Ninja Nation
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Constitution Empty Constitution

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:36 pm

NAME : Ninja Nation

Section 1. Our club shall be named Ninja Nation.

Section 1. The purpose of our club shall be
To meet new friends and companions, and to express feelings you could not normally express in real life through Naruto-Based Role-Playing.

Section 1. Any person planning to join Ninja Nation must be active to his/her fullest ability.
Section 2. Any person holding a place of power must be active to his/her fullest ability, when they are online. People failing to maintain their place of power will be penalized.

Section 1. The officers of the club shall be Administrator, Global Moderators, Creation Moderators, and RP/Battle Moderators.
Section 2. Active membership, outstanding Role-Playing, knowledge of Naruto, and showing maturity in this site shall be the qualifications for office.
Section 3. Duties of the officers shall be:
Administrators Preside over meetings, set agendas
Global Moderators will check all the forums on a constant basis, and report back to an Administrator if they cannot handle a problem. Any reported posts dealing with something other than fighting will be directed to them.
Creation Moderators will approve anything in the Registration Category, and report to a Global Moderator if they cannot handle a problem. Any reported posts dealing with anything in the Registration Category will be directed to them.
RP/Battle Moderators will watch over fights on Ninja Nation, and will try to solve any problems that are going on in the fights. Any reported posts dealing with fights will be directed to them to handle.
Section 4. Any officers will either be elected by Administrative Vote, following a Global Moderator review, or a vote of the Active Peoples of the site, along with a Global Moderator review.
Section 5. The term of office shall be from the time of appointment or election until the member leaves, or is unable to be active.
Section 6. In case of a vacancy, an election shall be held at a time agreed upon by the remaining
officers. Until that time, the vacancy shall be filled by an appointment made by officer vote.
Section 7. If a person should be removed from office for a legitimate reason (save for Administrators) after either an Administrative or Active Peoples’ vote, the person will have a chance to state their claim, to defend their place of power. If the Active People’s vote to get rid of the person is more than the Administrative Vote, the person is automatically removed. If the Administrative Vote is unanimous and backed up by a 2/3’s vote of the Global Moderators, the person will also be removed from office. If an Administrator (Save for the Root Administrator) should be moved from office, the Active People’s Vote will not solely be able to remove the Administrator. The Active People’s vote must get the vote of 2/3s the Global Moderators, 2/3s of the Creation Moderators, and 2/3s of the RP/Battle Moderators.

Section 1. The club shall meet whenever possible, and try to meet at least twice a month.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the officers with a minimum of 24 hours notice.
Section 3. Active People’s are not to be told what is discussed in the meetings, and are not allowed to join them. If an Active Person wishes to attend a meeting, then the Active People’s must vote for a representative to attend the meeting in place of the Active People’s. An Active People’s representative only last for that one meeting, and must be re-elected every time there is a meeting. Also, if people in office wish for the Active People’s Representative not to show, they can, and by Officer Vote, deny the Representative the right to show up once a month.

Section 1. Election of officers shall be held at Administrative and Global Moderator discretion, but Administrative and Global Moderators are required to review their officers every 3 months for changes. If the Active People’s wish to hold a vote for an officer spots, they must select a 2 candidates for the office of their choice. The Global Moderators must review both candidates, and pick one for Administrative Review. Only then, and by a 2/3’s majority vote will the person be elected.
Section 2 All elections can be held at regularly scheduled meetings.

Section 1. This constitution may be amended by a majority of active members present at any
regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 2. By-laws may be adopted by a majority of active members present at any regularly
scheduled meeting.
Section 3. All amendments or by-laws must be reviewed and voted on by officers.


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Constitution Empty Re: Constitution

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:21 am

Bravo. Preach brother, preach. XP Do me a favor, and make a bill of rights too. ^^
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Constitution Empty Re: Constitution

Post by Keano Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:57 pm

Lol. Good work Yosh. Why didnt I think of that lol.

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Constitution Empty Re: Constitution

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