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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:41 pm

It was a few days after the meeting of "Daybreak" the akatsuki organization came together to make it official and having a official meeting. It was four long years after they disbanned and it made Kyouken think much about how he wanted to run things. He had set goals, set plans, a group of assassins, a group of adivsors, a group of planners, a group of manipulators, a group of kings and queens and there own individual groups. This will be the greatest achievement the Akatsuki could ever achieve. He knew that there would be people who are terrifically evil or honorably good with a cause to change the world but it a sense Kyouken did not care who are whom join, his goal was to change this world and make it either a better or worst place than it already is. Tired of the corruption of the villages, tired of the politics that goes on between the shinobi and how it is based off of, he wanted to cause a revolution, a change in the world. But like all forces there is groups that would want to destroy the akatsuki. They disagree with the believes of the akatsuki or they try to keep the honor of the shinobi for there own agenda's which did not literally make Kyouken angry but more so concern cause he put much effort into this group and seeing it fall would take more time to rebuild it

At the edge of a mountain, Kyouken was standing there with his arms folded. His dark clothing gave out his mysterious appearnce, his cool and peaceful face showed his tranquil and stern personality, his eyes of blue resembled that of a ocean in the peaceful midnight sky. His dark blue and grey was like like the wind and water combining to together to become one. He was waiting for someone, someone whom he met a few days ago. He said to him that he had alot of paperwork to get down. He knew that the person was the one that annihalted that village into non-existance. It was him that caused the village to be in total chaos and despair. It was also the reason why Kudara was depressed, it was his student that cause that destruction. Never in Kudara's live have a student done that, it was one of the many first that was going through Kudara's mind and Kyouken sensed it so easily that he had to take action

He continues to stand there, feeling the cold wind blow up against him. He was very high up in the mountains. Standing uptop of these mountains in Lightning country was one favorite towards Kyouken and it made his mind feel at peace everytime he came up here, he thought it was because his people use to reside in lightning country but he felt more comfortable watching the water flow in Kirigakure.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty Re: The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:14 pm

A man walked with a gentle foot on the mountain approaching the man in black. The man who was approachin kyouken also wore all black but you could see his face clearly. Shades were on and a mp3 player could be seen in his ears. He showed a blank face with blank emotions. He walked with a perfect erection of the back even though 650 lb's came crashing to the ground with each step.

The man's head bobbed up and down as he listened to a song. A single tear fell from under the sunglasses as he got close. He stopped a meter away from kyouken and his hands moved to a clap. "Ooh. Nice little act. Acting all peaceful when your in turmoil over kudara who is in turmoil over me." Mizo was trying to agrivate this man. The supposed person witht eh title of "Death" The leader of the caelum family. He smirked and said "Noctis Caelum, Shinigami death god, Grim repear. The man of akatsuki. Its a pleasure that you take your time to mess with a bug like the likes of me. I've read your file numerous times well, I read your profle, Before the explosion that is."

Mizo had said that in a cold tone nothing of his body language changing a cold shell of a person a man who was not afraid of death but one who was standing here applauding it and tauntin it like it was a snake behind glass. He was here with a tear dripping and finnally hitting the ground from his face. He was sad for what he had done but he did not regret it. He spoke one more time "The people of that village were nothing but scum relying on technology of death to keep them alive. What i did was clear the bin of trash. I dont regret it at all Only thing i regret is that i didnt see the plan behind this sooner. Akatsuki the organization to change the world eliminate pain. Hahaha its nothing but people who want control over others. You can trust anyone in akatsuki to not stab you in the back. Its why i stabbed the akatsuki in the back before they could get me. I have no jip with you or Kudara just what your doing."

As Mizo stated that he ripped his glasses from his face to reveal 2 blank eyes tears sliding from them. He threw the sunglasses of the mountain and then heard them crack and split in two as they hit the bottom. His muscles were tensed knowing what might happen.

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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty Re: The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:40 pm

The footsteps from Mizo did not yet truly awaken Kyouken from his trance but the actual weights that he was carrying made Kyouken more aware. He could tell that this person hold this weight in order to control his speed, which is useful for training and Kyouken understood that Kyouken does not move from his spot, his arms were still folded and his eyes still stared into the openess of the seemingly endless skys. He remains calm and only listens to the voice of the mysterious encounterer. Hearing him talk did not aggrivate him like it would had done if he was a member of the akatsuki for he was truly at peace. Unlike his brother whom represented fire, life, excitement and chaos, he represented tranquility, calm, peace of mind and death calm nature. He knew who he was from what Kudara had explain to him. Kudara was always a person to take someone underneath his wing, in a sense he was like a parental person for many people but like a parent they dont see what truly lies underneath the skin. Although Kyouken did not turn around he could feel both the sadness of the man, it took Kyouken awhile to see it since he had much training from Kudara and possibly something else was hiding his true emotions but he figured that he was going through the same ordeal like Kudara who was like another brother, another friend, a father figure to him.

Kyouken turns around slowly, he unfolds his arms and puts them down to his sides, he looks at him with the dark blue eyes. It was like looking to the endless blue oceans at dark with the moon shining down on it ever so brightly. His eye's shown beauty but it also shown the emotions that he was feeling as well. The emotion that Mizo has, both the pain and suffering of losing someone but also the cold and calmness like the waters and winds they both represent

Kyouken looks away from Mizo "Do you justify your acts by saying that you did this to succed in getting rid of thy enemies? Even though you killed all those people, there families, men, women, children, there lives into one single blast. Can you truthfully and honestly say that you justify your actions? You are emotionless and you seem to hide your emotions very well, if not from my experience I would've not been able to sense your confliction that tears in your heart and soul. From what I can see and from what you probably believe, your doing this so you can make this world a better place. You would want to change this world and mold in into a utopia of sorts. But I am in the way, the akatsuki is in the way of things. I dont want to get rid of pain but more so make humans experience more pain so they can see themselves for what they truly are"

He turns back around towards the endless skys, putting his gloved hands in his pockets as he calmly sighes "Hear me out, Mizo, I am just like you, we both want to make this worlds a better place, a better place for both humans, animals, beings of indifference into peace on earth. We all want to do something to make things better. I too have the same sadness you go through but the same coolness you have. I know the things you do you dont ever regret, neither do I. I dont regret of turning this world into a world of turmoil. The only question I have to ask is something I ask those who believe in change, what would you the world to be in? Or a world of absolute peace or a world of absolute chaos?"

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty Re: The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:34 pm

Mizo smirked his eyes now opening and a laugh of a madman almost uttered from his lips reverberating through the openness of the area. His dark eyes went wide and he look at the man who talked of peace and chaos. This man was chaos complete and utter chaos. He had no idea what he was thinking of. How can one a beast of true chaos talk about brining peace or chaos. What you plan is impossible. A world of peace can not exist without chaos and vice versa. You need a balance to make a world perfect. Utter anarchy is the way of a piece because with anarchy comes order. No matter what you do order will exist with chaos and chaos will exist with order."

Mizo sighed as a bird flew overhead. It was a example of chaos it was free to do whatever it wanted. however with order the bird must find a mate to reproduce or it goes extinct. He then looked at himself he thought and spoke. "I do not justify with what i did, I did it for a number of reason's the one ill never be able to outlive is the lives i took. There screams will be heard in my head for decades upon decades. This is the curse of trying to bring peace through death. You must sooner or later repent for what you've done. Most men would go mad through this and kill themselves. This is the cowards way out. Some will hide from it by putting something else on there minds. This is the fools way out. The kings way out is to always remember and think of it."

Mizo sighed taking the earbuds out of his ears and sighing his tears now turning a bleak red as it dropped from his eyes. A turmoil was happening inside of him emotions clashed sadness and sadism fought happiness and sorrow clashed creating a battle that would sooner or later obliterate one's-self.

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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty Re: The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:29 pm

Kyouken, a chaos bringer? He has not heard such title since he was a child. This somewhat made Kyouken think, not once has he was the one who has titled himself into chaos but ever action that he took brought among chaos. He was one who wanted peace and harmony but no matter how he looked at it, he would always bring chaos. Kyouken feels the gentle breeze of the wind flow on his face, the calm serenity he felt made him feel more comfortable. He began to think slowly as he closed his eyes and folds back his arms to make him feel reassure once again.

"Do I truly represent chaos? Could it be possible for me, as one self, true bring chaos among these people. I do try and walk the way of harmony, serenity, peace, and tranquility but yet no matter how well I try, only does my path bring chaos, destruction, terror, power-hungry men and women, and death.....because I bring these things I cannot truly control"

Kyouken turns around and looks at Mizo, he notice the eyes again. It had very mixed feelings in it, both sadness, depression, anguish, thoughtfulness, sadism, anger, hate, love and happiness and yet his bodily expressions hide it so well any normal person would think he is a cold blooded person without the simple facts of emotions. He walks forward slowly saying to Mizo

"Tell me, Mizo, what path do you take? Do you want your path to be the path of destruction and death or the path of light and harmony? I see you now, you are in the middle of two wars, on one end of the spectrum you take on the likeness of your master. The way of chaos, firery will, the fear that brought people onto there knees, in a sense you are taking on the path of the god killer, the one who will destroy his enemies and yet on the other side of the spectrum you have a kindness, a peaceful side to you like your element.....your element from what I can see is water, just like mine. Water symbolizes for its calmness, its peace and serenity like the calm oceans and yet at the same time can be chaotic and destruction like the hurricanes. I see it boy, whether you believe or not, take on the path of either the god killer or the way of the water"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty Re: The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:47 pm

Mizo's eyes opened and a small red tear seemed to float in front of him. It sizzled as electricity was entered into it. It was a mixture of water, blood, lightning, death, and despair. It was the symbol of the path he took not either the right or the left nor right or wrong. He took the middle path the one of a man of serenity but the violence to kill anything that dared come near him. He was not a God-killer but one of pure intent to klll for what he belive in. He was calm yet ferocious enough to do what he wanted.

"Your a being of both yes but truely a man who has the title of death can not be peaceful one who is forced to know when everyone will die. One who chooses who dies and lives. One who can grant eternal life and take that same life away in a snap of your finger. That is chaos.

One who can't keep a balance of this is overwhelmed and tends to destroy everything. This is what i saw in kudara for the first time. I see it in you as well but your's is fairly the opposite. Instead of chaos your peace with so much chaose inside that the world would crumble beneath it."

Mizo walked closer to the man a step every 10 seconds the small drop of red liguid flying forward at a small speed keping the same distance. Mizo's eyes were wide and tears flowed from them with a great red. Mizo then spoke yet again.

"Now my path i choose neither. I choose the path of nirvana the egualibrium of chaos and peace. So far ive lived up to that. My elements of water and lightning hold that well one of peace and one of truely no control."

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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty Re: The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:12 pm

In a instant, Kyouken appeared in front of Mizo, the true speed of the kekkei genkai came out. Was it out of anger that Kyouken at him with such speed to strike him down? Or was it because he wanted to show off the amazing speed that Mizo had probably already seen from Kudara. No, his intent to kill was not even evident, he had no intentions on killing anyone. Kyouken moved his hand so it would be pointing towards Mizo's face. The blood tears stopped flowing and the tears pulled away from his face and flows towards Kyouken's hand. As the tears got close, his philosophic mind came to play, the blood tears reminds him of the blood that streamed down his face when he had killed the thousands of men in an instant, the blood reminded him of how death has both the chaotic path but yet its peaceful nature. He remembers the blood that ran down his arm, slowly dripping onto the cold ground. He remembers himself walking over the dead bodies, crunching on the men who stood before him and try and slay him down only to be killed in a matter of mileseconds. Kyouken's eyes somewhat dwindled down and looked depressed, remembering again about the chaos that has driven mans intent to onbtain peace. This man who stood in front of him was simular to himself but walks the path of Kudara. It made Kyouken smile abit but only barely

In Kyouken mind, a man wearing a black tuxedo with spiked hair, entered in sitting in a chair with his leg on top of his knee with his eyes closed. He smiled talking to Kyouken in a voice that sounded like a cheerful but calm voice

"Truly this boy that stands in front of us is one that will serve Death in many ways then you can think of, Nokutisu. This truly Volo's predecessor. He may be the death of Volo, but I dont think that...."

Kyouken snaps out of his little trance and focus back at the blood in his hand, it had fall onto his gloves moving around in his gloves. He looks back up at Mizo this time with a different look, a look of death and peace "You take the path of Nirvana, tell me, my boy, what is it in life do you wish to do?"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty Re: The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:29 pm

Mizo was not shocked about the speed all he did was stumble to the side spiining keeping his back to him at all times. He stopped back to back with kyouken his teers stopped and his body bristiling with a sense of radiant peace but of chaos. "What i want in my life... is to... bring on true peace of eguilibrium a balance not upon the world itself but upon me and my son. I hope to spread that peace and eguilibrium to anyone i come in contact with freeing them from themselves. I understand this is a fetal task and this is why im here today. Im pretty sure you can sense what is going to happen mr. death."

Mizo then started to walk forward yet again in a motion that brought upon a strange color as chakra seemed to seep from his body half of the chakra turned black the other half remained blue.The chakra then surged out and mizo's body fell forward off the edge kyouken was just looking over. Mizo fell down off the ledge at a powerful force and there was one last word.

"Tell Kudara im sorry and that I LOVE HIM!!"

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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty Re: The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:13 pm

Kyouken runs over to the cliff. It was a devastating height, no mortal could live through such even with his heavy clothing. Kyouken had to decide, he had to decide whether to save Mizo or let him fall to his demise. Kyouken sighes, he slowly closes his eyes and puts his hands together. His body began to release a blue aura, it was different than releasing chakra for chakra would be more spiraling, more focus. This aura was more flowing, dance like almost. So surreal and mind-soothing that whomever saw this aura would me amazed. In Kyouken's mind Raeper began to speak to him again

"So now you choose....what will you take, Nokutisu? The life of this boy or the death of him?"

Kyouken sighes and jumps off the cliff. His kekkei genkai was going to be determine whether he would save Mizo or not. Kyouken dashes over downward right and downward left, leaving behind a trail of blue and white. The movement of his kekkei genkai was astounding, his movements only got faster as he gets closer and closer to Mizo. He leaves afterimages of himself as he was getting closer and closer to Mizo. He could feel the intense black chakra that radiate from him. It was almost like feeling a intense heat from a flame. Kyouken was now estimating on how both Mizo and himself were getting to the ground. He knew they were thousands of meters up but because of Mizo's heavy armor, he was falling rapidly. He estimated the speed in which Mizo was going and the speed in which he was going. The meter per second rule was out of the question so he came up with another formula. After he came up with the conclusion of that formula, he grabs on to Mizo. Both the aura and the chakra mixed together. They were somewhat conflicting but Kyouken's tranquil aura overtook his chakra and they were both consumed by the aura. As the reached the ground, black wings came out the back of him and wrapped around them both. Kyouken whispers to Mizo in his ear

"I will"

They make impact, slamming into the ground. Dust and debris came up everywhere. The black wings then unwrapped itself from both Kyouken and Mizo. Kyouken gets up from the ground, disoriented but not damaged. He was unscathed. He looks back at Mizo and then turns around and begins to walk away.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo Empty Re: The two minds come together- Kyouken and Mizo

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:59 pm

Mizo had passed out from the fall and had hit the ground with a light thud thx to death. In his mind a memory played:
A man stood in a small but endless room smirking his and body in a deep meditation. A small vision flashed into his mind. Of kudara-sama dead and a blade being handed to mizo himself.
Mizo's eyes then opened and he stated one thing. "Time is a river. Even if you stand still in that river you still move forward. I have seen what will happen in the next 2 years and personnally i think you have chosen wrong." Mizo then sighed his eyes closing yet again.

After a moment though a smirk came across his face as he stated a prophocey. "The man who knows im destined to kill his brother has spared the killers life. In the next 2 years one of the caleum shall be replaced..." Mizo then fell back into sleep.

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