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The begining of the end

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The begining of the end Empty The begining of the end

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:33 pm

A man in a white cloak walked along a peaceful serene forest with nothing but closed eyes and wide grin. He walked with a clean cut swagger never wavering from his path. He held his hand up to his face moving his pure white hair out of his face and then moving his fingers apart to show his eyes and then opened the eye.

As soon as he opened the eye the forest sprang to life and birds and animals awoke running in fear. Kaji's smirk grew to reveal his teeth. His eye pierced the world and saw the village of kumo. Or should he think the village that shall be corrupted. He then closed his eye again his smirk returning to normal.

He looked behind him and around him and tapped his foot wondering where his teamate for this mission was. He shrugged it off and walked forward and in just a fell of the cliff. He fell down and he then moved his feet to hit a rock and shoot himself forward almost flying in the air his white robes moving to show a black one underneath with a single red cloud able to be seen.

As he fell he flipped his feet hitting a tree branch and him sticking there like glue. He let himself drop and hit the ground and instantly sprinting forward and stopping only 5 meters from the village entrance. He was ready his body itching for blood. He however kept his cool as blood would be his reward for this. So he hoped.

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The begining of the end Empty Re: The begining of the end

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:45 pm

"What you gonna start the party without me?" A raspy and cut-like voice said behind Kaji. It was clear that no human was behind him for Kaji was not at all that unaware but something beyond human understanding was behind him. Like a snake, a shadow that was like threads began to slither on the ground. A cold and odd laughter came from that shadow that echoed throughout the little area. It left cold shivers to those who feared it but it brought pure pleasure to those who sought for to it. The thread like things came together to be one, it began stand upright and took a human form, or so it seems. When the threads began human, the facial appearance was of that of a 18 year old young man. His white hair, both spiked yet flowing hair that was short. His eyes were grey but it was ice cold, stotic, disarrayed like a sick and twisted killer ready to pounce on the weak to lick the flowing blood off his victim like a child licking candy. His eyes were cold and his smile was devious, cuniving and very deceitful. The man looks at the young but very sadistic man standing in front of him. He smiled at him

"I see why we were chosen to be partners, my master did say that he chose a very.....intricate person. I think you are helluva guy if you ask me. How do I know this? Cause of your fucking eyes man, you look like you just the heart of a person and then slowly consumed while you laughed in front of that person's family. Then you cut them up pretty badly and then fucked them over with a kunai, lodging it into there cerbrellum" the man smiled "Oh my name is Hitoshi Munashii, I am the Jack of black diamonds, you must be........" he was waiting for him to answer
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The begining of the end Empty Re: The begining of the end

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:18 pm

The man slurp his speach and instantly said "Kaji (Kajeeh) Kanto (Kantoe), Jack of bloody hearts." Kaji said as he kept his back to the man he then turned around and stood the man in the face. His Sadistic grin never ceasing. His white hair matched the same as hitoshi and kaji held out his hand wich still had some crusted blood on it.

Kaji spoke this time his voice sweet and almost innocent but with the underlining tone of a killer. "Actually i havent killed much. In hindsight i.. am only in it for the blood. That sweet elixir created by the human body is almost like candy to me. I rip there throats open and kiss the hole of splurting red elixir absorbing it into my body where it becomes nutrients for my immortality."

Kaji then turned around seemingly vanishing into the shadow even with the pure white and silky cloak around him. He then tossed a kunai into the air that flew far to the other side of the mountain. It then exploded creating a distraction and chaose within the village. Kaji right on the explosion charged forward knowing no one would notice him enter with that explosion. Team corruption was on duty.

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The begining of the end Empty Re: The begining of the end

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:14 pm

"Im starting to like this kid"

The show had just started. Kaji had just made his move into the village, causing mass chaos, destruction and terror, the simple formula for a evil death which got Hitoshi hooked on this. He rubs his hands together slowly and licks his lips like he was about to eat something delicous. He walks foward doing so placing his hands into his pockets and slides out two knives, one of each hand. He raises one of the knives up to his face. Seeing his own reflection at the moment was just not enough for Hitoshi to get excited. He then acts like the knife said something to him

"What was that? You want to taste the precious blood from the humans? Is that right" he pretends the knife nods and smiles viciously "Well then, I guess its time to make that wish come true eh?"

His walking then change into running and his smile turn into a devious laughter that curled itself. He throws his knife at an incoming villager, innocent and peaceful just running out of sheer fear. The blade goes threw the villagers neck, ripping through the larynx and tearing through esphogus. He reached the other side of the neck and out of the back, ripping apart the tip of the nervous system. The head fell off the body but the body ran around for a second before it fell to the ground and became limp. The blood flowed out like a river entering into the raging ocean, this made Hitoshi smile even more. The knife fell onto the ground and he picks it up. The ruby exliar, the precious red water that the blade oh so craved was on Hitoshi knife. He licks it slowly, little by little, tasting the blood of the fallen villager who stood no chance against him. The blood was like drinking water, he could not get enough from it. Hitoshi bites down on the blade and begins to run again, and follows Kaji, who was the leader of the jack card for the akatsuki. He knew what he was doing, all he was doing was going along for the ride
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The begining of the end Empty Re: The begining of the end

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:33 pm

Kaji ran into the center of the village his hands blowing handsigns at a incredible rate threads of pure chakra flying from him and attaching to villagers that ran in fear. The threads attached to ninja's and anyone who wasnt paying attention enough. Kaji then stopped in the middle of the village smirking and he looked to hitoshi so he hopefully knew what he should do. A small bleap of a signal shot into his head telling him when kaji finished his speech he should fall to the ground.

Kaji smirked and spoke softly to himself and his the message flying into anyone within a area of range. Kaji spoke in a slow and cold voice. "Citizens and ninja of Kumogakure. You will die to the alliance of konoha Kiri sunagakure and iwagakure. We are tired of your shit in the ninja realm your village is pitiful. Now you will all die!!!.

Kaji held his hand up in the air it glowing blue. He moved his hand to his chest and said one thing as he touched his heart the chakra scalpel cutting through arterys and veins causing the heart to explode almost. "GIVE ME YOUR BLOOD!!! As soon as the cut had happened kaji fell to the ground and so did hundreds of the other citizens. The citizens were all dead and so kaji appeared aswell.

However after a moment his seal activated and a black pattern flew from his beck and reached his heart the arterys and veins recovering. His eyes opened instantly and he gasped for air his eyes still closed and his body completely normal. He pulled out a kunai with a tag and cut the chakra strings attached to him. He rolled over to a random person and cut open there arm and bit onto the wound absorbing the blood.

Kaji smiled and stood up running to a building as a panic citizen. He looked back at hitoshi and a sadistic smile crossed his face. He mouthed the words 'Thats how you mass kill'

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The begining of the end Empty Re: The begining of the end

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:37 pm

Hitoshi was astounded, no one, not even the Caelum's, the Uchiha's and those before him have ever done such a feat that would make God cry to himself knowing that a being like Kaji existed and yet at the same time the devil laugh like a mad dog. Hitoshi looks at Kaji, Kaji's devilish smile, his fox-like eyes that cuts your soul right through the middle, a white hair that was now doused in blood for all the people he had just killed. He looked more insane and crazier than anyone Hitoshi have ever seen. Hitoshi's eyes widen, his eyes began to tear up, he tightened his fist and began to laugh. His laughter, now echoing throughout the life due the lack of life on it. His laughter was so.....demonic, a person could hear the overtone of his voice. He was so dark, so evil.....but to Hitoshi it felt like cool water coming down on his body. He grabs his stomach almost falling over

"MY GOD.....You are one fucked little boy, you know? I mean, I think I just fell in love with a kid who just killed so many people in such little time, I think my mind just exploded due to the fact that you, a mere child, a mere young boy who seemed to lack any skills as the skills of a psychotic murderer! You are one person a human could done right FUCKING fear!!! I still cant believe it, I see why my master made you leader of the jacks" Hitoshi began to laugh again, he could not help it, the loss of life, the desolation, the chaos, the burning, the explosion, the smell of decrementaion, the blood....the blood. The endless sea of blood that ran down on the ground, it was like heaven to Hitoshi. His sick bloodlust was so overwhelming that he got one knee and sucked the blood right out of one of the person's neck. He then twisted the head off one of the bodies and ripped it off and began to suck out the blood. Hitoshi was going through his insane mode. He continued to laugh as he drank the blood like a bat.

Finally, after a brief moment, Hitoshi calmed himself down. He took deep breathes as he knew that he could not stay too insane for too long. It was not good of him, not the least bit. Hitoshi throws the head on the ground and crushes it. The splatter of eyes, brains, blood and flesh on his foot. His wipes the blood slowly off his face and onto his hand where he licked it off him. He looks at Kaji

"Ok, I guess we go to our next village right?"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The begining of the end Empty Re: The begining of the end

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:11 am

Kaji looked around the area and then saw a woman in the corner cowering from his sadistic gaze. As he saw her the body of the woman shivered and kaji walked closer seemingly dissapearing and reappering a moment later his hand roped around her neck. The free hand performed handsigns and kaji let out a small phrase.

"Mind enter" Kaji's eye opened up and instantly he entered the womans mind. He looked around through the womans memory he liked the woman she was dark and evil on the inside. He found the information he needed so he exited the womans mind.

Back in reality he let the woman drop only to turn her around. Kaji moved his head into her and kissed the woman passionatly. The woman seemed to like it her eyes closing as her breathing increased. However her eyes opened up when kaji's hand jutted into her stomach. SHe fell limp as she coughed up blood into kaji's mouth. Kaji let her go and he brought his head back.

He let out a deep moan as he enjoyed the womans blood in his mouth. He turned back to hitoshi his eyes closed and his sadistic grin back on. He walked to him and spoke. "What im looking for isnt here. So we will make our way to Iwagakure. Now come on lets go."

Kaji broke out in a sprint out of the village gates leaving his chaos of a mission. He did his job and now he was onto his next part of it. Kaji jumped into the air and landed on the cliff he was once at. He then made his way to the next destination. Iwagakure...

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