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Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Rain Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:34 pm

Tontori had came to a certaint place in the training grounds, a place she liked to go alot, it was perfect for her, but she didn't know about Jun. It migiht be, it had all landscape, she knew nothing of what Jun was capable and she wanted to figure out, and she thought Jun wanted to learn the same about her. Before Jun came she placed a few hidden exploding notes. These notes were not visible to the normal human eye since they were placed under rocks, crunched up and hidden in leaves and what not. Most of them were under rocks, there was alot of them, and she also had to be careful she doesn't set off the wrong one, but she remember now.

She sat on a rock and awaited the arrival of Jun, she seemed quite nice, a good friend, they should be together for always. Tontori didn't ahve many friends since she has been to shy to talk to people, but Jun was on of the first friends Tontori had recieved, atleast thats what she thought, she had no idea if Jun actaully liked her or if it was all an act.

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Desert Coyote Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:12 am

Jun walked into the back of the training grounds where she had been told to meet Tontori. They hadn’t been on the same team long and Jun figured the other girl just wanted to talk and perhaps spar a little so they could work on becoming better team mates. Her mind was so focused in fact, that she never noticed the first explosive tag under a rock. She barely had time to roll with the blast as chunks of stone flew at her like shrapnel.

Before she could really figure out what was going on, Jun felt the next tag about to blow. One by one the Explosive tags which had been well hidden leading up to Tontori where being activated. Jun couldn’t dodge them all, blood oozed from gashes along her arms and legs. When all the explosions had finished Jun stood still in a clearing filled with the debris from dozens of trees, bushes, and rocks that had been ripped to shreds. Slowly her head came up and she stared straight at Tontori. “I assume you’re testing me then?” Reaching behind her Jun had to pull a large stone fragment from her back with a grunt as pain washed through her. She wasn’t mad yet, but she still couldn’t understand the overly focused girl who had become her sister.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Rain Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:32 pm

Tontori quickly jumped bac kreacting to the sudden explosion. She had absolutely no idea what just happened. She looked down at her hands, they formed the needed hand sign to activate the notes. She was fiddling with her fingers, she guessed she accidently made a hand sign she shouldn't of. Tonotori said with great concern, "oops Im so sorry! It was an accident.." her face was red with embarresment, it made her look bad, since she could have killed her only teamate on a total accident. "I-I guess we will train" She jumped down from the rock "Just don't go easy on me" She said happily.

She pulled off two scrolls from her back, she was going to do a little chakra draining today. She opened the pink scroll first, a cloud of smoke appeared. As it cleared Tontori's arm showed. to have a staff sinking into her arm. The horns on it appeared from her knuckles, A small part of the face appeared on her palm, four strings came out of the bottom of her arm, at the body of the strings were a blue pendant. The other scroll one familair to Jun, her exploding note scroll, it was blue. She opened it, another cloud of smoke apeared. Out came many kunai and shuriken covered in exploding notes came flying out of the scroll. About twelve came out. Once they were very, very close to Jun, Tonotori did a hand sign and they all exploded. She felt bad for attacking her like this, but she wanted to get Jun angry, so she would show her true power. Tontori was a good fighter, btu she had no diea about Jun, so she also had to be very careful about getting her aggresive. "Sorry, but it is whats important for us"

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Desert Coyote Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:01 am

Jun rolled backwards with the explosion and covered her head with her arms. Finally coming back to her feet Erin pulled the cords on her swords sheath unleashing both the sword and its sheath. Bringing the covered blade up into a defensive stance Jun stared straight at Tontori and smiled wickedly. Stepping as though she where walking on clouds Erin moved towards Tontori. The blade began moving like a leaf caught in a heavy wind. Erin’s every step looked as though she were dancing rather then attacking Tontori. A strong breeze sword up around Jun and her scratches and scrapes began to visibly heal. This was all costing her chakra, but Jun knew it was going to be important. Slowly she came back to fully healed as her chakra forced her cells to replicate and spread.

Within a few feet of Tontori Jun began to strike. The Sheathed blade moved with a frightening speed and struck at Tontori from every angle. The sheathed blade wouldn’t hurt the other girl to much, but she would feel it. While her sheathed blade hit, her free hand began forming seals getting ready for what she would need to do when Tontori decided to strike back. This girl was far too capable in a fight and Jun wanted to be ready when everything started hitting the fan.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Rain Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:02 pm

The second Jun had came at her, she had quickly grabbed many senbon, and it flowed inside of her, the senbon puffed out of her like a puffer fish, her arms, stomach, the tops of her hands, her head, her legs, stomach and sides, were covered with senbon. The sword hit her once in the side, causing lots of pan, one on the arm, and two on the leg. She didn't have enough senbon to cover her whole body. She quickly did a few hand signs, while Jun did hers, She quickly jumped back from the sword, she was bleeding from those places, but not to much. She pulled out a scroll, to reveal her fan, her fan would allow her to do all of her wind jutsu. She pulled the fan back and sent a wave of wind towards Jun, this wind was filled with lightning chakra, it would hit her and shock her.

Tonotori wanted to see her defensive jutsu, this jutsu woulld prove useful. She had to find someway to block it. Tnotori winced she bend the wrong way. Her staff still there, she had to find someway to get her hands on Jun, close range would be dangerous for jun with this weapon inside her arm. As the wind grew strong, it was close to Jun, what would she do, elemantal jutsu woulldn't be very effective, she had to get pass, lightning and wind. Fire wouldn't work, it would make the fre stronger though, but it would also blow the fire towards Jun, water wouldn't work, earth would barely work, wind would help, lightning would barely work. It was a hard decision, the wind was strong but the lightning was stronger, as it went through the air it grew stronger, it was a dangerous C-ranked move. It would cause great damaga and pain, may stop her from moving for a few seconds. Tontori reached into her pocket and removed a bandage, and wrapped her arm, side, ad leg up. She didn't hav time to make it perfect she wrapped it twice, cut it. The roll fell too the ground, she would collect her stuff after the battle, if she was capable of that. Jun was strong.

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Desert Coyote Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:46 am

Jun had been waiting for Tontori to strike back. Her sheathed bade had caused the other girl to bleed, which surprised Jun slightly and she noted it mentally for later use. As the wind hurtled towards he Jun brought the sword down one handed and dragged the sheath along the ground and using her chakra to pull the loose sand and dirt with it. She hurled the mess of drift at the on rushing gust, turning it into a sandstorm. Thankfully however Jun finished her hand seals right on time. The storm engulfed the spot where Jun had stood only seconds before. The dirt still clung to the air obscuring everything in the area and discouraging Tontori from going into the choking haze of dirt and small pebbles.

As the dirt settled a log could be seen, beaten and battered, half buried by the torrential winds and the dirt which had obscured everything. Jun had used her kawarimi no ninjutsu figuring that Tontori’s attack would be far to powerful for her to block. Now she saw her opening, and Jun intended to use it. She launched at Tontori’s back bringing the still sheathed blade around in a quick horizontal slash followed by a thrust aimed at the small of Tontori’s back. Figuring the other girl would turn before the hit connected, Jun was hoping to strike Tontori hard in the stomach and drop her before the fight became too dangerous. Jun enjoyed being able to practice with Tontori, but it seemed as though both of them where going to be forced to push themselves to the limit before this would end. Jun had no intention of hurting Tontori and didn’t want to be pushed into un-sheathing her blade. If all went well Jun hoped to end the battle with the next few moves. No need for this to turn into anything more then a quick bought. Somehow though, she figured Tontori would never go down that easily. Deep down Jun just hoped she would be ready for what happened next.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Rain Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:16 pm

Her massive strike of electrical wind, and had been discahrged, Jun was smart, although she probaly didn't noticed that all the dirt in the air, discharged most of which was supposed to be a deadly attack fo lightning. She heard, but mostly sensed the attack from behind, she already knew what to do. She jumped up into the and did a back flip over Jun. It wasn't all she did, the second she moved she sent a large amount of senbon to Jun's front, head, and back, most of which would probaly hit. Jun had the momentom of attacking, which wouldn't allow her to dodge, so many small needles, coming from many directions, moving to the side simply wasn't an option, while in the momentum of an attack, you already have thrown your self, making it difficult to to dodge, she could probaly put her sword in front of her and spin while in the air, but some of them would hit.

Although they were only senbon, they were very dangerous, more dangerous the shuriken and kunai. Senbon were small and long, one little puncture could cause amssive damage. She could hit her lung or neck, which would cause her lungs to fill with blood, slowly but not to long. She could hit her heart easily, every single body part she had was in jeporady, she had no choice but to quickly do a jutsu. Really, there wasn't much of any escape when it came to the situation Jun was in. The momentum of an attack prevented sudden turning movement, and any taijutsu tricks, couldn't dodge all of them, the only thing that could help her was a jutsu

It was time for one of Rains jutsu. She did the hands signs quickly, she stopped and put ehr hands down, nothing had happened, confusing. But it already started, the second Jun takes a glance at Tontori, things would start to change, lots of things. All that had to happen was Jun has to look at Tontori, then blink or close her eyes, then boom trapped! It was one of Tontori's genjutsus "Array of Shapes". This genjutsu made whoever is effected by it, see everything satart to change shape, making their aim awfull, they would try to aim at Tontori, but when the striked the disfigured Tontori, they would most likely miss by a few centimetres, thinking they are striking her stomach, but instead striking to the side of her.

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Desert Coyote Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:33 pm

Jun had failed. She had hoped that the attack from behind would be the finisher, sadly it was not to be the case. Tontori’s jump had ruined everything and Jun knew her back was now painfully exposed. With no tricks left in her bag Jun ducked her head and lowered her thrust towards the ground. It wasn’t the best move, though it protected her head and much of her left side, her right side became a pin cushion covered in senbon. It was a drastic move, leaving her self open in such a way. Some needles had hit bone and stopped only inches into her body, but others had gone much deeper. Now the battle was on a time limit. Jun would need a few hours of meditation and perfect stillness and quite to repair the damage, she would also need most of what she had left of her chakra.

The sheath of her sword dug into the ground hard stopping her forward momentum. With a grace that she should have lost with the amount of blood spilling out of her, Jun spun her entire body in a whirlwind of movement. The sheath caught in the ground and the well honed blade slid easily out into the air with a beautiful swish before it was swung at Tontori’s general location. Jun was moving without looking much now her whole body begging her to stop and heal. Her eyes already unfocused in pain made a moments contact with Tontori’s and he already ruined sight became even more useless. In a moment of fury Jun closed her eyes and performed a simple Kata her mother had showed her years before. It was a beautiful dance which would have been deadly if Jun could see anything, filled with several spins and swings of the blade which made it look almost fluid as it moved. Finishing she dropped down to one knee breathing hard. A slight grin split her grim features, “Had enough?” the words where almost a pant, though they held no sense of defeat.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Rain Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:04 pm

Tontori watched as the senbon punctrued Jun's body it was bad, looked very painful at that too. Tontori felt very bad at the fact she had caused that towards a team member. "Are you okay!?" Tontori yelled with the concern in her voice very noticably. She was about to run over, when Jun started to move, she should just stop. Tontori was becoming weaker by the minute, she saw no use to use Chakra Staff anymore. It dropped out of her hands, she stood there, she diserved what happened, she diserved it all, for what pain she caused for Jun. She wasn't worthy of such a great friend, which she could have killed if the senbon had hit a vital organ. As Jun closed in Tontorie didn't move until the last second she got scared of the pain that was coming and quickly jumped back four times. She dug her fingers to stop, before she hit one of her exploding notes. Dirt filled in one nail, then two. Most of her nails were filled with dirt, some worst then others, four finger nails bent off. It was alot of pain and it did hurt alot actaully.

Jun fell to the ground. Tontori quickly ran over to Jun, she had obviously tooken enough damage, Jun was strong and could defaintly handle more, but this as far as Tontori would go. Tontori reached Jun wraping her arms around her "Im sorry" She said, she was breathing hard, she needed to catch her breath. Tontori had some medical expereince, but knew little, but she knew what to do. She walked over to the bandage. Tontori quickly pulled out each senbon one by one, causing more pain, but it would only last for a few seconds. She took out all the senbon. She lifted Jun's shirt up, and wrapped her side in a bandage. Tontori then put Jun's arm over her shoulder, ready to take to her house or hospital.

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

Post by Desert Coyote Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:45 am

Jun nodded slowly and looked over to Tontori with glassy eyes and a bit of shame. "I'm alright. I just need to get home and rest for a bit. You really did a number to me..." Jun smiled and gave a slight giggle. Slowly she moved up to give Tontori a slight kiss on the cheek and looked around slowly taking in the surroundings and trying to figure out what had happened. "I'm still a little confused about how you got behind me. I thought I had you." Jun gave a slight giggle and looked hard at Tontori. "Where did you learn to fight?"

Slowly Jun limped with Tontori out of the training grounds and into her own home to rest and recuperate the damage she had taken from the fight. She hoped this would not be the last time she got to train with Tontori, the other girl was an incredible fighter and Jun only hoped she would be a better partner next time they fought.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Training Session between Jun and Tontori. Empty Re: Training Session between Jun and Tontori.

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