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Land of Fire

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Land of Fire Empty Land of Fire

Post by Kenshi Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:29 pm

Instead of doing his regular Akatsuki like duties, Yoshimo figured he'd have some fun with the shinobi in Konoha. Again, he'd come for scrolls, but not one of the scrolls that belonged to his clan. He wasn't after that, he was after a different kind of scroll, something that was important to Konoha, and something he'd wanted for his son. He'd give it back, he'd brought a camera with him to take pictures of it, and then write it out later on. Yoshimo smiled, thinking of all of this, walking in the city of Konoha.

He was dressed like a normal traveler, except that he was a bit dark. The black cloak that covered his body from neck to toe, and his sword could be seen open, as he'd attached it to a sling so he could wear the large hood over his head if he wanted too. Yoshimo's hair was strangely down, as to keep his spiky hair from poking under his hood. Underneath the cloak, were several pouches, full of poisons and explosives tags, the usual for Yoshimo. He'd come prepared to break in the Kage's office for the scroll.

Yoshimo quickly ducked behind a wall, into a dark alley. As he walked further and further down the dark alley, he flipped his hood on, masking him completely in the darkness. Yoshimo looked up, and jumped up on to the wall, attaching himself with chakra at the balls of his feet and in the palms and finger tips of his hands. He crawled up the large side of the wall, until he began to crawl up the shady side of the building. He was completely masked by the shadow of the building, and no ordinary person would sense him. He quickly crawled up the side of the building, making it to the top off the roof and doubling back to see if he'd been spotted. He was fine now, and that much closer to the roof of the Kage's Office. Yoshimo stood up, removed his hood and tied his hair back up. He was on top of one of the tallest buildings, and he was about to jump down on to the roof of the Kage's office.

But instead of jumping, he waited for any ninja to come out, wondering what they were up to today.


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Land of Fire Empty Re: Land of Fire

Post by Zen Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:51 pm

A breeze went by along the streets as Sanosuke Sagara walked around his arms behind his head and a toothpick in his mouth slightly hanging abit as he walked. His jacket moved with the wind as did his rooster shaped hair he had been to this village many times but mostly because he liked the ramen they had and even though he had no money to pay for the food he somehow always got himself a meal there. He then stopped in the middle of the street he looked up at the various buildings and scanned them,turning the sun was in his eyes so he covered them with his hand he saw Yoshimo but he couldn't really make out who it was since the sun was in his eyes. Sanosuke then lowered his hand and started walking forward hopefully to get a better glimpse of this person.

He was bored anyway and its not like he had nothing better to do or someone to go see. Besides if this person wanted a fight,then he would be happy to obligie.
Anbu Captain
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Land of Fire Empty Re: Land of Fire

Post by Kenshi Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:07 pm

Yoshimo turned around to just what he'd guessed, a Konoha shinobi. Man they were everywhere, like damn bugs. It was like trying to get a way from a gnat swarm with these Konohagakure shinobi, it's impossible. When one comes they swarm and before you know it, you're swatting at them and they are all over you. If its one thing that Konoha doesn't know its called space. They never gave anyone or anything for that matter a break or some space.

"So what's up little Konoha shinobi. Yeah I know I'm not supposed to be here, but if you could help me get what I want to get then I'll leave. Hell, if you keep it quiet it enough I'll give you some money."

Yoshimo turned his head the other way, stretching his neck out, giving a nice rude yawn. It was almost about to be dark, and if he wanted to use ninjutsu he'd have to use it now. He hoped he didn't have to squash this little bug.


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Land of Fire Empty Re: Land of Fire

Post by Zen Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:58 pm

Sanosuke stopped a few feet infront of Yoshimo and lowered his arms staring at him,he let out a sigh"why does everyone think im a ninja..."Sanosuke thought. He cracked his knuckles and then his neck"look whoever you are first off,im not a ninja second I don't live here and third who says I would want to keep things quiet?"Sanosuke asked as he smirked and spat out the toothpick on the ground. He then crossed his arms and looked at Yoshimo"by the way...who are you calling little hmm?,I may not be a ninja of any kind but that doesn't mean you need to underestimate me........but anyway suppose I was interested suppose what would you need to get?"Sanosuke asked rasing an eyebrowl.

He wasn't really interested in what Yoshimo wanted since it didn't really concern him,but if it concerned anyone that he knew then it became his problem fast. The wind blew inbetween the two kicking up some dust abit before being swept away quickly,Sanosuke's hair once again moving with it the fact that he took the insult or what he figured was suppose to be one from Yoshimo was rather odd,but he wanted to know about what he needed.

Last edited by Zen on Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anbu Captain
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Land of Fire Empty Re: Land of Fire

Post by Kenshi Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:44 am

Yoshimo reached in his pocket, feeling the tension rise from the shinobi. He was probably getting amped up for a fighting, thinking that Yoshimo could take out a weapon of some sort to see what he was up to. Instead of a weapon or a tagged kunai, Yoshimo simply removed a small lighter and a cigarette. With his right hand he placed the cigarette in between his index and middle finger, all the way in between his knuckles to the webbing of his hands. He placed the cigarette over his mouth, almost covering his whole mouth with his hand. With the other he light the cigarette, and slightly puffed his cheeks in and out to get the fire going. He stood there before the shinobi, smoking.

"I can smoke in your Konoha air can't I? Well, it wouldn't matter anyways. I've come for a special scroll, and it belongs to one of your Hokages. I only want to take pictures of it and then I'll leave peacefully. Deal?"

Yoshimo kept on smoking, quietly walking over to the ledge of the building. He leaned on the tall edge, smoking and letting it dissipate in the air. He looked down at the many people about their innocent lives, shopping, taking care of their families and what not. Yoshimo could really use some bodies also, and Konoha always had the best ones. Maybe he'd come later on.

"It would be a shame for me to take some of these civilians..."


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Land of Fire Empty Re: Land of Fire

Post by Zen Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:33 pm

Sanosuke watched as Yoshimo took out the lighter,he figured it wasn't a weapon seeing as there wasn't any change in his movements. He then watched as he lit the cigarette and listened to him as he then sighed again"did you not hear anything I just said,I am not a ninja and I don't even live here so stop comparing me to one of your kind alright?"Sanosuke stated. "Well....if I can ask what does this certian scroll do? and what would you need the bodies for,I doubt they would do labor for you..."Sanosuke added looking at Yoshimo.

The wind blew once again as he waited for some kind of response from him,he watched the smoke come off the cigarette,he was never the one to smoke nor did he ever intend to but its not like he could just stop others from doing so. Sanosuke then had another question bugging him in the back of his mind so he decided to ask it"..just who are you exactly?"Sanosuke asked,he started to get a bad feeling about this guy not unlike when he met other ninja.
Anbu Captain
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Land of Fire Empty Re: Land of Fire

Post by Kenshi Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:33 pm

"Who am I?"

Yoshimo continued to smoke, not even looking back at the guy. He didn't feel like he should even give him the respect of looking back at him, even though he had been pretty calm and civil about the whole thing. Yoshimo did respect that. If any other Konoha ninja would have came, they would have been already fighting. Yoshimo sighed, blowing out a puff of smoke.

"I'm your worst nightmare, that's who I am. And just to let you know I'm here fore the Fourth Hokage's Rasengan scroll. I need that jutsu. All I want to do is take pictures of it."

Yoshimo turned around to face the dude once again. He looked like a formidable opponent, and if Yoshimo had to fight, he'd have fun with this one. He also, looked like a good body. Something he could possibly use maybe once or twice. He needed bodies, and he wanted to get some, but his son was more important that his need for bodies.

"So how about it, will we do this the hard way or the easy way?"


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Land of Fire Empty Re: Land of Fire

Post by Zen Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:55 pm

OOC: Lol "He had a good looking body" XD

Sanosuke stared at Yoshimo as he explained what the scroll was and then seeing him turn around. The wind blowing again making the red headband on his head blowing with the wind before everything went still,he felt his skin crawl abit. "My worst nightmare is being woken up in the middle of a street with no clothes on.."Sanosuke thought as he then laughed mentally to himself at his own thought. He then thought about the scroll for a momment and shook his head"eh sounds boring and not really interesting so im gonna have to say no,so have fun with whatever your doing.."Sanosuke replied as he then turned around and started to walk off.
Anbu Captain
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Land of Fire Empty Re: Land of Fire

Post by Kenshi Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:09 pm

Yoshimo didn't waste his time. If he was leaving it would mean an easier mission for him. While he was leaving, Yoshimo quietly hopped over the building, jumping his way down to the Hokage's office. Yoshimo used a basic jutsu, a transformation jutsu that allowed him to take the form of a black raven. He swopped down to behind the Hokage's office, right where the back entrance to the scrolls were. Yoshimo took out a blue print and laid it on the ground and began to get to work. He'd only allotted himself about one minute to get the scroll, and a warning of 30 seconds before he would have to leave.

He was right behind, and above the many hidden Hokage's scroll of Konoha. Yoshimo used a bunshin jutsu, disappearing in a cloud of smoke, and then reappearing along with a clone. Him and the clone began to use their chakra scaplel jutsu on all fingers, and began to claw their way in the ground. They could have used an explosive note, but instead Yoshimo decided to make this as less noisy and noticeable as possible. He didn't want to make a scene. Him and the clone continued to dig, making the chakra on their hands glow larger and larger as they quickly created a large mound of dirt next to them, and they began to scrape on the roof of the room below. The clone took his katana, and literally began to saw through the roof, cutting it in no time. They both dropped down into the Hokage's scroll room.

"Ok, Fourth Hokage. Rasengan."

Both of them began to search for the scroll completely making a mess of the whole room. The whole they cut was still open at the top, and if they didn't make it out son, someone would come around looking at the whole, and call those damn ninjas to see what was goig on. Both of them began to search for the scroll until one of them came across it.

"The readings hard to read. I'll take the scroll."

They stood under the whole and jumped, back to where Yoshimo had been originally. They handed him the scroll, and one of the clones dispersed. Yoshimo began to quickly make his way through the forest, along with the some what large scroll. He was going back to the Akatsuki base, and that kid that had stopped him would be pissed off when he realized that Yoshimo had stole something and that he was too far to catch up.


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