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Kale Hyuuga

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Kale Hyuuga Empty Kale Hyuuga

Post by Allelujah Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:19 am

Name: Kale Hyuuga

Age: 24

Bloodline: Byakugan

Rank: Jounin
Classification: Jounin
Village: Former Leaf, Currently in Taki
Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: Kale Hyuuga Sorei

Personality: Kale is a rather calm and cool headed individual. He is very easygoing and always willing to help. Despite being the most easygoing Meister, he does strictly follow the Celestial Being code. Kale also plays the leader role between the Meister as he is the eldest among them but mostly he acts as a big brother figure for them. His strongest quality though would be his wisdom in the understanding of why things happen and to what extent things should be dealt with. This is one of the reasons why Kale was made the leader of Celestial Beings Meister group by Allelujah. Kale regardless of being a very easygoing man often gets angered or depressed when Lasa's death is brought up or mentioned at all.

History: Kale is a former member of the Hidden Leaf Village. Though he is a former member of the village little is known of his past these days. What is known is what is left from his files as a jounin of Konoha and what ever is remembered of him by those who knew him in the village.

Kale's File
Name: Kale Hyuuga
Age: 19
Blood Type: O
Height: 173.4 cm
Weight: 55.9 kg
Rank: Jounin
Status: M.I.A. possibly K.I.A.
Academy Grad Age: 9
Chunnin Grad Age: 12
Jounin Grad Age: 16
Age of Disappearance: 19
Marital status: Engaged

Last known whereabouts: On an escort mission with his team to Kirigakure.
Mission Note: Disappeared without leaving a trace for his teammates to follow.
File on Kale:
Kale Hyuuga was on a mission to escort a group of merchants to Kirigakure with his team. There had been reports of rogue ninja in that area and shinobi assistance was needed for safe travel. Right before the mission it was known that there were possible hostilities in the Hyuuga clan. It was said that Kale has having difficulties with the elders of the clan's reasons why he should strive to join the ANBU Black Ops. Kale turned down the offer and told his clan that he did not wish to progress any further in the ranks of a shinobi. An added note saying, that Kale's beliefs went against that of the clans. Various conflicts were even suggested to be brought to the Hokage but the clan elders didn't want anything about their clan released to the public or about Kale.

It seemed later after meeting a strange man from Kirigakure Kale started to act differently then he had before. He was doing better on his missions and was no longer being a threat to the Hyuuga clan. A few days later he vanished when on a escort mission to Kirigakure. The disappearance was looked into but nothing could be found. The strange man was also looked into but there were no traces of him within Konohagakure.
While Kale was in Konoha there was talk about him being against the villages ways, his views and beliefs being as radical as they were, or at least how radical they seemed to be at the time. This being the case the Anbu had kept a close eye on Kale to make sure he didn't do anything that would cause chaos in the Leaf village. One time after coming back from a mission that had gone wrong, regardless of its success, Kale had gone to the Hokage and started asking questions. He began to assault the Hokage with various truths and questions that pointed to secrets that the Hokage would not want the villagers knowing. That the Hokage knew what would come of this mission, how he knew that lives would be lost, and how a deal was made between the client and the higher officials of the Leaf village to make a profit.

This only led to more tension between Kale and the Hokage. After this the Anbu showed up at Kale's house. It was not to threaten him or attack him though but to deliver a message to him. The message said that the Hokage wanted Kale to go on a very dangerous mission with an Anbu Black Ops unit. They were a list on other shinobi that would be accompanied them and a description of what the mission was. Kale however had no interest in the mission and directly turned it down. He was later called in by the Hokage to talk about his decision to not attend the others on the mission. He described how it was basically a suicide mission and how the Hokage would be clearly putting peoples lives in dangerous for something that was not needed. The Hokage agreed that the mission was dangerous and there was a chance that people could lose their lives but then justified it with sending an Anbu unit with them. Kale told him that that wasn't good enough and that he was not attending the mission regardless.

Later on after the mission was over, Kale got a piece of paper in the mail from the Hokage. It had a list of people who had gone on the mission and who had died. A few old friends of Kale were on the list but those names didn't matter to him once he saw a very specific name. Lasa Hirabi, Kale's fiancée. Kale was struck with grief and at the same time anger. He rushed over to the Hokage's office and rushed the building, forcing his way past various ninja so he could talk with the Hokage. Once in their office Kale began asking why Lasa's name was on that list when the original mission listing didn't have her name on there. The Hokage explained that after he refused to attend the mission that Lasa had submitted her name to go and was accepted. Kale denied that information and began asking various what other lies the Hokage could think of. He began yelling at him, saying that his goal was to get to Kale. To kill him without it looking like it was planned. As he just ranted and yelled at the Hokage, pouring out all of his thoughts at that moment, the Hokage merely asked if he had now calmed down. Kale agreed and after a deep breath he went home. He had worked out his anger and now he and the Hokage knew what each other were thinking.

A few days later Lasa's funeral was held and Kale paid his respects to her grave and her parents. It was clear to everyone that he was a broken man. One struck with pain to the extent of silence. He had thoughts that if he merely went on that mission then Lasa wouldn't have died. But then his senses came back to him. If he went on the mission then he merely would have died and then Lasa would be going through the same pain he was. This was it. This was the Hokage's game. Kale knew what he couldn't give up; he knew that he had to keep playing this little game with the Hokage before he could turn things around. He would win this little game that the Hokage had started if it was the last thing he did.
Reason for Kale's disappearance:
Kale was in a rut between where his life was going and to what reasons he was progressing in that direction. He found no reason to why he did what he did anymore, being a shinobi, trying to represent his clan when he hated his clan members so much, saying "The Hyuuga clan is just filled with controlling, honor boasting hypocrites." He had not believed in their ideals or theories and they merely contradicted his own. Even his parents he saw as arrogant fools who were to worked up in the clans status and power to see the real truth of his beliefs. They were just all wrong in his eyes and his eyes could see more than any of theirs.

One day he just got fed up with them all and decided to walk around the village until he had cooled down a little. He needed to think. He needed to find some sort of truth. Then he met someone who he didn't for see. Allelujah. The way they met wasn't important after all many people met in so many ways. Over ramen, in a bar, the ways are just about endless. What does matter though is what the people you meet have to say. They ended up talking about their views and after just a half an hour, kale had realized that he had found a man who holds the same beliefs, he had found someone who wasn't so blind to the problems of the world. He had found some common ground. They decided to meet the next day as well. This time Allelujah was with Marie. Everyone was introduced and they all went somewhere that nobody would be able to hear them talk. Allelujah explained his plan to rid the world of war and Kale was right away drawn in to Allelujah's ideas. At the end of their meeting, Allelujah asked Kale if he would join them in their quest to rid the world of war. He accepted with no second thoughts and the plans were made for Kale to vanish from Konoha and on to a new life as a member of Celestial Being.

Years later:
As the years went on Kale and Allelujah became very good friends. Allelujah made Kale the leader of the Celestial Meisters. Later on they recruited another man called Setsuna, who quickly became a Meister and was teamed up with Kale. They two of them quickly became friends and the start of their goal to end war was becoming more of a reality.

As things continued to progress Kale agreed to a test of the Super Soldier Serum that Allelujah created. Both he and Setsuna started to take the serum and it proved to increase their abilities incredibly, though temporary. Shortly after, Kale brought up to Allelujah the proposition to maybe expand Celestial being even more. Trusting his judgment Allelujah agreed and told Kale to look for two more Meisters.

Speciality: Taijutsu, Doujutsu
Learned jutsus: Hakkesho Kaiten , Hakke Rokujuyon Sho, Hakke Hyaku Nijuhachi Sho
Elements: Lightning
Weapons/items: N/A
Goals: To bring an end to war.

Last edited by Allelujah on Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:41 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 48
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Join date : 2008-12-26
Age : 33

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Kale Hyuuga Empty Re: Kale Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:41 pm

Mitomeru! "Approved"
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Kale Hyuuga Empty Re: Kale Hyuuga

Post by Guest Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:50 pm

Sorry but I have to revoke Bao's approval. For jounin rank, I need about twice at least ten paragraphs of history. THe requirement is 12 at least but being that I know your good Allelujah Ill allow 10. Six just is not fair to the others though. Add more history and itll be approved.


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Kale Hyuuga Empty Re: Kale Hyuuga

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:55 pm

Woops, sorry, I didnt catch that... Thanks Taku for getting that for me
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Kale Hyuuga Empty Re: Kale Hyuuga

Post by Allelujah Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:42 am

Ok I added more history.

Posts : 48
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Join date : 2008-12-26
Age : 33

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Kale Hyuuga Empty Re: Kale Hyuuga

Post by Guest Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:52 pm

Approved. Anyone has a problem can take it up with me in chat or pm.


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