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A Turn Of Events.

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A Turn Of Events. Empty A Turn Of Events.

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:55 pm

Taku walked throughout his mansion in suna. He was truly blessed to live in such a place, and to have such a place such as this to call his own. His mind strayed to random aspects of his life, had nothing major to attend to today. It was just a nice day to enjoy and relax. The sun, as always, shone bright and blazed across the expanse of the dessert that was his domain. Streams of it ran in through the windows, the small arches that granted access to the outer world. Each time he would walk past, he experienced a brief moment of fuzziness in his vision as his eyes would instinctively squint slightly to protect his eyes from the harsh light, causing a slight fuzzy effect on the edges of objects in sight. He was, for the first time in quite a while, enjoying himself. He thought back on all he had accomplished. He didn't know how he had gotten this far, but he sure was proud of himself. He had spawned into a great warrior, one of the greatest, as he was the Kazekage, a highly revered title. Life in general was just great. He was calm, he had no worries.

This all changed as he rounded the corner of a two walls joining into another hallway. His serenity became his rage, his peaces became his hate. His blood began broiling with such intense emotion that his chakra would easily be able to have been sensed from the village outskirts.

There, lying in a pool of blood, lay his own son. Kengen Sookato. He was not sleeping, he was not looking at something that was down at his level. No. He was unmistakably dead. Horrible gash marks lay open his chest, and one across his face. Blood filled the area. The eyes looked straight up, at nothing in particular. Dead eyes do not know how to focus. Taku's breath was taken from him. He could do nothing but stand there in a flooded mix of emotion that crashed down on his chest and threatened to never allow him breath again.

How could this have happened? Who could have done this? What was going on?

These were the questions that ran through his head as he stared upon the lifeless frame of his son. His blood. His flesh. The thing he had raised from an infant, pouring his all into the boys training and well being. Here was his son, dead before his due time. Parents were never meant to out live their own child. Taku was known for his ability to be never taken off guard for any length of time, yet here he stood, at a loss for words. There was only thing that could be done. He needed to call in his most trusted to help him figure this out. This was obviously murder. He couldn't think straight. He needed a solid mind and a support beam. He activated the seal on his dragon which immediately took off and flew from a nearby window and into the outside. It hovered above the mansion, a sign for Drac and Sendo to both come rushing to him. They couldn't miss it for the dragons presence would be felt by all the villagers.

Sendo was the first to arrive. "What is the....." his voice trailed off as he gazed upon the body of the Kazekage's dead son. He stuttered for a moment, seemingly in complete shock. "Sir, what is this?"

Taku couldn't respond, he could only look.

Sendo bent over the body, examining it. After a few moments, he stood back up, a grim look on his face. "I am afraid I have more bad news."

Taku looked directly at Sendo, "Oh my god," was all he could say in a horrified tone. He was in shock and disbelief.


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A Turn Of Events. Empty Re: A Turn Of Events.

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:02 pm

Drac had been sitting at his home, when he saw the dragon, and at that moment, he knew that something horrible had happened. He quickly jumped from a window in his home, and flew towards the Kazekage’s office. This would take him at least five minutes, as for he had been on the opposite side of the village. He would scout out, and look for anything out of the ordinary. At this point, he did not see anything, but he always had an eye for things like that.

Drac landed on the roof of the office and, entered a door, down to Taku’s room. He sighed, for he felt that something even beyond his immigration had happened. He made it to the door that leads into Taku’s room and he touched the door handle. Almost instantly, he felt something that was not right. He sighed and opened the door.

Drac gasped as he saw what had been going on. He did not even notice Sendo, at the time. Drac dashed over towards Kengen’s dead body and screamed. “I’ll kill you ever had done this!” Tears began to fall from his face and he held Kengen’s hand. “I swear, I will kill, the person that did this to you!” He let go of his hand and turned to Sendo. He snarled at him and waited for Taku.


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A Turn Of Events. Empty Re: A Turn Of Events.

Post by Guest Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:11 pm

Drac whirled into the room all of a sudden just as Sendo was about to reveal to Taku some more crushing news. Drac began yelling frantically and grabbed a hold of Kengen. Sendo smiled as he watched Drac do exactly what he had planned for him to do. This was working out oh so beautifully. Sendo had picked Drac because he could be very over dramatic, and it would be used against him. A smirk crept across his face but he quickly replaced it with a serious grimace and a cold hard stare instead of eyes filled with glee. He raised both of his hands and began clapping. Taku looked at him like he was crazy, confused by his behavior. Sendo responded by speaking directly to Drac directly. He couldnt believe it was about to be done. Taku would be such easy prey and Drac, well there wouldnt be much Drac could do after Sendo made his move.

"Bravo Drac. You put on quite a show, too much of a show I might add, you are blatantly obvious and you have just confirmed my suspicions. You went way over the top with that little act of yours, which made it seem like a cheap rip off of a good story. How quaint that you act with so much concern for the person you now hold when it was by your hand that he was put in that state."

It was done. Sendo had just openly accused Drac of killing the kazekage's one and only son. His words were laced with his little jutsu trick, tongue of snake. Taku may have been not fooled by it before, but the learning that his son was dead weakened his mind. It was nothing for him to be fooled into believing something that was not true, especially when the lie was backed with chakra and the power of a jutsu. Drac could not be convinced even by the jutsu becasue he would know that he was not guilty, which made it that more enjoyable for sendo.

Takus draw dropped and his arm shook. "NO." He gasped suddenly and fell against the wall and slid down it, head in his hands. He completely believed Sendo, for his mind was weak and easy prey. Sendo was taking full advantage of everything, every little minor detail. He almost broke out in song, but managed to keep his composure. It was done, Sunakurge was his.


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A Turn Of Events. Empty Re: A Turn Of Events.

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:40 pm

Drac glared at Sendo. "You mother fucker, I vow one day, on my fathers grave, I'll kill you!" He made a quick wind jutsu, knocking everyone back. "Taku, if you believe him, over me, than you are truly not the Taku I once knew. Goodbye old friend, times were great, but I'd never kill my own child and Kengen was like a child to me. You should no better. I would never touch a hair on his head." Drac glared at Taku and sighed.

"You know me too damn well! I would never do this!" He roared a turned to Sendo. " You love mind games, You killed him! I know the truth" Drac could smell the blood. Sendo's was on Kengen's body. " You may be smart, but you will never win." He roared again. He turned back to Taku.

"If I leave, the village will fall. How can you trust a newcomer over I." He sighed and walked to the door. " I'd never do a thing to hurt a friend, I swear it." He flew to the ground. "Take my life!"


Posts : 585
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Join date : 2008-11-22

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