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Arkemii Empty Arkemii

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:56 pm

Name: Arkemii Kazan

Age: 37

Bloodline: Senshikazan

Rank: Jounin
Classification: Jounin
Village: Iwagakure no Sato
Alignment: Good

Arkemii is unlike any other person, or at least most people, and that he has a condition that makes him albino. By this, he has no skin pigment. Because of this, he has little to no protection against the sun, and must change his wardrobe accordingly. Arkemii has a pretty muscular physique, his muscles being very large, and his arms “ripped”. However, you really cannot see it, because he covers it all up. Arkemii, because of his albinism, has strange, pinkish red eyes, and they are sensitive to light coming at them, which can be taken advantage of. He has all of the physical characteristics of an albino human being, though his hair is a little different than most albino. It is pale orange, and is put into a hairdo that looks like this. His hair is mostly held back by his head ware, but if removed, it comes back a little more, and seems a little less intimidating to others around him, but he usually does not do that, and usually goes around in his strange appearance.

On top of Arkemii's head, Arkemii wears a traditional cap that looks like the one worn by the Third Hokage, except it is a little different. It is reversed, and the metal plates cover less area because he only needs it to block his head and his face from view. Also, on the top, where there are no plates, there is a metal plate on, with the Iwagakure symbol. Also, he has a cloth covering part of his head as well, and going across his forehead, and helping to shield him. The metal plates are not really obstructing Arkemii's view, as they are like shades, or hats, and if you looked at the right angle, you could even see Arkemii's eyes, and a little bit of facial features. Also, Arkemii wears a strange cloak, that is silver-like in color, but there are several zippers on it, and it is too, fireproof, so that it doesn't burn off Arkemii. It has lots of chains on it, with spiked accessories on the ends of them. The cloak itself has a very wide collar, and is also a little tall.

Arkemii wears the normal clothing that a Jounin ninja usually wears, with the flak jacket underneath the cloak. The flak jacket is also custom, and is made fireproof as well, to go along with Arkemii's fireproof ability. He wears the typical black shirt and pants on him that is under the jacket. The flak jacket is a custom silver color. Arkemii wears high socks, inside of his boots. The boots are dull black, with some metal additions. Arkemii also happens to wear some big gauntlets, with some part clothing parts. Lastly, Arkemii is a giant in terms of height, being 7 feet exactly in height, and 247 pounds in weight. He is big, and obviously not so fast.

Arkemii is a complicated person. He rarely, if ever, speaks. He is actually pretty shy, and because of this, he does not even answer questions from people he either does not recognize or acknowledge as a superior, or is just a complete stranger or hostile to him. Arkemii. Despite his age, he seems to still be the way he was a child, devoid of social skills, but he is not one to mess with, as he is sensitive, and with his powerful jutsu and unmatched strength, strength that surpasses Tsunade's. Arkemii does not have very many friends in the world, but those that he does, he defends with all of his power, even if it costs him his life. Arkemii believes in peace above all other things.


Arkemii was born without a last name, on the doorstep of an old couple's home. He was left inside of a basket, with no parents or home to go to, whoever Arkemii's parents were, they left Arkemii at the right doorstep. When the door opened, the could was stunned to find the albino baby in a basket, they immediately took him inside of the house, and put him in a bed, and took his temperature. He was not afflicted with any diseases, or any fevers, and it seemed like he had only been outside for a few minutes, which meant his real parents must've been somewhere near, they couldn't have gotten too far in that time. However, they were out of range, and in this kind of storm, there was no chasing them now. Arkemii was left in their care...

The thunder crackled in the air, and rain tumbled on the ground fiercely, overshadowing and blocking out the noise of shoes hitting the bark of tree branches. If a skilled ninja had been listening, they could tell that there were two ninja on the move, moving through the trees making sure to step true, or else the bad weather could make the ninja slip and fall on the rain drenched trees. Inside one of their arms, was a little basket, with a cloth on it. Maybe somebody would've believed that they were carrying a secret delivery or treasure for a village, or other client. However, tonight, the two Shinobi had set out to rid themselves of something. Their newly born baby boy. He was born as an albino child, something not seen in a long, long time in the history of Shinobi. And that one died at the young age of 17, because he was afflicted with a tumer, and died from cancer.

They then stopped rushing, and hid behind a brush. They seemed to have been conversing lightly, hiding to make sure nobody saw or heard them, and made sure the transition went smoothly. They were spying on a remote house, somewhere in the mountains. There were lights on that could be seen from the windows, so there were people inside. Perfect for them. The two of them checked their corners, using the unbearably heavy rainfall. The time was right, and after checking, they emerged from the brush, and sneaked to the side of the home, and slid across the wall, making sure the old couple living inside was caught by surprise. One of the masked figures peaked into the home through the window, and saw that they were having dinner calmly.

They snuck up to the front door, and laid their baby there, sitting inside of his carrier. Then, one of the ninja took off their mask, and picked up the baby, holding it in their hands, crying. The other removed their mask as well, and each one gave a kiss to their baby, and then slowly put the baby back into the carrier. They weeped quietly, and put their masks back on their face, and then looked at one another, nodding. They then knocked on the door, twice, and then immediately ran, as fast as they could. This was all for their child, for some reason, but for whatever reason, Arkemii may never know the dark truth, at least not yet.

When the door opened, a relatively old man, probably in his middle to late fourties, opened the door, and looked around, and then saw the baby on the ground. He was almost saddened to see the baby sitting on the front door step. He took the baby inside, with a gloomy look on his face. When he entered the dining room, the woman got up from her seat, gasping.

“Oh my god...” She said under her breath. Even in his condition, they thought he was a beautiful baby, and they looked saddened, and thought about who would even leave their own baby at somebodies doorstep, and abandon it. Even when they were newborn. And that is where Arkemii's life began.

Arkemii was one of the most gifted Shinobi in history, in terms of his Kekkei Genkai. His skills with the Senshikazan bloodlimit was unmatched. His strength, even as a child, was even more punishing than that of a full grown man. However, Arkemii spent much of his life outside of the Hidden Rock Village, actually living near a different village. He, as he grew up, worked for his family, often going out into public and getting groceries or other supplies needed for the family. He relied on his brutal strength to defend himself from a thug attack, or from any other, hostile entity. Arkemii knew some time, around his younger years, that these were not his real, biological parents. However, he believed that these were more than better. Any mother or father that would readily abandon their child like that would probably not be a suitable parent anyway.

Normally, one would expect that because Arkemii did not live at the Hidden Rock Village, that he would be unable to learn the ninja arts. However, it was quite the opposite. Both the husband and wife were both retired Shinobi. The old man was known as Roushi, a former ninja from the village hidden in the Rocks. He had retired as a ninja, and moved away from the village with his wife, Biyosu, who was a Rock Chuunin, and skilled Medical Ninja. When Arkemii turned about five, Roushi decided that he was going to try and teach Arkemii in the ninja arts. Washime was a Jounin ninja, but had gained as much recognition as Sharingan Kakashi from Konoha, mostly due to his incredible abilities using, that's right, the Four Tailed Beast.

Roushi was the Jinchuuriki vessel of the Four Tailed Bijuu. It allowed for Roushi to utilize the powerful element of Magma, just like Arkemii was able to use. Because they shared an elemental affinity, Roushi was more easily able to train Arkemii in the ninja arts, and they shared a very close relationship, with Roushi acknowledging Arkemii as his own son, rather than a baby he had picked up from a doorstep, one who had been left to them. Arkemii showed great promise as a Shinobi, learning the basic ninja arts rather quickly, including the art of throwing various weapons. He was also trained in the usage of Magma by Roushi. Earth, however, was something that Arkemii was born with prodigy skills with.

”Alright, Arkemii, today you're going to learn how to use a C Ranked Youton based jutsu. It is one of the more simple techniques using lava, so you should be able to get the hang of it quickly. It is called Kabeyougan, or Lava Wall. It will summon up a small amount of lava to shield you from an enemy attack that you would find yourself unable to do. You and I both have very large chakra supplies, or at least, you have the potential for it, so you should exercise your abilities constantly, so that you can strengthen it, and make it stronger. That will help you in the long run.” Roushi instructed Arkemii.

“Understood...” Arkemii said. “But why-”

“Arkemii, you do not question your superiors. As a Shinobi, you are expected to follow each and every order without question. That is the job of an Academy Student, to learn and gain the skills necessary for success as a Shinobi. Though you are progressing quickly, you are still a far way off from becoming “great”.”

“Yes, father.” Arkemii said without question.

“Now, I want you to perform the handsigns after me, Saru, Toru, Mi. Youton: Kabeyougan no Jutsu!” Roushi announced as he finished the handseals necessary for the jutsu, and when he finished, the jutsu activated, and lava erupted from the ground, and formed a strong defense, which could have defended against an incoming enemy attack. Arkemii watched in wonder as the powerful lava came up from the ground, like a beast, and thought that he might not be able to do something as amazing as that. Arkemii looked at Roushi, and nodded his head.

“Saru, Tori, Mu! Youton: Kabeyougan no Jutsu!” Arkemii yelled.

However, he wasn't met with the same results, with lava simply trickling out of the ground, barely. Arkemii sighed, and fell down on his butt, and hung his head down in shame. “I'll never be as a great as you, dad.” Roushi seemed surprised, not by his failure, but when he referred to Roushi as dad. Roushi walked up to Arkemii, and picked him up. Arkemii looked at him like he had done something very embarrassing, and Roushi smiled.

“Arkemii, a man, no longer how many times he fails, only becomes a failure when he gives up. Don't give up, Arkemii. Do you think I was able to master Youton over night? It took me years and years to get to the skill level I am at now. You have to believe in yourself, Arkemii.” Roushi advised...

Also, Arkemii was also taught in the arts of using Doton in his arsenal as well. Arkemii was even more prominent with Doton than he was Youton, able to use Doton exceptionally as a child, and his skill in using it soon allowed him to be acknowledged as one of the most powerful users of the Earth Element to have lived. All of this training that Arkemii went under made him very, very strong over the years. By the time he was at age eight, he was already at a Genin level. However, because he was not part of a hidden village, he was never officially ranked. In fact, Arkemii's existence was unknowns to the Hidden Rock Village, as he was never registered in any of their databases. But it would change soon enough. Something was going to happen that would change Arkemii's life forever.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Arkemii Empty Re: Arkemii

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:56 pm

A disturbance, a noise echoed through the forest that fateful day. The man that walked through the forest was no ordinary ninja. Even up in the trees, and all around him, his immense chakra supplies radiated outwards. On his back was a giant sword, wrapped up in bandages for one reason or another. However, the pungent odor of fish was all too unique. It was the missing ninja, Kisame Hoshigaki of the Akatsuki Organization. He had arrived here in order to do something, and that was to capture Roushi. Roushi was a Jinchuuriki, and he would be caught by the Akatsuki Organization, no matter what they needed to do. Kisame approached the home, and immediately, Roushi felt the monstrous chakra amounts, and he immediately came into a room where Biyosu and Arkemii were sitting.

Roushi told them to leave, and flee, but only Arkemii was left to hide. Biyosu and Roushi emerged to battle the invader. They were not expecting any backup as far as they were concerned, since they retired from their village some time ago. They did battle without an exchange of words. However, Biyosu was no match for Kisame in the early half of the battle, with Roushi relying mostly on youton and doton, as well as katon based jutsu to try and get the edge of Kisame, but he found it difficult to compete with Kisame's suiton based jutsu. Biyosu was the first to die, being cut across the chest fatally, and when she was hit, it was obvious that she no longer had a further future. When Roushi saw his wife go down, he immediately changed, and Arkemii was revealed the beast side of the Jinchuuriki.

Roushi unleashed all of his anger and power against Kisame, but he had the natural advantage against Roushi, and got the better of his youton based jutsu. Roushi was quite easily taken down by Kisame, and Arkemii hid, unable to bring himself to fight Kisame as well, Arkemii could only watch as Roushi was carried away by Kisame to be sealed. Arkemii cried for many days, and many nights over the loss of both of his parents. Arkemii no longer had anywhere to turn, but he would not let all of his foster father's teachings go to waste. Arkemii began a life on the edge...

Because he no longer had a family to turn to, Arkemii was forced to live alone now, with nothing to do anymore, Arkemii was forced to resort to thievery and mugging passerbys so that he might get his basic needs for survival. However, this life was not destined to last long, as one day, Arkemii picked a fight with the wrong person, an Advisor from the Hidden Rock Village. Arkemii was easily beaten, and at his mercy. Arkemii was only seventeen, but he already had high Chuunin level skills, given to him by his foster father's teachings. He saw potential in Arkemii, and he was drafted into the Hidden Rock Village, and automatically ranked as a Chuunin ninja. Now Arkemii was in service with Iwagakure, and whether or not this was or wasn't Arkemii's choice, he really didn't have much of a choice. However, it was not a chore, either. It actually made life a little easier, though not really so simple either.

Arkemii spent the years of his life ranking up, and getting stronger and stronger in his own special way, advancing in skill and strength, and in only a year, he had finally reached Jounin Rank. However, after reaching Jounin Rank, Arkemii decided something a little abrupt and sudden, but he believed it was the only way to preserve “himself”. Arkemii decided to leave the Village Hidden in the Rocks, even after telling the Tsuchikage, he allowed him to leave. He would not really do anything bad, and even after leaving, Arkemii promised that he would return one day, and resume duty with the Hidden Rock Village. He left, saying no goodbyes, having no friends in the rock village, and began his world journeys.

Arkemii traveled across the ninja world, visiting the main, five Shinobi countries, as well as many of the other, lesser villages, and even beyond that place, he still traveled, and not only did he gain a large amount of wisdom in his travels, but he also increased his skill during his travels. He also made his name known, the last member of the Senchikazan. He found out that he had gotten this title some time after it was unofficially bestowed to him. Arkemii was going to learn the truth of his parents. However, during Arkemii's world travels, which lasted nearly fifteen years, Arkemii had gained a lot of experience, and this event was just one of those things that would help him to grow up.

The Kazan Clan was once a proud, powerful clan in Iwagakure. However, a rival clan, the Uchiha Clan, had been battling with the clan for many years, and they had been winning. Not only the Uchiha, but many other clans and fighting forces opposed the Kazan's traditions and training. They were peaceful and kind people, who disliked violence, but their power was immense. The Kazan clan was eventually reduced to just a few members, who were all scattered across the world, where many attempted to hide their identity, and live among the ninja of the ninja world, hopefully retaining their stealth. However, a skilled hunter could tell a Kazan from a normal person, and they were almost completely exterminated. Arkemii was the son of the last two, remaining clan members.

They knew they were being chased down, and had to leave their son behind, so at least he would be safe. Albinism was something that was never seen in the Kazan clan, and they hoped he could still live. However, they were captured themselves, and were executed. Arkemii grew up never knowing them, and he would never get a chance to, either. When he heard their story, the next thing he did was try to find their grave. When he did, he had brought flowers with him, and he bowed to them, knowing he had been mistaken. He had not been selfishly abandoned. It was all for his protection. Arkemii left their graves, and decided to return to the village...

Speciality: Taijutsu, Element Attuned
Learned jutsus:

Doton Jutsu
Youton Jutsu
Other Jutsu

Elements: Doton (Primary), Youton (Yin Yang), Fire (Recessive)
Weapons/items: Runokigen (Inferno Temper)
Goals: Live like his foster father wanted, and fight for his cause.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Arkemii Empty Re: Arkemii

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:36 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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