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Getting Home

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Getting Home Empty Getting Home

Post by Kenshi Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:37 pm

Yoshimo's sweaty forehead seemed to punish his face and eyes with tremors and streams of sweat. Traveling towards the Hokage's Apartments, he would have been easily tracked by any animal. The pungent odor of sweat seemed to trail behind him, letting everyone know he was coming through. His fatigue, and his inabilty to relax had finally caught up with him, and now he was suffering the side effects of not taking care of himself. He still had some other matters at hand, that he'd have to deal with.

The sun swung low in the sky, and as he made his way to his apartment. The rushing sounds of the citizens of Kumogakure gave him a warm feeling in his heart. The demon attacks were now in the history, and like responsible citizens they'd move on to do better things, and become a better nation. Kumogakure was on the plus side with its finances, and you could see it on their faces. Yoshimo only wishes that they would stay like that, through the night and the "dawn".

Reaching into his pocket, Yoshimo fumbled around with his keys, trying to find the one that could open his door. He couldn't find it, and he aggressively patted himself down, hoping to hear the jingle of his keys in the several pockets that he'd had. He sighed in frustration, letting his head bang against the door. He couldn't get in his house, Nami probably wasn't there, his chakra was getting lower and lower by the second, and someone was tapping his back.

Someone was tapping his back?

In response to the annoying tapping, Yoshimo turned around sharply, only to see that he'd scared a twelve year old boy. His spikey organe hair and his bright blue eyes were almost pulled back in fear. Yoshimo squatted to the boys eye level and sighed once again.

"Gomenasai. I didn't know who you were." he said, letting the child know everything was ok.

"Ra-Raikage-sama. A lady, about shoulder length to you told me to give you these", the boy pulled out a set of keys, "She had blond hair and she said that I was supposed to give them to you"

Wow...Nami must have remembered, well she never forgot anything. Yoshimo took the keys, and reached into his back pocket at the same time and pulled out a gift for the young child. It was his own personal spending money. About 1,000 ryo, all in a silver money clip. As much as the light seemed to refract on the silver, the boys eyes seemed to light up silver itself. He took the boys hand and placed the money in it.

"Now don't go spend it all on candy, go give it to your parents."

The boy dashed off as Yoshimo opened the door to his room. Closing the door shut, Yoshimo looked around to a giant apartment, which easily could fit a small army. There was a bed in the far corner, a door leading to a small kitchen, which held a window for serving food, another small corner with a decent sized bathroom, and a sitting area just in front of Yoshimo, which held a large television. Nami had always complained that it was too open, and that it could be separated by walls and rooms, but it didn't matter to Yoshimo, and thats why it was like that.

A small wrist trinkled up his shoulders as Yoshimo stopped dead in his tracks.

"You smell like crap."

"What a wonderful way to welcome me in the house."

"Well it's true. Hurry up and sit down so I can take these nasty clothes off of you."

Nami was already ready. She led Yoshimo over to the middle of the apartment, and with her barefeet she slid open a trapdoor, which revealed a large tub in the middle of the room. She helped Yoshimo out of his clothes, leaving him down to his boxers as he began to sit down in the tub. He threw his smelly clothes to the side.

"I told you to warm this up for me. I hate cold tubs.", he said.

"I got some boiling water in the kitchen, stop complaining."

"I can complain as much as I want woman", Yoshimo laughed.

Nami made her way over to the kitchen, and since Yoshimo was on the floor....he took the advantage of peaking up the small skirt she was wearing. She could feel his eyes travel up her legs as she walked into the kitchen.

"If you keep looking at me like that, you'll have your own little "Yoshimo" to take care of."

"Heh. Lets hope so. By the way, did your Father deliver the---"

"They are in my bags."

Yoshimo literally jumped out of his boxers, and scrambled his way to the bags, pulling out the swords. They'd been separated from the holster which was good so they didn't get damaged. Yoshimo took them out, and strapped the holster to his back, playing around with the swords. They were somewhat light weight, which was good. He tried to assume the Fourth Stance, and some what got it but horribly failed as some of the swords clanked on the ground.

Nami brought out a large pail of water, carrying it in her arms over to the tub. She set it down next to the tub and waited for Yoshimo.

"That water is gonna burn my nuts off."

"Stop playing with your toys and get out of your boxers."

Yoshimo put the swords down and made his way back into the tub. Along with him, he brought a book full of medical seals which he placed along the inside of the tub. He removed his garments and sat in the tub.

"Don't resist you know you want to get down here with me."

Nami sighed and chuckled as she poured the hot, oxidized water all over Yoshimo's privates. Boy would he be in for some pain.

"Ya-YAMETE!!!!!! YAMETE!!!"

"Don't worry, the Chiyu Mizubitashi will heal anything.", she said talking over his screams.

After adjusting himself to the heat of the light green water Yoshimo took a deep breath of air in. He sighed as he looked up at Nami, as she kneeled down and kissed dim deeply. They broke the kiss and she handed him a kunai.

"You sure you want to do this?" she asked.


The next process of events was extremely bloody. It left Nami in tears that Yoshimo had to go through such pain, just to help the village. She looked at his sleeping body, as the water crusted over, allowing her to lay on top of it. Yoshimo was motionless, and next to him lay his heart, and the slow shadow tendrils that tried to repair the damage. She cried, even though she knew he'd be ok. She cried, wanting to live a better life with Yoshimo, and not having to worry about the village.


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Age : 33
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