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A Restoration and Determination

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A Restoration and Determination Empty A Restoration and Determination

Post by Keano Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:20 pm

After fleeing for his life and badly injured, Le'Keano's traveling had led him to Unraikyo. It was said that a long time ago the eight tailed Jinchuuriki Hachibi resided here. The fierce battle against Keiteki had left him fatigued and severely wounded. After stoping in Unraikyo for rest, he nodded off into sleep. He needed rest to regain energy so that he could continue his journey. During his sleep, he began to dream and it seemed as if his intentions came true. He dreamed that he was a very wealthy man and in his background, thousands of shinobi bowed at his feet. On his head rested a large golden crown were hundred's of tiny jewels were embeded inside.

"Ahh this is the life."

There in front of him, in the distance, stood a single man. His appearance couldnt be seen and it seemed as if he was getting closer. As Le'Keano continued to watch, the figure had arrived in front of him. It was a man that Le'Keano had never seen before. He was bald, with long whiskers, and a abnormally high forehead. The man then outstretched his arm in front of Le'Keano and touched his chest. Le'Keano then reached and touched the mans wrist.

"What is this? What do you want from me?!?!"

After saying this, Le'Keano waited for a answer. The man suddenly removed Le'Keano's hand from his own wrist and then began to walk away. The man then began to speak just as he seemed to disappear right in front of Le'Keano. At the same time Le'Keano began to glow and a white aura poured forth from his body.

"No. What is it that YOU want..............."

Just as the man disappeared, Le'Keano woke up. He quickly sat up and noticed that he was sweating. He then looked around and noticed that the area looked different from when he fell asleep. He then saw a sign on a old building that said "Fukurokuju's Shrine". He then crawed against and wall and then began to speak.

"How long was I dreaming?"

He then noticed that the pain was gone from the burn marks left on his back. As he began to feel on his back, he noticed that there was no scars. He didnt even feel the stitches that held his body together. He then looked at the rest of his body and the same result happened with them. He didnt see a single scar. But as he looked at his chest he noticed that there was a unique design located there. It was exactly where his own heart was located and it seemed as if the stitches were holding his chest shut. He then looked at the sky and watched the sun begin to set. He looked down at his hands and and began to speak........

"What happened to me?"

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