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Toramaru Empty Toramaru

Post by Toramaru Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:52 pm

Name: Toramaru

Age: 15

Rank: Chunnin

Village: Village Hidden in the Leaf

Appearance: Average height and well- built. Has tiger-like eyes. Wears a tan trench coat. With black pants and blue shinobi shoes. Black undershirt sleeveless and wears Leaf head band around his Left arm. One his right hand he wears Black fingerless gloves. Tanish skin.

History: He was born a shinobi, During his time in the academy a promise of power from a corrupt ninja turned him agaisnt his people after that he was exiled for a long time (ages 10-15)5 Years ago
Village Hidden in the Leafs Ramen Shop:
Toramaru sat there he was bored he was still an acadamey student like always he wanted to be the strongest ninja ever and such. ll his friends were asleep by now he seemed to be the only to be able to stay up so late for some reason. A tall, Cloaked figure walked in, he looked around saw Toramaru his face was covered by his hood and his mask. It wasn't a regular mask it was totaly black, his eyes looked to him trough the small slits that the stranger could see trough. They were a dark muddy brown, they had a greedy look to them like all he desired was money and power. He removed his mask. He has a Skinny face it was very pale like his whiteish blonde hair. Tora looked at him wondering what he wanted, then the stranger spoke his vioce was alot like that of a fox's " Do you want to be a strong ninja little one." The stranger asked
"Of Course" Toramaru said looking at the stranger
"Then you must prove yourself, here take this" The stranger pulled out a needle and put it in Tora's arm
Toramaru felt stranghe he felt his Mind think differently the only thing he tough was Kill, Kill,Kill. The Stranger got up and left. Toramaru stood up and looked at the shop owner and took out a kunai. Kill Kill Kill Those words echoed trough his mind as he stabbed the shop owner trough the neck then he turned around and faced the waiteress. The waitress screamed but Toramaru Silenced her with a thrown kuna the lie still blood all over his clothes the wals coated in red. Toramaru steppeed outside and turned towards the old woman sitting in a corner she looked at him and seemed to ignore him. Toramaru drew out a shuriken and threw it it hit then woman's forehead and passed trough. Kill kill kill the only things that echoed trough Tora's mind. He marched down to his friend's homes and killed each one with the same thing a glass shard that he plunged into their sleeping hearts. Next was his house. Kill kill kill the word pounded into his brains now. A jounin that had been wandering saw his bloody clothes and the shard coated in blood. He ran forward tackling Toramaru and pinning him down..He called a medical ninja to see what was wrong with Toramaru. He knew Toramaru Ot wasn't like him at all to do this. The medical ninja came and extracted the poition in his vein Toramaru's mind went back to normal. The jonin took him to the hokage's office where he was scentenced to 5 years in exile for pure foolishness. The hokage knew it wasn't his fault, but Toramaru knew it was his fault.
4 years ago
Forest outside Kohona
Toramaru sat there staring at his hands he was mush skinnier that before. The small amount of copper found on the ground he melted and made a very crude katana for himself. He spent his first year sobbing and sleeping the food he was eating was mostly vegitation he couldn't hunt for anything. HE now devoted himself to create a new justu for himself the first thing he came up with was a rock hitting the foe from the earth he trained and trained at this slowly the skill began to devolep. He hated himself the jutsu's he was inventing was for the village to have.
2 years ago
"I DID IT I DID IT" Toramaru cried with joy, Last year he decided it was worth living he didn't hate himself but he woud alwys regret his actions
. Now he was glad he had made a jutsu. He cryed in joy. Soon a tiger strode over to him and lied down, Then Tormaru discovered something.
I must have some affinity to tigers
last year
TOramaru had devolped his jutsu's to what they are today. He now hunted for food like a tiger he. He was waiting to return to the village he was still hated but he wanted to go back to change, He knew something others didn't. His old Katana was noe on his cord belt at all times his tattered rags now were tight he had always wore big clothing when he was younger. His affinity to tigers showed trough by some marking on him that looked like stripes. Now was his time to change In his exile he became determened to kill the man that made him turn agaisnt everyone he knew and loved. By chance he wandered upon an old man in the forest being attacked by bandits he helped save the old man and found that it was one of the elders of Hidden in the Leaf seeing that he had changed they accepted him back. Since then he has had many adventures each bringing him closer to his goal. Because of his crimes people of the village genrally shun and hate him. After an encounter with some ruins in the Forest close to Village Hidden in the leafs he has a facination with ancinct ruins and cultures. NOw spends his days in mostly doing research and training his jutsus.

Personality: Carefree, Hotheaded , very smart when needed he has the soul of a ninja

Learned Justus: Tiger's Fang, Tiger's Claw and Fury of the Tiger (I'll post as soon as approved)

Weapons/Items: Claws One for each finger and Thumb

Goals (Optional):Kill the corrupt ninja that changed his personality.

Last edited by Toramaru on Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:00 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Toramaru Empty Re: Toramaru

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:53 pm

Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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