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Hokunam's Jutsu

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Hokunam's Jutsu Empty Hokunam's Jutsu

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:38 pm

Name of jutsu: HydroElectric Pulse
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Created by Hokunam
Element Affinity: Suiton + Raiton

Description: Hokunam comes from either behind or to the side of the opponent, as he puts his hand on their back or neck. He sends a pulse of lightning through their body by releasing the lightning chakra into their blood. But since their body is made up of 60% of water, it sends a shock through every vein in their body that the lightning can travel to. This causes serious paralization and possible death.

Weakness: Must have the jutsu ready. That means he has to have his hands sparking with electricity, which is a big give-away to his jutsu.

Name of jutsu: HydroElectric Sphere
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Created by Hokunam
Element Affinity: Suiton + Raiton

Description: Gathering water into his hand, Hokunam is able to make it stay in his hand by the use of Suiton Chakra. He swirls it to a fast pace as it takes some time to get it going as fast as a rasengan. He then cofuses lightning chakra into the same hand with the ball of water. The water begins sparking in different directions, but keeping its swirl. The water starts swirling even faster as the lighting begins growing tendrils. Once the sphere hits the opponent, the water hits first, scratching up their body as if the water has shards in it of glass. Then the lightning hits, which can easly goes threw the opponent.

Weakness: Can be interrupted during the process if Hokunam is attacked.

Name of jutsu: HydroElectric Beat Corruption
Rank E-S: S
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Created by Hokunam
Element Affinity: Suiton + Raiton

Description: This is a more advanced, forbidden, version of HydroElectric Pulse. First, Hokunam forces his hand on the opponent's heart. He then focuses all of his lightning chakra out of his chakra system, and releases it through his palm. The lightning chakra comes out as static electricity. The electricity comes out so fast, that it shocks the heart, causing it to either stop or break the major veins that connect to it. Since this is a killer move, Hokunam only uses it to finish off his opponent. He created this to use against Sannam only in order to put an end to him. Also since the human body is made up of 60% water, the lightning is able to travel through it.

Weakness: Since it drains Hokunam of all his Lightning chakra, he cant use Raiton moves for about 3 - 4 posts. It also slows Hokunam down since he relies on his Raiton chakra to speed him up faster than normal.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Hokunam's Jutsu Empty Re: Hokunam's Jutsu

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:04 pm

Name of jutsu: HydroElectric Clouds
Rank E-S: B
Range: -
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Created by Hokunam
Element Affinity: Suiton + Raiton

Description: Hokunam sits down and crosses his legs, meditating. He gets in contact with his Suno-Kyuubi. The demon grants him the wish of having all the clouds above him to turn to rain clouds. Getting out of contact, Hokunam focuses his lightning chakra into the rain clouds, as the water chakra in the clouds fuse with the lightning chakra, making the clouds spark with lightning furiously. This lasts until cancelled. The clouds are able to let Hokunam do various attacks with them.

Weakness: during the meditation, the user can be attacked.

Name of jutsu: HydroElectric Rain
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close ~ Med
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional):Created by Hokunam
Element Affinity: Suiton + Raiton

Description: Using the lightning in the clouds that the Suno-Kyuubi had granted Hokunam, he is now able to control what lies within the clouds. With concentration and a flick of his hand, he can make rain droplets come down on the opponent, and hit them, either sending waves of shock through their skin, or exploding and burning their skin. This depends on how much Hokunam puts forth the chakra, and how much he wants to really kill them.

Weakness: Is not always accurate. This allows Hokunam wide open as he sends the droplets down.

Name of jutsu: Gogyou Fuuin - Five element seal
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): -
Element Affinity: None

Description: This technique was tought to Hokunam in one of his various seals. Gogyou Fuuin is a Fuuinjutsu technique used by the Sannin Orochimaru. Hokunam forms an elemental seal on each of his fingers, one for each of the following five "elements": water, metal, earth, fire and wood. He places those fingertips on the jinchuuriki's seal. The Gogyou Fuuin would disrupt the Bijuu's ability to let the Bijuu's chakra blend into the host's chakra.

Weakness: Opponent must be immoble or trapped in order for this to work. They must have someone to unseal the seal that Hokunam had placed on them.

Name of jutsu: Sealing Method
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): Customized by Hokunam.
Element Affinity: -

Description: Hokunam draws a certain sign on his palm with a special pen. The pen's ink contains the ability to have any kind of chakra flow through it. Hokunam takes that moment to focus his Suno-Kyuubi's chakra into that ink on his hand. The kanji sign begins to glow, meaning that the sign has been activated and ready for use. He then jabs the opponent's seal with his palm, letting the kanji sink into the seal with the chakra within the ink. The drawn kanji on his palm looks like "シール" which translates to "Seal". The user has to have the palm on the opponents seal for a good minute or so, which means the opponet has to be paralized or unable to move.
The affects of this method is that the opponent cannot activate his or her seal until it is unsealed, or found a way to break the seal. The opponent's seal would have "食" written circularly around the seal(Multiple ones connecting to eachother), which translates to "Eclipse", the meaning of Hoku in his name.

Weakness: Opponent must be stunned, immoble, or knocked out for this to work. Also cannot write the kanji on his palm during battle, and or moving, it would mess up since its ink.

Last edited by Kratos Aurion on Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:15 pm; edited 2 times in total
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Hokunam's Jutsu Empty Re: Hokunam's Jutsu

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:18 pm

Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Hokunam's Jutsu Empty Re: Hokunam's Jutsu

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:52 pm

Name of jutsu: HakkeRaiton JyuRoku (16 palms of the hand)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Clan(Optional):Created by Hokunam [Useage of Lightning chakra/LG glove]
Element Affinity: Raiton

Description: Hokunam doesnt even need the byakuugan for these types of attacks. As he was younger, he studied the human body and their pressure points. He also studied their chakra points as well. Over time, he invented his Lightning Generator Glove, which its purpose was to act like the Hyuuga's Eight Divination Signs attacks, also made for simple lightning bolts.

Hokunam is able to easly release lightning chakra into his two fingers, making them spark at his will. He comes close to his opponent, focusing on both his moves, and his opponents. He picks an area in the body, and any chakra point. He strikes that chakra point, and several others. He spins his body to make it more diffucult for the opponent to attack him, but helping him gain more attack range and speed. He jabs his two shocking fingers into the opponent's chakra points 16 times, in different ones. Although the chakra he uses does not block the stem, it just merely sends a shock through the part of flesh and point he jabbed.

Weakness: The opponent must not know what is coming. If Hokunam messes up, he would have to start over again.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Hokunam's Jutsu Empty Re: Hokunam's Jutsu

Post by Mirage Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:22 pm

Approved, except for the sealing one. "disrupt the affects of the even numbered Shishou Fuuin placed on Naruto's stomach by the Fourth Hokage. The Gogyou Fuuin would disrupt the Shishou Fuuin's ability to let the Kyuubi's chakra blend into Naruto's chakra." First of all, when used, it did not fully lock his chakra, it made it more difficult for naruto to use but did lock the Kyuubi's chakra from use. And it was explained by Jiriya that it was due to the fact that it was an odd numbered seal placed on an even numbered seal.

So, if you want, this can be used to lock the chakra of demons, bijuu and/or seals.

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Hokunam's Jutsu Empty Re: Hokunam's Jutsu

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:16 pm

Arigatonasai! I also changed the "Chakra seal" to the Bijuu chakra seal. I also added another.

Name of jutsu: Gogyou Fuuin - Five element seal
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): -
Element Affinity: None

Description: This technique was tought to Hokunam in one of his various seals. Gogyou Fuuin is a Fuuinjutsu technique used by the Sannin Orochimaru. Hokunam forms an elemental seal on each of his fingers, one for each of the following five "elements": water, metal, earth, fire and wood. He places those fingertips on the jinchuuriki's seal. The Gogyou Fuuin would disrupt the Bijuu's ability to let the Bijuu's chakra blend into the host's chakra.

Weakness: Opponent must be immoble or trapped in order for this to work. They must have someone to unseal the seal that Hokunam had placed on them.

Name of jutsu: Sealing Method
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): Customized by Hokunam.
Element Affinity: -

Description: Hokunam draws a certain sign on his palm with a special pen. The pen's ink contains the ability to have any kind of chakra flow through it. Hokunam takes that moment to focus his Suno-Kyuubi's chakra into that ink on his hand. The kanji sign begins to glow, meaning that the sign has been activated and ready for use. He then jabs the opponent's seal with his palm, letting the kanji sink into the seal with the chakra within the ink. The drawn kanji on his palm looks like "シール" which translates to "Seal". The user has to have the palm on the opponents seal for a good minute or so, which means the opponet has to be paralized or unable to move.
The affects of this method is that the opponent cannot activate his or her seal until it is unsealed, or found a way to break the seal. The opponent's seal would have "食" written circularly around the seal(Multiple ones connecting to eachother), which translates to "Eclipse", the meaning of Hoku in his name.

Weakness: Opponent must be stunned, immoble, or knocked out for this to work. Also cannot write the kanji on his palm during battle, and or moving, it would mess up since its ink.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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