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Neko's taijutsu

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Neko's taijutsu Empty Neko's taijutsu

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:56 pm

Name: Kage Buyou [Leaf Shadow Dance]
Rank: C
Requirements: Konoha Senpuu [Leaf Spinning Wind]
Description: An attack which on its own does pretty much nothing yet can inflict great damage when in combination with other jutsus. This jutsu is an aerial set-up, meaning the enemy has to be in the air for it to fully function. Once in the air, the shinobi positions himself just below the opponent while in the air. Thus, the ninja becomes their opponent's shadow, leaving the opponent unable to escape from a follow-up attack.

Name: Kinobori [Tree Climbing]
Rank: C (Basic)
Requirements: Learned From A Gennin Sensei
Description: The user concentrates onto the soles of their feet and coats them with a layer of chakra. Once this is done, the user will then be able to walk up any tree like they are walking up a regular foot path.

Name: Konoha Daisenpu [Leaf Great Whirlwind]
Rank: C
Requirements: None
Description: A powerful leap forward, using the extra momentum to perform a powerful spinning kick with both legs in mid air, the second kick often being aimed lower in case the intended planned ducks. The technique is most effective at ranges of 2-3 meters, because if you miss or they dodge, you have at least made it past your opponent and have a chance to react before they can mount a significant counter-attack.

Name: Konoha Gouriki Senpuu [Leaf Herculean Whirlwind]
Rank: B
Requirements: None
Description: A taijutsu technique where the user spins with all of their strength and delivers a powerful, spinning, heel kick, blasting their opponent back. This kick can also be used to disarm an opponent since this kick is powerful enough to easily knock a weapon out of the opponent's hand. It is a much stronger version of the Konoha Daisenpuu [Leaf Great Whirlwind].

Name: Konoha Reppuu [Leaf Violent Wind]
Rank: C
Requirements: None
Description: This is a very simple, yet effective technique, which can be used for anybody who comes charging with a direct attack. Using his leg, the shinobi swipes the attacker's feet off the ground by moving his dominant leg across the opponent's feet, tripping him. This sends the opponent flying away from the defender in an awkward position, and probably smashing into another object such as a tree.

Name: Konoha Senpuu [Leaf Spinning Wind]
Rank: C
Requirements: None
Description: This taijutsu attack uses a combination of speed, strength, and the element of surprise. It is a perfect move to link up with other aerial attacks. For this taijutsu, the ninja first disappears using a really fast movement. The opponent, obviously, is totally confused. However, seconds later, the attacking shinobi appears just below their opponent, and by raising his dominant leg, kicks the enemy right on the chin. This would send the victim flying up into the air. The attacker can then proceed with an even more devastating follow-up attack. Leaf spinning wind is very hard to dodge, since the movement is so fast the opponent won't probably know about the attack until he gets kicked and is already high up in the air.

Name: Konoha Shofu [Leaf Rising Wind]
Rank: B
Requirements: None
Description: Using quickness and agility, the user will do a swift upwards kick at his opponent or at a weapon his opponent is wielding thus knocking it out of their hand or grip.

Posts : 392
Points : 206
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2008-11-21

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