uchiha clan's site to keep people out, but it wasnt enough to keep Shin out. He climbed over the gates and began to wander around the houses, tapping the ground for trap doors. A hallow sound he heared as he knelt down and began to dust away some old ashes and dirt. It was a door with handle on it, as he grabbed the handle and tugged. It wasnt budging as easy as he thought it would. He placed his hand on the wooden door, expelling fire from his palm. The door burned and Shin put his hand into the hole, moving around as he felt a lock. He broke the lock and opened up the door. "Here goes nothing.."He whispered and fell down into the hole, landing on his feet.

It was dark inside the hidden area he was in now, as he snapped his fingers and created a small fire on his index finger. It lit up the room he was in, as scrolls, shelves of jars, and books were all around him. "Ha... This is it.."He said to himself confidently, as he put his finger on a few candles, letting the room stay lit as he searched around the books for "M". His fingers touched the old dusty hardbacks of the books, as he came to one that said "Mangekyou Sharingan". He grabbed the book and placed it on the table with the candles, pulling up an old chair and sitting in it. It was quite sturdy, knowing it would be able to hold him. Shin began to flip through the book, searching a way to obtain this form of Sharingan.
Shin Uchiha
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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Mirage Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:17 pm

An abrupt movement was heard at the doorway behind him as Kirin stood starring at Shin. She looked about the same as if she had not changed at all. It had been several years but she did not grow much; typical for a female. However, her looks often tricked her enemies into letting down their guard.

Kirin had followed the steps of the great Sakura and Lady Tsunade, having obtained their fierce strength. When last Shin and Kirin had seen each other, Kirin had been the weakest in their group and could hardly support herself. Now however, she was a lethal weapon but probably still not good enough to take Shin on by herself.

Kirin wanted to run and give him a hug but he was wanted. She had always hoped that he would return to Konoha and rejoin so that they could continue on as if nothing had happened. Kirin continued to peer at him in silence, partialy angry at him for leaving and the other happy that he had returned. She only wished that he had returned for good intentions.


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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:37 pm

Shin stopped reading inside the very interesting book as he heared a shocking voice. It was her. He shoved the book inside of his cloak and turned around, his hands by his side. She had looked ever so beautiful as always, but she didnt change much at all. Her hair was still pink and she just grew a few inches taller. Shin on the other hand had changed very much, to where he was surprised that she even remembered him by the way he looked. He sighed softly but deeply exhailing, looking into her eyes. "Hello... Kirin-chan."He said in a low whisper, as if he was so used to adding "Chan" to show his respect for her.

He walked over to her and slowly, but gently wrapped his arms around her. "Im sorry I left Konoha.. I dont blame anyone but myself."He told her, but then released the hold as he knew she probably wanted to slap him in the face right now. "I cant tell you much or the 'People' will get angry at me for saying too much... I came here to learn how to obtain Mangekyou Sharingan... Turns out I do have to kill my closest comrad."He whispered to her. He decided, he would kill either Dageki or Itami. He did not want to hurt Kirin worth anything.
Shin Uchiha
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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Kyo Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:54 pm

From further behind Kirin, Itami's eyes could bee seen within the darkness. The rings of his Rinnegan were almost the only thing visible from where he stood. Not once blinking, Itami watched Shin carefully. It was Itami who had sensed Shin's chakra and had alerted Kirin of his arrival. Itami knew what Shin had returned for. Almost everyone in the Uchiha clan had gone after power and returned in search of one thing... the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Itami had never been one to show or have any emotion, but was slightly happy to see Shin again but kept his emotions hidden as usual. Shin had been declared a WANTED criminal that Itami was assigned to capture and kill if he could not. The Sharingan is a weapon that Konoha could not afford to let fall into the hands of it's enemies or menacing powers.

The last time they had fought, Itami had bested Shin in a practice fight before the Chunnin Exams. He now wondered how much stronger Shin must have gotten. As much as he felt no reason to fight, he knew that a fight was approaching. Itami continued to stare at Shin without a word within the darkness but was still visible.

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:29 pm

Shin looked over to his right, he could feel someone watching him. He saw a pair of eyes silently shining in the shadowed corner. Only a few ninja out in the world possessed the Rennigan, and one of them was Itami. He chuckled softly and turned his body around, looking at him directly. He activated his sharingan; 3 tomoe. Before the exams, it had been 2 tomoe. Thanks to his eye surgery from Mizo it awakened the third tomoe ever so strangely. He saw the chakra flow inside of the man, it was definantly Itami himself.

He chuckled and shook his head, "So, I guess you know my plan, huh, Itami-kun?"He added the kun part for just unknow reasons. "To be honest, I do miss you all, but there are some things in life that you need, and you want. This is something that I want..."He laughed and smiked, taking out a shuriken, throwing it at Itami. It turned into 10 from the shadow benieth it. Shin had casted his Kage Shuriken no jutsu that he had been secretly planned.
Shin Uchiha
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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Mirage Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:49 pm

Kirin was not sure if Itami's presence made Shin forget about her, but it seemed that he did not mind her so close to him while attacking her comrade. Even though she did not want to harm Shin, she would not let him harm Itami. He had not moved away from her after putting his arms around her small fragile body and that would prove to be his mistake. Once again, another shinobi thought lightly of her and would regret it.

While still so close to Shin, Kirin quickly placed one hand on his chest and brought another back. Kirin was absorbing his chakra through her extended hand and focused her chakra within her other fist. Kirin's fighting style was a mix of two great attributes. She combines the chakra scalpel and her great strength into one attack. In other words, imagine one of Tsunade's strong fist attacks damaging her enemies insides. this was what Kirin would usual did to her enemies . However, since she did not want to kill Shin, she did not add the chakra scalpel to her punch as she brought it up to his chin.

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:22 pm

OOC: Since you're directly attacking me, I should post to save my Azz lol


As the shurikens' flew closer and closer to Itami, he felt a hand be placed on his chest, turning his head to see Kirin's fist be pulled back. With his sharingan, he saw that chakra was formed around the clenched hand. He was already in his Jeet kune do stance; he's always in the stance as he walks, never trusting what could happen to him if he left his gaurd down. Shin had his right arm up, and his left one down. His right arm quickly flung to the right, knocking Kirin's arm out of the way. He struggled as the arm wouldnt budge, she was trying her best to hit him he could tell. He gridded his teeth, finally able to break the collision of her very strong arm. Shin twisted his foot and side stepped to where her hand left his chest.

Shin backed up against the dirt wall of the hidden underground room. He took out Kudara's old sword, holding it infront of him. "Kirin-chan.. This fight is between me and Itami-kun... I'm sure you could do alittle something if he dies."He chuckled softly and ran at Itami, as he kept a strong grip of the hilt and swung it, heading for his chest.
Shin Uchiha
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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Kyo Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:35 pm

Shin had grown physically and in ability. The moment that the kunai was launched, Itami could see that their was chakra imbedded in it which made him assume that something would happen with the kunai. Itami agreed with Shin that Kirin should stay out of this.

As the kunai grew nearer, they all quickly were deflected. His movements were fast enough that only someone with good eyes such as the Sharingan would be able to see the movements. Over the past few years, Itami had also grown. he was no longer lazy and depressed; he had grown determined to rid the world of it's problems, starting with shinobi that threatened the village. Itami watched as Shin charged at him with great speed and strength, however, Itami jumped back with equal strength and speed while tossing three sphere-like objects onto the ground between them.

The small objects bounced only once each before rolling to a stop between them both. Luckily, Kirin was back far enough if anything happened.

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:01 am

Shin stopped dead in his tracks as his Sharingan caught Itami's reflectes to block the incoming Shuriken. He also caught that his arm had swung downwards, he threw something on the ground. He heared the tapping noise it made as it touched the ground. Shin had developed oversencive sences, which means his sences have been advanced to where it is as if he is a dog. He looked down as his feet just barely touched one of the three little black balls. He leaped backwards, still unaware of these odd objects'. Shin ran forwards, but then began to curve to the left, he ran up the wall, past the balls, and landed behind Itami. This was a technique his master had tought him, but with his amazing speed, it seemed as if it only happened in atleast 4.5 seconds to the least.

As he stood at Itami's back, the blade he had carried with him, still out, he pointed it to Itami's right shoulder. It slowly slid to where it was placed a few centimeters away from his jugular vein. He began to sing slowly in a sing song voice, "I wanna run away, never say goodbye. I wanna know the truth, instead of wondering why. I wanna know the answers, no more lies. I wanna shut the door..."He stopped as he forced his katana blade against the jugular vein, then jerking back in a quick, slicing motion, "AND OPEN UP MY MIND!!!"He shouted, it would all end there.
Shin Uchiha
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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Kyo Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:22 am

Itami's plan had worked like a charm. With Kirin's eyes, she was able to make it seem like the man before Shin was the real Itami by making Shin see a fake chakra system and also hid the chakra coming from on eof the black marbles.

Itami had made sure to drop a forth one behind his leg when he dropped the others; one that he made sure Shin would not see. This one, was the real Itami. As the shadow clone disappeared, Itami ended his transformation jutsu and was now behind Shin with his own blade against his back. Itami had bested Shin in their last match using shadow clones and it proved to be quite useful once again. However, Itami noticed something when Shin struck. Shin was stronger than Itami had anticipated. Now that that plan was done, the rest would be just Itami's skills without the help of Kirin. Either way, Itami planned on defeating Shin. With the blade towards his back, Itami jumped backwards while thrusting his blade forward.

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:55 am

As Shin pulled his blade back, he saw that a poof of smoke appeared to where Shin had attacked him. He was fooled. He stopped dead in his movements as he felt a blade to his back, his spine. He slowly shealthed his sword, knowing that Itami was watching him. Shin then pulled his hands up to infront of him slowly, making one handsign. A clone poofed to beside him, it was a normal clone, but he was going to do something.. interesting with this clone. Once he felt Itami's sword be pulled back, he turned himself around, watching it come closer to him as it thrusted itself forwards. He grabbed his clone and put it infront of him, staying behind it. The clone was stabbed, as Shin put his hand up to himself and two fingers up, "Clone Disperse - Raven Swarm" He whispered, as he clone separated itself into 10 ravens. "Meet my friends, Itami-kun."He said and chuckled.

The ravens were only commanded to Shin's sharingan, able to control them by his will. The ravens began to attack and peck at Itami's head, as some of them would go behind him and attempt to attack him from there. Shin himself brought 4 of the ravens to him, as the ravens backed up and headed towards Itami with full speed, "Raven swarm - Shuriken" He whispered as the 4 raven's turned into shuriken, heading towards Itami.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Kyo Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:47 pm

As the birds began to speck and tear at Itami's flesh, he was busy with his next jutsu. As his hands formed seals, the air around them grew dry and starchy. The moisture within the air formed together to create water that swirled around Itami, slicing the birds into pieces. As the shuriken spun towards him, the water formed a ball around Itami that blocked against the attack. Water atoms are moving and loose, however, to create the needed density, Itami pressed the atoms together creating it's hard surface.

"Water Cannon Replica"

Itami forced his hand towards Shin as the surrounding water spun towards him with great speed. As it rushed at him, it became thin and sharp; sharp enough to slice trees in half. The rising blade of water continued on course as Itami readied himself for his next attack or defense if needed.

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:59 pm

Shin felt the air becoming thicker and foggier, making it just slightly harder for Shin to breathe. But, his lungs had largened themselves and opened up the smaller air passages for him to breathe easly in the toughest and roughest of fights alone. His master had trained him to never give up when it seemed the end for everything. He watched as his real ravens began to thrash and crash, falling down onto the groud, dead. Itami had gotten better with his tactics, but it seemed as he could make some sort of barriers with the little molecules in the air. It was as if it were Gaara's sand, but in water form. This was extremely interesting. Shin snapped out of his thoughts for a moment, studying Itami's movements with the water jutsu. Itami had clapped his hands together and chanted a jutsu name.

Getting prepared, he heared the word 'Cannon', knowing it would be some sort of ray of water. Shin watched as a beam of water shot out of his team mates hands, coming straight at Shin. He jumped back and drew his blade, then holding it out infront of him. 'I hope this would work...' Thought Shin as he positioned the blade to go upright, and the edge of the front directly at the front of the beam. As the water hit, the blade made the water rip in two ways, spraying water on either side of Shin himself. This sword was no ordinary sword, as Shin knew it was somehow special since Kudara used to use it.

As the water seemed to come to a stop, Shin just went all out on Itami now. He wanted to end the boy and gain his long awaited Mangekyou. Shin ran at Itami, his blade in a defencive but attacking position. He then came up close to him, slashing the sword with complete force and aim to Itami's chest.
Shin Uchiha
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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Kyo Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:07 pm

Itami could tell that Shin was growing impatient and wanted to end their little fight. Shin unfortunately misjudged Itami's jutsu. As long as the water was their, Itami would be able to continuously control it like Garra controlled his sand. As if motioning the water behind Shin to come forth, Itami made it shoot back towards Shin in sharp streams. While doing this, Itami struck Shin's sword on the flat side just as it came into reach, deflecting the attack. His other hand came forward with a clenched fist that aimed at his chest in order to punch him and thrust him into the sharo beams of water that were already fastly approaching.

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:18 pm

As Shin's blade collided with a stream of water, which was hardly believable to withstand such great force Shin had pushed down on. He watched as Itami clentched his fist, knowing he would want to strike him anytime that second. Shin had gotten prepared and breathed out deeply, then let go of the hilt of the blade, thrusting one hand forwards towards Itami's fist. He wrapped his hand around Itami's hand and whispered "Katon Kaika... Burning of the palm..". Just then, fire was surrounding both his hand and Itami's fist. He smirked and kept a good grip of his fist, wanting him to burn his hand in temporarily. Shin didnt notice the shards of water coming behind him. He turned around to possibly do another attack, but instead his eyes caught multiple water shards coming at him. He laughed and let go of Itami's hand once, then making a direct 360 degree spin once the time was right, his blade making quick slashes to break the streams of water.

Once that was done and over with, the water had been spraying everywhere when it made contact with Shin's amazing blade. He came to a stop infront of Itami directly, he examined him for a moment and smirked. Shin leaped up and made a turn upside down, still going up from the powerful spring. His feet stuck to the roof of the hallway. Shin then sprung downwards at Itami, directly above him, moving his katana downwards and aiming for the top of his head, wanting to put an end to him once and for all.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Kyo Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:37 pm

Itami continued to look at Shin as he continued to deflect all of his attacks. Shin was being a tad bit reckless. By using his Katon Kaika, he may have burned Itami's hand, but it also burned the users hand. Even the Uchiha's Fireball Jutsu had it's negative effects of burning the sides of their mouth. Itami was sure that he must have been using some chakra to nullify some of the heat against his own hand in order to not have been burned as much as Itami's. However, Itami did not need his hands to perform some of his jutsu. Looking up at Shin, Itami extended his burnt hand towards him and set his palm flat in the air. Just before the sword was to strike his hand, Itami's lips moved as if in slow motion.

"Shinra Tensei"

Using his manipulation of gravity, a large pulse exploded form his body slamming all matter away from himself. -

- A large explosion was heard coming from the remnants of the old Uchiha buildings as a large cloud of smoke and debris shot out of the ground. As the smoke cleared, Itami stood in the center of a large crater-

- As Itami lowered his hand, he realized he made a grave mistake. He was sure that Shin had been slammed into the roof of the tunnel but now he had the advantage. Itami quickly scanned the area, looking for Shin...

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:54 pm

As Shin blinked, he was still coming down at Itami, but a force of air, or gravity shot out of his hands. His back hit the hallway of dirt, but atop of the ceiling. He was sent through the ground, and going up into the air, and then out of the small, broken down house the hallway was hidden under. Shin wasnt as badly damaged by this attack, but his slightly numbed skin had felt some pressure be put onto him. Kudara's sword went flying up after him, as he quickly recovered himself and grabbed the hilt of the sword with his hand. His right hand was just slightly burned - His feeling of fire had become simply nothing to him over the years of training with it. Uchiha's were true masters of fire.

Coming down, the smoke of dust and what not was below him; where Itami is. He knew exactly what he was going to do now. Shin focused fire chakra within his right hand, and got into a diving motion downwards. As he landed, he landed directly behind Itami, seeing his chakra flow helped himself see where he was. With a flick of his wrist, he jabbed Itami's right shoulder sideways, directly on the Jugular vein. He transfered the fire chakra into his vein, causing the chakra to flow up to his head and heart. Itami would experiance a feeling as if he were dehydrated in the desert, knowing that he would pass out shortly. "Vampires burn..."He whispered, ending the jutsu. He watched as Itami slowly fell to kneeling on one knee. He took his chance and made a motion with his Katana, thrusting it toward his back.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Kyo Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:15 pm

Itami should have been more careful. As Shin forced his chakra into Itami's body. As he felt himself becoming tired and over heated, he dropped to one knee. His first instinct was to use his Shinra Tensei again but he could not. Itami closed his eyes as he knew that there was little that he could do. The blade broke his skin life a knife cuts through butter; his warm blood seeped from where the sword impaled and drizzled down to it's hilt.

Itami knew that Shin had been trying to kill him, yet it did not fully sink in until this moment. They had grown up together as best friends. Itami's mind raced back to all the times they had spent together. Shin had always been energetic and an angry child while Itami had been quiet and depressed.

Itami opened his eyes and starred at the ground as it drew closer. As his body hit the ground, his last breathe escaped his lips.


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Unrevealing the Secrets. Empty Re: Unrevealing the Secrets.

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:26 pm

As Shin watched Itami's body drop to the ground, he slowly slid his sword out of his back. He shealthed his sword and felt a somewhat excrusiating pain in both of his eyes. He groaned and cupped his hands over his eyes for a split moment, then took them off and kept his eyes closed, "Goodbye... My friend..."He whispered, as a tear fell out of both of his eyes. He had moured for a moment, but then whiped his eyes. Shin knew there was something going on at that moment, he could feel his chakra draining slowly. "What's happening to me...?"He asked himself and turned his head to a piece of glass on the wall, walking over to it. He looked into the glass and saw his reflection of his eyes. He had truely now awakened his Mangekyou Sharingan; the pattern in it was three black rings and his pupil. He blinked, closing his eyes for a few seconds, and opened them back up, going back to his normal onyx eyes. He took a deep breath and turned around to see Kirin at the doorway. "I have done my job here... I must go now... Goodbye, Kirin-koi.. I hope to cross path's with you in the future."He told her as he looked her dead in the eyes.

Walking away, Shin had 'dropped' a necklace. The necklace had a stone on it as a keychain type of item. The Konoha symbol was carved into the stone, and on the back of it, carved the name "Kirin" in it. Shin had made this himself during his free time on his training, but hid it from Kudara; fearing that his mentor might take it away from him.

Fully exiting the underground lair, Shin made the 'ram' handsign and poofed away.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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