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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:34 pm

Kemono walked into the desert, returning from his failure in Kumogakure, he could still remember his enemy's face, and it only made him more angry, like he could kill just about anybody right now, and not be affected. Not that it affected him otherwise. Today he decided to train on his own, and was simply going to smash rocks, and kill trees today, nothing but chaos was his idea of a good time. Kemono unravelled his Dazairu, and flung it, smashing a boulder into pieces. Kemono watched as the rock pieces were scattered all around, destroyed by Kemono's bone breaking weapon. Kemono needed to kill today, and he would not rest until he got to taste blood. Kemono looked around, seeing nobody, and flung his Dazairu once again.

This time, he manipulated it in a more complex fashion, twisting it, and twirling it, cricling a tree like a lasso, with no way os escape for the tree, Kemono tightened the twirling weapon, and constricted the tree, and pulled. Hard. The tree came crashing down, and crashing down with all of it's many leaves, down to the ground, and it was unlikely to ever get up again. After all, it was a tree. Had it been a real opponent, however, Kemono would've dished out far more punishment than that, and this weapon was his way of catching opponents. Kemono then flung it backwards, and began to gather his chakra.

The battlefield was a sandy dune, covered in boulders...
Uchiha Kumori
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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:21 pm

roxs walked into the desert adnsaw teh bo ydestroying the rocks moomba wanted to take him out but roxas said "hay kidyou shouldnt be destryoing teharea like thati was enjoyin it roxas sadi with a smile waitning for the boy to respond and roxas wanted to fight he hade been itching for one
narutah lucahrio
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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:33 pm

Kemono, once he retracted Dazairu, looked up to hear the irritating voice of a passerby, along with some kind of companion. Kemono looked at him almost like they were stupid or something, as their speech was quite hard to decipher on Kemono's end, and they sounded almost mentally retarded. However, Kemono could see that the human had a weapon, meaning he must have some kind of skill with that weapon. Kemono could tell by the expression on his face, along with the disturbing face of his "partner", that they werel ooking for combat, and even in their speech, Kemono could tell they were looking for a fight. Kemono did not know if they were from the Sand Village, but he thought to himself, and decided to just go ahead and accept.

"Nobody will notice if just one little ninja goes missing."

Kemono then flung his Dazariu forward, and began spinning it around at it's full speed and full length, and his opponents were in it's way. However, because of the way he was spinning it, in a helicopter motion, the momentum would prevent him from defending against an attack made against his stomach, where he was obviously vulnerable right now. Of course, they would have to get under the Dazariu's spinning attacks, but only if they had some good speed.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by narutah lucahrio Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:22 am

roxas chuckled adn took off with speed and ran towards he opponet tehn shot a aura sphere at teh thing he was spinning once he was close he threw a kick adn teh boys stomach tehn fliped adn went for his chin to launch into teh air
narutah lucahrio
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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:15 pm

Kemono was surprised to see that his enemy, Roxas, had managed to get under Dazairu's attack path, and get at Kemono. However, Roxas made a fatal mistake when he attacked. With Dazairu spinning around, he left himself vulnerable to attack. When he reached his kick up to Kemono's chin, He allowed it to hit him, but not as a way of conserving energy or trying not to resist. Earth Grudge Fear threads managed to block the attack, and were getting onto Roxas's body. That was the downfall of close combat against Kemono, as the enemy would only get into trouble if they entered close combat with Kemono. Kemono then clenched his fist, knowing that this next move may very well be his enemy's very last.

The abilities of Earth Grudge Fear were exceptional, and now that his opponent was not only stuck, but also in striking distance, Kemono was in a perfect position to inflict a punishing blow to Roxas. Reeling him in, keeping him in the same position, Kemono kneeled down, and Jiongu threads also came out of his sleeve, and got ready to strike. Kemono then made a strike, sending his fist forward, and sending Jiongu threads into the enemy, getting ready for destruction punch.

Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by narutah lucahrio Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:30 pm

roxas smiled as moomba jumped out his shirt adn jumped towards teh opponet trying to scratch his face roxas tehn made a sheild of aura around him protecting himself from teh strike adn destyrode th thread adn since he was free hu jumpedback adn chargedhis chakra one ready he made 5 shadwo clones adn they ran towards him roxas tehn put his hand out adn charged teh rasengan moomba then jumped off hishead after scratching him jumped in teh air adn went to normal form where he got taller adn strongertehn pulled 2 weapos the rumbling rose adn teh circle of lie keyblades adn landed behind there opponet adn charged at him
narutah lucahrio
narutah lucahrio

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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:11 pm


Kemono felt a monkey jump onto his head, and it immediately began to scratch at his head. Kemono immediately opened his mouth, and Earth Grudge Fear poured out, and grabbed the little companion of his enemy. Kemono sent his Jiongu threads through his body, and ripped through his enemy's body, ripping the one creature into pieces, blood scattered all over the area, Kemono's face could be seen as he did it, smiling in a brutal fashion. As it's corpse layed on the ground, Kemono could see as roxas was once again ready to attack Kemono. He had created a Rasengan, a very powerful jutsu indeed. Kemono needed to act quickly, as if he got hit by this technique, it would definately do something bad to him, or even kill him.

"That was a stupid move, sending in your little animal helper to do your work, alone. Now he's dead, and you're going to dead too." Kemono said, smiling.

Kemono watched as the Rasengan came towards him at high speeds, and Kemono decided to come towards him as well, preparing his body for the next move. When the Rasengan came beeline for his stomach, Kemono used Jiongu to completely open his body, making a giant hole in his body, with his organs being pushed to his arms and legs, and blood also being forced there, Kemono had successfully avoided the Rasengan, and once it went through him, Kemono closed it on him, entrapping him, and forcing him to lose the Rasengan. Kemono then grabbed Roxas's other arm. He was unable to perform handsigns at this time, which means he cannot perform any jutsu, at all. Kemono then got his fist ready, and sent his destruction punch at Roxas.

Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by narutah lucahrio Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:45 pm

moomba tehn subsituted the attack with a rock adn appeared beside roxas roxas tehn stared to think about how to attck if he cant get close he then stoped focusing teh rasengan adn stared to weave handsighns as he fouced he said "fire style dragon flame justu" as he shot a furious fireball at teh opponet

moomba is a loin
narutah lucahrio
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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:15 pm

No. Just no, narutah. You used your attack, and I caught roxas. You're acting like that never happened. I did it because you never gave me a chance to react, so it was unfair what you did in the other post. And you can only use one substitution per game, which means if you used it on your stupid little thingy, then Roxas has no defense against my destruction punch, which will kill you if it hits. If you did not use it on maboo, then he dies, and roxas can use the substitution now to avoid my destruction punch.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by narutah lucahrio Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:21 pm

see you cheated i never said i ran at you with teh rasengan i just cahrged it in my hand
narutah lucahrio
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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:40 pm

landed behind there opponet adn charged at him

Nope. You charged at me with Rasengan, so I owned you with it. when you said THERE, which I'm sure you meant to say "their", you're implying that there were two people coming at me, you and your pal.

Even if you didn't say only one guy was coming at me, you still said that, which means the post says that you and mamboo came at me. So, I can open up with that.
Uchiha Kumori
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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Zen Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:08 pm

OOC: Alright first Narutah you can't do any jutsu and how you are able to hold the rasengan when your arms are useless,you lost this battle. Now stop trying to get out of situations just because you don't want something bad to happen to your character,DEAL WITH IT! I know I am sounded bad but I mean come on suck it up.
Anbu Captain
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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by narutah lucahrio Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:20 pm

i can take it ou are just misunderstanding i sadi i charged teh rasegan not i charged at
himchargedhis chakra one ready he made 5 shadwo clones adn they ran towards him roxas tehn put his hand out adn charged teh rasengan moomba then jumped off hishead after scratching him jumped in teh air adn went to normal form where he got taller adn strongertehn pulled 2 weapos the rumbling rose adn teh circle of lie keyblades adn landed behind there opponet adn charged at him
narutah lucahrio
narutah lucahrio

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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:37 pm

You dont have any approved jutsu's, period.
Shin Uchiha
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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:59 pm

May I please RP myself killing him off now?
Uchiha Kumori
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Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio) Empty Re: Browsing (Me and roxas lucahrio)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:10 pm


Kemono sent his destruction punch into his enemy fiercely, piercing the enemy's body, and embedding all of the tendrils into Roxas, restraining him, but only as preparation for finishing him off. The punch went straight into his stomach, and with a sharp yank, Kemono, all at once, yanked out his hand, and all of the tendrils were dquirming and wiggling, flinging blood all over the ground as Roxas's stomach area was literally ripped right off of him, thrown across the ground, leaving a trail of blood, with some of his intestines also lying on the ground, squirting out whatever was in it at first, blood splattering all around the ground, with some of the internal organs of Roxas being visible to the naked eye, Kemono's grin grew even bigger and more manical as the blood splattered all over, and onto Kemono's clothing, already Roxas was going to die, but Kemono would not allow Roxas to die peacefully.

Kemono began to insert his Jiongu threads into Roxas's other arm, being sure to impale them in slowly, making sure the pain echoed throughout Roxas, and made him squirm, Kemono was feeding off of the pain he was feeling, and now that his entire arm was completely infected with Earth Grudge Fear threads, Kemono began to release Roxas's arm from his body, and allowed his organs to go back into their places, peacefully, while Kemono began to move behind Roxas, getting his Jiongu threads all into the body of Roxas Lucahrio, making sure it hurt terribly, Kemono then took one of his Jiongu arms, and began to send threads into Roxas, poking him with them on his back, each time impaling him a little bit more, sending pain throughout his entire body, and making him scream, and cry for mercy. Kemono did not think that Roxas would be strong enough to still be alive after that destruction punch, but he did not need to worry about that.

Kemono then sent his threads into his back, and began to forcefully rip a hole into his back, ripping off the flesh, and all of the muscle, and getting into the bones, and past that, Kemono could finally see the prize Roxas had, and that was his heart. It was still barely beating, so Kemono took his time, and slowly severed the blood vessels, loosening the heart's position in his body, and slowly pulling it out. Roxas could not even scream very loud because of the intesne pain and injuries dealt to him by Kemono. Kemono then fully ripped out the heart of Roxas, and took his Fire Elemental Affinity as well. Kemono now had access to the element of fire, and could now pwobably begin training to learn Katon. Kemono, now satisfied with himself, decided that it was time to finish off Roxas.

Kemono sent Jiongu threads from every part of his body into Roxas, and Kemono put his Jiongu arm around his neck. Roxas was just about dead, but Kemono wanted to make sure he felt the last burst of pain before he died. Kemono was getting ready to perform a body wide Destruction Punch. Once all of the threads were where they needed to be, Kemono mobilized, flinging around his Jiongu masses, and literally ripping up Roxas's entire body, blood splattering all over the place, leaving a puddle where he once stood, organs falling out of his body, and falling ot the ground, Body parts began to rain onto the ground, bleeding out, with his arms, chunks of one of his legs, and his head sitting on the ground, with a look of utter terror and despair in his face, Kemono began to laugh uncontrollably, and began to slip across the ground, Jiongu threads going crazy, he was showing his true crazy self, laughing and flopping across the ground, for at least fifteen minutes, just splashing in his blood.

When Kemono had finally had his fun, he got up, and dusted himself off, though it did not really matter, as Kemono needed to get some more clothes, and they definately needed to be clean. But before Kemono left, he began to walk up to the head of Roxas, and looked at it, staring at Kemono's feet, unable to do anything more in his life. Kemono then picked up his foot, and stomped as hard as he could, breaking through his skull, and completely breaking open his head, like a canyon in the earth, a huge hole, exposing the brain of Roxas was unearthed, and Kemono looked at it, and smiled. He giggled, trying not to lose control again, and began to walk away, feeling so much accomplishment in what he had done.

And it was only the beginning.
Uchiha Kumori
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