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Raikou Kiba

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Raikou Kiba Empty Raikou Kiba

Post by Raikou Kiba Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:49 am

Raikou Kiba







Physical Description:
Tall and lanky with more of a muscular build, medium length hair. Scar across his forehead for reasons to be explained later in the sheet. His hair is black with a hilight of white hear the front of his head. His eyes are Ice blue surrounded by normal white eyes. He has a Caucasian skin tone.

Normal shinobi attire, flack jacket to protect from all projectiles and a armband with the suna symbol on it. The pants have about 30 different pouches on them for different types of weapons. I wear a sword on my back called Kiba no raikou which has the ability to channel the electric charge of any item and use it for several attacks.

More of a laid back person that always want to become better at everything, and is willing to push himself to the limits to gain the power he needs. When he is by himself he is usually angry or disappointed with himself for something that has happened over the past 24 hours.

Raikou grew up in the village hidden in the Mist, and always dreamed of being the kage of his village. Early on he would train even before his days in the academy began. Working in his clans training area to master the ways of lighting ninjutsu, which happened to be his main affinity. While he was in the academy he had already mastered his element and all of the basic ninjutsu that the acadamy taught, so in a rare occasion, he was moved up to genin without even having to go through two weeks of classes.

He returned to his parents that day to report the good new, and they were shocked to hear that they had moved him up so fast. HIs mother started crying as she had worried about Raikou dying in the line of battle and his father, angy about the whole situation, walked out of the house and slammed the door. He looked as if he was on his way to the academy to complain about the whole situation. Raikou just looked on as though he was not concerned. He was sit and confort his mother to make sure she didn't lose her mind thinking about the whole idea of her son going out into the world at such a young age.

As the youngest genin ever, Raikou worked hard to surpass his much older team mates, Daichi and Kishu. Under the teachings of his teacher, Nezu. His first mission he learned alot about how to teat missions and how to obey orders to the fullest, even though he felt sick after actually having to kill his first person. Soon he would get the hang of the killing and the orders and would be moved to chuunin at the age of 14, most people his age were just graduating from the acadamy, and he could see how jealous they were to see he was already wearing a chuunin jacket as they were just receiving there headbands.

One of his last missions as a Chuunin was a B rank mission that him and Daichi went on together as chuunin. They were to hunt down several renegades to wipe them out before they harmed the village in any way. This would be a simple task for the two as they worked perfectly together and had never failed a mission before. During this mission something unexpected happened, Daichi turned on Raikou as they met up with the other 4 renegades, leaving Raikou to fend for himself against 5 skilled shinobi. He would decide to take the high road and escape before his life ended.

As he returned to the village, he would immediately go to the Mizukage and report the abandonment and the failer of the mission. The kage immediately put him into a team of 5 different shinobi, all of which were specifically chosen to take out the renegades that had fled. He himself was charged with the mission to take Daichi, his former team mate out. The team would head out on there long mission, Raikou leading the way back to the same cave where he had just fled. Talking over strategy with the other 4 shinobi with him at the time.

After a couple hours of travel, he would stop and point out that they had reached the cave, and by the sounds of it, the 5 were still inside talking about there plans to attack the mist village. The 5 outside joked about how they should have just waited for them to come to them, but then got serious and waited for there chance. Raikou would take out a smoke bomb and throw it into the cave. After waiting a couple seconds, all 5 of them would come out of the cave, coughing from the smoke inside the cave. Then the would look to see 5 people standing outside, all sent to kill one of them. Daichi's eyes would widen as he looked upon Raikou.The anger in his eyes from the previous conflict. He knew the look all to well and was now scared for his life. HE would attempt to run, but Raikou was on him in a second. The battle was on.

Raikou would appear in front of Daichi, sword drawn as he takes a slash towards him. Daichi dodges and tried to run the other way, obviously frightened to fight his old team mate. As he tried to run, Raikou summons all of his energy and shoots it into the sky. Daichi hears the call of the jutsu and stops in his tracks. Knowing the jutsu all to well, he knows the fight is over once Raikou uses his lighting catastrophe jutsu. He would hold out his arms and take the strike as all 100 lighting bolts hit him full power. After the barrage is over, he would stand there, smoking as his burnt skin meets the cool air. His arms would drop to the side, he would drop to his knees and then fall face first to the ground. Raikou's part of the mission was completely his team mate was dead.

A couple years would pass after that mission, Raikou would go on several uneventful missions, each of which had a unimportant effect in his life. Most of these would be guard missions or deliverance missions. He completed most of these alone with no trouble what so ever. Also during this period, he advanced himself in several areas becoming a master of Genjutsu and Kenjutsu. Finally he became very proficient in Ninjutsu, enough so that the kage even asked a question or two. Raikou would be happy to answer the questions as it showed how skilled he was.

Being considered a genius of his time, he was named one of the proctors of the next chuunin exam. Happy to hear it, he worked day and night to come up with the written exam, since it was the only part of the test he was actually allowed to give out at chuunin rank. As the day came to give out the test, he was some of his class mates from back at the academy, yes he was nervous but he knew he had a job to do. To him this was just like any other order and he would carry it out to the fullest extent of his ability's.

As he watched the genin enter the room, he saw his other team mate Uindo Kishu enter about fifth in line. He was happy that she was finally getting the chance to advance, and he hoped she was ready for his test to get that far. His eyes looked at every single genin at the room, making note of all of there expressions and actions. Some of them were very confident, while others were so nervous that they could be seen visibly shaking. Raikou would wait for them to all sit down before beginning. As they finished sitting down, Raikou would introduce himself, followed by giving out the rules of the test.

As the test went on he sat in his chair looking for anyone caught cheating, if they got caught he would throw them out. He also had other chuunin around the room looking for anyone cheating in any way. One after another people were caught cheating, and one after another they were thrown out of the testing area. A shame really as he looked on at the kids being thrown out. His academy classmates couldn't answer question he found to be relatively simple, but then he remembered that they considered him a genius, and figured the questions might be to hard to answer.

He received a message from the Mizukage while proctoring the test, he was to meet with him as soon as the test was complete. He was curious but didn't hurry anyone or anything as the test continued. As soon as the test was over he left the building and made his way towards the mizukage's office. He was eager to see what the kage wanted, but did not move to fast. He was avoiding alerting the city of any trouble as nothing was wrong. He could see the building coming over the horizon, his thoughts raced as to what it could be. Another mission? possibly a serious matter. Or, it could be nothing, a congrats on the good job in the exams, or asking something else of him.

As he walked in the door, he saw the Mizukage an another jounin sitting around the desk, all with smiles on there faces. Good news? He sits down as he is motioned to by the kage, his mind is still racing as he thinks about what he is about to be told. Would it be good bad neutral, a thank you, a mission. Every possibility was racing through his mind. The mizukage opens his mouth as the first words come out, Raikou's eyes light up. He was promoted to jounin. Thats where this story begins.

Kenjutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjusu

Learned jutsus:
Lighitng Blade Style: Lighting Catastrophe
Rank A Ninjutsu
User: Raikou Kiba

After embedding his sword with lighting chakra, Raikou will point it strait up as he will release all of the chakra just embedded into the blade into the sky. 1 post later, clouds will form in the sky signifying a storm. 1 post after that the lightning begins, it will strike around the opponent destroying everything it touches each strike will be fast and relentless, the jutsu ends after the 100th bolt of lighting has hit[10 posts later]. If the opponent is hit by one of these bolts, the effects will be massive. Severe electrocution, along with massive burns and paralysis.

Lighting Blade Style: Lighting Dragon
Rank C Ninjutsu
User: Raikou Kiba

After embedding his sword with lighting chakra, raikou will swing at his opponent from a distance. As he swings a dragon will exit his blade and head for the opponent. If the dragon catches the opponent, they will be severely electrocuted and burned from the heat of the electricity. The dragon travels at a high rate of speed and will chase the opponent if they run.

Dominant :Lighting, Recessive: wind

Typical katana, specially built to hold a electrical charge through a small generator placed in the handle of the blade.
Pellets filled with deadly gas.

Become the Mizukage someday.

Raikou Kiba

Posts : 2
Points : 4
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Join date : 2009-04-05

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Raikou Kiba Empty Re: Raikou Kiba

Post by Kenshi Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:29 am

*hugs a person he hasn't seen before* (No homo)

I was thoroughly impressed at this.



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Join date : 2008-11-19
Age : 33
Location : Apopka, Florida

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Raikou Kiba Empty Re: Raikou Kiba

Post by Raikou Kiba Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:27 pm

no homo, of course.

Thank you.

Raikou Kiba

Posts : 2
Points : 4
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-04-05

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