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Sukai(done) Empty Sukai(done)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:48 pm

Name: Sukai

Age: 16

Bloodline: Blizzard-is able to reach -105 degrees Fahrenheit within a few seconds, and is immune to sub-zero temperatures around him. can freeze any moisture in the air around him into unusually hard ice, and thereby form simple objects such as slides, ladders, shields, and bats. can also augment his ice form with extraneous moisture to enhance his strength and durability, and can reshape his body's ice form at will by using any available moisture from his surrounding environment. can rebuild his ice form if any part of it is broken or if it is shattered completely without suffering any permanent damage.

Rank: Chunnin
Village: Iwa
Alignment: Good

Appearance:Sukai(done) Fd79a75e183cb980388f6d601b2f0c96

Personality: Sukai has a typical brave and heroic personality, meaning he'll willingly risk his life for people he doesn't even know. He's extremely loyal to his friends. He constantly "thinks positive" and is therefore highly optimistic. He seems to have a remarkable capacity to forgive. He has shown a large amount of gullibility. Ironically, he doesn't let his enemies fool him as easily. He seems to unintentionally show somewhat of a disrespect towards people of higher authority upon meeting them. Sukai puts his friends before anything and cares a lot about them. Despite Sukai's good nature, he appears to sometimes hold grudges. Sukai is often quick to anger whenever he's confused, and is quite childish at times. He can also be seen as quite impulsive, as he tends to jump into things without thinking them through beforehand. While simple-minded at times, he has a strong sense of justice. Sukai also loves somone from his past and will do anything to impress her. He is somewhat of a sloppy eater, and he can also be very goofy.

History: Sukai grew up in the village of Iwa. This village was not known very well when he first was growing up. He also did not grow up with anybody besides his family. His first few years were him alone, just sitting around. It was not because he was different looking or scary at all. It was just the wrong place and the wrong time. He did have a few friends before he went the acdaemy, but they soon outcasted him, because they found new friends at the acdamey. At the Acdamey Sukai was an outcast.

Sukai did not like the acdamey, as seeing as he had a lot of trouble. He was an average kid and always got picked on. He would occasionly get beaten by a few other of the students. Even so, he was not the dumbest kid in the class, just the one with no friends. He still made it out of the acdamey, but it was only the middle of the class. There was a lot of people ahead of him. He still would not have real friends for some time. But he would have tempary friends as he was assigned his first Genin team.

At first, Sukai was not trusting of his team, but he had to be or they would not go anywhere from the rank of Genin. His sensi was not a very kind man either, but he did not do anything to harm Sukai or his team, he was merely too rough on them. The three did many missions together, but within a years time, the two others found another team member and surpislying got Sukai replaced.

Sukai was not given a new team, because there was a lack of shiniobi his age. Most of them already had teams or were passed his level. Seeing this he knew he had to become stronger. He would train by himself, outside the village. He would do his own missions and this proved that he was stronger than most of the Genin his age, but he did not have a team still, so he could not do much. However, Sukai one day found a pair of small swords that seemed out of place. Like they were left there on purpose. For him to just find. These swords were very speical, because somehow they allowed Sukai to use ninjutsu.

Like Lee, Sukai was unable to perform any other jutsu, than Taijutsu. However, these weapons allow Sukai to use all other kinds of jutsu, if already learnt. He was now considered a high-genin leveled ninja at the age of about 12. He soon started talking to people his age, and they saw him less of an outcast, but he was still picked on.

About a year late Sukai joined a group of ninja that would hang out. Although, he was still an outcast, and did not talk to them much, he felt as he had friends. There were only a few ninja, and a few of their parents had been there to watch them. The ninja would train together and do other things. He grew closer to two of the ninja there. Later on these two ninja would become his best friends. As for now, he would still be an outcast and not get along much with the people in his age group.

Sukai knew he had a great power, but his charka was unbale to preform this power, unitl after he trained another year with his Swords, which he named the Kingdom swords. The Ice bloodline, his parents had before him. He still cannot use it to it's fulliest stregnth, but he is able to use the ice element, after this training.

After this year, Sukai became close to one of the people from the ninja training group. This was his first real friend, but he was not yet his best friend. Sukai would have to wait another few years for this friend to become a best one. They did not do a whole lot together, but more than Suaki had ever done with anyone, on account they live very, very close to each other. Also, this friend was a chunnin ranked ninja when the became friends.

About a month later, Sukai found another friend, and this one had been very ironc. Sukai had hated the guts of this person as a small kid, but now he was one of his good friends. The two had a lot in common and like a few of the same things. Which is why they became friends. These two friends were both chunnin and they lead to a few more good friends that came later on. They were all higher ranks then him, but they did help him train.

After about another year, Sukai was beat for about the last time in his current life. A group of new ninja that had arrived at the village, that were his same age and rank, ganged up on him and beat him. Suaki mangaed to take one down, but the rest were strong and took him down. Of coruse, this was just for their enjoyment. After this face, Suaki wanted to become a lot stronger.

After about the age of 15, Sukai became a chunnin ranked ninja. He was a lot stronger, but still had some growing to do. He would soon grow even closer to his friends he has now, and get knew ones that were older and his age, all the same. This would happen in a years time, after becoming even stronger.

After a year of training, and becoming best friends, with his first real friends and getting more. He know was ready to face the world. Sukai is now sixteen, almost seventeen, and has many great friends.

Speciality: Taijutsu, Bloodline
Learned jutsus: Water clone, Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death, Water Prison, Hidden Mist
Elements: Water, Ice(Bloodline)
Weapons/items: Kingdom Swords (Picture)
Goals: To impress the girl of his dreams, protect his friends no matter what.


Posts : 585
Points : 231
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2008-11-22

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Sukai(done) Empty Re: Sukai(done)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:41 pm

All finished


Posts : 585
Points : 231
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2008-11-22

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