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A Rough Discovery

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A Rough Discovery Empty A Rough Discovery

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:09 pm

The Cloud Village Advisor had just finished mountains of paperwork that he had been putting off for just a bit too long, and decided to take a peaceful walk through the village he had called home for so long. He calmly stepped out of the large building where the Raikage's offices were included, where his less exciting work would normally be carried out, and began his day. The sun was particularly bright when he came outside, every inch of the entire village was lit up in its radiance, as well as its warmth. He continued down the streets, in a rather positive mood, his arms at his sides, with his crimson armor gleaming in the sunlight. He watched as young Academy Students played with one another, running down the streets, throwing twigs at each other, pretending they were kunai. The Village Hidden in the Clouds was truly busling at that time of day, nearly every citizen was up and about, talking, shopping, working, something that involved them getting up, and getting out into the village. With all the people crowding around, the Advisor actually felt somewhat claustrophobic in certain areas, his personal space being completely ignored for the sake of bartering for the best price for those bags of rice. After walking for a few hours, he took a seat on a bench shaded by a tree, he felt the heat of the sun leave his forehead, and looked upwards, watching the small rays of light dance through the spaces between the green leaves of the tree's branches. He felt as though today would be a truly good day.

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:19 pm

Evare walked up with his black ops mask on right next to koga. "hey koga, check that guy out" Evare said a suspicious man walked into a back ally. "wanna check it out?" Evare asked as one of the academy students sticks hit evare. Evare laughed a little bit then he looked back at koga as he took his mask off. "so?" Evare asked koga agian. Evare looked at the ally as the man walked back out and started walking around acting suspicious. "grr" Evare growled as hey readied his katana

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:31 pm

"Calm down, Evare. You act too much like the elements you command." Said Koga, his eyes still carelessly looking through the leaves of the tree in a facade of unattentiveness. "Ive been following this guy for quite some time now. And by the way he's been acting, Im glad you showed up, because he certainly isnt alone." Continued the Advisor, making sure that his ally new the possible trouble this stranger posed to them, as well as their village. As he finished his sentance, the shady figure pulled his sun hat down, covering more of his face in shadow, with his entire body covered in a tan cloak, as to not look conspicuous. The unknown man then picked up his pace and headed towards the village gates, obviously heading back to wherever he had come from, with whatever information he had needed to gather. Once he was out of the gates, Koga's expression of childishness and warmth left, the stoic face that the advisor had a reputation for finally recovered. "Lets go." He said, as he leapt upward, landing on the roof of a nearby building, then bouncing his feet right off the tiles of the construct, and onto the top of the gigantic wall that surrounded their precious village. He waited for a second, turning back to Evare, to make sure he was coming or not, then launched off the fortification and continued the chase, his feet making incredibly microscopic amounts of noise as he leapt from branch to branch of the trees that lead down the same path as the stranger.

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:37 pm

Evare slipped his mask on and followed. as he cought up to koga he started to laugh inside. him and koga have gone way back and there always doin these type of things together. "so, what information have you gathered on our suspect?" Evare asked getting serious as he got lower to the ground hopping on the tree's lowest branches. the sun shined bright and the clouds were gone completly but evare felt there was a storm coming, a dangerous storm was coming soon. "so hmm?" Evare asked agian as he looked forward looking for the suspect

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:48 pm

"As far as I can tell, this guy was from the Sound Village. His outfit is nearly identical to those that the lower-grade shinobi from there used to have. And judging by that, I guess its safe to say we're not dealing with anyone amazingly powerful, but their numbers is more what Im worried about." Explained the Advisor, who could tell that the stranger was merely doing reconnaissance. That meant, if he was indeed falling back to a predetermined destination, he was bringing information with him, information that he would probably be sharing with others waiting for him at that location. Koga's sandals continued barely tapping the branches of the trees, launching him from one to another, nearly in a perfectly straight line through the woods, keeping altitude so their target would not spot him. "Keep yourself ready for a serious brawl, Evare. We're definitely going to find more than one Sound shinobi at the end of this path." Said The Forest King, cautioning his ally to be prepared for what would surely soon come their way.

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:55 pm

Evare heard koga's words and thought about how dangerous this could be. "this is gonna be great" Evare said to himself as he landed on the ground and started running swiftly and silently then jumped back up and hopped trhough the trees as they reached the border of the thunder country, a long running river with sharp egded rocks. "keep going?" Evare asked looking at Koga. as evare looked forward he noticed smoke coming from the sky then he looked down and noticed a shiny string then looked forward and saw more. "Koga stop!!!" Evare yelled as he haulted emediatly. "koga, be as queit as possible, there sound wires, if any sound waves touch these wires they can were us" Evare whispred to koga as they stopped. he looked around and saw alll the wires. Evare looked back at koga and noticed some behind them. "grrr, they may already know were here." Evare thought to himself readying his katana

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:05 pm

Koga sat crouched on the branch of the tree he landed on, just near the river as Evare found the wires wriddled all across the landscape, the ones most worrying to the Advisor being the ones behind them. In haste, he lunged his hand underneath his armor and pulled out a rather small, clean, see-through, crystal ball. Koga did a single handseal and looked into the globe, it showing him the view of the entire forest where they were, only as if from a bird's eye. He scanned all that the globe allowed him, until he finally saw something. A fire, in the middle of the woods, though he was entirely sure it wasnt a wildfire. It was a campfire. As he used the globe to zoom in on that location, he saw small buildings, cubic in shape, and made of wood, and there were legions of ninja rushing throughout the encampment. They knew. "Evare, forget the wires! The encampment is across the river, thirty-five meters South East from here, we have to get there and round these guys up before they escape!" Barked Koga as he launched himself off the branch as quickly as he could, landing across the river, sprinting in the direction he had just described to Evare.

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:15 pm

Evare launched after koga towards the camp fire. "grr" Evare growled as he put one hand sign up. "Raikou Bushin no jutsu!" Evaare yelled as 2 lightning clones appeared next to evare. "lets do this"

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:59 pm

As the two Cloud ninja, accompanied by the two Lightning clones, finally reached the camp site, they were immediately noticed by the hordes of crude, Missing-Nin that had apparently been there for quite some time. The Advisor stood firm on the dirt ground of their secret hideout, the grass obviously long dead. Soon after, however, the random assortments of shinobi outlaws had them surrounded, others emerging from the forest that surrounded the encampment. Koga had expected there would be a large number of them, but this was rediculous. How could The Cloud not have found these criminals when they were so nearby the village? They were in a rather unimportant area, one in which there were very few reasons to ever travel through, but that was no excuse. "Remind me to tell your captain that he's doing a great job with the routine scouting missions." Said the Advisor with sarcasm as he took a battle stance, looking from opponent to opponent, eyeing their blades and weapons carefully. Thats when the stranger walked through their ranks, and took a step closer to them than all the others had. He removed his sun hat and showed his battle-scarred face, along with his bright red, unkempt hair, a grin plastered across his face. "So, the Village Advisor and his ANBU companion managed to follow me back, huh? Too bad you guys came alone, because you certainly wont be leaving that way. Or at all." He said with murder in his eyes. "Kill them both! Use their bones for arrowheads and paint our houses with their blood!" He commanded, the rows of Missing-Nin roaring up with battle cries. They all rushed at the two, katanas, sickles, kunai, spears, halberds, cleavers, axes, scythes, all manner of weapon was coming directly for the pair. Koga quickly formed a Snake handseal, and his skin turned to a gray, stone-like color, and he rushed towards their oncoming attackers, slamming his fist of stone into one of their faces, catching the cleaver of another in his other hand, snapping it in two easily moments before twisting his body into a spin and kicking the man who held the other half of the blade he had just broke. With the shard of metal in his hand, he hurled it towards a group of the mercenaries, the blade ricocheting from one to another, bouncing as if shot by a cannon off each of their body armors. This was going to be interesting.

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:12 pm

"sure will" Evare said laughing as he pulled his katana out and raised it in the air as he jumped up flipped. "white dragon flame jutsu!!" Evare yelled as he blew a huge white fired dragon at his oppoentns below. as he landed he flipped around slicing and killing the rouge ninja swiftly and silently with out being touched, 1 by 1 they were falling under his mercy. suddenly evare put his hand towards hte ground. "Riageki!" Evare yelled as a huge purple lightning ball appeared in Evare's hand. suddenly he charged faster then ever stabbing each with his lightning. the riageki is almost an exact replica of chidori but its stronger and more persice. The light shined and Evare was atucally smiling at this fight but he knew it would grow harder

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:34 pm

One of the men leapt up and went to bring his katana down on Koga's head, but before he could, the Advisor twisted his body around and thrust his fist into the man's stomach, sending him into another group of the criminals. Two rushed straight towards him, one with a sickle and the other with a hammer, and they brought their weapons down on him, hard. However, he caught both weapons in his hands and leapt into the air, still holding onto the hammer and sickle, which the two criminals were still grasping onto for dear life. Koga then spun around in the air, flinging the two directly through the wall of one of the wooden shelters the brigands had built. The Forest King then dove straight down into a larger group of them, hitting the earth like a meteorite, blasting them all away from where he struck the ground. He then grabbed ahold of one of the shinobi that rushed towards him by the neck, and uncaringly tossed him aside, sending him right into a nearby tree. The flood of mercenaries continued, the fight was nowhere near over.

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by razor_shinobi Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:44 pm

Evare looked around as he realized there numbers were going down. "thank god" Evare said as he jumped on a tree and performed 3 hand signs. "fire style: grand fire ball jutsu!!!" Evare yelled blowing a huge fire ball out of his mouth hitting 6 rouge ninja and bruning part of the forest. Evare grinned as he put his hand towards the ground. "RiaGeki!!" He yelled as lightning bsed chakra appeared in the color of purple. a modified version of Chidori just powerfuller. Evare took off stricking different shinobi 1 by 1 taking them out. suddenly a loud screeeching noise came as on of the shinobi were using a sound devise that drained there chakra. "shit!" EVare yelled covering his ears

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by Koga Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:49 pm

Koga had realized exacty what Evare had. Their chakra was being drained, and fast, for that matter. Every technique that they used, it was as if they were using it three times in a row, and at the rate they were going, the numbers that these bandits had would surely overwhelm them once their chakra had depleted to nothing. However, it was not himself that he worried for, it was his ally, Evare. He was much younger, and much less honed in comparison to himself, though youthful and valiant, no amount of willpower could make up for experience difference between him and The Forest King. Retaining his Earth Spear technique, he threw the mercenaries off of him, using his boulder-like strength to fling them left and right, and rushed to find out what was releasing that sound. Thats when he saw the captain of the mercenaries, the stranger they had seen in town and followed here. In his hand, he held a small chime attached to a golden thread, and he flicked it with his finger, which resonated the terrible noise. The bandit lord grinned at the two, fighting vigorously for their village, as well as their lives. "You two really picked the wrong guys to mess with. You have no idea how much I learned from Lord Orochimaru's teachings!" He howled, thrusting his finger to his mouth, savagely snapping on his own skin, causing himself to bleed. Thrusting his now-bleeding hand to the ground, a black seal appeared across the forest floor. "Kuchiyose!" He snapped, and a large cloud of smoke burst all around himself, the fog bursting up, high into the tree tops. As the white haze cleared, three massive snakes stood, the leader standing on the snake in the center of the trio. "What do you think of my pets, Cloud Ninja??" He screamed, maniacally, thrusting his hand forward, signaling the other two serpents to attack, one going for each of the duo. Koga looked over to see his elemental opposite, still grasping his head in pain of the sound, not yet seeing the monstrous snake coming his way. In an attempt to buy his comrade a moment to recover, he thrust a shuriken towards the snake going after him, instantaneously afterwards forming multiple handseals. The shuriken multiplied into fifty, and they rained against the scales of the serpents face, one striking directly into its eye, causing it to pause and hiss momentarily. "Evare!!" Barked Koga towards his ally, hoping to alert him of the serpents, just as the second snake lunged its jaws down upon him, which he managed to stop with the extra physical strength that he was allowed thanks to his Earth Spear ninja art. One arm holding the top half of its mouth, and his other arm pushing the bottom half down, he held the snakes fanged jaws open, preventing himself from being swallowed whole.

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by razor_shinobi Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:50 pm

Evare looked up and completed 6 hand signs. "fire style: raging Flame Sphere!" Evare yelled as a huge FLame ball covered him and koga. Evare panted and held his hands in 1 seal. "got any ideas because i cant hold this ball for long, soon enough wre gonna have to keep fightning" Evare said as he looked out side and all the bandits were surronding the ball. "i have 1 jutsu that could probably take out Every person here but its risky and i don't know if i have enough chakra yet so im going to have to relax and gain some chakra." Evare continued as the Bandits were now attacking the Flame ball hoping they could brake it. "so, any ideas koga??" Evare asked as he heated up the out side of the ball burning the people trying to brake it

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by Koga Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:52 am

The gigantic serpent recoiled its jaws from Koga as the half-sphere of flames surrounded the two Cloud shinobi, retreating back to its brother snake and its master on the outside of the flames. The advisor could feel the raging heat of the barrier around them, and listened as Evare explained what he needed to. "Alright then. When I tell you, open the barrier, but you get out of sight as quickly as possible. Ill hold them off for as long as necessary. Then, you use that technique of yours, but make those snakes your primary target, understand?" Said Koga, making sure that his ally knew what to do once the jutsu was prepared, as they would not have much time to communicate once the plan was enacted. The Forest King slipped his hands underneath his armor, and pulled out a large number of shuriken, and he tossed them into the air carelessly, them falling in all directions. He made a single handseal afterwards, every star instantly pausing itself in the air, and slowly adjusting itself to an angled trajectory, as if it would throw itself towards their opponents once the shield dropped. Making another group of seals, the shuriken multiplied grossly, and the two were now surrounded by a near wall of shuriken, just beneath the wall of fire. Everything nearby would be caught in the blast of metal once the blaze vanished, covering up Evare's escape. "Now!" Barked Koga, commanding the first barrier to be dropped, so the strategy could be put into motion.

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:20 pm

Evare hopped back about 10 meters into the forest is he made 1 hand seal charging his chakra. "Koga, this might kill me" Evare said to himself chargin more. "o-o-ok, here we go" Evare stood up about 10 minutes later as Koga was almost out of chakra and about to die. "KOGA!! MOVE!!!" Evare yelled performing 7 hand seals. "FIRE STYLE; GOGYOU JUTSU, ART OF THE BLACK FLAMES!!" Evare yelled blowing a ginourmous black fire ball directly at the battle sight disenagrating all in its path. "heh" Evare smiled as he dropped to the ground. "fucking sound" Evare said as he passed out coldlly on to the dirt as the sound camp was completely disenegrated. "am i dead?" Evare asked as he couldnt see anything but pure blackness

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A Rough Discovery Empty Re: A Rough Discovery

Post by Koga Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:58 am

"No, but Ill be damned if you arent close to it." Said Koga, with his hand on Evare's shoulder. He moved him over to a tree, and sat him up against it so it would be easier for him to wake up from the exhaustion. "That was quite an impressive attack you shot off there, a bit too impressive for menial use such as this, but whatever works I suppose." He went on as he stood up and walked away, the hordes of criminals were tossed all around the floor of the forest. The advisor walked over and lifted a single body up by the collar, the head mercenary, and brought him to eye level. "Youre under arrest by the law of the Raikage and the Village Hidden in the Clouds. You will be held in a maximum security containment facility until your sentancing is determined, upon which time you will be dealt with accordingly." Dictated The Forest King to the captured criminal, who sighed defeatedly.

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