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Shopping Spree

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Shopping Spree Empty Shopping Spree

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:44 am

Kemono had come here to Kumo in order to accept a challenge that was issued to him from the Village Hidden in the Clouds. He did not know why he was given this challenge, but he knew that he might as well accept. The fact that he was not even in a team yet gave him some freedom, and he was given permission to accept the challenge. He was told that this may help Kemono in the long run, and Kemono knew how this could be anything but beneficial to him, and his powers. He needed battling in order to get stronger, as with each one match, he would grow stronger, until his power grew unstoppable. And when that does finally happen, he knew there would be no limits. He was the descendant of one of the strongest and most dangerous Shinobi to have lived at all.

Kemono than found himself in a small, woodland clearing, marked with jagged rocks and grassy ground, Kemono sat on a rock, and sighed. He had gone through this plenty of times before. The sheer loneliness. However, if the invitation was right, then he would not be alone for long. Kemono then grasped the weapon that he also used, and held it hand, and began whipping it across the grounds, attempting to kill some time. After about three smashes from the metal ball, the boulder was destroyed, and rock was scattered all over. Kemono looked around, and sighed.

"Wherever you are, you tart, you're late."
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Shopping Spree Empty Re: Shopping Spree

Post by Rain Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:01 am

Tontori had recieved a letter, with no statement of where or who it came from, she was told to meet someone her today at this time. The letter said it was a battle, most people wold think Tontori would have just have stayed home, and be nothing more than useless. But Tontori wanted to prove herself, and this would be the best way, bringing somesort of intruded into the village, knocked-out, it would prove she is better then they thought she was. She had been wandering for a while, she had gotten a little lost. She found her way when she heard a voice. She walked into the tiny clearing that the boy stood within, he seemed to be occupied standig there playing with a weapon. Breaking rocks never interested her.

She stood there for about five seconds before she had gotten the courage to speak. "H-hi, You-you sent me here... I recieved a letter" She threw the letter to the boys feet as she spoke. She was expectign a fight, and she ahd come prepared. She had many senbon within her body, preventing and hand to hand combat that would affect her. Hand to hand as in, he tries to punch her. She had all her scrolls on her back, she had seven kunai within her jacket, and many shuriken, in the pockets of the jacket. She looked like a shy little girl, who wouldn't stand a chance against the boy, but inside she was a fighting beast.

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Shopping Spree Empty Re: Shopping Spree

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:12 am

Kemono looked at the emerging girl, having spoken up, and Kemono scoffed in his mind. Even though he did not know what his opponent was capable of, his weapon was impossible to break with normal Shinobi Gear. Kemono then took his Dazairu, and flung it backwards, hitting the ground behind Kemono, he retracted the chain that connected the handle and the metal ball itself. The chain itself was extremely long, but extremely strong, and long, and Kemono would have his battle, and end his opponent. Kemono had no mercy for his opponents, and knew that he needed to win this battle. This was going to be his first real battle as a Genin ninja, and he would not let it be the last. He was going to win, and he would get his. His opponent was completely unaware of the limits of Kemono, and she would go down.

"Whatever. Now that you're here, we can start." Kemono said hastily, getting his Dazairu ready to act against his enemy.

Kemono looked at his opponent intently. She wore a black coat, and did not seem to be anything special. Of course, he did not know what here elemental affinity was, and was interested in finding out soon enough. Kemono then gathered his strength in his arms, making sure to keep his Taijutsu secret away from his foe, Kemono got ready to unleash his attack, and stood there. He would not attempt to attack so hastily. His chakra was high enough to follow, but he did not know who his foe was, and needed to conserve chakra. At least, for now.

"Whoever you are, you're going down." Kemono said.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Shopping Spree Empty Re: Shopping Spree

Post by Rain Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:32 am

The boy seemed confident, not knowing what he was up against. Tontori made quick movement. She threw a kunai towards his head. As the Kunai closed in on the boy, it exploded into smoke, it was bushin. Tontori came running at him with a kick, then Tontori exploded into a large cloud of smoke. The real Tontori was behind the tree that the bushin was standing by. She lifted her foot up and pushed off sending herself flying out of the sites of the boy, she didn't feel that bad about leaving him to certaint death, he seemed like he wanted to kill her anyway. As she flew through the air, she talked on the headset which was on her ear. "Found him" She whispered into it. The Raikage, was nearby, on the other end of the headset. The Raikage replied "Okay". She kept running at speeds which made her almost invisible. She was told by the Raikage to find him, then run as fast as she could into the village.

Tontori arrived into the village, it wasn't that long of a trip, it was only a two minute run for the speed Tontori was going at, she escaped him with ease. She left the poor boy with the Raikage. Althought she was told to just head home, she waited at the gate, with the ones who watched. Tontori caught her breathe "Im waiting for the Raikage" She said before the could ask any questions. Tontori wouldn't leave until the Raikage returned.

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Shopping Spree Empty Re: Shopping Spree

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:14 am

OOC: Is my character really that scary?

Kemono drew out his weapon in an instant when he saw a kunai flung at him, and using the Dazairu, and flicked it, knocking the kunai knife elsewhere, watching as it exploded in front of him. Kemono than proceeded to further spin it, getting ready to deal the next attack against his opponent, who was surely going to unleash another attack against him. However, it came in the form of of Tontori running towards him, ready to try and kick the shit out of him. However, sadly for her, close range was one of the places where he was most deadly. With that weapon of his, Dazairu, he simply flung the metal globe around, so that her kick would be deflected, and Kemono could attack her from there. He knew he could win this battle. Kemono hit the bunshin, point blank.

But, it exploded into smoke, having been a bunshin, and now knowing that he had been tricked, Kemono's anger than began to surface. He promised himself that he would not let this slip, but by now, the ninja had already created enough of a distraction to get as far away from Kemono as possible. The ninja was smart in leaving, as she would've been destroyed by Kemono, and she would've never saw her friends or family again. However, Kemono had failed to get her. Kemono, in anger, flung his Dazairu onto the ground, smashing it, and sending rocks flying everywhere. He couldn't believe something like this had happened. He needed to take the hearts of others in order to gain power, and therefore, he needed to kill to gain power. A power like this makes him very strong.

Kemono knew he would see this girl again, maybe not now, but sometime later, he would be able to face her again, and when that time came, he would kill her effortlessly. Kemono had hope that something would draw them together again, and when something did, he would be waiting for her, and when that time came, he would bring down the hammer of judgment upon her, and he would have her heart. Kemono then slowly calmed down, and brought his Dazairu to his side once again, knowing that his own personal mission had failed. And now that he knew that there were ninja probably coming to get him, he needed to get out of sight, and get away unseen. Kemono knew exactly how to do it.

Kemono began performing handsigns, and soon he completely fell underground, and began moving across the underground, making sure to stay completely submerged in the rocks of the Lightning Country. He would not get captured, and he cursed as he tunneled through the ground, having been unable to kill another. However, Kemono would have another chance to kill again, and he would have to wait until that time came. But for now, his main priority should be getting away, and he did just that, refusing to resurface until he got far enough. When he got back to the trail that he took to get here, he would exit his jutsu, and head home, failing his mission.

"I won't forget you." Kemono grumbled under his breath.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Join date : 2009-01-03
Location : Unknown, now go away

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