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Kemono's Jutsu

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Kemono's Jutsu Empty Kemono's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:12 pm

Name of jutsu: Jiongu (Earth Grudge Fear)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Close (Now)
Type of jutsu: Kinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity:

Jiongu was once one of the Hidden Waterfall Village's most prized Secret Jutsus, once kept hidden, and taught only to few Shinobi. However, this changed when Kakuzu, a former ninja from Takigakure, stole the Jutsu by taking the scrolls needed to learn the jutsu, which made it exceptionally hard to even find out of the jutsu's existence. When Kakuzu's child, Kemono, was born, the jutsu was passed on to him, through blood. Because of this blood inheritance, and the fact that he was born with these jutsu, when he grows old enough, he will, at least, as thought, much stronger than Kakuzu when it came to using Jiongu.

Using Earth Grudge Fear, Kemono can extract the hearts of Shinobi that have been defeated in battle, and place the heart inside of him, thereby extending his lifespan by renewing his body before his current heart gives out. Using this ability, Kakuzu gains the ability to use the elemental recomposition of the killed Shinobi, and for each ninja he can kill, he gains another element. In this way Kemono can gain access to all five elements, and wield each one with devastating force. However, his natural element is Doton. This means that he will always be able to use Doton, no matter what, and it is his most powerful element. In addition, mask like objects will form on Kakuzu's back for each heart that he has, excluding his own, each one taking on a certain form. This signifies that there is another heart inside of him. However, currently, there are no hearts inside of him.

The threads themselves have sharp ends, and can impale, and even “flood” enemies, and kill them from the inside out. The threads hold Kemono's body together, and keep blood from escaping his body when the threads exit his body, and create openings. In addition, Kemono can use the threads to reattach lost limbs, and can also extend his own limbs to attack foes who are farther away. Any kind of cut or wound to Kemono can simply be sown back up, and in therefore healing it, making him rather hard to defeat, as injuries can simply be sown back. The threads themselves can also block attacks, and attack with themselves.

Because the Shinobi will have become so dependent on the threads, removing them all will kill them.

Name of jutsu: Kujosentou (Destruction Punch)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

This is a Taijutsu Technique that can easily be a very damaging move on an opponent, and even a glaring hit from this jutsu could put them in deep trouble. If Kemono manages to land a punch on his opponent, He will immediately deploy his Jiongu Tendrils to invade his opponent's body, and dig themselves in, which will keep Kemono attached to his opponent and allow him to remove their heart. However, the next part of the jutsu is different. It allows Kemono to force the tendrils to rip off a large chunk of flesh, or even an entire limb, whatever is invaded by the Kujosentou. It is for this very reason that entering Taijutsu with Kemono will almost certainly result in injury for an opponent, but death is usually more common.

The strike is usually something of a KO punch (IE: a lot of buildup before this powerful strike. Also can be used as a combo finisher.) Therefore, it is usually a way of dealing the final, destructive, collapsing strike. Because it is a finisher-like move, the opponent must be hit by the rest of the combo.

Name of jutsu: Shiudekata (Four Arm Style)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

This is not a jutsu, but rather a style of Taijutsu that is used by Kemono. Using his Jiongu thread,s he will extend some of the threads to form an “arm” of Jiongu, mimicing Kemono's own arms and hands. Because these are Jiongu arms and hands, they are generally stronger than his regular arms. Also, he can initiate Jiongu based jutsu through these hands. The large sleeves on his shoulders are where the Jiongu Arms come out of, and allow Kemono to basically fight with four arms. Because they are stronger than his normal arms, they often strike much harder than his normal arms. The upper hands are mainly used for actual Taijutsu and upper aligned strikes. The lower hands can either be used for low strikes, or for using his weaponry.

In this style, his real arms become rather useless, and a low strike essentially becomes Kemono's major weakness.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Doro Gaeshi (Mud Overturn)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

Doro Gaeshi is a Doton based Jutsu that is used by Kemono. This jutsu will require Kemono to place his hands on the ground, and using the Earth Element, Kemono will rip up the ground, and create a wall of earth to block an incoming attack. The wall does not use up much chakra, however, because of this, it is only capable of blocking D Rank Jutsu, and blocking 1 C Rank Jutsu completely before being knocked down. In addition, the jutsu does take time to come up and defend Kemono against an attack. Therefore, if an attack is launched from closer than 10 feet, then Kemono will be unable to safely put up the wall to defend himself from an enemy attack.

In description.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Moguragakure (Mole Hiding Technique)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is a jutus that has been used by plenty of ninja that have used Doton. The ninja will hide themselves under the ground, either in order to dodge an enemy attack, or, as seen in the manga, the ninja can travel underground, and appear somewhere else. However, it is not fast like Double Suicide Decapitation, and cannot be used in the same fashion, as it would be too slow. However, Kemono could still appear out of nowhere in order to attack enemies by surprise.

Kemono has absolutely no idea what is happening on the surface.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Shijuu Zanshu (Double Suicide Decapitation)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Doton

This jutsu is similar to the Mole Hiding technique, but unlike the Mole Hiding technique, this jutsu is much faster, but it doesn't allow the ninja to go deep underground, and are usually stuck under the surface. After the jutsu is performed, the ninja can grab and surprise the ninja from underground, and pull them under the ground, immobilizing them, leaving only their head out to breathe with, and usually, Kemono will be able to take a heart in this way.

Because of it's nature, it is not hard to dodge, and usually some sort of distraction is needed in order for the jutsu to be effective.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Tsuchi Bunshin (Earth Clone)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Supplementary (Kemono's range)
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

Tsuchi Bunshin is yet another Elemental Clone jutsu, only this one is made out of earth. Tsuchi Bunshins are just like Kage Bunshins, except that these clones will be defeated by even a single Raiton Jutsu. Taijutsu are handled relatively well, and Ninjutsu, especially water, has a tough time dealing damage upon a Tsuchi Bunshin.


Name of jutsu: Doton – Chiuzamaki (Earth Whirlpool)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

Chiuzamaki is a Doton Jutsu that is used by Kemono. This jutsu will cause the earth in a 8 meter radius of the opponent to begin to assimilate, and form something of a quicksand pool, pulling in opponents, slowly, and drowning them under the earth. Though an opponent can easily escape this jutsu, as it takes a few seconds for this jutsu to take effect, and trap an opponent, some kind of restraint of distraction will catch their foe off guard, and drag them under. The jutsu can be stopped at any time, however, and Kemono can continue his actions from there, and either kill an opponent, or take out their heart.

As said, this jutsu is easy to dodge.

Name of jutsu: Doton – Hankyou (Echo)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid-Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is a jutsu that allows Kemono to locate opponents and surprise attack them. Using this jutsu, Kemono will send out a wave of chakra, and that chakra wave will bounce off of objects, and the jutsu will give Kemono a good view of the surrounding battlefield, and can also allow him to locate an opponent, and attack them with the element of surprise. However, at Genin level, the radius of the chakra wave is only 30 meters. Also, if an enemy happens to not be on the ground, or is not on top of any type of earth, than the jutsu will not find them.

In description.

Name of jutsu: Doton – Arishishi (Antlion)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This jutsu is more of an extension of the Earth Whirlpool jutsu, only it is a lot bigger, but is has more perquisites. First off, Kemono must have gone underground using the Mole Hiding Technique, and once he is underground far enough, he can start the jutsu. The ground will begin to soften, and in a few seconds, the ground will begin to collapse upon itself, forming an antlion burrow, and the earth will continue to sink, without limit, and continue to suck in matter quickly. Once an opponent is trapped in the antlion burrow, there is no escape. At the bottom, Kemono will sit, and his Jiongu threads extended, ready to catch and rip the heart out of any opponent that gets caught, and is dragged into the hole. However, the antlion jutsu will stop getting deeper and wider once it is 50 meters in radius distance, and after that, Kemono can no longer keep the jutsu going.

Kemono cannot move during this jutsu; only his Jiongu threads may move to ensnare “prey”.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Chinami (Earth Wave)
Rank E-S: C
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is a jutsu, not used as an offensive jutsu, but allows Kemono to quickly catch up to opponents, or travel long distances quickly. Bending the earth to his will, Kemono will stick his feet in a pile of rocks, and the earth will mold together, and become malleable, and will start to move at high speeds across the ground, taking Kemono to his opponent at great speeds once he has located them, and then can go on to attack them from there. In addition, Kemono can jump off of the earth waves, and increase their size to slam into opponents, and knock them over, and bury them in earth.

Kemono is vulnerable to a ranged attack while he is riding.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Chinami Sentou (Earth Wave Punch)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is a jutsu that, once again, emulates Chinami. Using the jutsu, Kemono will encase his hand in earth, and make a mad dash towards his opponent with high speed. While he is speeding towards his opponent, the earth itself is moving his hand at all times, and Kemono is not really using strength in this jutsu, and only when he runs is he actually performing a physical task. However, he is usually running at a high speed, and therefore, it is hard to dodge the technique, as Kemono can simply move according to their movements, and the earthen hand is actually very solid, and large, so simply blocking it will not save an opponent, and they will get brutally knocked back, and with them comes the hand itself, pinning them down to any surface they land on.

The same as Chinami.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Sarakoutai (Plate Shift)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid-Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This jutsu is more supplementary than anything else. The Ninja will sends “vines” of chakra through the ground, splitting the earth into plates, and using his chakra which has now been sent out, Kemono will now be able to control all of these plates that he has created. The range of the jutsu is actually rather far, which allows for great field control. Kemono can shift the plates, move them around to reveal a foe's location, flip them over to startle a foe, or even spin them, and manipulate them in a way that the foe will eventually become dizzy, and can be attacked safely.

While manipulating the plates, Kemono can not move. In addition, if the enemy figures out that sending their chakra through the cracks in the plates will disable the chakra flow and disable the plates is the way to end the jutsu, they can end the jutsu. However, they MUST figure it out, and it takes 2 posts to do so, and 1 post to do it if they are regarded as high intelligence characters.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Kemono's Jutsu Empty Re: Kemono's Jutsu

Post by L Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:25 am

Keiteki Drakun wrote:Name of jutsu: Kujosentou (Destruction Punch)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

This is a Taijutsu Technique that can easily be a very damaging move on an opponent, and even a glaring hit from this jutsu could put them in deep trouble. If Kemono manages to land a punch on his opponent, He will immediately deploy his Jiongu Tendrils to invade his opponent's body, and dig themselves in, which will keep Kemono attached to his opponent and allow him to remove their heart. However, the next part of the jutsu is different. It allows Kemono to force the tendrils to rip off a large chunk of flesh, or even an entire limb, whatever is invaded by the Kujosentou. It is for this very reason that entering Taijutsu with Kemono will almost certainly result in injury for an opponent, but death is usually more common.

The strike is usually something of a KO punch (IE: a lot of buildup before this powerful strike. Also can be used as a combo finisher.) Therefore, it is usually a way of dealing the final, destructive, collapsing strike. Because it is a finisher-like move, the opponent must be hit by the rest of the combo.

Name of jutsu: Shiudekata (Four Arm Style)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

This is not a jutsu, but rather a style of Taijutsu that is used by Kemono. Using his Jiongu thread,s he will extend some of the threads to form an “arm” of Jiongu, mimicing Kemono's own arms and hands. Because these are Jiongu arms and hands, they are generally stronger than his regular arms. Also, he can initiate Jiongu based jutsu through these hands. The large sleeves on his shoulders are where the Jiongu Arms come out of, and allow Kemono to basically fight with four arms. Because they are stronger than his normal arms, they often strike much harder than his normal arms. The upper hands are mainly used for actual Taijutsu and upper aligned strikes. The lower hands can either be used for low strikes, or for using his weaponry.

In this style, his real arms become rather useless, and a low strike essentially becomes Kemono's major weakness.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Doro Gaeshi (Mud Overturn)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

Doro Gaeshi is a Doton based Jutsu that is used by Kemono. This jutsu will require Kemono to place his hands on the ground, and using the Earth Element, Kemono will rip up the ground, and create a wall of earth to block an incoming attack. The wall does not use up much chakra, however, because of this, it is only capable of blocking D Rank Jutsu, and blocking 1 C Rank Jutsu completely before being knocked down. In addition, the jutsu does take time to come up and defend Kemono against an attack. Therefore, if an attack is launched from closer than 10 feet, then Kemono will be unable to safely put up the wall to defend himself from an enemy attack.

In description.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Moguragakure (Mole Hiding Technique)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is a jutus that has been used by plenty of ninja that have used Doton. The ninja will hide themselves under the ground, either in order to dodge an enemy attack, or, as seen in the manga, the ninja can travel underground, and appear somewhere else. However, it is not fast like Double Suicide Decapitation, and cannot be used in the same fashion, as it would be too slow. However, Kemono could still appear out of nowhere in order to attack enemies by surprise.

Kemono has absolutely no idea what is happening on the surface.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Shijuu Zanshu (Double Suicide Decapitation)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Doton

This jutsu is similar to the Mole Hiding technique, but unlike the Mole Hiding technique, this jutsu is much faster, but it doesn't allow the ninja to go deep underground, and are usually stuck under the surface. After the jutsu is performed, the ninja can grab and surprise the ninja from underground, and pull them under the ground, immobilizing them, leaving only their head out to breathe with, and usually, Kemono will be able to take a heart in this way.

Because of it's nature, it is not hard to dodge, and usually some sort of distraction is needed in order for the jutsu to be effective.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Tsuchi Bunshin (Earth Clone)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Supplementary (Kemono's range)
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

Tsuchi Bunshin is yet another Elemental Clone jutsu, only this one is made out of earth. Tsuchi Bunshins are just like Kage Bunshins, except that these clones will be defeated by even a single Raiton Jutsu. Taijutsu are handled relatively well, and Ninjutsu, especially water, has a tough time dealing damage upon a Tsuchi Bunshin.


Name of jutsu: Doton – Chiuzamaki (Earth Whirlpool)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

Chiuzamaki is a Doton Jutsu that is used by Kemono. This jutsu will cause the earth in a 8 meter radius of the opponent to begin to assimilate, and form something of a quicksand pool, pulling in opponents, slowly, and drowning them under the earth. Though an opponent can easily escape this jutsu, as it takes a few seconds for this jutsu to take effect, and trap an opponent, some kind of restraint of distraction will catch their foe off guard, and drag them under. The jutsu can be stopped at any time, however, and Kemono can continue his actions from there, and either kill an opponent, or take out their heart.

As said, this jutsu is easy to dodge.

Name of jutsu: Doton – Hankyou (Echo)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid-Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is a jutsu that allows Kemono to locate opponents and surprise attack them. Using this jutsu, Kemono will send out a wave of chakra, and that chakra wave will bounce off of objects, and the jutsu will give Kemono a good view of the surrounding battlefield, and can also allow him to locate an opponent, and attack them with the element of surprise. However, at Genin level, the radius of the chakra wave is only 30 meters. Also, if an enemy happens to not be on the ground, or is not on top of any type of earth, than the jutsu will not find them.

In description.

Name of jutsu: Doton – Arishishi (Antlion)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This jutsu is more of an extension of the Earth Whirlpool jutsu, only it is a lot bigger, but is has more perquisites. First off, Kemono must have gone underground using the Mole Hiding Technique, and once he is underground far enough, he can start the jutsu. The ground will begin to soften, and in a few seconds, the ground will begin to collapse upon itself, forming an antlion burrow, and the earth will continue to sink, without limit, and continue to suck in matter quickly. Once an opponent is trapped in the antlion burrow, there is no escape. At the bottom, Kemono will sit, and his Jiongu threads extended, ready to catch and rip the heart out of any opponent that gets caught, and is dragged into the hole. However, the antlion jutsu will stop getting deeper and wider once it is 50 meters in radius distance, and after that, Kemono can no longer keep the jutsu going.

Kemono cannot move during this jutsu; only his Jiongu threads may move to ensnare “prey”.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Chinami (Earth Wave)
Rank E-S: C
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is a jutsu, not used as an offensive jutsu, but allows Kemono to quickly catch up to opponents, or travel long distances quickly. Bending the earth to his will, Kemono will stick his feet in a pile of rocks, and the earth will mold together, and become malleable, and will start to move at high speeds across the ground, taking Kemono to his opponent at great speeds once he has located them, and then can go on to attack them from there. In addition, Kemono can jump off of the earth waves, and increase their size to slam into opponents, and knock them over, and bury them in earth.

Kemono is vulnerable to a ranged attack while he is riding.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Chinami Sentou (Earth Wave Punch)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This is a jutsu that, once again, emulates Chinami. Using the jutsu, Kemono will encase his hand in earth, and make a mad dash towards his opponent with high speed. While he is speeding towards his opponent, the earth itself is moving his hand at all times, and Kemono is not really using strength in this jutsu, and only when he runs is he actually performing a physical task. However, he is usually running at a high speed, and therefore, it is hard to dodge the technique, as Kemono can simply move according to their movements, and the earthen hand is actually very solid, and large, so simply blocking it will not save an opponent, and they will get brutally knocked back, and with them comes the hand itself, pinning them down to any surface they land on.

The same as Chinami.

Name of jutsu: Doton - Sarakoutai (Plate Shift)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid-Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Doton - Earth

This jutsu is more supplementary than anything else. The Ninja will sends “vines” of chakra through the ground, splitting the earth into plates, and using his chakra which has now been sent out, Kemono will now be able to control all of these plates that he has created. The range of the jutsu is actually rather far, which allows for great field control. Kemono can shift the plates, move them around to reveal a foe's location, flip them over to startle a foe, or even spin them, and manipulate them in a way that the foe will eventually become dizzy, and can be attacked safely.

While manipulating the plates, Kemono can not move. In addition, if the enemy figures out that sending their chakra through the cracks in the plates will disable the chakra flow and disable the plates is the way to end the jutsu, they can end the jutsu. However, they MUST figure it out, and it takes 2 posts to do so, and 1 post to do it if they are regarded as high intelligence characters.


Keiteki Drakun wrote:Name of jutsu: Jiongu (Earth Grudge Fear)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Close (Now)
Type of jutsu: Kinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity:

Jiongu was once one of the Hidden Waterfall Village's most prized Secret Jutsus, once kept hidden, and taught only to few Shinobi. However, this changed when Kakuzu, a former ninja from Takigakure, stole the Jutsu by taking the scrolls needed to learn the jutsu, which made it exceptionally hard to even find out of the jutsu's existence. When Kakuzu's child, Kemono, was born, the jutsu was passed on to him, through blood. Because of this blood inheritance, and the fact that he was born with these jutsu, when he grows old enough, he will, at least, as thought, much stronger than Kakuzu when it came to using Jiongu.

Using Earth Grudge Fear, Kemono can extract the hearts of Shinobi that have been defeated in battle, and place the heart inside of him, thereby extending his lifespan by renewing his body before his current heart gives out. Using this ability, Kakuzu gains the ability to use the elemental recomposition of the killed Shinobi, and for each ninja he can kill, he gains another element. In this way Kemono can gain access to all five elements, and wield each one with devastating force. However, his natural element is Doton. This means that he will always be able to use Doton, no matter what, and it is his most powerful element. In addition, mask like objects will form on Kakuzu's back for each heart that he has, excluding his own, each one taking on a certain form. This signifies that there is another heart inside of him. However, currently, there are no hearts inside of him.

The threads themselves have sharp ends, and can impale, and even “flood” enemies, and kill them from the inside out. The threads hold Kemono's body together, and keep blood from escaping his body when the threads exit his body, and create openings. In addition, Kemono can use the threads to reattach lost limbs, and can also extend his own limbs to attack foes who are farther away. Any kind of cut or wound to Kemono can simply be sown back up, and in therefore healing it, making him rather hard to defeat, as injuries can simply be sown back. The threads themselves can also block attacks, and attack with themselves.

Because the Shinobi will have become so dependent on the threads, removing them all will kill them.

I'd like an admin to approve this one.

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Kemono's Jutsu Empty Re: Kemono's Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:47 am

I'd like an admin to approve this one.

I've already talked this one over. Right now, I can only extend threads a meter, and I have no extra hearts. I need to kill to get them. And I earn more Jiongu as time goes on.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Kemono's Jutsu Empty Re: Kemono's Jutsu

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