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Yohiko Raidon

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Yohiko Raidon Empty Yohiko Raidon

Post by Blast Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:51 pm

Name: Yohiko Raidon

Age: 32

Bloodline: None

Rank: Sannin
Village: Kumogakure
Alignment: Good


Personality: Very honest and reliable, he always tries to be there for anyone and wants to be trusted. He likes to thinks and has plenty of witts. Moraly, he believes that you should never turn your back on who you trust and care for. He likes to talk to others and train. His favorite food is dumplings. he dislike arrogance. His dream is for his village to overcome any obstacle. His influences are his dad and friend.

Yohiko was born into the Raidon clan in The Hidden Cloud Village. His mother died at birth, so he lived with his father and older sibling, Shogo. His father was in anbu at the time, so they did not have many struggles getting along. At the early age of three, he began to have a intrest in shinobi. At the time, he could watch and admire the adults or teenagers in his clan, train in their grounds. Weapons around him also added a spark when he would throw them outside like a toy.

His dad was a loving father and thought that he owed it to his children that had no mother. For a while, Shogo had problems in training and life itself. He really kept to himself, but it turned out he had despised Yohiko over though years for something that was not supposed to happen. After a few scars healed, he become to be the picture big borther to Yohiko and promissed to be a great person for his younger brother' sake. Their generation would have to be a legacy.

By the age of 5, he began training, doing basic skills such at punches and kicks. His father also helped him learn how to throw weapon properly. Most of the time, he would fall on the round when he attempted an attack on the taller dummies surrounding him, but it gave him the drive to try harder. Soon, disease would spread in his clan and it deteriorated their stregnth. Yohiko had just turned 6 at the time and it was decided that his borther, who was just becoming a gennin at the age of 11, would take him to Konohagakure so they could train safely. After about a week of travel, they had arrived to unknown people and settled in a one bedroom apartment. The next year, Yohiko joined the academy. At home, his brother trained him seeing as how Yohiko had good chakra control at his age. Their clan's name stood for the thundergod, so obvioulsy they were masters at using Raiton Jutsu. Shogo began teaching him the basics of the elemnet and how to control it when he could use it. Yohiko stayed at the academy linger than he needed to, but he wanted to surpass his borther eventually, but that would take much training.

In His family, to be considered a real ninja, by the age of 12 you must have invented one Lightning jutsu. Every jutsu made form every child form generation to generation was written in the scroll of secret. Only the Raidon family, would be allowed to read, for one reason, it required a opening seal only know by the Raidon family and will never be said to others. Yohiko made a jutsu and was able to write his name and jutsu in the scroll. Then he got praised and teaching. For becoming a gennin, he recieved a sword. Engraved was his family's name and one word, りょこう, 旅行, which meant Journey. It was there to say never give up on the journey and expect a reward for never giving up. It was a prized possesion. He only used it for good luck in hard battles.

In tha acadmey and out, he earned many friends. But he only has one great friend, Kei. They are like borthers, the same age at most. Kei was a big influence in Yohiko's life for they have stuck by each others side everytime a problem comes along. Weather it was fighting off the village punk, or running away from the old store owner after they stole candy. Having Kei around gave Yohiko the drive to train hard and appreiate what he has. Yohiko always wanted to be able to protect anyone he cared about after their frendship formed.

After spending alone time in the forest and at the training grounds, he has aqquired a new way of trianing and preperation for traning. Peace, quiet, and Meditation. Meditation gave him the needed chakra and peace he needed for a day of training, it also helped him ease down and relace. During meditation, he gained more control of his chakra and began to understand being a shinobi and having peace mentally. As a result, he meditates daily, early in the morning, and in the evening. He became a gennin at the age of 12, and had a great squad and fair snsei. they trained oftne, and he would train alone alot. The Raidon's clan symbol is the blue dragon, so he had hopes of learning how to summon one after the chuunin exams. He learned many basics, like how to climb trees and walk on water. That helped him learn how to use his element. During training, he accuired two raiton jutsu for his use. They would be the key attack he used in the Exams, but he alo leanred how to strategize a bit too. Lightning could be defeated many ways, but it didnt not stop him from using it wisely.

One day, Kei was on a mission with his squad that had ended up being bigger and more dangerous than expected. After a few days of their leave, they had returned with shoking news. Kei had been attacked and was barerly alive. Yohiko was at the scene and rushed to the hospital to be by his side. The next day, kei passed in his sleep. It was said that a few organs were damaged, and too much surgery would be too much stress fo the boy anyway. Yohiko mourned a long time. Then the exams came near and he had a huge goal no one could stop. At 14, he entered the Chuunin Exams and vowed to be succesful for Kei, but he had some difficulty. In the end, he lost the second round of the thired stage, but his talent got him promoted easily. He also changed his outfit. Shogo wanted to learn more about the world, and find different teachers. So he left Yohiko behind. Yohiko wasnt angry, it helped him mature and grow through trying hard and sollow training. Doing small jobs, he earned ryo and would aqquire a vast number of weapons. Yohiko trained on being a weapon master at a very young age remember, but he took it very seriously now and traing with small prjectiles to large blades was a regular thing. He had went to the wepon shop so much, he could get things for free now and then.

Yohiko went on plenty of group missions and some solo missions like traveling to another country, or being an escort. His record shows about 14 D-Rank, 9 C-Rank, 2 B-Rank at this point. On one mission, he got to see his father after 8 years. His dad had reached the rank of anbu captain. To be like his dead in a sort of way, he hopes to be ready and join anbu as soon as possible and get a A-Rank mission where he would be put to the absolute wire. On weekends, he does some community things and helps gennin and sometime acadmey ninja with their training. Yohiko seemed to be like by everyone. But still, he has a rival from his squad who hasn't become a Chuunin yet becuase of his wacky antics, but he hopes to enter this year and be successful. It had become a usual thing for the kid to challenge Yohiko in spars, but Yohiko would win. The kid has potential, but never thinks. So going on squad missions with the boy causes lack of teamwork and plenty of tension. Yohiko dosen't think much of the rivalry, but hope nothing much will come out of it either.

After Kei's death, he was alone alot. Soon enough though, he had his eyes on a girl named Nami. They spent some time together in the forest, at the local bookstore, and even at Ichiraku Ramen. Yohiko asked her on a date, at first she declined. Then the next time, she smilied and said yes. Ever since, they have been a couple spending time together when he did not have to train. She is a shinobi also, but spends time in the village as a medic learning to become a legendary medical shinobi. But yOhiko had so much potentail and a new goal that he left her. But she understood and they vowed to meet again.

Yohiko found a few teachers at the time in attempt to master his raiton affanity. He went back to the Cloud Village to train with the survivors of his clan and his father. After a few months, he had decided to stay in the Cloud Village and was no longer a Shinobi of the Leaf. He had learned lightning wave, a justu created by his clan and would work on incrreasing it's effectiveness and size. He soon leanred how to manipulate lightning around him a bit. One thing he was lacking was a summon. He soon began learning to summon, the blue dragon. Ity also took the form a the Lightning God, Raidon. While trianing in special places with his summon, he learned about natural and spiritual energy. He learned that it could help him greatly in battle and help to give him more chakra. This training went on for about a year before he was able to sign a contract with the dragon boss who he can only summon in the most dangerous situations. He had returned to a normal life, taller, wiser and stronger. In a few months, he was promoted to the rank of Anbu in his village under the command of his soon to be retired father.

Yohiko joined Anbu for the Kumo village going on stelth missions and assasinations. He went everywhere and through this he could find out village techniques for the Kumo's use. It was a great help for the village strategy against enemies. Finally, he went on an S-Rank mission. Things were complicated, and he was injured due to the fact that he used lightning, and at the same time, was hit with water. During his inactive time, he studied and learned about how to use lightning when going against a water user. It gave him knowledge that would be the key to success in future battle. He also found out how to mix both of his elements.

His grandfather passed one night. He was an enturpenuer, owning a restuarant by the name of 'The Cherry Blossom' it was a succcesful place in his part of the village. Yohiko inheritted about 1/3 the money. Kai saved some of it for himself, and some for emergencies. The rest was used for toning up his inventory and armor. At the age of seventeen, he used this money and added to his weapon collection. Soon enough, he would be a master at kenjutsu and other forms of weaponry weather it was attacking with them or using weapons as a decoy. He soon become one of the strongest that his clan had ever seen and decided it was time to become of the most intelligent. He buried his face in books for weeks, furthering his knowledge about strategies, and morals, ninja history, and proper use of techniques. It paid off as he was promoted to the rank of Jounin.

He took some time off form all the heavy mission to enjoy life. He met a women named Namoi in that time. They would be friends and do things together. As time grew they became closer and closer and became in love. In some months they got married. They then had a child, a girl named Yuki. Naomi was the quite, gentle, and peaceful type. She wasn't too fond of the ninja life, thats why she wasnt a ninja. And still, she would fear for her husbands saftey. COoking was he hobby, so she soon began working at the family resturaunt and found a job that she loved so much. At least Yohiko didnt have to cook.

Yohiko went on to teach a squad for a short time being, they had potential and were close to being the bast squad in their age group. All but one became a chuunin after the chunnin exams had finished. It didnt stop him from training and the boy became Yohiko's star pupil and would give him solo traing. After another year, the boy entered the exams and was a chuunin. He would always be in Yohiko's debt. By the age of 24, he stopped being a Sensei and started to go on solo and group recon missions with fellow jounin. He became an elite jounin after a while and was known throughout the village as the 'Rai the Lightning God.'

There was one mission that stood out in Yohiko's life. It was to a remote village, pretty small and poor. But still, there were jerks in the world that had to make them poorer. The village was small and pathetic, while the enemies were strong, with shadow manipulation. It was stricky saving a hundred people with those kind of enemies. They could slip by you in a second. But all hope was lost, Yohiko arrived on time and needed to do whatever he could. In a matter of days, everyone single anemy was found and discovered thanks to Yohiko. When he went back to Kumogakure, he got priased and was promoted to the level of a Sannin.

Speciality: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu
Learned jutsus:
Elements: Raiton, Doton, Suiton
Weapons/items: Two Katana's, A Kusanagi, A chain.
Goals: His goals are to be a legacy, hope for the future and to protect his village through any time.

Last edited by Blast on Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2009-02-18

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Yohiko Raidon Empty Re: Yohiko Raidon

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:07 pm

He sent me a rp sample and it was worthy for Sannin ranking.

If anyone has any conflicts, i'll send the rp sample to whomever has such conflicts.

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Yohiko Raidon Empty Re: Yohiko Raidon

Post by Blast Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:44 pm

Cool, so do I add myself to a group or will a mod do it?


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Yohiko Raidon Empty Re: Yohiko Raidon

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:52 pm

A mod would do it
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Yohiko Raidon Empty Re: Yohiko Raidon

Post by Koga Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:02 pm

My only problem here is with his elements. Im assuming it was just a little slip up. It says "Raiton, Doton, Lightning".

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Yohiko Raidon Empty Re: Yohiko Raidon

Post by Blast Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:20 pm

Oh, thanks. I will fix that Wink


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