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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Lucy Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:19 am

Name: Youji Chishio

Age: 18

Rank: Towa Leader (Black Ops)

Village: Rain

Appearance: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost 119destruction

Personality: Youji serious and pleasant girl. She seems usually saddened and depressed despite but it is only one of the many masks she wears. Though she acts this way she is not one to take lightly. Youji has a very in tuned and in depth understanding of the world and the human mind. Being this she can keep calm in a hopeless situation and find some way to turn it around. Her concept of life in death is beyond that of any other human. Seeing them both in the same view and knowing what happens to those who are lost after death. She believes in serving her village over most things and strives to honor the great shinobi that have fallen before her time.

Ideals - Youji and her clan hope this belief in a living tree know as the Blood Willow. It is said that this tree holds the mysteries of life and death as well as the existence of humans. It is said that the first human(s) were born from this tree and those humans were the first members of the Chishio family. The Chishio also believe in a world know as Towairaito. The world of which the lost souls or souls that wait for their redemption and wait to pass on.

Youji was born in the heart of the Rain Village. The process Youji was born was different from other children of Ame though. Being born into the Chishio family, Youji was birth was not just her birth date but a ritual. Her family having the special ability to control and manipulate the blood inside and outside their bodies. Being this a blood ritual was performed, just like it was whenever a child of the Chishio family was born. The ritual being dangerous but crucial to the religious ideals of the Chishio clan. The ideals of the Blood Willow. Being this she was labeled as a blood child, a child of the meaning of life, death, and creation. The only difference in Youji was that this meaning had more meaning behind it then her fellow family members thought.

Ages 1-3:
As she grew up. Youji was treated as any other child of the Chishio, a noble. Her life was easy and filled with new challenges to face. Walking by the age of 1 and shortly after speaking a few simple words. Though she developed like most normal children she had a surprising, though unseen ability to identify and distinguish between the various members of her family and clan. Besides this increased sense of identification Youji grew up as any normal child. Her mind and body developed just fine and with that the next journey of her young life begun.

Ages 4-6:
At the early age of four Youji's kekkei genkai, Ketsueki ryuudou-no Tsuuro, started to make signs of increased activity. Naturally this special kekkei genkai starts its activity at birth, but for advanced activity is rare. Being the situation Youji's parents quickly took action. With her clan being the leaders in medical discovery and advancement in blood treatments in the Rain Village, it wouldn't take long before they would know exactly why there was such increased activity in Youji's Ketsueki ryuudou-no Tsuuro. Because Youji was only 4 at the time they would have to be very careful. Placing her through various blood tests and treatments they shortly found out that something terribly wrong had happened. Youji was sick with a deadly and rare blood disease. This disease known as Ta-minaru ketsueki byouki effects the person blood stream and circulatory system, making their body reject the blood in the body, causing the person to bleed from their mouth, eyes, and even pores at a drastic rate. The news of this devastated Youji's parents. Just the thought of her little girl, who wasn't even old enough to enter the academy had a deadly illness. But something was different with Youji. Though any other person who contracted this rare blood disease would die without a doubt, Youji was a Chishio and had the ability to rapidly create blood cells at the same rate she would lose them. Even at such a young age this was taking place in her body. Though her kekkei genkai would keep her alive she would still live a pain filled life and to keep the circulatory attacks from happening as frequently she would still have to take medicine. Not only that but her health would also have to be monitored by her clan to make sure that nothing changed in her situation.

So with her life almost being robbed from her, Youji started on her way on the path of becoming a shinobi of the Rain Village. It was touch for her getting used to the medicine she had to take and the conditions of her body. So from age four to age five her parents helped her with this, so she would be better prepared to enter the academy when she turned six. During this year she had to deal with this, not a day went by that Youji didn't question her health. Even at as young an age of four she was thinking why did this had to happen to me and am I going to die or not?. For such thoughts to cycle and churn around in a small child's head is disturbing, but all it did was show how much more Youji was learning and understanding about the world and complications between life and death.

Finally come the time of Youji's sixth birthday her parents decided it was time for her to join the academy. Youji was excited about the whole thing and at the same time scared. Scared of the thought "what will the other students think of me" "What will they think about my sickness and my kekkei genkai." "what am I going to do if I have another attack right in the middle of class." these thoughts scared her to no end and made Youji withdraw a little inside of herself. Being this she didn't make many friends and it turned out that what she expected happened. because of her sickness the other students judged her and even feared her. Even her teachers were a little weary of her because of the fact that she would sometimes bleed from her eyes and body. This of course scared all of her classmates and of course medical treatment was necessary but over time things became 'natural' almost. Her fellow classmates wouldn't get as freaked out when Youji would have an episode and the teachers would simply give her her medicine and wait for her to recover.

Ages 7-10:
As a year passed Youji became the star student of her class. Even with her sickness she started to surpass her peers. This made it even harder for her to make friends because she was the teacher's pet, the great Chishio noble. This clearly made her classmates jealous and the attention she got when her sickness struck just fueled it even more. As time passed this jealously turned into hate and loathing. Youji being to tuned in with her understanding of people and the human mind saw this with ease. She wasn't really effected by what her peers thought of her though. She knew that if she did then it would only effect way she felt. Mater of fact Youji encouraged this a little. Acting so smart and witty, outmatching the others with ease in body and mind. Anything that the others did she could do better. Shuriken throwing, memorizing hand signs and the rules of being a shinobi, even being able to use jutsu and her kekkei genkai before her peers could even charge chakra correctly. She was the star student alright. A progeny among norms.

Come the time of Youji's eighth birthday she had completely surpassed her peers. She had just about complete control of her Ketsueki ryuudou-no Tsuuro in its simplest of forms and she was now at the point where she could take the graduation exam. Youji and her parents had no doubts that she would pass and come the day of the exam their standings were correct. Youji passed with flying colors while all of her other classmates were left behind. With her graduation came not just the life of a genin but something much more important. The full bringing in of Youji to her clans religion. Youji already had a great deal of knowledge of her clans ideals and theories but she knew that with this change in social clan statues came a whole new level of understanding. So without any delay she started her life as a genin. She was assigned to a team rather quickly, which of which was lead by Koroshi Hanzo, a highly regarded jounin of the Rain Village, and her two teammates, Hito Sazura and Shu Unimo. Of course when Youji joined the team, Hito and Shu were insulted. They thought that being two years older then Youji they were being sort of mocked and were very quick to judge. Youji could see this from a mile away and didn't really make an effort to befriend Hito and Shu at first. Koroshi was different though, being a man of honor and respect, openly accepted Youji and was very glad that he would be able to help her start her path to her full potential.

Their first mission started just like any other mission. They had to run earns for clients and do anything else that was C-rank or lower. Nothing particularly hard at all. It was more or less just so Youji could get used to the ways and life of a genin. This of course annoyed her teammates a little with all of these little missions, but after time passed they soon befriended Youji and she befriended them.

Over the course of a few months, Youji had a complete grasp on her missions and working as a team with Shu and Hito. At the same time she had learned the next step of knowledge of her clans ways and her kekkei genkai. Now able to form more complicated things from her blood. Also just as her peers before hand it did take Shu and Hito some time to get used to her sickness but they soon accepted it. With the mild differences between them settled the three of them, under the guidance of their sensei Koroshi, they quickly raised in the ranks of genin teams. Soon they were the most requested genin team in the Rain Village.

By the age of 10 Youji was more than prepared for the Chunnin exams that were being held in Konoha. Though she wanted to go a year earlier her sensei thought it wouldn't be a good idea. Excited and curious, her team and their sensei made their way to Konoha to enter in the Chunnin exams. Their team being to strongest of five that were being sent to the exams, had a great chance in passing. Luckily for Youji, Hito and Shu were in the exams once before. sadly it cost them a teammate last time they went but this time they weren't going to fail.

The Chunnin Exam:
The day Youji's team made it to the Leaf Village was a busy one. Everyone was excited with the exams soon to start and the roads were booming with excitement and people. If it wasn't for the fact that Hito and Shu had been there once before then they most likely would have gotten lost. But as planned they got there with time to spare. Only a few teams were there when they showed up for the first part of the test. Of course there were teams from the Leaf Village, but there were also teams from the Village Hidden in the Clouds and the Village Hidden in the Sand. Based on the way they looked and acted, Youji didn't think any of them really would be much of a threat, but she knew how first impressions were deceitful. They all knew that if these genin made it to the chunnin exam just like they did then they had to be tough. As the day went on and Youji and her team watched as more and more people showed up for the exam. Youji being the kind of person to next want to be a step behind, studied each and every person that entered as best she could. She didn't want to miss out on anything. By the time everyone has shown up the room they were all standing in was packed. Ninja from Grass, Cloud, Wind, Waterfall, every village had someone there. It was surely going to be a huge chunnin exam.

Part one of the Exam:
Surely enough all things have a start and the first part of the exam was the written test. This didn't worry Youji at all because of her intelligence but her teammates weren't exactly the smartest of shinobi. The proctor wasn't exactly charming either. Ibiki was possibly one of the most intimidating man she had ever encountered, most likely one of the qualities needed for such a job as being an instructor of the chunnin exams. The briefing on what they had to do on the test was exactly as Shu and Hito told her. They would be given a test of ten questions and other instructors would watch them as they took it. They also explained to her that they would have to cheat and not get caught to pass. This wouldn't be to hard considering Hito and Shu already knew a bunch of tricks to gathering the information they needed and as expected they got the answers they needed and passed the first part of the exam. But if even the first test was challenging so the second part of the test wasn't going to be easy either. Matter of fact it was were Hito and Shu failed it the first time they took the exam.

Part two of the exam. The Forest of Death:
The second part of the test was also just as Hito and Shu described to Youji. They would have to take possession of a heaven and earth scroll and bring them to a tower in the middle of the forest. Easier said then done though. The forest was huge and dangerous. As Youji and her team made their way through the forest they couldn't decide whether to just go hunting or set up traps to catch other teams. Shu and Hito argued about this for a while until Youji interrupted and submitted a plan herself. Her plan was simple yet clever. She would merely lay in the middle of the forest and allowed herself to bleed by use of her kekkei genkai. This would display the image that she was injured and would attract other teams to see what was going on. To further make the image seem like what it was meant to look like she held the scroll in one hand as she called for her teammates. It was genius in theory but Shu and Hito really wondered if it would work. Seeing as though they didn't really have any other choice though they went with it. Surely enough after a hour of this someone came to the sounds of Youji calling for her teammates. A team of Leaf shinobi no less. It was unsure to which scroll they had but Youji kept a close eye on them as they approached. Once they saw the scroll they became very much interested with Youji, being that she had the heaven scroll in plain sight. Once they were close enough to the small pool of blood Youji created she struck. Making spikes form from the blood and impale the one shinobi that got close enough, killing him. The other two quickly backed away, only to be attacked from behind by her teammates. As expected they had a earth scroll.

Now that they had the two scrolls they needed all that they needed to do was get to the tower. With other teams still searching for scrolls the forest was still very much a danger. Carefully and quietly they made their way through the forest, staying out of the sight of any other teams. They were fine until they got close to the tower though. Teams were everywhere. Either trying to get to the tower or trying to finds scrolls in a last effort not to fail the exam. Youji and her team weren't faced with this problem but another team from the Rain village was. Being that they wanted to help their fellow rain shinobi they jumped in and assisted in the battle. The result being that they and the other rain team walked away both with the scrolls they needed. Now with another team of friends from their village traveling with them, their chance of being attacked was slim to none. Nobody in their right mind would take on two teams at once. They reached the two on time and wished their comrades good luck as they entered the rooms needed to make it to the next part of the exams.

Last edited by Lucy on Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:04 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Lucy Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:35 am

The third part of the exam, part one. The preliminaries:
Shortly after they entered the tower, Youji and her teammates were informed about the third part of the test by an instructor. After their travels through the forest, Youji, Shu, and Hito were all exhausted. The idea of a tournament didn't excite them at all. Shu being the kind of guy that complained did and Hito just groaned and laid on his back, his muscles arching. Youji was the only one surprisingly who wasn't ready to just fall over on the floor from exhaustion. She was tired yes, there was no way of hiding it, but she was nobility and even now she would still show herself with composer and manners, regardless of her physical condition. It didn't take long for Shu and Hito to get off the floor though because they needed to get to the preliminaries before it was too late.

When they got to the room where the preliminaries were being held they weren't surprised to see a number of other teams. The majority were leaf ninja and of course the other rain team that they helped was there. But other than that there were just mismatched teams from the other villages. Though they were all different in face and village the one thing that everyone in the room shared in common was that they all looked positively exhausted. A proctor for the test stood in the front of the room with a list of names. Youji could only guess what was on it. The ninja explained why everyone was there and to what they would be doing for this part of the test. Next he told everyone to go up onto the side rafters of the room and the board would randomly pick people who would face off. Being that the names were randomly picked the only thing that Youji, Shu, and Hito could hope for was that they were paired up against each other and that they weren't the firsts to go up. With luck this didn't happen. matter of fact Hito was the third one to have to fight. In the end of it he won. After him followed Shu who also won his match but only because he got to rest. A few more matches went by until finally Youji's match was up. As she made her way down to the fighting area she looked at her opponent. He was older than her by at least a year or two and had black hair. He looked relativity in shape and rested too. Youji was hoping for a more tired looking opponent, seeing that she wasn't exactly at one-hundred percent and ill. Alas though she had to deal with it. The proctor told them they could start and the battle begun.

Youji's opponent charged at her head on. The boy was clearly not one to want to wait, nor did he think things through. Swinging widely at Youji as she jumped and dodged out of his way. Hito and Shu cheered her on and told her to sock him one. Sadly it was the other way around. As she made a dodge her sickness struck and she stopped dead in her tracks for a moment as she coughed up blood. That is when her opponent hit her hand and fast in the gut, knocking the wind out of her. He then took his advantage and kicked her across the room. Youji landed on her side, hard. At first she didn't move and everyone watched with a look of disappointment on their faces. They were hoping for a good fight but it seemed that the girl just couldn't pull it off. Comments like "it looks like she just couldn't pull it off." and "I bet her teammates carried her the entire way through the exam." Youji heard this and instantly became enraged, though she didn't show it. She opened her eyes and stood up slowly right when the proctor was about to call the match. her opponent looked pleased because he could have more fun. Little did he know what he was in for. Youji after standing up then proceeded with throwing up a bunch of blood and then injecting herself with her medicine. The sight of it scared everyone but her teammates as a small pool of blood formed on the floor. Blood then started to run down her arms from under her shirt and from her mouth and eyes. She looked at her opponent with a calm look, while his held one of horror, just like the others. She then walked towards him as she raised her arm. From it formed a sword of diamond looking sword of blood that incorporated itself around her hand. Just from that her opponent started to back away. She then charged him and with a reaction of fear he turned and ran straight into the wall. As he turned to face her again it was already too late. She dove forward and drove the blood blade at him. A sound was heard and her opponent opened his eyes. Her was now sitting on the floor, tears running down his face as the bloody Youji stood in front of him. There was a deep and sharp cut in the wall from where she had struck with the blood sword she created. She had no real intention in killing him just scaring him to the point where he would no longer with to fight. It worked. Seeing that she spared his life and out of purely unadulterated fear he forfeited. Medical ninja were on stand-by and tried to take Youji to the medical wing bu she refused and said she would be fine and merely walked away to the sidelines where she would join her teammates. All three of them had passed the preliminaries.

The last part of the exam, part 2. The tournament:
After the preliminaries the young shinobi from the Rain Village were allowed to rest. Reunited with their sensei, Shu and Hito bragged and boosted on how they did so well and how Youji won her preliminary match by scaring the hell out of her opponent. Youji didn't pay attention to this though because she merely went to sleep. Exhausted and tired she had the right to, especially after the attack from her illness she suffered. But thankfully Youji would be be just fine thanks to her medicine and kekkei genkai. All she needed was some rest and being that the next and final part of the exam wasn't for another two days, rest is exactly what the young Rain shinobi were going to get. They would need it for the incoming ordeal they were going to be faced with.

Over the two days for rest the young ninja had they looked around the Leaf Village and celebrated. Shu and Hito were especially cheerful because they didn't get the chance to get this far the last time they took the test. Youji however left the celebrating to them more or less. Though she did try to fun the thing that held her attention mostly was the next part of the exam. The part of the test that truly tested her. The part of the test that decided if she would become a chunnin or stay a genin. Quiet frankly she was still young for her age being that she was still ten going on eleven. But her skills made up for her age greatly and her wits were far beyond that of her teammates and other students out of the Rain Village. Still even now she was a prodigy among norms. But she thought to herself as she looked at her friends having fun and enjoying themselves "maybe... just maybe it is ok to be of the norm.". This thought made her happy. To be normal like her friends. To be able to just live free of burdens and responsibility. To live free. This was a though she knew wouldn't be able to happen though. She was a noble of the Chishio clan and she had her sickness and kekkei genkai. Normal was forever beyond her reach and there was nothing she could do about it. But it wasn't the time to think about something like that at the moment. It was time to enjoy herself while she could because the next day was the day it would be all on the line. The day of the test.

Judgment Day:
It was time for the last part of the chunnin exam. The final elimination tournament. This would decided whether Youji would become a chunnin or not based on her performance. Everything was crucial for this part of the test. No slip-ups, no wrong choices, no mistakes, none of it would be acceptable at this point. Even if it was for the people evaluating her, it wouldn't be acceptable to Youji. This was the day she used all of her ninja abilities and wits to defeat her opponent. She was no fool and no weakling. Matter of fact she was a genius and more. Today she was even prepared to unleash her kekkei genkai to the fullest possible, something she never had done before. As they approached the stadium you could see the people entering it to watch the fights. Youji wasn't surprised, humans often enjoyed watching other beat the crap out of each other, especially in a competitive situation like the chunnin exam. Already in the middle of the stadium stood the remaining shinobi that passed the preliminaries. There were a total of twelve ninja counting Youji and her team. Matter of fact her team was the only team who all the members made it passed the preliminaries. This is something that is usually unseen but with a team like Youji's it was only natural that they all would get this far being that they were all skilled ninja. Being that all were now present for the exam the proctor started by informing the combatants about what exactly they would be doing for this part of the test. It was simple. You would be paired against someone else and you would fight. Winning and losing didn't matter much. What mattered was how you fought. Based on that would make the decision of whether one would become a chunnin or not. With that the pairs were made and the exam started. Shu was the first one who had to fight. The fight went on for a while surprisingly, mostly because Shu's opponent was a lot harder then expected. He almost lost but Shu being the cleaver guy he is managed to pull the victory out of thin air in the end. it was an impressing fight that was for sure. It took another two fights before Hito was up. He had to fight a girl. This bugged him a little being the honorable samurai type. But he placed his feelings aside and brought himself to fight. Though the fight didn't last long it was truly a malarious fight. Hito, using his kenjutsu ended the battle without even causing any dangerous wounds to his opponent. The fight afterward didn't take long either. It was a clear mismatch but it was the match after it that really mattered. Youji's match.

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Lucy Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:46 am

Youji's match:
It was now time for the final fight of the chunnin exam, Youji's match. The proctor called her down as well as her opponent, a boy by the name of Kazu Izota. Now Youji had seen Kazu fight in the preliminaries and already had a few things about him figured out. She knew he was smart, though a little cocky, and he specialized in fire jutsu. Kazu also knew what Youji could do with her blood, seeing that he saw her fight in the preliminaries as well, though it wasn't very much because Youji didn't really show much of her skills or abilities in the fight. This already gave Youji a bit of an advantage, seeing that her opponent didn't exactly know what to expect from her. As both of them entered the stadium the proctor announced that they could start when ready. Both genin gave him the signal and the match began.

Kazu charged Youji, kunai in hand. Since in the preliminaries charging Youji went so well he though he would give it a try, but he wouldn't make the same mistake as Youji's opponent did then. He knew to an extent of what she could do and he was about to find out the rest the hard way. Youji waited for Kazu to come to her. She wouldn't rush this but she wouldn't make it last to long either. If she did then her health could very much effect the fight and bring it to Kazu's favor. That was something she didn't want to happen. After all she made it this far and worked very hard to just lose from some medical reason. If anything she would turn her sickness into her greatest weapon. A way to better access her kekkei genkai like no other Chishio family member had before her. As Kazu got closer, Youji started to make blood release through her pores in her arms. Right when Kazu came in with an attack, Youji brought up her arm and made the blood under her sleeves take form. From the blood a diamond like guard plate formed on her left arm and a small sword of the same liking form on her right. She used the plate to block Kazu's attack and took a deep swing at him with the sword. The blow made contact and sliced right through him. Not to Youji's surprise Kazu's body turned into a log and the real Kazu appeared above her. With that he made a hand sign and released a powerful fireball jutsu down at her. Being that Youji didn't really have time to dodge she simply took a defensive view. By changing the properties of the sword and ever existing blood on her arms, Youji formed a large blood shield out of the already existing plate on her left arm. The fireball jutsu hit up against her shield and charred the ground around her. Youji was ok over all except for a few little burn makes from the heat, but no real damaged really was inflicted to her body. Kazu was impressed with her abilities and at the same time annoyed. Being the cocky guy he was he made comments about Youji and her kekkei genkai. Youji responded in a way that caught Kazu off guard. Instead of using an insult or saying some sort of boast she simply stated Kazu's name, age, type of jutsu used, the jutsu that she had seen him use, approximate height and weight, which she guessed on based on his appearance but was still almost correct, his teammates, village, and lastly how he acted. All of these thing Youji figured out merely by watching him and hearing him talk. Kazu was stunned by all of this because just about all of it was true, clear but true. In reaction he just shrugged and acted all cool and calm and merely corrected Youji's estimate of his height and weight. Youji could see he was merely trying to cover his slightly scared reaction with the calm cool act and pointed that out as well. This just annoyed Kazu. The fact that this girl could figure him out merely by watching him and such. It made him wonder what else she could possibly know. Though not much fighting was happening during these moments it still showed off Youji's skills as a shinobi. Her ability to gather information was impressive and the proctors and higher ups liked this display.

Annoyed by the girl now, Kazu charged at her, throwing shuriken at her at different angles. Youji's little mind game worked based on Kazu's display in actions. He was losing his focus because he wanted to just shut her up. The shuriken weren't very effective either. All they did was hit up against her shield and fall to the ground. Kazu slammed himself up against her shield, an action she didn't expect and therefore threw her off her feet. From that point Kazu jumped off her shield on the impact and flew into the air, making hand signs. A little dazed Youji tried to focus on her surroundings. When she did she could see Kazu in the air making hand signs. The last thing she needed was another fire jutsu coming her way. As he let off a flurry of fireballs at her she threw her shield at him, knocking him out of the air and making him land heavily a few feet from her. Luckily she did this in time to deflect him aim and made the fireballs fly up into the sky randomly. That is when Youji took on the assault, charging at him with a kunai in hand. Each step she took left a blood foot print which would help her later if she planned it out right. Kazu wasn't prepared for this and as Youji charged at him he picked up the blood shield that she threw at him and used it to block her. It was a bad idea. As Youji struck the shield, her kunai went right through it, piercing Kazu in the shoulder. Then the shield started to cover Kazu and wrapped around his body. Youji placed her hand on the shield as it did this, feeding more blood into it, making it cover him faster. Kazu struggled through all of this but Youji had him. The match would be over after this attack.

Once the shield had covered Kazu's body he fell to the ground unable to move. The blood had hardened itself into a diamond like case around him, keeping him from moving his arms. Kazu had no way out and would be unable to continue the match. Seeing this the proctor came over and declared Youji the winner. When this happened, Shu and Hito ran out and hugged Youji, congratulating her. The crowd was cheering and the observers were impressed with these three ninja. They had great skills for ones so young, especially Youji. It was clear that the three of them were going to become chunnins.

Chunnin Life. Ages 11-13:
Now a chunnin, Youji and her teammates returned to the Rain Village to serve as best they could for their village. They all knew that things wouldn't be the same now that they were chunnins. The missions would be harder, the assignments around the village more serious, and they were now allowed to be but in charge of teaching. Of course none of them became teachers though, their skills were to based on combat in the field. None of them had any problem with this though. Hito was after all a soon to be master of kenjutsu, Shu was great at traps and tactics, and Youji was their little information gatherer. Of course the team did just as well as chunnin as they did as genin. Regardless of the missions they were still top notch and the most requested team in the Rain Village. This of course made their sensei proud. Koroshi being the wise man he was could see something happening though. He could tell a difference in skill among his pupils. It appeared to him that even though Hito was the team leader, Youji was more skilled in her ninja arts. Of course in a battle of kenjutsu she wouldn't stand a chance but otherwise she was becoming stronger. This didn't mean anything to her and her teammates though and their team didn't change. Hito remained leader, Shu was still the slightly foolish, wise guy of the group, and Youji was still the little noble Chishio girl that she was when she joined the team. Koroshi didn't have a problem with this, but his fears never were with the feelings of the group. he was more worried about Youji getting so far a head that she would be promoted and separated from the team. But he knew for right now she wasn't going anywhere. She was still young and still just a chunnin and the jounin exams weren't for another year.

The Passing of the Wolves:
On Youji's twelfth birthday her clan decided it was time she was trained in her clans summonings. This of course meant a lot to Youji because she would be further trusted with the secrets of her clan and their ideals. Not only that but she would also be taught a new jutsu that would prove useful in her missions and battles. So that very day Youji made the summoning contract. Though she would need to practice she now had the ability to summon the mighty Chishio Hounds. Of course Youji had no idea just what kind of bond a Chishio member and these hounds held but as she studied in the ways of her clan. As she began to understand another chapter of the Chishio legacy, the mysteries that were hidden started to become more visible. With more and more practice and the more Youji used the hounds the better she became and the more she stated to understand, for not just did her clan reveal the history and ideals of her clan to her, but so did the hounds.

After about three months of training she was fully able to summon the three Chishio Hounds. Ukiyo the eldest of the three, Ikioi the second eldest, and Myou the youngest of the three became greatly attached to Youji. Though it took her three months to fully master this jutsu, it also opened up so many doors that were hidden behind the world of Towairaito and the existing world. This awareness helped Youji understand the means of life and death more and to why people were so instinctively afraid of it. But little did Youji know that even though she mastered the jutsu in only three months and also learned all of this knowledge, she still wouldn't be able to use the hounds to their full potential until she stepped into the final stage of the Chishio ideals.

Another approaching change in the winds:
With her new skills, Youji, once again, surpassed all of her peers. Even her teammates couldn't keep up her her, even though they were two years older than her. She truly was a genius, a prodigy among the others of the Rain Village. A noble of the Chishio clan, one in which the blood has never flowed so richly in centuries. It was clear that Koroshi's theory was correct. Youji had now fully surpassed her friends in ability, and being the most requested team of chunnin in the entire Rain Village, it was easy for the higher ups to see Youji's abilities. Being this it was no doubt that Youji would be going somewhere in her life, raising through the ranks with ease, maybe even become the Kage one day. It was unsure what would happen in the future, but as Koroshi had guessed since the first day Youji joined his team, she was going to be a great and powerful shinobi. All that stood in her way was time and even that had its limits.

Youji's thirteenth birthday. A new progression:
By the time Youji was thirteen, her and her team were allowed to take the jounin exam. Being that they were all skilled ninja Koroshi had no problem with this, but others saw him as a fool for letting such young chunnins enter the exam. But Koroshi didn't care what others thought of him. He knew that his students were ready and he would hate to hold them back now. Youji especially, being that she was sure to become a jounin by the end of this exam. Being this the team was surely excited. A chance to progress, to get stronger, and to show what they had learned during their time as chunnins. This was the emotion that Youji, Hito, and Shu all had. They wanted nothing more than to climb the ranks and become renown ninja and to best serve their village. Youji was possibly even more excited about the exam then her teammates, because becoming a jounin would open herself up to the next level of knowledge about her clan. She would finally be fully taken into their beliefs and ideals. She would finally be allowed to know everything. She would be able to escape into the world of Towairaito.

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Lucy Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:28 am

The next step. The jounin exam:
It was the day that Youji and her team would participate in the jounin exam. This time they didn't need to travel anywhere though because the exam they were taken was right in the Rain Village. This was a refief because they could take the test on their own terms, in their own village with no unknown circumtances. Not saying that it wouldn't be difficult, but at least they had the comfort of their own homes. So being this Youji, Hito, and Shu all entered the jounin exams and were ready for what awaited them.

The Jounin Exam, part one:
Much like the chunnin exam, the jounin exam consisted of a written test and a physical one. Though it didn't have a forest of death part, it did have the two pieces combined. The written test was based utterly on ones intelligence and not so much the cheating. This made sense because they were already tested on their abilities to gather information in the chunnin exam and now it was time to test their minds mentally, though it didn't mean one couldn't cheat, but it was even more dangerous to do so. Just like the chunnin exams written test there were other ninja watching and looking out for cheating, however these ninja were jounin level and much harder to get by. None the less Youji still got past them, though she didn't really need to because she answered most of the questions on her own. It was getting the harder questions answers to her teammates that was the real test. After all Hito and Shu weren't the written testing types, though Shu did much better on written exams being that he was stronger in that area then Hito was. none the less at the end of the exam all three of them passed the written exam, but now the survival part of the test was up.

The Jounin Exam, part two:
Much like the forest of death when they had to survive and gather scrolls, this test did almost the same thing but was much much more difficult. For this part of the test the chunnin had to once again gather scrolls and they were all given one scroll each, but unlike the forest of death when you needed two scrolls you also needed an extra scroll. The only way that one could get this scroll was by taking it from one of the jounin that were also running through the forest. That is where the test got difficult. each person needed two scrolls and the third scroll. each person was on their own. Everyone was responsible for themselves. Of course though Youji and her teammates didn't like that and decided before the test started that they would travel around as a team and help each other collect a scroll. After all there was no way just one chunnin could take out a jounin all by themselves as well as get two scrolls for themselves. That would be just about impossible.

When the exam started they were released into the forests of Amekage. The part of the forest that the exam was held in was closed off and was rittled with traps. Youji, Hito, and Shu all made the arrangement to met at the center of the forest and from there they would help each other get the scrolls. Shu was the first one to get the scroll he needed since he had a earth scroll and Youji allowed Hito to get the first earth scroll they found. While looking for another heaven scroll they met up with one of the jounin from the village. It was hard but they managed to subdue him and take the scroll. With already five scrolls covered all they needed were three more. The heaven scroll would be though of the easiest to get but instead the team ran into another jounin. Just as before they subdued the jounin, with help of a few of the forest traps, and took the scroll. Now all they needed was an earth and jounin scroll for Youji. This was harder than though for the team because more and more of the participants were being defeated by the jounin and finding an earth scroll became just about impossible. Luckily the team ran into their third jounin and with just about the last of their ability they took him down and found not just the jounin scroll but an earth scroll. They figured that the jounin must have defeated someone before hand and took their scroll, which was lucky for Youji and her team. Now that they all had the scrolls they needed they made their way to the finish point. When they got there though they found a very unpleasant surprise.

The final part of the exam, something harder than expected:
As Youji and her teammates made it to the finish point they found a very unpleasant surprise standing in their way. Right in front of the exit of the exam stood Koroshi their sensei waiting for them. There he would test the three tired chunnin himself to see if they truly were ready to become jounin. After fighting already two other chunnin and three jounin they team was tired and timid. After all it was not just some powerful jounin they would be up against. It was their sensei the Rain's legandary Koroshi Hanzo, the Storm Ninja.

Youji and her team knew that they had no choice but to defeat their sensei to progress to the next level, jounin. With that they three teammates and friends charged at their sensei and attacked with all of their might that they still possessed. Koroshi easily threw back the three with a huge gust of wind, knocking them all back several meters. Just then the clouds became dark and pounding rain started to fall. It was Koroshi's Rain Storm jutsu, a jutsu that all knew of from the stories of his achievements. This was a sign that he would not go easy on his students. he was going to go all out to test them. With this the three young chunnin stood up and once again attacked their sensei, using their different abilities and skills to assist each other. Even now when faced with such a difficult challenge, when they could have just went their separate ways, but no they all stayed and helped each other, fought with each other as a team. Just as friends do. Over the period of thirty minutes Koroshi managed to tire out and defeat Shu and Hito was on his knees catching his breath and on the brink of passing out. Youji was the only one still standing in front of her master. She knew that she had come to far to give up now. With the last of her chakra she took her bleeding palms and slammed them on the ground and yelled "SUMMONING JUTSU, CHISHIO HOUNDS! Ukiyo, Ikioi, Myou come to me!" With that call three blood portals formed in front of Youji and from them came out all three hounds. For the first time, Shu, Hito, and Koroshi saw Youji's summon that they had heard of and Hito, holding himself up with his sword and Shu getting to his feet despite the pain of his body all made a final attack with Youji against their sensei.

At the end of the final attack made, Youji, Hito, and Shu all were laying on the other side of the finish point of the jounin exam along with their sensei. All four of them looked up at the raining clouds. They all laughed, even though it hurt to because despite everything they had just gone through they managed to do it. They all banded together to pass the exam and defeat their sensei. They were all happy and Koroshi, being the one who had trained these three very skilled shinobi, was extremely proud. He had taught them everything he knew and watched them grow into the ninja they were today. It was a truly happy and proud thought.

Last edited by Lucy on Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Kenshi Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:34 am

Sorry I posted in this, but you're such a beast....You know it was already approved two posts ago.


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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Lucy Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:05 am

The title of Jounin:
Two days after the end of the exam. Youji, Hito, and Shu all stood in front of the Amekage to be officially given the title of Jounin. Though things like this were uncommon, in truth Youji and her teammates were the only ones that passed the jounin exam. All the others were defeated in the survival test because they didn't figure out that even though they were assigned to work as an individual, they could still team up with their teammate and pass the exam as a team. It was the only way for anyone to have passed the exam and Youji, Hito, and Shu figured it out. They were true shinobi in every way. So with that the Amekage officially and with great honor congratulated each of them for passing the exam and granted them the title and rank of jounin. The villagers cheered and applauded as this happened. It was a proud day in the Rain Village.

Life as a jounin. Ages 14-16:
After becoming a jounin life became very fulfilling for Youji. Her clan had granted her the final bringing in of her culture and ideals and with the final technique of their clan, the Ketsueki Ki no Towairaito. This allowed Youji to fully grasp the meaning of life and death and the existing plain known as Towairaito. With all of this newly found knowledge, Youji was able to fully master her kekkei genkai. Unlike before she could now use her summonings to their full potential as well. Youji was turning out to be more powerful than her clan had ever expected.

Hito and Shu were getting stronger as well. Being that they were all jounin now and were split up as a team didn't mean that the three didn't hang out. Still all great friends as well as training partners, the three tested their new abilities in sparring matches, Youji's always being the most impressive. Youji was always a little stronger than Hito and Shu, it was just that nobody really saw it. But now it was clearly visible. She could now single handily take both of them, though it took much effort, but none the less she could take both of them. But no matter what she did or how powerful she became they all always agreed that she would be the little noble Chishio girl, just like in the past. Koroshi also wasn't abandoned either. Even though the three of them were beginning to surpass him, especially Youji who of which he already had a good idea that she had already done so, still trained with his former students.

More or less life was good as a jounin. The missions were more interesting and harder, but they got to travel more and face new challenges. They would even go on some missions together if the Amekage saw it fit. But what really felt good was the fact that they all were respectable and powerful ranking shinobi of the Rain Village. They now could serve the village in the best ways they could, just like they had done as genin and chunnin. But not everything was fine during this time. New threats were becoming known in the lands as news of problems traveled through the other ninja villages. Problems involving the Bijuu and the Akatsuki to be more specific. With this knowledge know just made Youji, Hito, and Shu train even more. This way if their village would ever be faced with the threat of the group they would be ready.

Over the next two years, Youji and the others had started to make a name for themselves in the village. Hito became known as the Blade Ninja and Shu became known as the Rain Trapper Ninja. Youji also gained a title just as her friends did for their extreme skill as a shinobi. She became known as the Scarlet Ghost. Though they all held their titles of fame, Youji was the most famous of them. Being the leader in missions as well as ability, once again surpassing all of her peers at such a young age. Little did she know that this would change her life entirely.

A dark time. the sealing of the Four Tailed:
As the threat of the Akatsuki became more and more dangerous it became harder for them to protect the sealed away Bijuu's. Being this the Amekage sought it important to make it easier to hide the bijuu from the Akatsuki. His idea was to seal the beast into a powerful ninja of the Rain Village to hide it. His pick was one of questionable reason. His choice was Youji to be the host. Her clan didn't like the idea of this one bit but Youji wanted to do it. She saw it as not just a great way for her to further serve her village but an honor to be bestowed the four tailed bijuu to be sealed inside of her. It just meant that the Amekage saw her best fit for it to be sealed in and that he trusted her to keep it hidden from the Akatsuki. She knew it would also put her life in great danger and once it was sealed inside of her, she wouldn't be able to live a normal life again. Though her life already wasn't normal as it was. Being that she was an elite shinobi with a strange kekkei genkai and a terminal blood disease. So the arrangements were made and soon the four tailed would be sealed inside of her.

That night Youji was brought in front of the Amekage, Koroshi Hanzo, her sensei, and two of the most powerful elite shinobi in the Rain Village. These ninja were Makudai Kuzahau and Saito Mabashi. The sealing of the bijuu would take all four of these great shinobi to seal the powerful beast inside of Youji successfully. With the sealed jar that the spirit was trapped in was brought it, Koroshi and Saito strapped down Youji onto an iron table so she would be able to move as they sealed the beast inside of her. She had problem with this because she had a feeling that this wasn't going to be the most pleasant experience of her life. So as planned, on that stormy night, the process of sealing the bijuu started. Sealing the beast was a very difficult process that required a huge amount of chakra. This being that to seal the beast they first had to release it from its former seal so that they could seal it inside Youji. That was the most dangerous part, for when they released it the beasts chakra roared and flamed with great power. Such power put so much strain of the four powerful shinobi that they needed to put even more chakra into the sealing. As the beast was being sealed, Youji was of course feeling excruciating pain. The beast was being sealed into her body, it was fighting not just the four shinobi but her as well and she couldn't defend herself, not like she could from such a powerful creature. The process took almost two hours to seal the beast as it fought and struggled. The end result to complete the sealing also cost Makudai's life sadly, being the lead master of ancient sealing jutsus in the rain Village, it was he who performed the technique required to do it. Also the Amekage, Saito, and Koroshi were just about completely drained of chakra. As for Youji. She had passed out from the pain of the struggle just as the beast was getting under control, which was probably for the best. Now all she needed to do was to rest for a week or two and then she would most likely be up on her feet again.

Last edited by Lucy on Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:09 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Guest Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:36 am

I know you haven't finished... But holy... GEEZ!!! Do you need anymore there?! OMG you're making me want to go and write a bazillion essays on Jinkai!!! I might go do this actually... lol

Sorry i posted in this...


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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Lucy Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:45 pm

One year of training:
After Youji woke up and spent nearly two weeks in the hospital she knew she was going to have to make up all the training she missed, and not only that but she would also have to learn how to control the bijuu. This of course was going to be a challenge and because of this she was going to be training with the Amekage, Saito, and Koroshi. She was told that mastering the bijuu's power was very important because if the Akatsuki found the bijuu here then Youji could use it against them and fight them off. Youji was determined to do this, especially because just sealing the bijuu cost the village one of its strongest shinobi. So in memory of Makudai's life she would train until she was the strongest in the village. So for an entire year youji trained with the three strongest shinobi in the Rain Village and each day she became stronger and stronger, being able to control the bijuu's power little by little. She knew it would take more than a year to master the beasts power, even if it was a genius like her. After all a bijuu wasn't something to take lightly. Her clan was still a little upset with the decision to seal the beast inside Youji but that was nothing compared to the reaction the bijuu had. Each time Youji's sickness struck the bijuu made it worse and worse. pain would leave her unable to move and her body would need to take several hours to heal itself, sometimes even days. Life had become hard and difficult for Youji. But none the less the young shinobi pressed on and pressed one, with all of the abilities of the Chishio at her disposal.

When Youji turned seventeen she had become a very mature and powerful shinobi. With the help of her friends, the Amekage, Koroshi, and Saito, she had become the second strongest ninja in the entire Rain Village, second only to the Amekage himself. Her ability to control the four tailed had greatly progressed and she now had the ability to call upon its power. Though the bijuu didn't like Youji very well or the Ketsueki Ki. Matter of fact the ketsueki Ki and the four tailed would aggressively disagree on the means of which Youji's power came from and other such matters. This became a living hell for Youji, being that both of these powerful beings were now a part of her. Soon it was too much and she put her foot down. The threatened both the bijuu and the Ketsueki Ki that if they didn't allow Youji to control her own body and mind as she pleased and then she would kill herself and in terms kill the bijuu and the Ketsueki Ki. At first the two beings didn't believe her, but when Yoiji started the procedure to do so they quickly came too terms and agreed. Youji had finally won control and became a being of three.

The creation of the Towa:
When Youji was just about to turn eighteen the Amekage went to her with a proposition. He wanted the Rain Village to be more powerful and offered her to become the leader of an organization called the Towa. The Towa were to be elite guards of the Amekage himself and would be in charge with the task of protecting the village and the bijuu. Being that this was another way for Youji to serve the rain Village she and accepted his offer. Now the leader of the newly formed organization called the Towa, Youji would have to collect the most powerful elite ninja of the Rain Village. She approached Koroshi Hanzo, Saito Mabashi, and her good friends Hito and Shu. All of these members were the most elite of the Rain Village and were greatly honored to be a part of such an organization. With this newly appointed rank of power, Youji and the other members of the Towa were assigned to go on special S-ranked missions for the Amekage, dealing with the utmost protection of the village. Everything from assassination to front line warfare the Towa were an all and all black ops group. Whatever the Amekage told them to do they did with Youji as their trusted leader. The young, now eighteen year old, girl was the right hand to the Amekage.

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Lucy Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:50 pm

FINALLY FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Zen Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:23 pm were finish 5 posts ago and was approved before all the other history lol.
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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Lucy Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:43 pm

lol I know I was approved but not done. I wasn't stopping until I was done and then once I was I had to scream it ^^

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:53 pm


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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:11 pm

*claps* Very good. Depth like this, it's something to end your legacy with.
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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Lucy Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:14 pm

lol that was the point ^^ and thanks Jin.

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Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost Empty Re: Youji Chishio, The Scarlet Ghost

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:36 pm

I know what the point was, love, I'm just letting you know, you hit this one out of the park.
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