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Adae (Paranormal Creation)

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Adae (Paranormal Creation) Empty Adae (Paranormal Creation)

Post by Adae Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:30 pm

Name:Adae M. Nobody exactly knows what M stands for. (In fact never thought of what it was myself =_=)

Age: 8
Rank: Academy Student/Missing Child.

Village:From outskirts of Bloody mist, is now in outskirts of leaf.

Apperence:Adae (Paranormal Creation) M_65d38d05a91e449db37c6560c8602245Adae (Paranormal Creation) SAMARA_by_gothkittykat
Skin: Pale, nearly white. As if she were a spectral of some sort. Of course, this is probably from hiding in the dark all the time. She rarely comes out in the sunlight.
Eyes: Amber. Light blue when happy (which is almost never) and red when really angry.
Hair: Long, black hair that usually hangs in her face. When bangs are pulled back (like in first picture) hair is parted to the side. Adae's hair is usually what mistakens her for a well ghost or a grudge.
Body type: Fragile and petite. Height is very very small and weight is almost nothing.
Blood type: ????

There comes a time in every thousands of years when an animal evolves into something more. A time when the animal becomes a creature with great knowledge and true abilities of death and destruction or care and kindness. A time when the days turn into nights and the people witness a truly mad cause. This time it was for the humans, and for the Uchiha clan. Most of the clan had been killed by Itachi Uchiha, older brother of sasuke Uchiha. The blood was everywhere and things were not looking good. As that incident occured, Adae began.
Adae was not exactly an Uchiha. She was created not by the birth, but by the creation. The plan to create her was simple, to evolve a human race by mixing dna from two great clans into one. Uchiha dna from the death scene was taken. Another dna was placed within, but nobody would know what it was. And maybe it was best to keep it in hush. They injected the dna into one randomly selected child. They called the newborn project koumuru, meaning suffer. The dna affected immediately. The child's heart rate increased and the child mutilated in eyesight, cortesy of Uchiha and mind, courtesy of the unknown dna.
Project Koumuru was renamed Yamai meaning disease. Yamai M. was the full name. Yamai growed up through experiments and lived inside a steel cage with special cameras recording every move she made. As Yamai was growing, she was experimented in strange tortures that mutilated her body several times and strained her eyes and senses. Her senses strengthened as she got used to it. Her mind had a sixth sense. A strange sense of violence. Some began to question her and she would not answer what she thought of.
When she reached five she had sharingan. She was put in higher experiments afterwards, and she felt agony every day, though she never said a word. The scientists didn't care afterall, they just wanted the perfect specimen. As she was trained inside machinery that would kill others, the scientists found her mind to have a strange other sense. A sense of some sort of psychic phenominon. The psychic gene was from the other dna, which had been unknown. They wondered why the gene wasn't really activating yet. They wondered what could happen when it does.
One day the press got info of the weird experiment living in the mist outskirts and tried an interview. The scientists allowed one reporter to enter. The reporter began to talk. She asked for Yamai to tell her what was on her mind. The sixth sense of violence awoke. Yamai was quiet. Too quiet now. The reporter asked her to speak so she may tell the world. Yamai looked up at once. The reporter felt her heart skip a beat. Yamai looked back down, the reporter thinking it was alright. This was when Yamai would show her psychic abilities....The video goes like this....

After that incident....
Now that it was evident she had powers beyond that of their expectations (like how the reporter was shown to go crazy after their meeting and how Yamai controlled it all.) the scientists determined Yamai was dangerous. Soildiers came towards her. Yamai did the unexpected. She lifted her hand....and the soidiers became lifeless corpses. They finally got ahold of her when she began choking on one, and stashed her in a gas chamber.
Thinking she would die they waited. Their eyes widened. Yamai moved around and breathed regularly. This was shocking as they tried to kill her with the gas. She glanced up, then vanished.
Wherever she went was a mystery. It was heard she switched her name to Adae. Adae M. She ran to Konoha, and hid in the forest outskirts, fearing the peoples. It is unknown what she is now, for she cannot be human.

Clan: Uchiha mix, with an unknown other dna injected.

-Can be lured out with chocolate for some reason.
-Killing enemies like the scientists.
-Meeting the actual Uchihas.
-Hide and seek with fatal consequences.
-Capture and experimentation
-Happy happy people
-People laughing at her.

There is no telling what goes on in her mind. She is strange, and quiet and dark. Her mood is always calm and content. Adae almost never uses sharingan or byakugan but relies on the psychic darkness within her mind. Whenever asked what goes on in her thoughts her sense of violence awakens and many will be horrified of her. But Adae is actually alone inside. It is the way she behaves with people that nobody knows.
She wants to be with others who will like her for what she is. But she meets people wierdly. She hides and waits for them to find her before coming out. She tries to use feelings through thought messages and only speaks when asked something by somebody she trusts. If she doesn't trust the person she won't speak.
Adae hates many things like romance and cellphones. If loud things hurt her ears she can accidentally kill the maker of the noise. With these strange ways of communication and deeling with things it is no wonder nobody can really see what she wants.
So she hides, and waits and waits.....


Posts : 1
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Join date : 2009-03-06

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