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Completed missions

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Completed missions Empty Completed missions

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:17 pm

Akuma made her way into the building, Valkon close by, fascinated with the people wandering around and all the other things he had not seen before. She smiled to herself and made her way up the stairs, after this she was looking forward to a hot meal and a hot shower, as well as settling Valkon into his new home.
Standing at the Kage's office door she knocked abruptly and awaited for his reply, smiling down at her new friend. He just looked up then back at the door in anticipation.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Completed missions Empty Re: Completed missions

Post by Guest Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:35 pm

Taku was in the midst of doing his paper work when he heard a knock on the door. He couldnt supress a sigh. There was always at least one person who wanted something from him. In all honesty he was about fed up with being the Kazekage, and was abou to tell Kengen that it was not the kind of life he wanted his son to have. Hed much rather his son stay a warrior, instead of a person who stayed behind a desk and only fought in the most dire of situations. It was to boring for a Sookato. He was sure his son wouldnt want this if Taku laid it all out like that.

Taku opened his jagan eye a crack and was told instantly that it was Akuma. So she was finally back from her two B rank missions. He hoped she was bringing him news of a success. If she was, then she only needed to complete a single A rank mission and he would give her the title of Jounin. She would have to complete that on her own however. He put on his best public face, crossed his arms, and said, "Come in Akuma."


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Completed missions Empty Re: Completed missions

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:40 pm

Akuma opened the door and stepped in, barely hiding a smile. "As busy as ever I see." She moved a bit closer to the desy and bowed her head. "The missions were succsesful, Mr. Won is safely back in mist and the rouge's leadertaken care of." Valkon appeared from behind her and looked up at Taku curiously. "Oh and, I found a friend on the way." She added with a grin. "Is there anything else I need to do?"
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Completed missions Empty Re: Completed missions

Post by Guest Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:47 am

Taku beamed at the news that the missions were a succes. But he was wary, however, when she said she had made a new firend. This concerned him greatly. There were plenty of evil people in this world who could use deciet to make you think you were there friend and then later turn on you like a great demon from the deepest holes from hell. Taku had expirienced this before and he did not want Akuma to suffer the same. HE had another mission for her, but he wanted to know what she was talking about first, to ensure her safety.

"A new friend hmmm, please Akuma, pull up a chair, tell me about this new friend." He put an emphasis on the word friend that would let most anyone know that he was wary of this person of whom he did not know.


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Completed missions Empty Re: Completed missions

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:20 am

A little puzzled by Taku's interest she did as she was told and patted her lap. Valkon jumped up onto her and sat looking at Taku, his good eye taking im in with interest. She smiled and scratched his ear lightly. "This is Valkon, we met during the mission. We sort of startled him and he attacked me."She pulled the bandage off her arm and showed Taku the bite marks on her, they had only half healed and still looked pretty deep. "He let me go though after I said I wasn't going to hurt him."Still smiling she re-covered her arm and rubbed Valkon's chin.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Completed missions Empty Re: Completed missions

Post by Guest Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:23 pm



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