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OH Shit!

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OH Shit! Empty OH Shit!

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:20 pm

so, I was looking on goolge, on everyhint I could fin about Garnurk...and I came upon, my second fight with Lucy...and I am going to post it. Be warned, it's not pretty.

Garnurk:Garnurk starts sending pain out just for the fun of it waiting
Garnurk enters the base, closeing the barrier behind him, still waiting for that someone

Lucy:Lucy was hanging around the base with hought of what had been happening recently on her mind. She looked over and saw Garnurk. He looked like he was looking for someone.

"Hey Garnurk, you looking for someone?" Lucy leaned up against the wall with her arms crossed.

Garnurk:"ya, i am, that personis you, i want to see how well i've gotten scine my arm has healed"

Garnurk smiles

Lucy:Lucy grinned with amusement.

"ha I see you are always ready for more punishment Garnurk. Ok why not I'm good for another rematch."

Lucy walked a few feet from the wall and stood only a few feet away from Garnurk. "Well lets see if your any better with your arm healed and I don't want it to end as quickly as our previous fights." Lucy didn't get into a fighting stance this time. She planed on using her vectors from the start considering Garnurk would want her to with his arm healed.

Garnurk:ok, ill started with... all my shadow's excpt death"

Garnurk starts pulling out all his shadow's excpt pain, here is about 8 or 9

"ready when you are"

Lucy:Lucy was surprised that he pulled out almost all of his shadows. She brought out her vectors and slowly walked towards Garnurk. With so many of his shadows out this will be a very interesting fight.

"I though you didn't like to use so many of your shadows at once."

Garnurk:"well, i dont, but scine its not really a real fight i thought i woud try it"

Garnurk sends fear and chaos at lucy, chaos attack with his axe, and fear shoots her with his bow

Lucy:Lucy brough out her vectors and used thrm to form a wall. chaos's axe hit hard against her vectors but was stoped none the less. The arrow fear shot at her also hit against her vectors but couldn't get through. She figured that each of his shadows would have certain abilities that would make him more powerful but she had only seen pain and his normal shadows so far.

"I don't know what these two can do but it seems like their more of an offence then your last one was."

Lucy made her vectors break apart and deliver a blow to chaos that sent him back right into fear. Lucy didn't want to give the shadows any time to atack again and quickly rushed them with six of her vectors ready for a full frontal assault.

Garnurk:"very nice lucy, you almost figured out my shadows, now, for the first time every"

Garnurk takes his ands, and puses the togerher, and all the shadow's form one shadow, his name is Darkness

Darkness, ablitis are only half,of his noraml form, because death and pain is not there

"Darkness attack"

Darkness pulls out 4 wepons, 2 crossbows on his souders, i pick and a great sword,

he charges at Lucy shooting her, and slashing his swords at her

Lucy:Lucy didn't intirely know how to block this abomination that was charging at her. She brough out all of her vectors to block that mulitple attacks from the shadow creature. She deflected the swords and arrows like she did before but the creature was starting to push her back. She blocked a heavy swing of its great sword with five of her vectors and as it came in with a side swing with the pick she needed to use three of them to block that attack. She saw the arrows flying at her and used the rest of her vectors to block them as well. Lucy knew that this thing was very strong and as it came in with another swing of its great sword she tried not just to block the attack but to retaliate with an attack of her own. The creature quickly used the time between her attack and its own to fire multiple arrows at her again. She managed to see them but her vector were split between attacking and defending. She quickly brought back the vectors she was atcking with and used them to block the arrows. She managed to block most of them but when she thought that she did there was one more that she happened to miss. The arrow struck her right in her upper chest between her shoulder and her above her heart. She mananged to slow the arrow with one of her vectors at the last second to keep it from causing a leathel blow. The arrow caused lucy enough pain to weaken her vectors enough for the creature to push against her vectors causing her to lose her balance and fall backwards losing her concentration freezing her for a few seconds.

Garnurk:Garnurk makes his shadow's disapper and then sends pain with his soul sword hoping lucy could stop him

"now it's over"

Lucy:Lucy took a second to react to Garnurk sending pain at her. She quickly got up on her feet and grabed the arrow in her shoulder and pulled it out the arrow. She felt a stream of pain flow through her shoulder as blood flowed from the wound. The arrow had enter deeper than she thought. She tried to bring out her vectors to stop pain's charge. She was able to bring out four of her vectors. her vectors were visable to a degree and weaker than normal. She sent all four of them at pain in hopes of stoping the shadow beings charge. As all four vectors flew at Pain the shadow creture jumped over them and came right down at lucy with his sword read to deliver the blow that would seperate her soul from her body. She had a look of surprise on her face. What no he dodged them.

Garnurk:Garnurk looked shocked hes going to kill her, i cant lets these happen

Garnurk went in front of lucy


Pain hit Garnurk, and then pain disappered, Garnurk fell to the ground, with little life left

Garnurk is barley alive, but he manges to talk to lucy for a few minutes

"Lucy, are....y..ou..ok?"

Lucy:Lucy knelt down while pressing her hand tightly against her wound. Blood flowed through her fingers but that didn't bother her at the moment. She was more worried with the wounded garnurk that laid on the ground infront of her.

"Garnurk why did you save me?"

Garnurk:"i.. did.. it becasue... i d..idn't.. want to kill, a friend"

Lucy:A smurk apeared on lucy's face. "That is very noble from one in the akatsuki even if we are comrades and friends." Lucy sat down next to to him and wraped her arms around her legs. "Is there any last wishes you have before you die garnurk?" Lucy's eyes showed sadness in them. As much as she hated showing her emotions but she couldn't help it for some reason


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