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Kaito Michishige(Not done)

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Kaito Michishige(Not done) Empty Kaito Michishige(Not done)

Post by Kaito Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:30 pm

Name: Kaito Michishige

Age: 14

Bloodline: None

Rank: Genin
Classification: Not done yet
Village: Konoha
Alignment: neutral

Kaito Michishige(Not done) AnimeGuy16

Cheerful, Calm, Kind and good with people, But Evil Inside, Split personality

Kaito used to love being hateful and evil when he was young, he always to be the kind of person you'd expect to leave the village and become a missin' ninja if given the chance to but as he grew older he got wiser and more cheerfull, his mom (Yurishi Michishige) was a medical ninja and his dad (Hayato Michishige) was chunin, he and Kaito barely connected untill he started to grow older, Kaito gain more respect for and from his father.

When he finally got his chance to go to the academy to train as a shinobi he was over excited, in the first week he had made 5 friends who he hang around with, two months after that he was told his dad had died trying to betray Konoha, this tore Kaito's heart apart inside, all his respect for his dad was lost, he didn't care that his dad had died, he just thought of what an idiot he had been to have thought his dad was perfect, he had a few hard months at the academy where he stoped hanging around with his friends and spent more time just sitting on top of roofs, trees, etc. staring up towards the sky. He eventually forgot all about wha happened and started tp be delightful again 'till this very day...

Speciality: Tai-Jutsu
Learned jutsus: N/A
Elements: Earth, Fire
Weapons/items: bokken(Wooden Sword)


Posts : 1
Points : 0
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-02-26

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