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Roaming freely....

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Roaming freely.... Empty Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:54 pm

Takuma had just left the Raikage's Office and wanted to get used to the life of a Cloud Shinobi before doing anything to extreme. He made his way past houses and stores and he even walked past a few training areas as well. He continued roaming until he made his way to a rest area. He had been walking a few hours now and thought of taking a slight rest. He sat on a bench and watched as other Clou Villagers walked past him. He let a faint smirk come from his mouth as he had never thought of how much he could accomplish by becoming one of the Cloud's great fighters and then returning to the Rain and show them what he had accomplished there. Until that day comes though, he was going to sit on the bench and continue watching people until he grew bored and decided to continue roaming.

This will be a good experience.... I can feel it he thought to himself.

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:32 pm

"so just walking around or you gonna do something?" Evare asked as he appeared out of nowere. "2 hours of walking, why the hell would you walk 2 damn hours" Evare asked laughing. the sun was bright and not a cloud in they sky, Evare knew he shouldnt be talking to anyone but the shinobi hadnt seen his face for his mask was still on. "i hate Black Op rules" Evare thought to himself

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:48 pm

Takuma gave a smirk revealing a few of his fang-like teeth before giving a slight chuckle. He continued facing the man.

Well it seems that the Cloud is somewhat interesting to me and that was why I was walking... but the Rain is still a bit more interesting with the latest riots and such he said while thinking to himself; Too bad I couldn't be there

He then redirected his attention to the man once more before noticing the mask. Takuma then knew that the man was ANBU, but it did not frighten him a bit.

So why are you taking a break from you post.... I'm sure the Raikage wouldn't like to see his ANBU members roaming the Village would he He said while giving another fang filled smirk.

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:51 pm

"my post is to follow suspicous people through out the village, and well, you caught my eye" Evare said smiling with in his mask. Evare looked up and notcied clouds rolling in from the east. "crap, rain" Evare thought to himself. "but whats the cloud village with out clouds" Evare continued in his head. "so what are you doing here, rain ninja. i heard about the raikage allowing you to be here but i might as well ask for my self hmm?" Evare asked

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:57 pm

Takuma looked up to see the Rain clouds the man was staring at. Wonderful, his type of weather was just about to show up. Seemed to him that Rain followed him everywhere he went, but it was ok with him. When the man then turned his head back to face him and asked the question, Takuma only sighed while looking back at the rain cloud coming towards the Village.

It all started when I killed over 500 civilians in the Village for starting a riot against the Kage and was then sent out of the Village for a short vacation. When i returned they had my bags packed and I was sent to be stationed here for the time being. The Raikage looked over my records and let me become a Jounin for the Village he said all this while staring at the Rain Cloud moving at them slowly.

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:43 pm

"if it were my choice i would have killed you the minute you stepped foot in the village" Evare said laughing. "but no seriously i wouldve" Evare said as he started walking away. "remember, i got my eye on you kid" Evare said as he dissapeared

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:50 pm

Takuma sighed as the dark rain clouds where now over the Village. He shrugged at the man's threat as he disappeared.

I could of killed you too your point is.... cause I'm alot more dangerous than I seem... and I seem pretty dangerous he thought as the first rain drop hit the seat beside him.

Takuma stood up and continued to roam the Village Square area with his hood up while it began to rain harder and the Villagers began to run for shelter. Not before long Takuma was the only man in the streets of Kumogakure.

I wonder if the Raikage is done yet...well if he is probably got the message I left with his secretary he thought while turning the corner and continued down the street.

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:12 pm

Though to Takuma, their was no one present around him, their was an odd feeling of one being stalked by a silent and mysterious character. Hiding in the darkness of a alleyway between two buildings lied a strange and oddly presented man standing, watching as Takuma walked down the now quiet and calm street The character whom which has been stalking him ever since Takuma has stepped his foot into the village. The stalker, about 6'2 in height and very lean, wearing a hooded jacket that covered his face hiding the identity of the man. It was hard to know which village he was from or whether he was an enemy or an ally to Kumogakure. The man's arms were folded as he leans his back on one of the buildings wall. He turns his head facing forward, away from Takuma. The man wanted to be obvious for Takuma to regonize but not too obvious for those unwelcome shinobi to interfere. He had a job to perform and the last thing that needs to happen was for the mysterious man to get involved with shinobi from Kumogakure.

Hiding up top on a building that was 200 meters away from the mysterious man and Takuma were two other gentlemen both wearing the same type of long, hooded jacket the mysterious man was wearing. One of them was looking at both Takuma and the mysterious man while the other man was laying on his back, his hand were behind his head and his leg crossed over his knee as though he was resting. The man who was resting on the ground looks up at the man standing asking him

"What the hell are we doing.....?"

"Shhh" the man standing said putting a finger near his mouth telling him to quiet down his voice

"What the hell are we doing here, Noctis..err Kyouken?" the man laying on the ground quietly stated "Is this something important? Cause this is kinda.....well.....boring. I mean, all we've been doing is monitoring this kid from the time he got here to the time he exit out the adminstrative office and then the engagment with that Kumo shinobi and guess what we're doing now? Oh yeah, we're frickin watching him again. This is getting helluva boring"

"Calm yourself" Kyouken replied. "This is merely a reconiassance mission, Kudara, our task is not to fully engage in the opponent but to watch him carefully, examine his every movement, his every attack. I know how easily bored you get but this is not the time for your small little mind to complain. Just watch little brother"

Kudara, irritated and now bothered by his brother comment, tapped his foot on the rooftop. Kyouken moved his hand up to his ear and began to say something. He began to communicate to the mysterious man who was hiding in the alleyway saying to him "Show me what this kid can do"

The mere instant the mysterious man got the message, he leans up off the wall and walks moderately fast out of the alleyway, his hands were in his pocket and his was looking forward. He stops about twenty meters away from Takuma and turns his body facing towards him. Their it was, competely silent. The man did not make a sound nor did he make a sudden movement, his appearance looked intimidating as he stood there and faces towards Takuma's direction. It was as though he was waiting for Takuma to say or do something.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:23 pm

The rain was at the midst of it full potential pouring over the pavement that Takuma was walking on and blurring the surroundings so nothing could clearly be made out. He was used to the conditions and continued on his way. While he was walking he saw from the shadows of the ally ways that there was someone there, but he ignored it...kinda. He continued walking until he saw a hooded figure in the distance just standing. As he drew closer he could see the hooded figure more clearly and wondered why the man was just standing there.

Yo why is you just standing out here in the Rain.... and also who are you he said while waiting for a reply.

Takuma had no idea on why a man would the man would stand there unless he was up to something, but he was going to let the man speak before jumping to conclusions and possibly killing the man. That was something he wanted to do, but knew that he was constantly watched by authorities and wasn't able to do so. However, in the rain they would have a problem seeing what he did and that would mean he could kill them, dispose of the body via sending it to be turned into a Human Puppet, and carry on with his stroll.

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:36 pm

The mysterious man continued to glare towards Takuma's direction. The raindrops continue to pour down consistently, drenching the mysterious man jacket. There was slow and steady movement in the one of the jackets arms. The mans arm was not moving but something was moving inside it. Coming down the sleeves were metal chains. The chains crawled out like snakes wrapping out of a coil and moving around freely like free minded beings. There were ten of them altogether that came out of the right arms sleeve jacket. The man takes out his right hand out of his right pocket and raises his arm up. The chains become more frantic, more violent and chaotic. The man then replied

"Who I am is not the question you should ask me, the question you should truly ask yourself is, are you ready to be tested by one of the devil's hands and pass or die knowing that you failed burning into the eternal flames. Either way, this is something you must experience boy, to prove you are honorable enough to live the life of a true shinobi"

The chains began a straight and forward path towards Takuma, all ten of them rush forward as though they were like snakes ready to strike their prey and devour them slowly and hungrily. It was curious as to what the young Takuma might do to retaliate to this threat that had now just attacked him. This was something Kyouken was wondering as he watched the two engage battle
Kyouken Uchiha
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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:46 pm

Takuma gave a smirk as the chains viciously darted at him. They hit him in the chest, but he went up in smoke to reveal his Human Puppet, Defender. Takuma came ruuning from one of the alleyways holding two of his Elemental Explosive Seals, one in each hand. He had benn surging his Lightning chakra into the explosives and for him to use them during a rain storm, there would definately be damage done to the man. Takuma threw the Explosives at the chains that were stuck in the Defender's chest. Once the Explosives stuck to the chains he sent them off sending an electric current through them back to the man who was holding them.

And you seem to talk a bit too much... either way I will have to handle you before the rain stops or I will get banned from this village too he said while throwing a kunai at him, not giving the man enough time to heal himself.

Takuma then followed the one kunai with numerous kunais each wrapped in his Elemental Explosives Seals filled with Lightning based chakra that if they hit the man would cause some major damage.

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:13 pm

The lightning, surging through the mysterious man's body', began to shake as the currents from the lightning run throughout the man's human body. It was the mysterious man's weakness since he was an doton user. Also with him also covered with metal chains and the added rain which was a conductor, he was sure that this would not be a easy battle for the man. It has been awhile since he had to actually have someone use his weakness to a full extent, plus the added fact that the man was a puppet master. The chains that was attached to his arm then cut themselves off away from the man's arm and the man jumps back, barely avoiding the next wave of seals that would surely ended the battle. The kunai that Takuma threw at him forced the man to rotate his body so it would not hit any fatal spots. He grazed his left shoulder.

Kyouken, with his arms folded, watches as he see's the man barely dodge Takuma's attack. He shakes his head only to know that the man could've done alot better. Kudara, getting up from the rooftop floor stands up and watches the fight. He nudges over at Kyouken wondering what was going on

"What the hell just happen? Did Jouten get to him yet with an attack?"

Kyouken shakes his head no, remaining silent. Kudara had a very disappointed face on him as he sees his brother shake his head. Kudara looks over and see's lightning purge through Jouten's body. Kudara smiled and chuckled alittle

"Heh, its Jouten's pure weakness. Lightning. Surely, this kid has some talent. I mean, damaging Jouten and all"

"Dont get too ahead of yourself Kudara. Jouten hates attacking first. I know this by fact. He did it to get the boys attention and from the looks of it, he did. If any, Jouten cant use chain attacks that are attach to his body otherwise he's going to become non-existant Now Jouten will have to pull something fast out of this one since this is his weakness"

Flipping backwards and sliding across the street for about seven meters away from Takuma, Jouten regains back his balance. His body radiate off smoke which was from the lightning. He did not make a sound nor an suggestive sound to give off that he was injured. He slowly stood up and looks at Takuma. His left fist begins to tighten but changes into a more darker and more fiercer tone color then his skin color. His fist was now as hard as skin, he raises his arms up and punches down. The extreme amount of force that Jouten had exerted into the ground caused the earth to shake violently. This caused many of the building around Takuma to shake and made it hard for anyone to stand on and gain there balance.

Kyouken and Kudara felted the vibration 200 meters away. Kudara raised an eyebrow "Whoa..."

Jouten moves his right finger to his lip and he bit on it, letting small amount of blood to come out and bleed on his thumb
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:07 pm

As Takuma saw his kunai graze the man's shoulder he knew that there was a possibilty of him winning this fight. However when the man hit the ground and it shook it slightly made Takuma bend over. As he looked up he saw the man biting his thumb.

"Oh sh*t...", he thought, "... a summon"

Takuma quickly regained his balance and began running towards the man. In the process he removed one of the summoning scrolls from his back. He opened the scroll in front of him and cut his left palm. He quickly performed the handseals and placed them on the scroll. The scroll soon exploded and a foggy mist covered the area between the two men and a puppet stood holding a book in one hand and a kunai in the other. This was one of Takuma's Genjutsu summons. In reality there was no puppet, but the fog (if came in contact with the other man) would make it seem to the man there was an actual puppet. Takuma on the other hand seemed to be running at him in the illusion, but reality Takuma was performing a long series of handseals to perform another one of his strongest summons, the Elemental Puppet.

(If in the Genjutsu then this is what is happening... if not ignore it)

Back in the Genjutsu the puppet began reading from the book and made 3 puppets appear surrounding the man. The puppets removed their hoods and showed the faces of the man's loved ones. Each loved one held a kunai and gave the man a hug stabbing him in the process. In Reality however the man did not experience any wounds, but he was slowly losing his mind.

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:20 pm

From what Jouten had now set himself for, he realize that Takuma was going all out on him. Jouten hand slowly went down to the ground, the symbols immediately showed itself on the ground, spreading around the length of his hand. He looks up seeing puppets stabbing at him but unknowingly know that it was a genjutsu at the moment but as soon as there was no immediate pain, he realize that his senses were trapped in the common genjutsu, after coming to that sense of conclusion, he whispers to himself.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu..."

Large amounts of smoke spread across the area that Jouten was in, it was very difficult to see whether or not he was there still on his knee's or he had escape. In the middle of the smoke, there was two silouhettes of two people standing there. One of the figures began to move and rushes forward, it was the "Jouten" from the looks of it. The cloud of smoke disappeared but in terms did not Jouten use a summoning ninjutsu? As he rushes forward, his hand began to form out chains but instead of attacking Takuma with a straight forward attack, it transformed into a large axe completely formed out of chains. "Jouten" jumps in the air and was ready to strike down at Takuma.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:33 am

As the man was surrounded by smoke, Takuma was finishing up his handseals. He quickly placed his hands on the scroll that was sitting in a puddle of water. The scroll went up in smoke and a white eerie figure stood. As the man was now above Takuma, the figure gained a blue aura and blasted the man with a high powered water blast. The water blast knocked the man of track of striking Takuma and instead went flying into a nearby building. This battle was begining to piss Takuma off, especially when the fight meant damaging the buildings surrounding them. That meant after the battle, the Raikage would come track him down and force him and the Rain Village to pay for the damage.

Dammit he thought while watching the man crash into the building above them.

Takuma then turned to face the other silouhette while giving an emotionless expression. He cracked his knuckles while the Elemental Puppet (which was now made of water) stood by his side giving a blank expression to the silouhette.

"Ok... to be honest I have no idea who you are or what you want, but you are really pissing me off with this petty battle. I am gonna be in big trouble with the Raikage if we continue. So I suggest that you either give me some answers.... or you will die in the process", he said yelling out at the silouhette before him.

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:10 am

As Kyouken and Kudara watch from afar Kudara claps his hands and laughs very softly to himself seeing Jouten, or the presumed Jouten, get blasted back by the jets of the water. Kudara claps alittle more smiling underneath his hood

"Oh this is too good, Jouten, a veteran in the game of shinobi is getting beat by a child. jouten is getting his ass handed to him. I have to say, this is good. You should put him with the assassination squad Kyouken when we get the chance"

Kyouken, looking bored, depressed and very melancholic, looks over and sighs "Come on, I dont want this battle to proceed any further otherwise Jouten will start to play with him and do something that I do not want him to perform"

Kudara shrugs his shoulders and disappears following Kyouken, leaving a aftertrail of one self and it slowly faded into existance

As "Jouten" body flew backwards into the wall, the sound of metal scratches over the wall and clanges over into the buildings. The building walls began to crumble in on itself and fall on top of "Jouten". It seemed as though the battle is over. Close by, not far from Takuma was the sound of someone clapping. On the edge of one the roof was one of the men watching, Kudara, clapping his hands as he stares at Takuma.

"Not too shabby kid. Not shabby at all. I like him, dont you brother?"

Standing behind Takuma was the other man, Kyouken, who took off his hood to reveal himself. His spikey dark blue-grey hair came out and his dark blue eyes stare at Takuma. He had a bored look on his face as he stared at Takuma. From the looks, they were deemed to have the abilities of a jounin skilled shinobi.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:19 am

Takuma watched as the silouhette disappeared and he turned in time to watch the building where the man he blasted into began to crumble. He brought both of his hands to his forehead as he watched the entire building collapse on the man. This was the worst day Takuma could've ever had. He knew that his first paycheck in Kumogakure was going to be a bill since he would most likely being paying back the Village for the next 10 years. He then turned again to see a man on top of a building clapping. It wasn't the same man he was fighting and as the man spoke of "his brother" he turned to see another man behind him. Takuma was sorta out of breath since he had not only summoned his regular puppets, but he had also summoned his Genjutsu fog and his Elemental. Takuma kept his eye on the man behind him while casually taking a few steps back so he could keep the two men in sight. He picked up his black robe and began to put it on before saying a few words to the men.

"So who are you guys.... and hopefully you two can spare some money so the damage I was forced to create doesn't come out of my paycheck" he said with a bit of sacasim in his voice. He then let his hood remain down as the Rain continued pouring down over the Village still.

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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:35 am

Kudara tilts his head over at the area they were at. He see's the building in which "Jouten" had ran his body into, seeing that the wall had collaspe on top of him. Then he saw some of the damages that were made from the other buildings, some of them had broken glasses, other damage walls. Kudara looks back at Takuma and Kyouken

"I aint paying shit...." he replied "...I mean I like Kumo and all but....yeah I aint paying for any of this. I mean you made, you ran the dude into a fricken building, I mean come on, really?"

Kudara continues to talk but Kyouken walks over to Takuma. He walks past him but he slips something into his pocket. Inside his pocket was both a check that was made out to Kumogakure but the other one was a little card with a ace of spade crossed off by a "X". Kyouken snaps his fingers

"Jouten, come on. We're leaving, we have much more work and more test to do"

By reasoning, Jouten would've crawled up through the rubble of the building and walk out unharmed and staring at Takuma. But that was not the case. Kyouken stares at one of the walls of one of the buildings. It looked like it was unharmed by the damage caused by the battle. The wall begins to chip away, slowly revealing the body of the true Jouten Rimaka. His hood was still on his head but Takuma could see the purple hair come out of his hood. He walks out with his arms behind his back and looks at Takuma.

"A puppet master eh? Havent seen one of them in awhile....its funny that I almost had to up my game on this person"

Kyouken faces forward and puts back on his hood. "Lets go"

Kudara jumps down from the building and lands on his feet. He jogs towards Kyouken and Jouten. He turns around and begins to jog backwards "Oh and by the way kid, when the x on that card you have turns blue that means you have to meet us up"

Kyouken and Jouten begin to walk away slowly
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Roaming freely.... Empty Re: Roaming freely....

Post by Takuma Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:50 am

Takuma stared at the wall tha chipped to reveal the real man he wa fighting. This was kinda cool that he was really the only one fighting since the 3 men were actually all hiding and having him fight some clones. Takuma pocketed his hands into his robe and felt something that wasn't there before. One was a check for the damage done to the building and the other was a poker card with an X on it. He pocketed the check back in his pocket and stared at the card carefully wondering when it would glow again and where they would meet. As he looked back up the 3 men were gone and he was left standing by a pile of rubble as the rain began to pass over and the sun came out once more. He began to walk in the opposite direction still curious about the encounter with the 3 mystery men.

"I wonder what they truely wanted", he said aloud while making his way to the Raikage's place to drop off the check for the damages he created.

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