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Volo Tempus Caelum aka Kudara Uchiha

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Volo Tempus Caelum aka Kudara Uchiha Empty Volo Tempus Caelum aka Kudara Uchiha

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:29 am

Name:Volo Tempus Caelum



Rank: Jounin (Official)
Classification:Unknown, considered an S-Ranked assassin ;last updated 25 years ago
Village: Formerly Konohagakure no sato, then Takigakure no sato, now a wanderer
Alignment: Neutrally Good

Appearance:Volo Tempus Caelum aka Kudara Uchiha Shel___Sasuke_poster_by_siguredo but wears a blindfold over his eyes

Personality:A very kind and very honest person. Most of the time he is very quiet and subtle. A personality traits that suits him the best is his wisdom. He is mostly, and at times, very comical, silly and has a cheerful and upbeat personality. Considered "Light" to the twin brothers. Other times he has a killer personality thats cold, ruthless, merciless and sociopathic that comes out when he fights. Its his worst trait in which he hates himself for it

History: History: His unearthly name is Volo Tempus Caelum but in the human world he is Kudara Uchiha, twin brother of Kyouken Uchiha. They were both living with each other at the time in the past. Both of them living in harmony. At the age of five he entered into the academy and at the same age he graduated from the academy school entering into genin. Reason being was for his intelligence. He had far exceeded the expectation of all of the teachers, exceeded in the test that was far superior than most of the students can handle. The teachers saw great potential in the boy and passed him at an early age. When they were placed into the three man cell, both Kudara and Kyouken were teamed together. All though at first it seemed to be some competition between the two, as the months went by and the missions becoming harder, they teamed up becoming a force to be reckon with. By doing so, they have sought the title "The Uchiha devil's". Just as they were about to turn six, they were entered into the chuunin exam's. It was odd for the two young genin to enter into the chuunin at such a age but the Hokage at the time approved of it.

The competition, like all chuunin exams, was extremely intense. All of the shinobi from all over come to achieve the rank of chuunin. Kudara and Kyouken were the targets of all of the shinobi. Thinking it would be easy for the shinobi to take out since they were so young and look so little. The saying goes "Big things come in smaller packages" came into place at the time with the two young genin. They proved themselves by pasting the first test. Kudara didnt have any trouble of finishing his test, it was Kyouken, who took the advantage of the sharingan he had and cheated. Both of them past the test. The next test was the forest of death. This is where alot of the shinobi began to attack the young three man cell. The attacks continue for the next 72 hours for them all of them failing miserably. Attack after attack, all of the them either were severely injured or were killed by Kyouken and Kudara. They were feared by all of the genin and considered them the "Angel's of Death". It came down to the third exam, the preliminaries exams. All those that were going against the two Uchiha brothers submitted to them allowing both of them to pass on to the next round. The fear of all of the genin and even alot of the jounin feared these two children. It was when they passed the peliminaries, the events that happen in both Kyouken's and Kudara's life will change forever

Finally the exam of the finals, a month before hand Kudara and Kyouken splited apart to train by themselves. Kudara came up with the assumption that both of them might have to fight each other in order to become chuunin so training with each other would not help them in the long run, theorized Kudara. Kyouken went up with Sojobo, his hated and sworn enemy, to train in the mountains for a month. Kudara went by himself. He had a knack for training himself. This is where he figures out his ability. The ability to manipulate time/space. It was a occurance that happen on accident. He was going to go training in the usual spot that morning. As he was running, he realized that he was increasing in speed. He didnt know how or why he was able to run at such high, phenomal speeds, it appeared to happen to him. Kudara, realizing this might make a good advantage towards Kyouken, decided to train that day on the unfamilar speed. It seemed like hours on end and he was at his whit's end. He couldnt move his body nor could he stand up without wobbling. He wanted to master this ability in order to defeat his enemies and probably help him in the long run. When he was going to attempt to run again, he looked around noticing that everything had stopped moving. Kudara had no theory on what was occuring to him nor did he know how he was able to do it. When Kudara was running he was running at such high speeds, he went into a place where he was moving so fast that everything stopped to him. His body was able to commit such a feat. He puts his hands together and closed his eyes. His body began to vibrate as he concentrated on going back. When he opened his eyes's, time flowed once again. Everything was moving once again. He was exhausted not knowing that only a few minutes had gone by, even though the feeling felt like hours. For the next month, he had trained his body in order to handle such speeds in time to go into the chuunin exams. It came down to the last two people of the chuunin exam. It was Kudara and Kyouken. Both of them were faced to faced, kunai's in there hands and a powerful glance that could cut through rock. They began to run at each other, there face's were intense. They clash with each other.......

Kyouken and Kudara passed the chuunin exams with "flying colors". They were considered "Prodigies among prodiges". They proved themselves during long and hard mission's the Hokage at the time could offer them. Alot of missions were given to the two Uchiha brethen. At one point, when both of them had reached the age of 10, after all the missions Kyouken and Kudara performed, Kyouken insisted that they go for the position of Jounin. The task for the both of them was not very difficult and it wasnt a task that took alot of time and effort since it was like the chuunin exam but just alot more people. So during the time of the jounin exam, Kudara and Kyouken applied and passed without trying to hard. This is when the Hokage gave the idea to ANBU that these kids were not ordinary shinobi and should be placed in the Assassination program, the ANBU's most deadlies squad of shinobi that rarely some jounin get in. This is where Kudara and Kyouken become the most powerful shinobi of there time. They had performed over 318 A and S ranked missions that considered mostly of Assassination and destroying of villages. They became well-known across the countries and other continents. Kudara becoming well know for his god-like speed and intelligence and was known as the "God of Flash" while his brother was know as "The Blue Devil" or "God of Death". These titles would stick with them in the history books and for the rest of there lives. At this time, there lives will change forever

At the age of 16 Kudara and Kyouken seem to be farther and farther apart from each other. Even though they continue there missions with the Assassination Squard and was given higher ranking, Kudara seemed to look at his brother like a stranger now then a brother. But during this time it gave Kudara a reason to train alittle more. At this age, he finally met his grandfather , the former Shinigami King. For a time, he trained under him in order to gain knowledge and wisdom. He builds a strong and deep relationship with his father, hearing his stories and listening to the wisdom and intelligence he had. At the end of his training his grandfather gave him a proposition. He would give him his eyes, which contain all the knowledge that he would ever need in his lifetime and of the universe. The eye's would give him absoulte and definite power that would exceed even himself. The only condition was for him to give up the Uchiha eye's that he wields. Kudara didnt know if he would do it. He returned back to the human world only to find that Kyouken was going blind because of his use of the mangekyou sharingan. Kudara, never wanting to see his brother suffer, gave him his eyes when Kyouken went to sleep. That same night Kudara, blinded, went back to his grandfather to recieve the eyes of the Kings. The eye's had made him alot stronger and made him the most intelligent being close to God almost. Kudara went back to his brother, Kyouken and gave him the idea that Kyouken killed Kudara in order to take his eyes. He went into Konoha, using the new abilities of the eye's to make people believe that he was dead and was killed by his brother. From that there on, Kudara has left avoiding his brother and any other relations to him. He's travelled around the world and across time simular to Kyouken. Now when the world is in turmoil, Kudara comes out of hiding in order to keep the world from entering darkness. He feels as though he owes the world because of his disappearance.

Kudara was and still is considered one of the "Angel of Death" back when he was still in Konoha. Kudara's main trait is his mastery of taijutsu. He's mind is more kinstetically smart counterpart to his brother who is logical/mathemitcal smart. But he prefers Ninjutsu, espically Raiton. Alot of his skills revolves around his Raiton element making him a deadly adversary but also a reliable ally. He is able to tap into the Shinigami king more so than his brother, he is able to go all 100%. He hasnt truly abondon the ways of the Tengu, still using the shadow spirits and able to unlock his wings. One of the techniques that makes everyone fear him, even his brother and the kings, is his molecularly powered Taijutsu and Ninjutsu named the Tenshu Hitokoki, an advance form of the Caelum's power. It is so advance it surpasses the Flying Thunder God Technique and Madara's special time/space ninjutsu combined. His abilities have given him the title "Killer of gods"

He wears the blindfold cause his eyes was extremely sensitive to light at one time. He keeps it cause it hides his identity

Speciality: Taijutsu master, Ninjutsu specialist, Chakra intund, Spirtually intunded
Learned jutsus: Raikiri, Raiton Kaika, Chakra Kaika, Katon Kaika, Chidori, Chidori Nagashi, Chidori Eisou, Chidori Senbon
Elements: Raiton-Dominant, Katon-Recessive
Weapons/items: Legendary katana
Goals: To help his brother
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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